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Savior Page 12

by Summers, Eden

  “I need more details,” I admit. “At the moment, I’m not entirely sure what we’re up against, but I don’t see why Hunt, Deck, and I can’t go on a recovery mission. We could get information while we’re there.”

  “I was thinking the same thing.” Torian gives a subtle nod. “I’d be interested in any hard drives you could find. A prisoner would be even better.”

  “I’m sure that could be arranged.” I grab a clean shirt from the counter and slowly drag it over my head, making sure not to bump the newest addition to my scar tally. “If Penny came with us it could save time.”

  “Fuck off.” Decker pushes past Torian to get into the bathroom. “She’s not going anywhere.”

  “Please.” Penny ignores her brother and speaks to my boss. “I could get you whatever you want—files, computers, money—I can even show you where the safes are. Nobody else knows that place like I do. Not even the guards have been there as long as I have.”

  “Me too,” the boy adds. “I know all Baba’s passwords.”

  “Over my dead body,” Decker snarls. “I won’t allow it.”

  Penny hardens—her face, her posture, those damn eyes. “You’re not my keeper.” She returns her focus to Torian. “He’s a stranger to me. He has no right to make decisions on my behalf.”

  Decker pulls back as if the verbal attack was physical. We’re all quiet as a kaleidoscope of emotions barrage his features. First shock, then pain, and finally volatile fucking fury as he pins me with a glare. “You did this. I don’t know how, but you’re fucking responsible.”

  “I didn’t do shit.” The pound in my head increases, my vision darkening with the onslaught of raised voices. The gift of unconsciousness hovers close, but if I pass out Penny won’t get what she wants. Nobody else is going to fight to get her friends back. “I’ll make sure she’s protected.”

  Decker snarls. “Like fuck—”

  “Stop.” Torian raises a hand in warning. “We’re moving this conversation into the living room. Let the boy dress in privacy.”

  He stalks from the doorway.

  Nobody follows.

  Decker continues to glare at me. Penny remains on edge. And I’m pretty sure Hunt is only hanging around because he enjoys the dramatics.

  “You heard him.” I push from the vanity, willing my legs to keep holding my weight. “Start moving.”

  Decker sneers at me before storming from the room, Hunt shadowing.

  I wait until their footsteps fade, for everything to dissolve into the distance, and turn to Penny. “You okay?”

  She raises a brow. “Are you? Your skin has turned grey.”

  “We’re not talking about me right now.”

  She nudges closer to Tobias and dries his hair with the corner of the towel. “I’ve been through worse than an argument with my brother.”

  That goes without saying. The thought of what she endured at the hands of Luther sits like a lead weight in my gut.

  “I can look after myself.” She keeps ruffling the kid’s hair with the towel. “I just need you to convince them to take me when you go back to Naxos.”

  “I’ll try.” I’m not sure I want to make promises. I’m not even sure earning her trust is the right thing to do. “Why don’t you freshen up while you’re in here? I couldn’t find any pants to fit you, but I brought in an extra shirt. And there’s a lock on the door, if that helps.”

  I don’t wait for a reply before leaving the enclosed space, my steps wonky as I enter the bedroom to come face-to-face with barely contained fury.

  “I don’t know what the fuck you’ve done to turn her against me,” Decker seethes quietly, “but I swear on my life, you’re going to pay.”

  “She’s in shock. Give her space to sort herself out.”

  “And what about you? Are you giving her space? Because it doesn’t fucking look like it. Seems to me, with that fucking stripper show, that you’re trying to take advantage of her.”

  “I’m trying to show her I’m not a threat. She needs—”

  “What she needs is her fucking family,” he cuts me off. “Her real family. And you’re building a wall between us.”

  My temples pound harder with his raised voice. “Look, Deck, earlier she was trying to stab me with a fucking sedative-filled syringe and refused to admit she even had a brother. Now she’s willing to at least acknowledge you, and isn’t trying to lay me on my ass. It’s all forward momentum. So ease up and stop acting like another piece of shit who wants to control her.”

  His eyes flare. “I’m not trying to control her, you self-righteous son of a bitch. I’m trying to help her.”

  “So am I. I think it’s clear whose tactics are working better.”

  He chuckles, the sound harsh. “You’re getting on my last nerve, motherfucker. I suggest you back off.”

  For anyone else, I probably would. I’d bow out, giving this pounding head of mine a breather from the bullshit. “I can’t. Not when it comes to her.”

  His upper lip curls, exposing teeth. “So seduction is the game, is it? Your kink is damsels in distress.”

  I scoff and start for the hall. “I’m done with this.”

  “Fuckin’ answer me.” He rushes to block my path and shoves at my chest.

  The resulting squeeze of my migraine is enough to make vomit clog the back of my throat. I breathe through the need to hurl and clench my fists. “Did she look like a fucking damsel to you?”

  “She looks fucking broken.” His nostrils flare, his chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. “She looks like a skeleton of the sister I used to know, and here you are pushing her back into hell.”

  “Get out of my way. I don’t have the patience for your shit right now.”

  “My shit? My fucking shit?” He cracks his knuckles. “Then let me put you out of your misery.”

  The thought of him knocking me senseless is more comforting than it should be. Unconsciousness would be a blessing. Unfortunately, it’s not an option. “You’re going to hit a guy with a concussion?”

  “No, I’m going to hit a guy who’s pitching a fucking tent for my sister.”

  “Yeah.” I nod, despite the resulting pound from the movement. “That’s exactly what I’m doing. I was pitching a tent when I shoved her out of the line of fire and took a bullet to the head. And I sure as shit was pitching when I tackled her to the ground when Luther was trying to shoot her in the back. So many tents were pitched I could house a fuckin’ army.”

  “You think sarcasm is going to get you out of this?” He steps closer. Right in my face. “I can see what you’re up to.”

  “Then start swinging. One punch and I’ll be out like a light.”

  “Perfect.” He cocks a fist.

  “For you maybe. But not for your sister and her friends. As it is, there’s only three of us to take on however many assholes guard Luther’s house.” I throw my arms wide. “But it’s your choice. Do you want instant gratification or do you actually want to help her?”

  He jabs a finger at my chest. “Don’t ever fucking question that I want what’s best for her.”

  “I’m not questioning that. I’m saying you’re letting your emotions get the better of you. She’s fucking scared. I swear she doesn’t know what she’s doing apart from acting on instinct. And at the moment, the hope that comes with seeing you is obviously too much to take.”

  He pauses, blinking slowly as his wrinkled forehead loses some of the tension.

  “Stop thinking about what you want and what you need, and let her run this show,” I mutter. “Doesn’t she deserve that much?”

  His jaw continues to tick, but eventually he takes a step back, raking a hand through his hair. “I want to help her. I can’t fucking stand being kept at arm’s length after thinking I’d lost her.”

  “I get it. Anyone in their right mind would’ve expected your reunion to go down a lot fucking happier than this. But it didn’t and there’s nothing you can do about it. Give her space. And time. She’
ll come around. Then you can beat the shit out of me.” I shrug. “Or at least you can try.”

  He gives a breathy chuckle, the sound vicious. “Yeah. I guess you’re right. Delayed gratification will do just fine.” He shoves me again, the whiplash jolting my head and blinding me for an instant.

  I close my eyes as his heavy steps leave the room, the sound barely heard over the ringing in my ears. I’m in deep shit here. Any minute now and I could keel over, no punch necessary.


  I sway with the building weight bearing down on me. I mentally battle to remain conscious.

  “I’m sorry he’s taking this out on you.” Penny’s whispered voice acts as a balm to my pain and a fucking trigger all at once.

  I open my eyes. She stands in the doorway to the bathroom, Tobias at her side.

  “I don’t blame him.” I squeeze the bridge of my nose and start for the hall. “You should get some rest while you can.”

  I don’t pause for a reply, I stalk my ass out of there and into the living room, finding Keira, Hunt, Decker, and Torian seated around the dining table.

  “Where’s Sarah?” I drag out a chair opposite Penny’s brother to keep an eye on the aggressive motherfucker.

  “Escorting Anissa home.” Torian drinks from a steaming mug. “They should be halfway to the jet by now.”

  “We’re stranded? Again?” Jesus fucking Christ. We got into this mess because these assholes called our jet back to Portland. Now, we’re stuck all over again. “Is that a good idea?”

  “Another aircraft is on standby,” he growls, making it obvious he doesn’t appreciate my questioning. “We can fly out of here at a moment’s notice. Now, tell us what’s going on with her. What’s she playing at?”

  “She’s not playing at anything. Her actions could be long-term PTSD. Or shock from today. Who the fuck knows? Only time will tell.”

  “Time isn’t something we have a lot of. Especially not if you’re suggesting taking her back to Naxos.”

  “Can we drop that line of thought right now?” Decker mutters. “She’s not going back there.”

  “Protest all you like, but she’s our greatest asset in helping to retrieve the other women, along with whatever information we can get our hands on. God knows the shit Luther was up to. This might be our only chance to find out.”

  Long moments of tension-filled silence pass. Nobody talks. Nobody moves. We all sit there, weighing our options or lack thereof. It’s a case of saving the other women or letting them die, which, to me, means there’s no option at all.

  “Do you really think it’s necessary to take her?” Keira asks. “Can’t she just tell you everything she knows?”

  “No, I think he’s right.” Torian leans back in his chair. “We’ve been to Luther’s house once already. And I can’t think how we’d get past the guarded gate without her. Those rifle-toting assholes won’t let us in without permission. She could be our ticket inside.”

  “Fucking hell.” Decker wipes a hand down his face. “There’s gotta be another way.”

  “There might be. The question is—do we have enough time to figure it out?” I return to massaging my temples. Then the back of my neck. I do everything and anything to try and relieve the pressure in my skull. “Penny has already said Luther’s men will start taking action if their boss doesn’t make contact within a certain amount of time.”

  “How long is that?” Hunt asks.

  “She doesn’t know.” I close my eyes, the lack of bright light helping to ease the pain in my head. “Our window for action might have already passed.”

  I relax into the darkness, my nausea receding. All I need is a few more minutes to pull my shit back together.

  “What if it’s a trap? She doesn’t seem all that keen on sharing our company,” Hunter adds. Maybe she wants to go back to the place where she feels comfortable. This could be a case of ‘better the devil she knows.’”

  “It’s not.”

  My pulse spikes at the sound of her voice and I force myself not to react. I don’t raise my head. I don’t open my eyes either, not until Decker whispers a harsh curse under his breath.

  I push upright and see her walking toward us dressed in one of the spare T-shirts I’d left in the bathroom. And no fucking pants.

  The sight of her is pure fragility.

  A gorgeous figure dwarfed by baggy material.

  It’s the strong set of her shoulders, the confident stride, and the high arc of her neck that make it clear she’s not letting her guard down anytime soon.

  “I don’t want to go back to Naxos for any reason other than to get my sisters.” She wraps her arms around her middle, the loose material hitching higher to reveal more of her perfect thighs. “And I promise I’m not setting a trap. As far as I know, nobody else was aware of Luther’s motives for coming out here. His guards won’t suspect foul play. At least not yet.”

  “How do you know?” Hunter grates. “I understand you’ve been stuck with him for a while, but you can’t tell me you were by his side every minute of the day.”

  “Hunter,” Keira warns. “Tread lightly.”

  “I am. I just can’t comprehend the son of a bitch divulging information in front of one of his…” The sentence hangs and tense silence is the only thing left to fill the void.

  “One of his sex slaves?” Penny finishes for him. “You can say it. A few words aren’t going to break me.”

  Everyone winces, except me.

  I see her strength. The determination. It’s beyond admirable.

  “And you’re right,” she continues. “He held his cards close to his chest. I rarely heard his plans for anything, except for the week when he punished me like a dog. I was leashed and dragged along by his side. He never let me out of his sight. I overheard every conversation he had for seven days. And none of them involved him sharing information with anyone other than Chris, Robert, and a few other people who I’ve never met before. His guards were always kept on a need-to-know basis.”

  Anger consumes me, the heat of rage inspiring a tick to form at the top of my right cheek.

  Luther treated her like a dog. A fucking animal. And I can see from the ease with which she talks about it that it was far from her worst punishment.

  I push from the table, breaking the silence and stealing the pity-filled glances away from Penny as I go in search of caffeine. “We can make a surprise attack.”

  “Maybe some of you could.” Her gaze follows me. “That’s still an option. But it’s better to approach legitimately. Distract the guards with our arrival. We can pretend Luther wanted me taken back without him. That way any covert action is less likely to be noticed. It also gets a car inside the gates so we’ve got an easier escape.”

  “It also makes whoever is in that car a sitting duck,” Hunt drawls. “It’s too risky.”

  “No riskier than someone scaling the wall and getting stuck on the inside.” She holds my gaze as if I’m the person she needs to convince. “They’re trigger-happy. One glimpse of action and they’ll shoot. They won’t pause to ask questions.”

  “And neither will I.” Decker shoves from the table, his chair scraping along the tile. “I also can’t sit here and participate in planning something that will risk your life all over again. I’ll help with whatever needs to be done, but I refuse to encourage any of this shit.”

  He stalks for the hall, Keira scooting from her chair to quickly follow after him.

  Penny doesn’t watch him leave. She keeps her gaze on me, her silent regret passing between us. I see her—the fragility beneath the strength, the love for her brother hidden behind her shields.

  “Don’t worry. He’ll be fine.” I pivot to the cupboards and pull out a tin filled with cookies. “You still haven’t eaten.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  “You’re either lying, which I’ve already warned you about, or you’re still in shock. And both would improve with a sugar fix.” I place the tin on the counter, remove the lid
. “It’s non-negotiable, Penny.” I slide the tin toward her, then do the same with a plate. “I need to be able to rely on you if we’re taking you back to Naxos. That means a full stomach and maybe some caffeine, too.”

  She glances at Hunter and Torian, who have already returned to a conversation filled with strategy and weapons tactics.

  “Don’t worry about them.” I tap the side of the tin. “Keep your eyes on the prize.”

  Her gaze softens, the tension slightly leaving her frame. “Thank you.”

  The appreciation is barely audible. It sinks into me though. Soul-deep.

  “Don’t mention it.” I rifle through the drawers as she grabs something to eat, and pull out a pad and pen to place down beside her. “Once you’re done I’m going to need you to sketch a map of what we’re up against.”

  “I can do that.” She holds a hand over her mouth as she chews. “I can also mark where the safes are and their pin codes.”


  She keeps eating, leaving that delicate hand covering her lips. “But in return I need you to do one more thing for me.”

  And there it is—the foreboding, the ten steps back to my slight forward momentum. I can already tell I won’t like her request. I’ll hate it and want to comply in equal measure. “And what’s that, shorty?”

  “I need you to give me a gun.”



  Luca didn’t give me a gun. He did, however, laugh in an understated, totally endearing and equally demeaning way before declining my request with a subtle apology.

  “You’re too volatile at the moment,” he’d said. “And it will ruin this tough-guy thing I’ve got going if a woman under my protection starts fighting her own battles.”

  He’d meant the latter as a joke.

  I didn’t find it funny.

  But he, along with Hunter and Torian, listened in silence as I talked them through my rough sketch of the house and yard. I told them where I thought the guards might be—inside and out—and gave them my knowledge of the weapons they should be holding—a rifle and knife—along with my assumption of any training they may have had—limited to none.


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