Come and Get Me

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Come and Get Me Page 10

by Reese Gabriel

  “Can you turn that down a little?”

  “Turn what down?” He narrowed his focus a notch further.

  “That,” she complained. “The way you look at me as if…as if…you owned me.”

  “I’ve made my claim. I won’t apologize for that, Eleesha. As for already feeling possessed, you should know, after following my career as closely as you have that I always get what I want in the end.”

  Her mouth opened in shock. Who had told him such a thing? “I’ve never had any interest in you. Whatsoever.”

  “Careful, Eleesha, remember who it is you’re lying to.”

  “How dare you!” she shot back. “You’ve no right to accuse me of lying.”

  His features grew hard as stone. She’d never seen him like this. Suddenly this big limo was feeling awfully small and cramped.

  “I’ll accuse you of whatever I like, Eleesha.” Gone was the aloof amusement. The man meant business now. “And I want the rest of those clothes off—if you can’t do it yourself, I will tear them from your cringing body.”

  Eleesha felt tears forming in her eyes. Why did he have to be this way? “I despise you, Ross.”

  Her fingers trembled as she removed the blouse and unhooked her bra. The cool, open air hit her nipples. She felt the heat of the Ross’ eyes, not knowing what he planned for her, certain only that it would involve him taking pleasure from her—satisfying that raging erection in his trousers.

  Eleesha wasted no time with the skirt. Lifting her hips, she unhooked the clasp, and stripped herself bare. Her uncovered sex was wet and fragrant beneath swollen pink lips and a thatch of soft fleece.

  “I may decide to tattoo you,” he said. “On the inner thigh, perhaps, or on your breast.”

  With the mention of each place, she felt a hot kiss, in the exact spot, the sting of the ink pen, the utter and complete submission that would come from letting this man mark her so permanently. She imagined herself there in the tattoo parlor, all or part of her body bare as the artist discussed with…her husband…how exactly she was to be marked.

  “Would you like that, my Eleesha?”

  Her breath caught as he called her “his”.

  “I asked you a question.”

  “Ross, I don’t know if I would,” she replied honestly. “I don’t know what to think or say…”

  “Open your thighs wide,” he told her, accepting her answer for the moment. “And put your finger on your clit.”

  She shuddered, finding her button, the key to her most intimate pleasures.

  “Wider. Arch your back, pinch your nipple with the other hand.”

  Eleesha was being put through paces. There was nothing about this that spelled equality, and yet she’d never been more certain in her life that she was pleasing a male, doing exactly what he most wanted her to do.

  It was hardly good feminism to feel this way, but when it came to sex, Eleesha had always been most aroused when being given orders. Let’s face it—men go to whores for that reason, to be able to call the shots.

  “This is what you need, isn’t it, Eleesha?”

  “Y-yes,” she managed, through clenched teeth.

  “Harder,” he said, compelling her to clamp down on her own nipple even more intensely.

  She released a small, piteous moan, which he ignored.

  “Now answer my other question. Would you like to be tattooed?”

  Eleesha was slipping into a different plane of existence. The pain he was making her inflict on herself was being transformed, into something vacant and open. She could do nothing but dreamily confess, softly begging any and all torture he might have to offer. “Yes, Ross…mark me…put your…brand on me.”

  “I want you to do something for me,” he said, as if she could deny him. “Will you do what I ask?”

  “Yes, Ross, please…let me.”

  “I want you to arch your back, lift your pelvis off the seat. Show me your pussy…yes, that’s it, sweetheart.”

  Eleesha strained, bending her body backward. Her sex was sopping wet, a dripping offering to this bold, increasingly kinky man.

  “You became mine ten years ago,” he remarked. “I see that now. I should have kept you then.”

  Her eyes slid shut. This was all too much.

  “Take your hand, Eleesha, and slap your pussy with your palm.”

  The car was rocking slightly down a road that was less than ideal. Her footing was uneasy on the narrow heels. She held out her own arm, one word in her thoughts—obey.

  “Nnnn…” she grunted in response as the quick slap was delivered across her mons.


  She repeated the action, this time feeling a blaze of heat throughout her nether region. Twice more he had her do that before telling her to get down on the floor on all fours. She did so, her limbs shaking. Her palms and knees tingled as they made contact with the floor.

  I’m naked, she thought. On the floor of a limousine with a clothed man sitting above me.

  “This is domination, Eleesha. Something we’ve skirted around up to now. It’s an aphrodisiac for both of us, so we’ll be doing a fair amount of it. I think it makes for some of the best foreplay around. Gives things a real kick, and it seems to bind us like nothing else.” Hitting the intercom, he called the driver. “John, I’d like to take a little detour. To the beach. Can you find us something remote?”

  “Can do, sir,” he promised cheerfully. “And that’s my promise to you.”

  The beach? Eleesha’s mind reeled. It was half past midnight. She was stark naked. Surely he didn’t intend to do it to her on the sand, under the stars?

  Not that the idea wasn’t perfectly romantic.

  “Ross, we could get caught.”

  “Relax, my little spitfire. It’s time to widen your horizons.”

  “Don’t call me that,” she complained, though admittedly it was just the tiniest bit sweet of him to give her a nickname.

  Ross bent over to swat her ass in a most undignified manner. “Why not, it’s true. You give them hell at the office. I love to watch you work your magic. Not to mention the trouble you give me.”

  “Good—you deserve it! The nerve of putting me down here like a little pet.”

  She expected another spank. Instead he inserted a finger up into her very slick canal. He moved it about expertly, so that when he removed it a second later, her ass climbed into the air, following.

  “I’m not doing anything that won’t make you enjoy it more when we get down to business. And get down we will—on the beach. I’m going to come inside you, Eleesha, under the stars.”

  She moaned openly now, all resistance gone as he teased her gaping lips, enough to feel his presence, but not enough to allow her satisfaction.

  “Oh, Ross,” she jettisoned the last shreds of her pride. “I need it now. Please, come in me now?”

  “My cock has to be ready, baby. Want to get a head start?”

  She turned in time to see his cock slip easily out of the opening in his trousers and underwear.

  “Yes, Ro—” the sound of his name dissolved into greedy gurgles as she took his cock inside of her soft, silky mouth. Did she want a head start? Hell, how could she turn down an offer like this? His cock was filling her brain as it was. The taste of him, the feel of his pulsing hardness—steel covered by velvet—merely confirmed how lost she truly she was. How completely in the orbit of Ross Maclean.

  He had her in every sense. She wanted to be overwhelmed by him. She wanted him to explode in her mouth, to give her his come to swallow. Those hands, caressing her head. Hands that had been insured by Lloyd’s of London at one time for ten million dollars. Hands that had thrown their way to glory, to the adulation of the masses. The bastard knew she’d been one of those fans, too. Hanging on his every move. Mourning his retirement, in spite of her efforts to hate him.

  The limousine made a sharp turn and the ground softened considerably. Her heart palpitated as they slowed to a crawl. They were on the beach.
Ross opened the window—a smooth, automatic whir.

  “Smell the ocean, my spitfire angel. Doesn’t that just rock your world?”

  He rocked her world. The ocean was pleasant-smelling enough, the mix of salt and smoke from far-off bonfires, and the sweet, succulent aromas from open grills. This was paradise, after all, a feast for all the senses.

  “No one’s ever loved me like this,” he confided. “Your mouth…was made for me.”

  She sucked him deeper, grateful for the compliment, for the opportunity. At the same time though, she was feeling her own emptiness. A lacking so profound that it made every fiber of her being cry out for penetration.

  The vehicle came to a stop. This time it was Ross who opened the door and not the driver. “Go on,” he said, lifting her off of his throbbing erection. “Play in the water.”

  She looked at him and then out the door. The waves were capped by moonlight. So beautiful, exotic…and lonely.

  “Aren’t you coming with me?”

  “I want to watch you play first.”


  Ross kissed her, soft and sweet and reassuring. “It’s okay, honey. I won’t leave you unprotected.”

  A flood of wetness, fresh and warm, pooled at her opening. What was it about this man that could make her feel so sexy, even when he wasn’t trying? Or was he?

  “You want me to play naked in the waves…”

  “I need to see you, Eleesha.” Was it the moonlight pervading the limo or were his eyes as moist as hers? “I need to see you out there…for me.”

  “All right, Ross.” She touched his cheek, feeling so much affection. “Though I still think you’re crazy.”

  “Crazy, yes,” he agreed. “For you.”

  She wanted to see if she could parlay that into the all-important admission of love, but he was already pushing her out onto the sand, his hand on the lush curve of her posterior.

  It was at this point that she remembered she was naked. “Ross, wait.”

  He closed the door behind her. “Go,” he grinned. “The sooner you get out there the sooner I’ll join you.”

  The car began to move forward. He was leaving. He couldn’t do this to her. She chased them, finally falling to her knees in exhaustion in the sand. Eleesha saw the lights fade in the distance. She wanted to cry. But he’d told her to trust, hadn’t he? It was all so confusing.

  Why was he doing all of these things to her? Why was she going along with everything, step-by-step? She ought to have her head examined. He was probably off to bang that flight attendant, with her clothes in the backseat. They would laugh about the silly female executive who thought she was here to be married.

  She could picture the woman disrobing, bearing those torpedo breasts. She’d flip up that uniform skirt and her pussy would be scorching hot and available. Ross would open his arms and she’d jump on him, wrapping those long legs around his midsection. They’d fuck in the back of the big white car, in every conceivable position.

  And to think the red-haired bitch was going to be using the erection she’d given him. Eleesha rose to her feet. The mighty waves were calling her. They wanted to comfort her. They felt her pain. As only the anonymous forces of nature can. She ran, flat-out, her breasts heaving, the night breeze lifting her hair off her neck, giving it wings. She was so exposed, the whole of her being—naked—body and soul.

  Her ankles hit the water. Wading deeper and deeper, she let the sea stake its claim—dark, silvery water swirling in darkness, the ocean floor, salty and warm. Wafting foam tickling at her pussy hair and then, as she managed to wade deeper, up to the bottoms of her nipples.

  The ocean surrounded her on every side, welcoming and playful. It had a message under the moonlight. Play and enjoy. She laughed out loud, taking handfuls of water and pouring it over her head. Sticking out her tongue, she let the salt claim its surface. The water dribbled down her chin and into her ears.

  Headfirst, she dove.

  Quiet darkness illuminated from above by sheets of silvered light. She counted the number of seconds, stretching her time in this delicious new environment, free from her stresses and worries and heartaches.

  Now here was paradise.

  Eleesha’s head bumped straight into it. Bone and flesh. She gurgled to the surface screaming. “Shark!”

  Ross stood there, stark naked, laughing his fool head off. She’d run into his knee underwater, thinking it was some vile sea creature.

  “You son of a bitch.” She pounded at his chest.

  Ross continued laughing. “Settle down, Spitfire.”

  “I’m not your…spitfire,” she sputtered.

  He lifted her from the water and put her over his shoulder. “Okay, I’ll call you mermaid, instead. How’s that?”

  “Put me down!” she demanded.

  “Not ‘til we get to shallow water.”

  She struck her fists against his back, squirming to be free. Really, she was never so happy as to have been wrong in her life. Ross had not deserted her after all. He hadn’t gone to fuck the flight attendant, he’d just taken his clothes off and come in to join her…stark naked.

  “If you touch me,” she warned as he set her down in the sand, the surf lapping lightly at her toes, “I’ll scream rape.”

  “So will I,” he said. “Though I doubt anyone will hear either of us. Open.”

  He meant her legs—it was a command she was getting used to. “They don’t get any more romantic than you,” she quipped.

  Ross lowered himself, his muscular body dripping wet, lightly glowing in the moonlight. “Romance has its time and place,” he conceded. “But so does ravishment.”

  He took her hands in his, fingers interlaced. Pushing them down into the sand on either side of her head, he imposed the full dominion of his male power. She shivered at the feel of his cock, the tip of it a mere brush against her sex.

  “Do it, then,” she gasped. “Get it over with.”

  “Not so easy, Spitfire. You have to beg first.”

  She lifted her hips, trying to squirm onto him from underneath. “Stop being such a prick,” she exclaimed.

  Ross bit her nipple gently, settling her fast. “Lie still,” he ordered. “I want this coming from deep down.”

  Eleesha stopped struggling.

  “That’s better.” His tongue ran across the throbbing nipple, sending her into burning ecstasy.

  She thrashed and he bit down harder.

  “Ross,” she squealed. “Please, I surrender.”

  “Do you?” He tested her, kissing and teasing both her nipples at length.

  She whimpered, but this time she stayed still. “Yes, Ross.”

  “I hope so, because I’m not entering you this time unless you’re going to be completely docile for me.”

  Her ass burned in the wet sand. The sea air stung her overcharged body. How could she be so close to the relief she needed in the form of sexual penetration, and yet so far?

  “I’m docile,” she promised. “I swear it.”

  “Maybe.” He nibbled at her ear. “But wouldn’t it be just like you to try and trick me?”

  “Not this time,” she murmured, the feel of his mouth and teeth sending light tugs all the way down to her pussy. “This time, I’m…yours.”

  “Mine.” He grazed her lips but didn’t kiss them.

  Eleesha groaned. Helplessly, she clenched her captured fists, but she kept the resistance from reaching the rest of her muscles. She’d show him, she could lie here, the perfect vessel, anticipating…prepared and absolutely open.

  “Discipline,” he said, “is your friend at this moment.”

  She nodded her head yes, to show her understanding.

  “And humility, too.”

  Damn, this was hard. She wanted to just give it right back to him, throw it in his face. Why did the woman have to be humble and not the man? Why couldn’t she dole out some of this precious discipline on him for a change?

  Because that’s not what turns us bo
th on, came the voice in the back of her head, the one she hated to listen to because it was invariably right.

  “Yes, Ross…humility.”

  “We both know the score.” He settled his cock, moving it just inside the walls of her pussy. “This is what we need. Neither of our lives will make sense without the other. Admit it—admit you’ve been floundering, emotionally, like I have. Tell me how no one’s come along. Hell, I was married, and I’ll be the first to tell you it was a mistake. I should have hung on…I should have come back sooner.”

  She shook her head. He was going to break through barriers that had been put there for her survival. “But you left me in the first place.”

  “It was a mistake,” he sank an inch deeper, “that I will never forgive myself for.”

  “Oh,” she moaned. “I’m so…close…just a little deeper.”

  “You know what you have to do.”

  Beg. He wanted her to beg. “Please, Ross?”

  “That’s not enough.”

  “Please…take me…take my body. I…I beg for your hard cock…please, may I have it?”

  “You want to be fucked?”

  “Fuck me… Oh, yes,” she cried.

  His cock slid inside, nearly all the way. “You will not move,” he reiterated. “You will not come without permission.”

  Eleesha thrashed her head. “Please, not like that.” It was torture, to be filled like this with his manhood, the thick, hard, veined cock pulsing against her vaginal walls. He allowed her to do nothing to reach her climax, forced her to hold back.

  It was a sweet, deep pain, sharp and gnawing. It was as though he was taking her on a roller coaster ride, and this was the moment of clinging to the rail at the top, waiting to plunge to the thrilling depths.

  “Discipline, Eleesha,” he reminded. “I expect that in a wife.”

  “I can’t Ross. I’m not ready.”

  “You’ll be my bride in less than forty-eight hours, Eleesha. Of course you’re ready.”

  “Just let me come, Ross…”

  “Focus on my eyes.”

  She did, finding herself instantly calmed.

  “We do this together,” said Ross.



  She shuddered as his cock sank to the hilt. For a moment he laid there, both of them savoring the feeling. Neither dared breathe lest they explode. Never had she known this kind of pressure, this amount of buildup to an oncoming climax.


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