Dusk: Final Awakening Book Two (A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller)

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Dusk: Final Awakening Book Two (A Post-Apocalyptic Thriller) Page 10

by J. Thorn

  Like her Master, this vampire’s ancestry stretched back into feudal Japan. She claimed lineage to the Yamato clans, and after being in her presence, Serafino didn’t doubt it. She had power in her that he could feel—harnessed through generations of warfare.

  Serafino leaned back in his chair. He crossed one leg over the other and brought his hand to his mouth. He wore golden wedding bands on each of his fingers. Every ring had been taken from a different human he had drained.

  “My loyal servant, Jonas, intercepted a message from you. What do you have to say about that?”

  The vampire continued to stare at Serafino without replying.

  “Perhaps I shall try communicating with you differently.” Serafino next spoke in Chinese. “Why are you here?”

  “I am Seyana, loyal servant of Jing,” the vampire said, also in Chinese. “I will not be terrorized by you.”

  Serafino grinned. “Is that a fact?” Looking around the room, Serafino waved his hand at the dozens of followers surrounding the rival vampire. “I believe you are outnumbered here.”

  “Then kill me. Because you will not get me to talk.”

  “Yes. We will see about that.”

  Serafino directed the vampires restraining Seyana. Using his power, he spoke to them telepathically in English, and to Seyana in Chinese.

  Take her to the wall.

  Serafino’s followers pulled Seyana to her feet and dragged her over to the nearby wall. Knowing what was coming, Serafino’s other creations rose from their seats, pumped their fists in the air, and snarled.

  Serafino himself stood, groaning. Sighing as if the traitor had created yet another menial task for him to complete.

  His minions slammed Seyana’s back against the wall. Serafino moved within a few feet of her, then turned to the several dozen creatures in the crowd. He held up his hands and they went silent.

  “You want to hear her scream, do you not?”

  The horde raised their arms again and cheered. Serafino allowed this to go on for another moment before he looked back to Seyana, and then silenced his children with his telepathic abilities. The Master moved closer to her. He could see a flicker of fear in the vampire’s eyes—a quick flash of doubt in her own abilities to escape. She had likely been protected by Jing and was not used to fending for herself.

  Seyana shuddered as Serafino reached out and stroked her hair.

  “I will give you one last chance. Either tell me what Jing is planning, or you must suffer the consequences.”

  A steely resolve wiped the doubt from the vampire’s eyes. “Fuck you.”

  A malevolent grin spread across Serafino's face. Keeping his eyes locked on Seyana’s, he said, “Shackle her."

  The crowd roared.

  Serafino stepped back, now standing amidst Yvonne, Jonas, and Kevin. Two of his lowly creations approached Seyana wearing gloves.

  Two chains hung on the wall behind her, each with shackles linked at the end. Both chains had been forged out of thick, pure silver. Seyana fought against her captors, but it was of no use. The two gloved vampires took the open shackles and snapped them closed over each of Seyana’s wrists.

  She screamed, which brought a new uproar from the crowd. Tendrils of smoke rose from her flesh. The silver would not kill her, but it would bring forth an unimaginable pain as long as it touched her skin. Only a beheading or a stake to the heart could kill her, and she would soon wish for death if she wasn’t already.

  Serafino allowed the chaos to continue within the theater for several more moments before he silenced his horde. After that, only the sizzle of the vampire’s burning flesh could be heard in the room. Seyana hissed and squirmed. Serafino moved closer to her again.

  “Are you ready to talk yet?”

  The suffering vampire ceased whimpering long enough to speak. “You underestimate who I am. I am the First Lieutenant of Jing, Master vampire of the Asian faction. To torture me like this breaks the treaty.”

  “The treaty?” Serafino laughed. “You come sneaking around here, sending cryptic messages to your friends in Asia, and then you speak to me about breaking the treaty?”

  Seyana narrowed her eyes. “It is not just Asia. You have no idea.”

  Serafino cocked his head to the side and studied her eyes again. Whatever she was hinting at, he could tell that she wasn’t lying.

  “Enough of this,” Serafino said. He looked back to Jonas. “Bring me the hammer.” His words sent a shot of energy through the room. The Screamers jumped up and down, their eyes pulsing with a menacing, orange tint. Some licked their lips while others cackled.

  When Jonas returned, he was wearing a glove on his left hand and carrying a hammer with an oversized head in his right hand. He clutched two spikes in the palm of his gloved hand—each dull on one end, like railroad spikes. But like the shackles and chains, the thick nails had been forged from pure, sterling silver. Serafino accepted the hammer from Jonas, then took one of the railroad spikes out of his hand. Serafino did not put on gloves. He intended to show Seyana—and everyone else in the room—just how strong he had become.

  His flesh sizzled as he took hold of the spike, and his palm felt as if it was on fire. The imprisoned vampire quivered, and Serafino couldn’t remember the last time he had seen another one of his kind react this way.

  “Would you like to speak with me now?” Serafino asked.

  Seyana pursed her lips, glaring back at Serafino. She shook her head.

  “Very well then.”

  Serafino pressed the dull point of the spike into Seyana’s palm. Smoke billowed, and she fought against the chains which continued to burn her wrists.

  Serafino grinned. Then he reared back and slammed the hammer down on the end of the spike.

  Chapter 19

  By the time Serafino was finished, silver spikes protruded from both of Seyana’s palms and the tops of her feet. She gazed at the floor, tears rolling down her face. The shackles around her wrists had melted the skin on her forearms down to the bone. Her hands had turned black.

  In the theater, Serafino’s followers continued with their revelry. They snarled, pumping their fists in the air.

  You know what comes next, Serafino said to Jonas.

  The Swede nodded and left the room again. When he returned, he held an ax in his hands. The wooden handle was stained black. Near the butt of it, an iron cross had been inscribed into the grain. The head of the axe gleamed in the candlelight. Like each of the other torture devices Serafino had used, it was made of solid silver.

  Seyana raised her head, seeing the weapon for the first time. Serafino faced her, the ax firmly in his grip.

  “Stop,” Seyana said. “If you let me go, I will tell you whatever you want to know.”

  Serafino smiled.

  “Please. Whatever will free me from these shackles and remove these things from my hands and feet.”

  “Then talk.”

  Seyana shook her head. “Not until you let me go.”

  Serafino raised an eyebrow. “You have no leverage in this negotiation.”

  “I have the information you want. And unless you let me go, you will not get it.”

  The Master sighed, considering her offer. Then he looked to his slaves standing near Seyana and gestured for them to let her go. Still wearing the gloves, the two vampires pulled the spikes from her hands first. She cried out as the silver withdrew, leaving a trail of smoke as they yanked the spikes from her flesh. Then they kneeled and withdrew the ones from her feet. She looked at her wrists.

  “The shackles, too,” she said.

  “If this is a trick, you will not make it out of here alive.”

  “I trust that you will let me go once you have the information,” Seyana said. “So I will do nothing to try and harm you.”

  The vampires awaited Serafino’s command. He gave the nod, and they loosened the shackles, freeing Seyana. She fell to her knees and crossed her arms, clutching the bones of her wrists.

  “Stand and gi
ve me the information I seek,” Serafino said.

  Seyana looked up at him, slowly rising. She studied the room, seeing all of the orange eyes on her.

  “It is not only Jing who is coming. The European and African factions are coming, as well.”

  “You lie.”

  “I do no such thing.”

  “They are willing to break a centuries-old treaty? Why would that be?”

  “They believe that much power lies here in the United States. They sense the human you have been chasing, and they know what a powerful weapon he can become.”

  “Where is he?”

  “I don’t know.”

  Serafino sighed, and Seyana saw him look to the hammer before turning his attention back to her.

  “Please. I’m telling you the truth. I am looking for him, as you are.”

  Studying her eyes, Serafino looked for a lie. He found nothing but honesty.

  “Why would Jing send you if this was so important?”

  Seyana grinned. “Perhaps I am stronger than you think.”

  Serafino glared at her. The smile did not vanish from her face.

  “All I can say to you, Serafino, is that I hope you are all smart enough to vanish from this place before they arrive. Because there is no way the North Americans will survive the wrath of three factions. Now, I’ve told you all I know. Let me leave this place.”

  Seyana stepped forward. Three of Serafino’s vampires moved to block her exit, but Serafino raised his hand and stopped them.

  “She is right, children. Let her go.”

  Seyana smiled. She walked away from Serafino with her head held high, making direct eye contact with each and every lowly vampire in the room. Her arms and legs still smoked, but she appeared to be pushing the pain away. The crowd watched her as she walked by, protected from them by Serafino’s promise.

  Serafino raised his hand. “Oh, Seyana. There was one last thing I needed to ask you.”

  The Asian vampire turned around and narrowed her eyes. “What?”

  Serafino hovered across the platform, stopping only a few feet away from her. “When will Jing arrive?”

  Seyana wrinkled her brow. “What?”

  “Don’t play dumb. I’m no fool.”

  “Jing is safe in his lair.”

  “Yes,” said Serafino. “I’m sure he is.”

  Serafino reared back with the ax then, and swung. Before Seyana could dodge the blow, the silver blade struck her in the throat, severing her head cleanly. Blood spewed from her neck as her head hit the floor.

  Reaching down, Serafino grabbed Seyana’s head by her long black hair. He turned to his army in the balcony and raised both the severed head and the ax into the air. Looking to the ceiling, the vampire leader roared, his scream reverberating through the entire theater.

  The other vampires joined in, creating a monstrous chorus.

  When Serafino turned around again, Yvonne stood next to his throne, holding a spear in her hand. He handed the ax to Jonas and took the spear from Yvonne. Serafino approached his throne and drove the butt-end of the spear through a plank in the floor. Then he lifted Seyana’s lifeless head with both hands and drove it down into the spike.

  The chore done, the vampire leader sat on his throne. Blood dripped from Seyana’s severed head, the orange glow in her eyes extinguished.

  “If Jing wasn’t on his way to the United States, he will be now.”

  Chapter 20

  Serafino retreated to his private quarters, in what had once been the main office space of the club and situated on the top floor with a window overlooking S. Peters Street. Blood stained the wall, and it brought a smile to Serafino’s face every time he remembered how quickly his forces had secured the building. He hadn’t bothered with turning the humans inside, instead opting to slaughter them where they stood and leave their bloody remains as a message to any who would resist. In the space, he kept several candles on an overturned desk because he liked the aroma, and not because he needed the light or the warmth. Serafino sat down on a chair and looked at the ceiling. He needed time to process the information he’d retrieved from Seyana.

  He had looked into her eyes as she spoke, and he knew she hadn’t been lying. The Masters were bringing their factions to America—to New Orleans. Serafino had to rank his priorities now. He needed to find Dax. But he also needed to turn some of the humans left in the city in order to make sure that the North American faction would be ready for war.

  Serafino knew of several places nearby where they hadn’t scavenged for prey. Not only would hunting humans expand their forces, but it would also give him a chance to hone his fighting skills for when the other factions arrived.

  After spending twenty minutes thinking about his options, Serafino left his private quarters and returned to the balcony inside of the club. His throne sat empty, though his two lieutenants stood nearby. The boy, Kevin, remained at Yvonne’s side, as well. The rest of Serafino’s army stood on the floor of the theater. As he had commanded, they remained silent. Serafino stopped near his throne, facing Jonas and Yvonne.

  “It is time to gather more humans. We must expand our army before the other factions arrive.”

  “Do you think they are really coming?” Jonas asked. “She wasn’t lying?”

  “No. They’re coming.”

  “I would be honored to go retrieve more humans for you,” Yvonne said.

  “I know you would be. But there’s no need for that. I will be leading this expedition.”

  “If that is your wish.” Yvonne bowed.

  “The two of you will stay and keep this place secure. I also want troops looking for the human. He’s in the city somewhere, and we have to find him. Remember, he is different. The man can cloak his presence, and so you will have to be thorough in your searches.”

  “We’ll send you updates,” Jonas said.

  Serafino shook his head. “Do not bother. I don’t want to be disturbed during this hunt.”

  Jonas bowed.

  “Please gather my five best soldiers. They will be going with me.”

  Yvonne took the lead, staring out into the crowd of vampires and telepathically alerting those who would be accompanying Serafino on the hunt.

  Five vampires stepped forward. He recognized them as ones he had turned shortly after the grid had gone down. They stood in a semi-circle, ready to do as commanded.

  “We will return soon, and with more troops to serve the faction.”

  Serafino turned his attention to Kevin. He kneeled in front of the boy. Kevin shifted his gaze up, and Serafino smiled.

  “You will see your friends again, very soon.”

  Serafino ran his hand through the boy’s hair, then stood and marched toward the front of the building. His small band followed.

  As Serafino made his way up the aisle and towards the front door, the others bowed.

  He stepped up onto the sill so that his feet were sticking out of the open window, and he looked out into the dark skies as the rain started again.

  Then he flew into the night.

  Serafino hovered above the buildings. Looking down, he watched as his soldiers ran with haste across the roof of his block-wide compound. When they reached the end, the vampires leaped to the next building. He had chosen his most mature vampires, and they had gained the ability to leap the length of an entire city block.

  In the near distance, only a few streets away, Serafino eyed his target. He had yet to scour Harrah’s Casino and Hotel yet. With the building being so tall, and the casino being one of the biggest tourist attractions in the city, he knew it would be filled with humans. He had been waiting for the right time to invade the building. Human prey had been more interesting to hunt when they had hope. Allowing them to survive in the building this long after the grid had gone down had been a luxury, but the other factions were coming. He would need to clear the hotel, to use his reserves.

  Serafino flew towards the building. He guided his soldiers to it, watching them jump f
rom building to building.

  When they arrived, Serafino flew to a window three stories above the waterline. His soldiers awaited his next command from a nearby rooftop. The vampire leader smashed through the glass, and then signaled his soldiers.

  The five vampires took turns leaping from the roof, clasping onto the side of the building like spiders. They crawled up to the open window and entered the casino hotel. Once all five had gone through the window, Serafino leaped through feet first.

  They waited for him as Serafino scanned the room. Though it was dark, Serafino had the ability to sense humans. His soldiers had begun to develop this sense, but none of them with as much precision as Serafino.

  They moved into a hallway, doors on either side stretching down the long corridor. Serafino focused his vision, concentrating fully so that he could sense living creatures if they were on the other side of a wall. Nothing. He moved down the hallway, his soldiers following.

  They came to a set of stairs, and Serafino went up a level. Humans. He felt them, so he continued up the stairs for four more levels until Serafino found what he was looking for. He stopped in the hallway and grinned.

  Groups of humans occupied this floor of the hotel. He could feel them. Could sense their fear. His heartbeat accelerated, and his fingertips tingled. The desire flared in his soldiers. They paced behind him, their breath quickening. Serafino commanded them to move forward.

  The creatures each went to a different door and waited. Once they were in place, Serafino closed his eyes and commanded his soldiers to proceed.

  Almost simultaneously, they kicked down the doors. The humans cried out, and the vampires screamed. Serafino could feel the suffering. The screams came in violent waves of sound, and Serafino stood back and grinned.

  The vampire soldiers trapped their prey, and turned them, and Serafino could feel their humanity fade as they transitioned to immortality. The rooms began to glow orange.


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