
Home > Other > Outrageous > Page 15
Outrageous Page 15

by Jennifer Ann

  His sharp eyes cut to my fingers on my ponytail in silent warning before rolling over to Ryker. “You’re gonna want to come along for this.” Then his gaze slides back to me, lighting my body on fire. “All of you.”

  On the way out, I give into temptation and brush my fingers over Liam’s. I’d rather kiss him until we’re both breathless, but it’s all I can do with Pete nearby.

  Down the hallway and around the corner from the courtroom, Sasha comes barreling at me, throwing herself into my arms. I all but choke on a gasp, releasing a rush of tears as I stroke her dark hair. “You can’t imagine how scared I was,” I whisper. “I’m so sorry I let them get to you.”

  “I’m not,” she whispers back. “They needed me alive. If you had gotten in their way, they would’ve killed you.”

  Heart hammering, I pull back to study her for injuries. Despite whatever she was put through, at least it doesn’t seem they physically harmed her. The striped t-shirt, jeans, and sandals she wears all appear to be new, and aren’t anything I’ve seen on her before. I clench my jaw when wondering if King Marty cleaned her up with intentions of something sinister.

  “Ben?” Ryker’s voice rumbles behind me. “The fuck you doin’ here?”

  Sasha and I turn to watch the brothers embrace. When they back away, I’m finally able to see that they’re related, though Liam mentioned they don’t share the same father. Their features are similarly sharp with alluring eyes that stand out beneath dark eyebrows, and they’re both remarkably handsome. I notice Bender’s wearing a different shirt than before with crease marks from being folded.

  Ryker continues to clutch his brother’s arm. I don’t know either of them well enough to interpret their personalities, but I can sense a hint of animosity on both sides. “When did they let you out?”

  “They didn’t.” Snorting, Bender curls his lip while slowly nodding. “I snuck off a job site.”

  He’s definitely the biggest punk of the crew, I’ll give him that.

  Liam’s eyes flicker up and down the hallway. “We can’t do this out here.”

  Once we’re behind a closed door in one of the conference rooms, the seven of us gather around the end of the giant table. Anticipation hangs thick above our heads as Liam takes a slow, deep breath. Then his intense green eyes cut Ryker’s way. “This is going to be hard for you to hear.”

  “Your uncle’s the fucking devil,” Bender blurts, eyes narrowed on his brother.

  Liam skims a hand over the back of Bender’s head. “Let me handle this, dip-shit.”

  Ryker’s thick eyebrows draw down, gaze flickering between the two of them. “The hell’s going on?”

  Liam pauses while setting his elbows on the table. “Your brother got an address from a kid in juvie who claimed to be a runner for your uncle. It led to a warehouse on the South Side. We just came back from there…saw some really bad shit go down. ” He stops to rub at his forehead before meeting his friend’s furrowed stare. “Looks like your uncle is running an organ harvesting ring.”

  I cover my mouth with a sharp gasp, images of the missing girls on the flier coming to mind. Organ harvesting?

  The room takes on a stifling quiet as Ryker stares blankly back at Liam. “Bullshit.”

  “He’s telling the truth,” Sasha whispers beside me before her lips draw tight like she’s afraid of saying any more. I grab her hand under the table, terrified of what she was exposed to in the past several hours.

  Ryker’s hateful stare narrows on her. “No offense, Sash, but what would you know about it?”

  “Some of King Marty’s men took me last night after I went to sleep,” she begins, stopping to wet her chapped lips. I squeeze her hand, encouraging her to be brave. “They brought me to the warehouse he’s talking about. I saw it myself…there was a man on a table in one of the rooms…they had all this medical equipment…they—they were…cutting into him! I didn't know what to do!”

  She breaks down sobbing. I pull her into my arms, wrinkling my brow in Liam’s direction. This kid’s going to need extensive counseling. Possibly something more extreme.

  Ryker throws his hands up in the air. “Did either of you actually see my uncle there?”

  “Didn’t have to,” Liam answers, sneering. “I saw Terrance, and that prick doesn’t do or say a damn thing without your uncle’s blessing.”

  “He could be working for someone else on the side!” Ryker snaps. “Doesn’t prove a fuckin’ thing about my uncle!”

  “Why are you so set on protecting him?” Liam roars, shoving his chair back and standing. “Are you hearing a goddamn thing we’re saying?”

  Pete pulls on the end of Liam’s shirt. “Calm down. We don’t need security coming in here. Tell me what this has to do with Trask.”

  “The kid from juvie said Trask was recruiting donors for King Marty too,” Bender tells him.

  Liam sits back down, turning to face Pete. “King Marty obviously wants Trask to keep his mouth shut. Framing him for murder was a warning. He kidnapped Sasha, and had that kid in juvie murdered as a threat. We drove one of their cars here that they shot full of lead when we were driving away. I called the cops from a deli on the South Side, but he may have had enough warning to hide the evidence. As we were leaving, there was a helicopter arriving to transport the organs. They could’ve ridden it out. The cops weren’t completely convinced the information I gave them wasn’t a prank call, so who the hell knows how long they might’ve waited before checking it out.”

  Sasha withdraws from me, swiping her tears with a hooked finger while glancing between Pete and Liam. “If they catch King Marty, will they let Trask out?”

  “We’re talking about a serious crime,” Pete tells her. He drops his shoulders, weary expression making him appear ten years older. He’s always been a relatively skinny guy, the kind you’d never see set foot in a gym, but I swear he’s lost more weight since taking on Trask’s case. At times I feel guilty for asking him to take it. “Your brother will still be looking at time for aiding something on that level. I doubt they’ll release him, but if we can build enough evidence, there’s a chance we can get him off the murder charge. They might be willing to give him a deal in exchange for his testimony against King Marty.”

  “We’ll get him out, Sash,” Liam promises before shooting another menacing glare in Ryker’s direction. Seeing him so angry with his friend sends a ripple of sadness through me. “You really think I’d make this shit up? Wake the fuck up! You’re like a brother to me!”

  “And Marty was like an uncle to you!” Ryker stands, his dark eyes passing over Stone and Bender. “To all of you! Why are you so damn quick to believe the worst about him?”

  When no one answers, he darts out from the room. Stone grunts, rolling his eyes in Liam’s direction before taking off after Ryker.

  Bender stands, scratching the back of his head and yawning. “That went about as well as I figured it would. Suppose I should head back before they send the brigade after me.” He comes around to our side of the table, meeting Sasha for a hug. “Keep your chin up, Sash. I’ll be seein’ you around.”

  “Stay in touch,” Pete calls out as Bender’s leaving. “I’ll need an affidavit from you.”

  I watch Liam’s disappointment grow when only the four of us remain. I’m not sure what he was expecting from his friends. Ryker’s in total denial, and Stone’s unaffected.

  Liam glances at the clock, then Pete. “What now?”

  Pete wipes at a line of sweat on his forehead. “I’ll have my secretary whip something up for Judge Parr asking for a continuance. I’ll need you to go over everything again in detail and sign an affidavit.” Standing, he swipes his briefcase off the conference table, glancing Liam’s way. “You coming?”

  Liam smirks in my direction, making the room spin. “Give me a minute with Brooke. I’ll meet you in the hallway.” He tips his chin at Sasha. “You too, pipsqueak. We’ll be out in a minute.”

  Sasha clicks her tongue, pausing until Pet
e’s in the hallway. There’s something in her expression that makes her appear wise beyond her years, much like Liam.

  “I figured there was something going on between you two the way you're always flirting and making eyes at each other. I swear there’s always a magnet in the room, trying to pull you together.” Her eyes narrow on Liam. “Don’t screw this up, loser. I really like her.”

  She throws him a devilish smirk before bouncing out after Pete. I meet Liam’s baffled expression and we both laugh quietly. Over time it must’ve become obvious that Liam and I were involved, but I hadn’t expected her to be so understanding.

  The laughter dies on my lips when it sinks in that we’re alone, behind a closed door. Like the magnet she spoke of is real, we move toward each other for a hard embrace. His arms constrict around me until I’m unable to breathe. I can feel his desperate need to be comforted in my bones.

  “I watched them cut the heart out of a live woman. They talked about dumping the body afterward, said it had been awhile since they found a student’s body in the river. Fuck, Brooke…I think it might’ve been one of those girls from the poster. And there wasn’t a fuckin’ thing I could do to stop them.”

  A red-hot ache spreads through my chest as I grip him tighter. I can’t imagine the horrors those poor girls went through. “Oh, babe. I’m so sorry.”

  He pulls back, his expression pained, bright green eyes filling with unshed tears. “It gets worse. King Marty was considering using Sasha as a donor!”

  Oh god. Black spots speckle my vision and vomit surges as I imagine them cutting into her. “We need to get her into the system,” I say, grabbing a fistful of his shirt. “It’s the only way we can be certain King Marty won’t get to her again.” My pulse races at a painful speed. I cling to him like my life depends on it. “This is big, Liam. We might have to consider letting them place her with witness protection…at least until Trask is out and this mess with King Marty settles down.”

  He grunts and his fingers thread through my hair, clutching me to him like a stuffed animal. “They know you were hiding Sasha. He could be coming after you too.”

  “I can take care of myself,” I mutter, pressing my face against his chest and moving my hands around to his back. “Besides, he’ll be after you too. I’m just glad you’re okay. I almost went crazy while you were gone.”

  With a strangled chuckle, he bends to kiss the top of my head. “Babydoll, you were crazy before I left. It’s the only way someone like you would end up with a kid like me.”

  “Let me assure you, you’re no kid.” I draw back, taking his face in my hands. “A kid wouldn’t selflessly risk his life trying to save someone. A kid wouldn’t be able to make me feel all these intense things like passion, self-worth, and acceptance.” I suck in a sharp breath. “And love.”

  “You saying you love me, Brooke Emerson?”

  “I think so…yeah,” I admit with heat slowly spreading across my cheeks. It’s a foreign sensation to be in love with a man this way, and it’s scary as hell to say it aloud. But there’s no doubt in my mind he’s claimed my heart. “I mean…I know I do. I’ve known for awhile.”

  He grips my chin in his strong hand with a slow smile spreading across his soft, wide lips. “Hearing you say that is the best fuckin’ thing that’s happened in my miserable lifetime.”

  Then those beautiful lips are on mine, and I’m savoring every stroke of his tongue, breathing in each of his desperate breaths like I depend on them for survival. I don’t need to hear him say the words in return, because I can sense them in the way he’s holding onto me for dear life. My heart roars with joy. What we’ve started is far from over.

  When we finally part, he covers my face with soft, gentle kisses.

  “We’ll figure out a way to make this work,” I promise.

  “Oh, I know we will.” He cups my ass with both of his strong hands. “Like I said, I have big plans for you.”

  I clamp down on a squeal when his strong fingers dig into my flesh as hard as they’re able. Then he releases my rear and we start for the door together, hand-in-hand. I open it, letting him go first. “Until your graduation, we still need to keep this on the down-low.”

  A deliciously evil smirk twists his lips. “But after that, anything goes.”

  Violent shivers grip my spine with his promise.

  As Tara’s gray eyes bore into me, lips set in a firm line, Liam squeezes my hand under the table. If I wasn’t preoccupied with actively shitting myself over my supervisor’s reaction, I’d be tempted to pull my hand away. But I suspect by her pinched expression that she was onto us the minute we stepped into her office, so it may not really matter anyway.

  “You could serve jail time over this, Brooke.” Her sharp stare moves from Sasha on my one side to Liam on the other. “All of this.”

  “I know,” I say, wishing I felt an ounce as brave as I sound. The mere thought of being locked behind bars is almost enough to make my intestines give up the fight. “If I had placed her somewhere, Marshall Blackwood would’ve gotten to her sooner. Now I’m scared to death that he’ll come back for her, especially with what we have on him.”

  “I asked her to take Sasha in,” Liam growls out. “If someone takes the fall for this, it should be me.”

  Tara regards him with a sneer that makes her look like an alien more than ever. I half expect her to shed a human suit. “The problem with that is you’re an insolent child, and she’s a grown woman who took an oath to protect your kind—South Siders. The only fall to be taken involves her career and freedom.”

  Hearing her spew “South Siders” like we’re diseased animals sends a shot of rage all the way down to my toes. I bolt to my feet, teeth barred. “Do whatever you think is necessary to punish me, but leave these two out of it! I made the decision to do this on my own. It was the only way to protect her. Now I’m asking you to do your job, and help me keep a child safe. And if you ever speak that way to this man again, you’ll find out how far us South Siders are willing to go to defend each other.”

  Liam sniggers, and for the first time in the three years I’ve worked with Tara, I witness her shrinking away from me. But the mask only slips for a second before her sneer returns, darker than ever when she eyes him. “What about you? Aren’t you worried Marshall Blackwood will come for you too?”

  Liam holds her hateful stare, unblinking. “I’m counting on it.”

  A painful swell of emotions rises in my chest as I study his tense features. I’m proud of him for not backing down, yet I hate that he’s so determined to make King Marty pay. The fallout from this mess is far from over.

  “Do the right thing, Tara,” I demand, lowering back down to the chair. “Make the calls to put this in motion.”

  Her eyes cut over to Liam one last time before she lifts the handset of the phone on her desk.

  After she summons a psychiatrist, a children’s advocate, and Sheriff Bromeland, we put an emergency plan into effect that involves a safe house in the area. Fortunately I’m given access to Sasha until they decide if the Witness Protection program is necessary. The feds will become involved, and it could take days for everything to be set into place.

  Before they take her away, Liam and I are left alone with her to say our goodbyes. I cling to Sasha with tears spilling down my cheeks. “You’ll be okay. Tara’s a royal bitch, but I trust her. She’ll go to any length to protect you.”

  “Thank you for everything,” she whispers. “I’m sorry I got you in so much trouble.”

  A strangled laugh slips from my throat. “Don’t you worry about me. Whatever happens, it will have totally been worth helping you.”

  With one last squeeze, I pass her off to Liam.

  “I might actually miss having your annoying ass around,” he says. Though his voice is strong and teasing, I can see sadness gathering behind his gaze. It’s heartbreaking to watch as his arms wrap around her neck and he brings her up against his chest. “Be careful who you trust. Remember not everyo
ne’s as good-hearted as Brooke.”

  Sasha sniffles as her fingers clutch the back of his shirt. “You better take care of her, loser. One day when this is all over, I’ll come back and babysit your kids.”

  Bright green eyes lock with mine over her head, sending my pulse racing into overdrive. My lungs heave with a painfully sharp breath. As badly as I want the kind of happy ending she’s describing, it feels dangerous to wish for too much.

  After three painstakingly long hours of Pete going over Liam’s testimony, Liam and I head for the jail. Pete thought it would be best if Liam filled Trask in on everything that happened, and be the one to suggest the idea of testifying in exchange for a deal. There isn’t one yet because Pete hasn’t checked in with the police to see what they found, although he’s convinced one will be coming. He wanted to consult with a more experienced lawyer friend first to make certain everyone’s prepared for what’s to come.

  Regardless, he was sure a deal would be in order once the truth comes out. Sheriff Bromeland will be desperate for anything that can put King Marty away without any room for reasonable doubt. Once he was made aware there’s an organ trafficking ring in his county, he was eager to shut it down.

  The notion that something could go wrong and this whole nightmare could somehow be turned around on Liam weighs heavily on my mind. Even worse, King Marty will be out for Liam’s blood once he learns he’s the one who ratted him out.

  Liam stops me around the corner from the jailhouse door, trapping me up against the brick building with his knee jammed between my legs. He sucks on the last of his cigarette before flicking it into the grass and letting the smoke billow out his nose. Until I met him, I hadn’t ever been turned on by a man who smoked. Now? It’s almost as stimulating as the kind of pre-foreplay he’s always initiating with a probing touch, or a heated look that leaves me soaking wet.

  He pins me down with a hungry gaze, fingers twisting a lock of my hair. My entire body vibrates with need, wanting to be somewhere more private where I can feel his hands and lips all over me as he tells me everything’s going to be okay. There’s a knot in my stomach that’s convinced the worst is yet to come.


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