Re/Deemed (Doms of the FBI Book 8)

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Re/Deemed (Doms of the FBI Book 8) Page 11

by Michele Zurlo

  She shivered.


  His chest was against her back now, and she realized he’d taken off his shirt.

  She burned for him. That sounded so dramatic, like she might combust, but it was the truth. Right now, she was molten lava, and she needed him in a way she’d never needed a man before. This was the reason people’s brains short-circuited and they did stupid things.

  Her whole body shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact. “Hot. This is hot. You’re hot. I might have a fever.”

  His lips pressed to the curve of her neck, shutting her up before she could start calling him The Cure or singing Let’s Go To Bed. One hand flattened against her abdomen, and the other cupped a breast. He nibbled on her skin as he rubbed her nipple to a peak. Then he teased the other one. She wasn’t sure when he’d removed her bra, but it was gone, and his hands enveloped her breasts. Her breasts weren’t small, so she found that extra impressive.

  Her breath came out on a long sigh, and he kissed her again. His kisses were drugs, and she was an addict. She couldn’t get enough, and if he stopped, she might do something desperate.

  He leaned down, and then she was in his arms. He peeled back the covers and set her on the sheet, following her down so his weight kept her where he’d put her.

  Lukas didn’t seem to be suffering the same maddening passion as Brandy. She writhed under him, trying to make it so that every part of him touched every part of her, while he slowly ran his hands over her skin. His mouth nibbled and kissed its way to her breasts, which grew consciousness because they swelled and darkened, preening for his attention.

  His mouth closed around one rock-hard nipple, and the heat of his tongue melted it into something malleable. Like the rest of her body, it followed his commands.

  She explored the places she could reach, mainly his upper chest, shoulders, arms, and that glorious head. She’d wanted to run her hands over the smooth skin there for so long, and now it was hers to play with.

  Her first tentative foray produced a soft moan, and when she returned with a more confident stroke, he groaned. She was about to kiss it when his mouth pulled on her nipple particularly hard, and she cried out.

  The biting sting didn’t ease, but it morphed into a throbbing that echoed like a false orgasm teasing her pussy.

  “Oh, Daddy,” she whispered when the pain finally subsided. “You bad, bad man.”

  By way of response, he ravaged the other one. Back and forth he went until she was out of her mind. Wetness seeped from her pussy, a signal flare her body sent up to divert his attention and tempt him lower. She wrapped her legs around his waist and did her damndest to rub against him. Her nails raked across his skin, leaving tracks across his back and shoulders.

  When she was out of her mind with pleasurable pain—how the fuck did that happen?—he claimed her lips for another searing kiss. She tried to slide her arms around his neck, but he pressed them to the mattress. She couldn’t move at all except to participate in the kiss, and she understood that he’d done this on purpose. He was in charge, and she was his to love.

  Ever so gently, he guided her hand down his body and into his pants. The role play was working. Brandy felt like a teenager who’d never touched a cock before. Excitement, inflated by the idea of a taboo act, heated her blood even more.

  She closed her hand around his cock. Or, she tried to. The thing was massive. She couldn’t make her thumb and middle finger touch unless she strangled the thing. When she’d touched him before, she’d made do with what she could reach. It had been enough then, but it wasn’t enough to satisfy her now.

  Thinking back to the way he’d teased her that last night, she couldn’t help herself. “Oh, Daddy, what a big cock you have.” She raised the pitch of her voice. It came out thin and wobbly. “It’ll never fit.”

  “It’ll fit, Firebrand. Your hot, wet pussy is going to swallow it whole.”

  Using two hands, she stroked and teased, familiarizing herself with his silky texture and considerable mass. Lukas was a big man, obviously not that way due to steroids because his cock matched his build. Thick and long, she didn’t quite believe it wouldn’t split her in half.

  While she played, he slid a finger into her pussy. Those were long and thick too, and she liked the way they felt inside her. A second finger joined the first, and then a third stretched her vagina wider. Brandy closed her eyes to focus the sensation. If he kept this up for another ten seconds, she was going to come on him.

  Then she remembered his rule. “Daddy, can I come?”

  “No, Firebrand. Not yet.” He rubbed against her sweet spot, and she cried out, mostly in frustration.

  “Please. That feels so good.”

  His fingers eased out of her, and she whimpered.

  “Patience, sweetheart. I’ll take care of you. I promise.”

  Boldly, she positioned the head of his cock at her entrance.

  He canted his hips back, depriving her yet again. “Condoms, little one.”

  She lifted her hips, chasing his cock, and used the most seductive whisper she could manage. “I heard you can’t get pregnant your first time. C’mon baby—you know you want it.”

  Lukas lost his shit. He rolled to his back, paroxysms of laugher making him hug his arms to his stomach.

  Feeling proud at making him laugh so hard, Brandy mentally strutted—until she realized her tactic had backfired. She wanted to make him smile with satisfaction, not die laughing. She reached over and stroked his cock, which was still very much hard.

  He closed a hand over hers, halting her attempt.

  “Daddy, my pussy is getting cold.”

  He rolled closer, pressing his front to her side. “Cold? We can’t have that.”

  He kissed her again, and all the heat from before came rushing back. This time, when he climbed between her legs, he was wearing a condom. Positioning his cock at her entrance, he pressed his hips forward, feeding that huge cock into her slick pussy. As he’d predicted, her hot, wet pussy welcomed every inch of the intrusion. He stretched and filled her insides, becoming part of her.

  All thoughts of being bratty or snarky fled. She gasped. As it acclimated to the intrusion, her pussy began pulsing.

  Brandy gripped Lukas’ shoulders. “I can’t—Holy shit—Daddy, please let me come.”

  Her body quaked with the effort of holding back the tsunami.

  He kissed her cheek. “Yes, Firebrand. You may come as many times as you can.”

  The second he uttered permission, the orgasm detonated. The insistent throbbing broke, shattering waves of sensation through her body. It writhed and convulsed, coming apart from the inside out. She clung to him, and he held her together with just the power of his gaze.

  Those whiskey brown eyes anchored her psyche and calmed her racing heart.

  He rocked his hips, making love to her with gentleness and care. A slower climax began on the wreckage of the first, building a stronger foundation that would weather any storm.

  His thumb traced her lips as his palm cradled the side of her head. She felt cherished and loved, reverently worshipped by the man who controlled every wondrous thing she felt.

  He didn’t say the words, but he proved it with every breath he took—he cared deeply about her.

  And she realized she had some pretty tender feelings for him.

  It didn’t matter who he was or how they’d met. She was going to stop him from doing anything else for The Eye, and she was going to get him to flip on them. She was going to save him from the bad decisions he’d made, from the crimes he’d committed, and from himself, if need be.

  She touched his face tenderly, her hands shaking as she traced features tattooed in her heart. Sharp, slanted cheekbones that emphasized his eyes and somehow made his mouth look even more sensual. His kiss-swollen lips. The places in his cheeks where dimples peeked out with one of his rare, wide smiles. They stayed hidden with the quick or small smiles. Right now, his skin had ruddy undertones, making it m
ore cinnamon than milk chocolate.

  His muscles bunched and strained from holding the bulk of his weight off her.

  A climax surprised her, stealing her ability to breathe. Her back arched, smashing her boobs into his chest, which was where they wanted to be anyway, and her body stiffened.

  He reached down and hiked up one of her legs, opening her pussy wider, and his pace picked up. Wet with sweat and fluids, their bodies slapped together. Every time he surged deeper into her, his hips twisted, and he found a new way to hit her sweet spot that sent her world spinning out of control.

  Not that she’d ever been in control.

  That was his job, and she gladly ceded it to him.

  The climax that had stolen her breath bloomed, her pussy clenching harder around his thick cock. Out of her mind with pleasure, she gripped his arms as tightly as she could, and a howl ripped from her depths.

  With one last thrust, his orgasm pulsed inside her. His entire body shuddered and shook, and she felt the throbbing of his cock in time to her own waning orgasm.

  He rolled to the side before collapsing, taking her with him. He held her against his body as their racing pulses slowed.

  Brandy pressed a kiss to the place where his pulse beat in his neck. “You were right. That was incredible.”

  Eyes closed, a sleepy smile stretched enough for those twin dimples to peek out. “I told you so.”

  “How is it you never married?” The intrusive question flew out of her mouth without consulting her brain.

  “Who said I never married?”

  “I know you, Daddy. If you were married, you wouldn’t be here with me. You’re a one-woman man, loyal for life. I dare you to tell me I’m wrong.” One night with him, and she was ready to run off into the sunset and never look back.

  His eyes opened, and he regarded her with a wry twist to his lips. “A lot of women are turned off by the idea of being with a Daddy Dom. Some like it at first, the way I need to take care of them, but eventually it becomes too much. I’m controlling, Firebrand. Demanding. Exacting. You know that from living with me. It’s going to be a real challenge to see if you can do this long-term.”

  He was also thoughtful and fun. He had a sense of humor and liked to play games. She moved closer, sealing her torso to his. “I’m up to the challenge.”

  He kissed her forehead. “I know you are, Firebrand. I know you are.”

  He held her as she came down from her orgasms. His hands never stopped smoothing over her skin and hair.

  She napped, and when she woke up, she was still wrapped tightly in his arms. She wondered if they’d slept like that their last night at Redemption Center, and if that was why her rest had been so deep and fulfilling. Something about being in his arms made the rest of the world melt away.

  He opened his eyes, those rich, brown irises regarding her with satisfaction, possession, and excitement. “I’m going to give you a bath.”

  Caught off-guard, Brandy laughed. She should have expected this when he made her clean out the tub. “Are you going to join me?”

  “No, little one.” He released his hold on her, got up, and slid into his shorts. “This is what it means to be mine.”

  Ten minutes later, Brandy found herself surrounded by warm water.

  “If there wasn’t a blizzard on, I’d get you some bubble bath.” Lukas knelt on a towel next to the tub. He poured body wash onto a washcloth. “Tell me about something you enjoy. What’s your guilty pleasure?”

  Brandy laughed, her real one—the husky one that tended to attract attention. “You mean besides losing my virginity to an incredibly sexy man who took the time to find all my erogenous zones?”

  “Yes,” he said. “Besides that.”

  She thought for a moment. Her guilty pleasures were simple and could be found anywhere an investigation took her. “Chocolate, I guess. Coffee. I’ll drink it iced, black, flavored, with or without cream. Oh—I love to drive.”

  “Yeah? What do you love about it?” He dragged the cloth over her shoulders and down her arm.

  “The power and control. I think I could have been a NASCAR contender if I’d known the right people.”

  He smiled, but she couldn’t tell if it was in response to her answer or because he was enjoying washing her skin. His gentle touch was sensual, not sexual. He made her feel special—cherished and prized—like she actually mattered. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had put her first—including herself.

  “You don’t have to drive the whole way, you know. I would love to take turns.” She could picture the reactions of her team as they tailed her. Each and every one of them did their damndest to get the keys away from her when they had to drive somewhere. Since Avery was the only other female member of the team, and so they were roommates by default on the road, Avery was often charged with the snatch-and-run task.

  They were going to shit their pants trying to keep up with her. She wouldn’t lose them on purpose, and if they disappeared for a time, she’d find a way to wait for them to catch up. Besides, they’d put a tracker on her. Finding her wouldn’t be a hardship.

  “I like that idea. It’ll help us make up some of the time we’re going to lose here.” He lifted her leg to wash underneath. “Not that I’m complaining about being stuck here with you.”

  “What about you?” She splashed some warm water on her chest because her nipples were shriveling. The water wasn’t deep enough to submerge them. “What’s your guilty pleasure?”

  “You mean, besides this?” He flashed a teasing grin.

  “Yeah, Daddy. Besides washing me from neck to toe, what makes you happy?”

  “I like animals.” He said it slowly, as if it was a secret.

  She supposed it was, given that she was relatively certain nobody at Redemption Center knew he’d been a veterinarian. “What kind?”

  “All kinds, really. I’d love to have a couple dogs and cats, maybe a couple horses. I miss being able to sit on the floor and be bombarded with a bunch of critters coming at me to play.”

  Okay. Yeah. He knew how to melt her heart. “I had a dog when I was little. I used to make obstacle courses in the yard and teach her to get through them.”

  “Was this at a foster home?” He scrubbed her toes, massaging them as he went.

  She could really get used to his penchant for rubbing her feet. “It was before. My parents got a dog when they got married, and then they had kids a few years later.”

  “Kids? You have siblings?”

  Shit. She’d fucking forgotten her cover. With Lukas, she found it difficult to lie, which was key to maintaining her cover. “A brother.”

  He finished washing her feet, and then he sat back on his heels. “You told me you didn’t have any family.”

  She shrugged, as if hiding a painful secret. Reid would laugh his ass off at her predicament. “We got split up in the system. I lost track of him for a long time. Now our lives are really different, and he doesn’t like when I come around so much.” It wasn’t quite a lie. Reid preferred she call first, especially after she’d come over one day while he and Kennedy were having naked time. Her brother was a lucky man, but she hadn’t needed to see it firsthand.

  Grasping her chin gently, he urged her to meet his gaze. “You’re my family now, Firebrand. You have me, and I have you.”

  Tears misted her eyes, and not just because she knew she was probably going to have to put him in prison. She threw her arms around him. Water arced from her hands, spraying a pattern over the wall and mirror. Heedless of the wetness, he hugged her to him.

  He dried her slowly. Brandy thought he’d make it into a sensual experience, but he was dedicated to taking care of her body. In turn, he fed a piece of her soul she’d long ago starved into hibernation.

  Morning came much too quickly. She groaned at the bright light invading her sleep, and then she hissed like a vampire facing immolation.

  Lukas laughed. “You’re not much of a morning person.”

Neither are you.” She stuck her head under the pillow. “Come back to bed, Daddy. I miss snuggling up to you.”

  “Sounds like you miss my body heat.” Amusement dripped from his tone.

  “Yes. And your body. You have an amazing body.”

  He slid under the covers. “Roads aren’t clear yet. We’ll have a lazy morning and get a late start.” Lying on his back, he worked his cock with one hand and tucked the other under his head. “Time to play, Firebrand. I want to watch you masturbate with my dick.”

  That was an order worth waking up to follow. Flinging off the covers, she straddled his hips. Her scorching, tight pussy sank down on his cock.

  “I told you to masturbate with it, not fuck it.”

  She kept sinking until the curved fullness of her bottom nestled against his balls. She gasped, and her eyes fluttered. “When I masturbate with a vibrator, it goes inside.” She exhaled hard, and when she peered down at him, she didn’t bother to disguise her arrogant glee. “Do you have a vibrate setting, Daddy?

  The hand on her thigh migrated to her pussy. Her position spread apart the lips of her labia, and the hard, hooded nub of her clit glistened with juices. He circled it with his fingertip.

  Air hissed from between her teeth. She was sensitive from losing her virginity.

  “No coming for you, Firebrand.”

  Having realized she didn’t have to temper her tendency toward petulance, she pouted as prettily as she could. “You’re evil.”


  Since he obviously wasn’t going to let her steal an orgasm, she lifted from his cock.

  He stopped her with a firm hand on her hip. “No, Firebrand. Put on a show for me.”

  Caught, she braced a hand on his chest and performed. Her hips rolled, taking him deeper. It did not escape her notice they’d both forgotten to use a condom, but she had an IUD, and he had a pathological need for cleanliness, so she wasn’t worried. She gyrated and cupped her breasts, pinching and rolling the nipples.


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