California Connection 3

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California Connection 3 Page 8

by Chunichi

  That was the last thing I expected or wanted him to say. “Let me think about it. I don’t want us to move too fast,” was the best response I could come up with.

  I did enjoy Jamie’s company, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to rekindle what we had in the past. Too much had transpired, and so much time had passed. We were both different people from back then. I was dealing with personal issues, which I wasn’t sure I could do if I had to worry about someone else’s issues as well. I looked at life through a different window than when Jamie and I were dating.

  “Understandable,” Jamie said.

  After exchanging a small kiss, we gave each other a big hug, and I watched as Jamie walked through the front door of my apartment. I sat on my couch and tried to figure out why my life seemed to be so complicated. Less than a day from rehab and already I was dealing with drama. I sighed as my thoughts went to Jewel.

  Chapter 12


  “You’ve Got Balls”

  “Here you go, Officer Phelps,” I said, handing him a fresh box of Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The box also included ten crisp hundred-dollar bills. I laughed to myself as I wondered what it was with piggies and their beloved doughnuts.

  Jimmy had at least ten cops on his payroll. When they saw us doing our thing in the streets, they kindly looked the other way. These dudes were even willing to get rid of a body for Jimmy. This kid, Officer Phelps, was a street kid turned cop. He said Jimmy was like a father to him. The longer I worked for Jimmy, the more I realized that this man was and will always be loved in the streets.

  Officer Phelps took the box without a word. He opened it up, took out a doughnut, and started eating it. I believe he was just making sure the money was in there. He kept eating the doughnut as he walked away.

  I got in my truck and headed back to the spot.

  “It’s a wrap for tonight,” Deuce said, nodding his head as we gathered up Jimmy’s cut.

  I wrapped the money tight and handed it over to him, so he could make the drop to Jimmy’s girl. Happy to be done for the day, I got ghost quick. No way I was going to hang around and have Deuce think of one last errand for me to run.

  That night when I got home, I puffed on a couple of blunts while listening to some music. Listening to those songs really had me reminiscing. It seemed every song that came up reminded me of Jewel. Damn, I was missing that girl. Since I hadn’t heard from her, I figured she had finally reached her breaking point.

  Usually she would have either come home by now or at least contacted me, considering I had blown up her phone with texts and voice mails. I knew I’d done it this time, so I can’t say that I blame her. How much can one person take? Truth is, I knew I could be a motherfucking handful at times.

  I got so high, I passed out on the couch before I could call Jewel and tell her once more how much I missed her.

  The next morning, I got up and went to Waffle House to eat pancakes, and scrambled eggs with cheese and bacon. I was really starting to miss Jewel bad. This used to be one of our favorite breakfast spots. To cheer my spirits up, I went to visit Jimmy. He was turning into a father figure for me. I wish our visits didn’t have to be in a prison separated by plexiglass. To maintain a low profile, we would make our conversations brief. Talking in codes made both of us feel a little at ease. No matter how low you talk, you never know who may be listening. Especially the bullshit warden.

  “What’s up, Jimbo!” I said as soon as Jimmy walked to the glass window.

  “You know what it is, youngblood,” Jimmy said as he sat down.

  “You looking good.”

  “Yeah, I’d be looking better on the other side of this glass though.” Jimmy grinned. “So how’s business?”

  “Business is good. We’re getting the goods in regularly, and the customers are happy. No complaints, boss.” I tried my best to answer Jimmy without saying too much.

  “And what about the employees, are they staying in line? They coming to work on time and paying off their debts?”

  I assured Jimmy everything was in line. “Everything’s in order, boss. Don’t you worry.”

  “That’s what I like to hear.”

  Jimmy and I talked about the latest on the streets, and the latest jail talk, then wrapped up our visit. It was always good talking with Jimmy. He gave me good advice and made sure I understood everything that was going on. He had a knack for making me feel better. He was a smart old dude, and I loved learning from him. He was quick with dropping his knowledge on me, and I soaked it all up. He had lived through it all and seen it all, so the dude knew what he was talking about.

  After visiting Jimmy, I went back to the crib. I didn’t have any work for the day, so I was gonna just relax. Getting some rest was long overdue for me. I had been grinding nonstop for a while and was exhausted.

  I was looking forward to a little rest and relaxation, but to my surprise, I couldn’t relax at all. My mind was churning with thoughts about Jewel. It had come to the point that everything in the house reminded me of her. Everywhere I looked, there was another memory of her.

  I couldn’t take it anymore. I dialed Jewel’s cell number. The tough guy role was out the door. No more pride for this lion. I repeatedly kept calling her, leaving voice mails and sending loving texts. But no matter how many phone calls or texts I sent, I still got no response. After a while I was actually starting to worry. This was not like Jewel.

  I looked at the clock, and it was only seven in the evening. I couldn’t sit in the crib any longer. I had been pacing around the house all day and needed some different scenery. My weed was done, and I didn’t have shit to drink. Thinking about Jewel and being dry was gonna drive a nigga crazy.

  With that, I grabbed my jacket and keys and headed out the door. I was gonna hit a local bar for a few drinks. Hopefully being around people would get my mind off Jewel. Jewel had some crazy-ass hold on a nigga, and I needed to break her grip.

  As soon as I walked out the door, I saw a midnight blue Jag pull up in my driveway. I didn’t recognize the car and wasn’t expecting anyone. I was immediately on guard. My thoughts raced as to who it could be. Was it Lisa? Was it one of Jimmy’s associates? Whoever it was, I wasn’t getting a good feeling and wasn’t in the mood for no bullshit.

  “Get the fuck off my property,” I stated, pulling my gun from my waist.

  “Yo’, man. I didn’t come here to start any shit,” a male voice said. “I just want to know if Jewel is here.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” I asked with a mean-mug face.

  “Rico,” he replied.

  So this is the muthafucka Jewel had been spending all her time with when I was locked up, I thought. As soon as I heard the name I already knew who he was. I finally was able to put a face to the name. This muthafucka has some nerve coming to my crib.

  “You got two options, dude. You can get in your car and leave my property, or leave this earth. Which one will it be?” I asked, putting the gun to his temple.

  “It’s cool, my nig. I’ll leave.” Rico got back in his car and put the window down. “Just do me a favor and tell Jewel I came by. By the way, you need to be a little more kind to your savior. If it wasn’t for me, your ass would still be in that cell, homie. You never know when you may need me again.” Then he sped off.

  Once I was sure Rico was gone, I texted Jewel, telling her what had just gone down. Of course when she received that text, she called back right away. It pissed me off how she didn’t respond when I was spilling my heart out to her, but she wasted no time calling back about Rico. She called me back to back three times in a row before I finally decided to answer.

  “Tell me right now what went down with you and Rico,” I demanded as soon as I answered the phone. “This nigga coming to my house looking for you and shit.”

  “Lower your voice, Touch, or I’m hanging up!” Jewel yelled back.

  I ignored her ass because I knew if we were face to face, she definitely would not be acting this gangsta. In fact if she
did step to me this way in person, I would have likely slapped her upside her head. No one was allowed to step to me with that attitude and not get checked back into place.

  I began to say, “I’m only going to ask you one more time–”

  Jewel interrupted me. “He was there for me when you were not, and it was his money that got your sorry ass out of jail. That’s all you need to know.” She then hung up the phone.

  I called her ass back at least ten times, but I got no response. After the second attempt at calling her, she turned her phone off, but I still continued to blow up her voice mail. After a while I gave up.

  I sped to the bar angry that I had spilled my heart to Jewel and all she could do was hang up in my face. I needed a drink and fast. Once I reached the bar I threw back shot after shot until I could no longer feel the burn. My anger, pain and hurt had been numbed. I sat there and let the liquor work its magic on my nerves and emotions. When I was completely numb and totally fucked up, I looked at the bartender, tried to order another round, and passed out. That’s the last thing I remembered about that night.

  The next morning, I woke up not knowing how the hell I got home. I assumed the bartender either called a cab or took me home himself. I was going to have to get my truck later on. I was thankful for a new day and ready to get on my grind and make some money.

  A half-finished blunt was sitting on my nightstand. I lit it up and took a few pulls as I gathered my morning thoughts. As I sat on my bed puffing on the blunt, I heard the toilet flush. I jumped out the bed and raced to the bathroom. I opened the door, and there was a woman standing at the sink.

  “Hey.” She smiled.

  “I’m sorry, but who the fuck are you? And how did you get into my house?”

  “Ah, I’m the one who got your ass home from the bar.”

  Damn, I was fucked up last night! I don’t remember talking to this bitch at all. “Okay, that’s cool, but I don’t know you and you need to get your ass out my house.”

  “Nigga, please. You don’t have to ask me twice. Your ass was so lame last night, I can’t wait to never see your ass again.”

  “Fuck you, bitch! You pushin’ it.”

  She sauntered past me like she didn’t have a care in the world and walked downstairs. I followed and watched as she put her shoes on and made her way to the front door. She turned before she went out and said, “You’re welcome for getting you home safe. Your truck is in the garage. I took what you owe me and nothing more.”

  “What the fuck you talking about?”

  “I’m a prostitute, you fool. I don’t give this pussy up for free. Well, last night I didn’t give it up. I have two words for you—whisky dick.” She smiled and closed the door in my face.

  She was so calm about the whole thing, it left me tongue-tied. I had nothing to say to her. She had stunned me and left me standing at the door trying to make sense of what she just told me. It took me a little bit, but I realized I had just been suckered and dissed by a prostitute.

  Instead of getting mad at the prostitute, I directed my anger at Jewel. She still hadn’t come home. I knew her crazy ass was heated, but so was I. My baby had never stayed away from home so long, but I sure as hell wasn’t going to give her what she wanted. I figured she probably had the phone right by her side waiting for me to call and make up.

  I almost called her but then thought better of it. Naw, man, I believe I’m going to wait this one out. I just knew deep inside my baby would be walking through the house door any day now telling me how much she missed me and loved me. Or at least I was hoping she would.

  In an attempt to kill time and get Jewel off my mind, I popped in a DVD featuring comedian Mike Epps. He was so funny that my stomach cramped up as I watched him act a damn fool in the movie Friday. It didn‘t’ take long for the munchies to kick in, so I made my famous turkey sandwich to tide me over.

  By the time I finished eating, it was going on one o’clock in the afternoon, and I still hadn’t heard from Jewel. Unable to resist any longer, my fingers began to dial her cell number. Again, it went straight to voice mail. “What the hell!” I shouted out to no one in particular.

  I dialed Jewel’s number three more times to make sure my hearing was correct. Each time I got the same message, “You have reached the automated voice mail box of–”

  “This chick cut her phone off,” I said as I pressed end on my cell phone.

  The more I sat and let shit marinate, the angrier I got. I couldn’t stand it. I called Jewel again.

  “Yo’, Jewel, stop playing. This ain’t funny. Bring your ass home. You taking this shit way too far,” I screamed in the phone, leaving her a voice mail, then threw my cell phone across the room.

  All this stress about Jewel was fucking me up. My temples were pounding, and it felt like my head was gonna explode in a matter of seconds. A headache was coming toward my temples and fast. I decided to lay down and take a nap before I lost my mind and totally flipped out.

  When I woke back up, I turned over to look at the time on the clock. It was getting close to eight o’clock. My whole day was wasted worrying about this bitch. I went across the room and grabbed my cell phone from the floor where it had landed when I threw it earlier. I checked the caller ID, and there still was no call from Jewel, but I refused to give her the satisfaction of me calling again. Jewel loved to see me squirm.

  She had never been this stubborn, so I was beginning to get a little worried. I was hoping nothing had happened to her. Quickly erasing those thoughts from my mind I convinced myself Jewel would be strolling in the house at least by midnight. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I paced around the house until one in the morning with no sign of her.

  Chapter 13


  “I’m Watching You”

  I knew Touch was bound to fuck up and I would be there to catch his ass. After my embarrassment at the courthouse, I was determined to get this selfish motherfucker. So many nights I’d sat and watch him stagger his drunk ass into the house. This particular night I was hoping I would be just as lucky. My confidence was high, and I was ready to serve up some retribution. If things went as planned, I would follow right behind him and enter his house with ease. I had been playing it low for a while, so I knew his guard would be down.

  I was dressed in all black with a hoodie on, and I’d been sitting outside Touch’s house for hours waiting for him to come home. I felt like a real gangster as I used binoculars to get a bird’s-eye view of his house. Since I didn’t know how long I would be waiting, I drank no liquids at all. I was craving some water or a tasty appletini. My mouth was dry as shit. I refused to leave my post, no matter the situation. I even put on Depend underwear, just in case I had to pee, but the lack of fluids in my body prevented me from having to piss myself.

  “Finally,” I whispered as Touch pulled up in the driveway. I slouched down lower in my seat to shield myself from his eyes.

  To my surprise, his guard wasn’t down at all. That fool was looking all around under the car, in bushes, and even behind the garbage can, all the while carrying a gun in one hand and talking on his cell phone in another.

  My window was down, so I was able to listen closely as he secured the premises before walking in the house. From what I was able to gather, he was leaving Jewel a voice message. He had his beg game on, so I guess Jewel had left him. I laughed to myself and waddled in joy with this newfound discovery. Karma is a bitch, muthafucka.

  I sat patiently and waited another hour before I attempted to walk into Touch’s house. The Touch I knew always hit the blunt and drank a couple shots of Hennessy after a long day. This was the little extra edge I needed before making my move. I quietly climbed out my car and walked to the back door. I turned the knob. This shit was easier than I thought. Touch dumb ass had left the back door unlocked.

  “Jewel, is that you?” he called out as I walked through the door.

  Shit, I thought to myself knowing for sure I was caught. I froze in my steps, not knowing wh
at to do.

  “Jewel? Baby, answer me,” Touch shouted out again.

  With no other option, I cleared my throat and tried my best to disguise my voice. “Yes, baby,” I replied.

  “Make me a drink, and bring it in here when you come please, baby,” Touch begged.


  I grabbed a shot glass and sprinkled a drug called Thorazine in it and mixed it with the Hennessy. I’d learned from a criminal-ass friend of mine that it paralyzes the body. I walked up behind him and put the glass to his lips, and he drank it all down in one big gulp.

  “I knew you would come back,” he said, slurring his words.

  Touch was so drunk, he didn’t even notice as I pulled out the rope from my backpack and started wrapping him with it.

  “I love you,” I whispered in a sweet tone as I knew Jewel probably would. Then I pulled the rope tight.

  Touch finally opened his eyes. He began to tussle a bit, but it was too late. The medicine had all ready kicked in.

  “What the fuck,” were the last words he spoke before I stuck it to him hard, like a virgin with no lubrication.

  I pulled out a pair of brass knuckles from my pocket and started beating him with no remorse. I couldn’t resist fucking with his manhood, so I stomped on his dick. And to wrap it all up, I knocked out one of his teeth. I was sure to leave my mark, just as he’d done to me. To fuck up his mind even more, I ransacked the place to make it seem like I was looking for something. Satisfied with my handiwork, I took one last look around the place. I figured, since I had the run of the house, I would take something as a memento. I deserved it, considering what Touch had put me through.

  I quickly snatched up an iPod from the end table and put it in my pocket. Then I went through Touch’s pockets and took all his cash.


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