SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 11

by K'Anne Meinel

  Grace looked at the hand from her position on the couch too. She knew it should have stitches. She knew Joan was right handed and this could affect her painting. Well, she couldn’t force her to go to the hospital. “Joan” she said quietly.

  Joan looked up. Graces voice had been so gentle it caught her unawares. What she didn’t know was that Grace could read the sadness in her face now.

  “Joan” she repeated “I don’t know what you saw” she shook her head for emphasis. Her face was quiet and concerned “I wouldn’t have done that to you.”

  Shrugging as though it didn’t matter Joan answered “I know what I saw Grace.”

  “I’m not doubting you, I’m really not. I just don’t understand it. The last thing I remember is the phone call where you said you had a surprise for me and then nothing. I heard nothing from you again.” She said it so gently that Joan could hear the angst in the word nothing.

  Annoyed at allowing Grace to manipulate her like this she retorted “if you had changed your mind about us you should have just told me. I’m an adult, I could have handled it.”

  “I never changed my mind about us. It was you I thought who had changed her mind.”

  Something about this just didn’t make sense. To either of them. Looking puzzled at Grace, Joan replied with that tone “if you weren’t cheating on me then who was that guy I saw you kissing that morning?”

  “Why don’t you explain to me what you saw that morning? I don’t remember even kissing a guy.”

  Sighing heavily and resigned Joan explained about coming in on the red eye that morning. This Grace already knew from Tracey’s investigation so she knew it to be true. Joan explained that she rented a car and came over to her apartment to catch her before she went to work. She told how when she walked up the walkway the guy had just been leaving and he turned back to give Grace a kiss. How Grace was dressed led to the obvious conclusions.

  Something about Joan’s explanation rung a bell. Grace wasn’t quite sure what yet though. She could tell that Joan was telling her version of the truth as she saw it.

  Joan finished simply. She described the man as best she could as well as the car he drove leaving Grace to form her own conclusions of what Joan had seen. At the mention of the car Grace realized who it must have been. Not many people drove a mustard colored car anymore.

  “That must have been Terry.” She stated. Then added for Joan’s benefit “you know Terry, Tracey’s brother.” As though that explained it all.

  Having Grace confirm she knew the man didn’t help at all. It actually hurt more. Joan wasn’t sure what hurt more at the moment, her heart or her hand.

  “Look, he needed a place to stay that night. Nothing happened. His girlfriend kicked him out and he couldn’t get a hold of Tracey is all.” Grace leaned forward to emphasize her point. She wanted to reach out and touch Joan but wasn’t sure she wouldn’t be rejected. “He slept on the couch and I made us coffee, that’s all.”

  Joan looked back and forth between Grace’s eyes to see if she was telling the truth. She wanted to believe her. She did believe her. After a year of hurt to find out her assumptions were all wrong she was deeply ashamed. She’d jumped to the wrong conclusions. Been judge and jury and not even given Grace a chance to explain. Gawd, what a child she had been, you hurt me so I hurt you back. Only she had done one better, she had cut Grace totally out of her life. With these thoughts swirling around in her head she just sat there.

  A long time passed before she finally said quietly “God I’m sorry Grace. I saw him kiss you and saw the way you were dressed, and just assumed the worst.” She looked down at her hands shaking her head at her stupidity she continued “what an idiot I was.”

  Grace realized that Joan was berating herself, worse than anything she could say. Joan’s face told of the hurt she had caused and felt. “That was it? That was why you stopped calling?” She was getting angry herself. At Joan’s nod she continued “Why couldn’t you at least have asked?”

  Joan looked up, her green eyes pleading “Grace, it was all so new. What we felt, definitely what we did. I thought the worst. I thought you were using me or something. Call it immaturity, call it cowardice, I just didn’t have the confidence for the relationship and what I saw. I think it was natural for me to assume the worst. We were still getting to know each other. It was so intense.”

  Grace sat there quietly for awhile thinking over the hurt of the past year. How she had felt when Joan was out of contact. It was still a raw wound. She was glad to know the cause. Damn that Terry, of all the rotten timing. But no, she couldn’t blame him. It was rotten timing but just a coincidence. How could they have known Joan was going to be there at that moment. Their kiss had been as friends, no more. Wow what a mess. It could have been solved so quickly too. If only Joan had demanded to know what was going on. Instead they both had been hurt deeply. All for an innocent kiss. Remembering something she asked frowning “What was the surprise you had for me?”

  Joan watched the emotions flick across Grace’s face. The hurt in her chest was easing a bit. Hope was beginning to take it’s place. Blinking for a second at the question she indicated her braids with her left hand pulling a few out to emphasize her gesture. She was studying Grace’s face searching for forgiveness for her stupidity.

  “That was all?” Grace asked although she admired the rich beautiful braids.

  Taking a deep breath as the conversation seemed to be turning toward neutral territory Joan explained how she had gone to the spa and that she had bought a whole new wardrobe, the morning she was coming to Grace’s was to tell her that she was moving to California permanently and that their relationship needn’t be long distance anymore.

  After this recitation was finished Grace asked with a catch in her throat “And now?”

  Not sure what Grace meant she answered “Now what?”

  “Would you like to resume our relationship, our friendship?” She sat there holding her breath for the answer. She was studying her goblet in her hand.

  Incredulous at Grace forgiving her for her unfair stupid actions she sat there a moment and answered very quietly “No, I don’t think so.” Shaking her head.

  Grace felt her heart squeezing, she couldn’t believe that Joan wouldn’t be willing to start again.

  Joan leaned forward and with her left hand touched Graces hand grasping it. With her bandaged right hand she lifted her chin “I would like to start over though, if you want.”

  Joy showed in Graces eyes instantly. Leaning forward she placed her goblet on the coffee table and then she pulled Joan’s left hand farther forward and pulled Joan off balance to give her a kiss. She soon had her hands going through Joan’s braids pulling her head closer to her. She leaned back as Joan fell against her relishing the weight. Joan used her hands for leverage to get better control and her right hand hit the arm of the couch causing her to wince in pain and pull back, hissing through her teeth, she sat back looking in anger at her hand. Grace sat up concern written all over her face. “Are you okay?”

  “Yea, but this damn cut hurts like hell.” She was looking to see if any blood had seeped out of the bandage.

  “Why don’t you let me take you to the hospital so they can look at that” she offered solicitously.

  Smiling ruefully Joan looked up into Graces concerned eyes “No offense, but I hate hospitals” shaking her head slightly she continued “I won’t go.”

  Shaking her own head at Joan’s stubbornness she offered “Then let’s look at it properly. If you won’t go to the ER then we should take care of it otherwise.”

  “I thought we had?”

  Rising from the couch Grace pulled her up and inquired “Do you have any super glue?”

  Puzzled Joan nodded and said “In the studio.” She cocked her head in the direction of that room.

  Grace grabbed her left hand and pulled her along. Flicking on the lights she looked around, spotted the credenza, and headed for it, still holding Joan’s good hand. A
mused now Joan watched her look over the art supplies that were strewn over it. “Where is it?”

  Opening one of the apothecary drawers Joan looked inside and reached for the tube which she handed to Grace. Grace pulled her out of the studio, flicking off the lights on her way. She headed for the master bedroom bathroom and flicked on the lights there. She pulled Joan forward and began removing the dressing from her right hand. Joan just stood there watching her. The bleeding had stopped from the thick layer of gauze. Grace put the hand under warm water to ease off the three layers that had blood on them. It started to bleed again, dripping on the towel that had been left in the sink. Grace used the clean gauze to staunch it and had Joan hold it there while she unscrewed the cap to the super glue. Joan caught on to what she was doing and pulled the gauze away while Grace dabbed it down the deep cut on her hand. It bonded instantly. A little blood mixed with it. The cut was a full inch long and Joan held her hand still for Grace. The smaller cuts could be seen but they weren’t bleeding and Grace left those alone. When she was finished a small rise of glue was down the length of the cut. Grace looked up and smiled at Joan as she screwed the cap back on the tube. Remarking on the cleverness of Grace she leaned forward and kissed her. It rapidly became heated as they both realized the relief of finding out the truth this evening.

  Putting the tube down on the counter Grace used both hands to hold Joans face still. She moved her hands alongside her face and down her hair in back. Unable to find where her hair ended, it was so long, she brushed it aside to caress Joan’s back and pull her closer.

  Keeping her right hand out of the way Joan was pulling at Graces shoulder herself. She deepened the kiss as Grace pulled her closer, breathing in Graces perfume.

  Grace kissed along the tops of Joan’s pushed up breasts. Graces hand caressed down to the small of her back then on to her butt to gently squeeze it closer. At the contact on her butt Joan moaned out “Grace.” Joan wasn’t sure if the tingling in her body was due to the champagne or her rising desire.

  Caressing each more and more fervently as time went on, it was apparent they wanted each other desperately. Joan tried to unbutton Graces jacket with her left hand but it was awkward and Grace had to help. Reaching into the jacket she started caressing Graces bare skin. Grace could feel the warmth of Joan’s hand, it was sending her into a fevered response. She wanted this woman so badly, been denied her for over a year. She searched for the zipper to Joan’s gown, it wasn’t at the back and she found it under her right arm, she slipped it down in a whoosh. The gown fell away from Joan’s body, the dress had supported her breasts without a bra. Grace felt her knees weaken seeing that Joan wore absolutely nothing under the dress as it puddled at their feet. Joan reached to pull Graces jacket off her shoulders but one handed didn’t work very well and Grace finally just pulled it backwards off her shoulders. Underneath was only a black satin bra. Joan reached for the skirt button and Grace had to help her there too. Grace stood there in only black bikini underpants and bra as Joan admired her body under the bathroom light. Grace took in an eyeful as well. Joan had lost weight since she had last seen her. Grabbing Graces hand with her good left hand she led her to the bedroom and beside the bed began kissing her over and over, caressing her body with her left hand, holding her right lightly on Graces shoulder, fingertips only to keep her balance. Grace took her in her arms heatedly returning caresses. Her knees began to buckle and she sat down suddenly on the bed, tugging Joan on top of her she fell backwards and Joan’s braids scattered about them. Feeling downwards she found Joan to be very hot and wet to the touch. Joan moaned at her touch and reached downwards herself finding Grace equally hot and wet, she didn’t hesitate to insert her finger. Now Grace was moaning with her need. In no time at all she came quite hard. Gasping at it’s intensity she increased her efforts on Joan, kissing her heatedly she caught Joan’s first orgasm as Joan let out little shrieks of ecstasy into her mouth.

  An hour later they had pulled the sheets down and climbed into bed to cuddle. Joan leaned the back of her head against the front of Graces shoulder as Grace put her arms around her to hold her. Talking quietly they caught each other up on the past year. What each had done, how they had felt in the separation, what they each had done since.

  Grace was happy to hear how much work Joan had done. She hadn’t seen anything new on the internet and she had checked periodically hoping to see something that would give her a clue of the silence. When she saw no new work this had worried her too. Joan explained about a new catalog and how she wanted to put the new items in there and release them on the internet simultaneously.

  Grace told her how she had had to look for a new job because when she started looking around to see what was out there and when it had gotten back to UCI they had made things awkward. She didn’t tell Joan that she had looked around in Wausau, perhaps later she would. She’d been at LA Medical for about six months. Then she mentioned that she worked with Simon, hoping to see a reaction out of Joan about that. She knew she didn’t need to be jealous of Simon, given what she had witnessed at the gala, but she wanted to hear it from Joan.

  Joan laughed at the reference to Simon telling her how his uncle had set it up and telling her how he had kept hitting on her. He was a charming, irresponsible, BOY and of no interest to Joan. Slyly Joan looked up at Grace, why would she need a boy like that when she wanted a woman like Grace?

  Flattered Grace leaned down and kissed Joan. In that kiss was all the forgiveness she could muster. Joan was still kicking herself for it all but the kiss was very reassuring. With that they cuddled and went to sleep.

  ~ CHAPTER 10 ~

  An insistent voice came from the intercom “JOAN!” It was repeated in the kitchen, the studio, and then again in the bedroom. “JOAN?”

  Sleepily Joan looked around, for a moment disoriented. It was her intercom system. Reaching for it she hit the speaker button. “What?”

  “Joan? Did I wake you?” It was Madge from downstairs in the gallery.

  “That’s okay, I should be up. Whatcha want?” she squinted at the clock. It was slightly after 10.

  “There’s a car parked in the drive, do you want me to have it towed?”

  Thinking for a count of five she answered “a green Jaguar?”


  “No, that’s a friends car, just leave it.” She reached for the speaker button to turn it off when she heard Madge again.

  “Did you know your phones are turned off upstairs, not even the machine is on?”

  “No, I didn’t. Why did someone call there?” She was trying hard to wake up. She went to rub the sleep out of her eyes and instead poked herself in the eye when she saw her right palm again.

  “Yeah, Craig called and asked that you call him as soon as your in. Also someone called Jack called and say’s he’s looking for you to stop by?” Questions like this always made Madge sound like Joan was dating a million and one guys.

  “Okay, thanks, anything else?” Her eye was smarting and she was blinking rapidly to keep it from tearing up too much. She’d forgotten to remove her makeup the previous evening as well. It felt a bit caked on.

  “Nope, nothing else. See you later?”

  “Yeah, see you.” She reached over and pushed the speaker button to disconnect. If Madge had pushed hers it would be enough to disconnect but she wasn’t taking chances of leaving the channel open. Remembering last night fully now with her hand hurting a bit she reached across the bed and looked to see it empty. Hearing water running in the bathroom she reached to the speaker phone and auto dialed one of her sons numbers. Laying back against the pillow with her hands tucked under it her face towards the phone she waited for him to answer.

  “Hello?” It was Jane.

  “Hi Jane, it’s me Joan, is Craig around?”

  “He’s been trying to reach you for two days. Hang on, I’ll call him.” With the grace of a pig caller she yelled “CRAIG!” which came clearly through the speaker. Any chance of Joan being sleepy
still, was eliminated with that screech. She thought she could hear the baby crying in the background. She heard Jane tell him it was ‘his’ mom.


  “Hey honey, what’s up?” She stretched, cracking her neck and legs.

  “Where’ve you been Mom? I’ve been trying to reach you for two days.” Exasperation was in his tone.

  “Oh I had that gala yesterday. I didn’t realize I’d turned off the machine. Sorry about that. What’s going on?”

  “Did I wake you or something? You sound muffled.”

  “Well, actually I was asleep until Madge called. It was kind of a late night.” She tried not to yawn into the speaker.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  Remembering her evening she smiled at the question and answered “Yes, I did. You didn’t call me though to ask me about the gala did you?”

  “No, some old guy by the name of Richardson was trying to reach you at the foundation. He said he was accepting your offer but that he needed the money immediately. By Monday at the latest.”

  Thinking quickly she absorbed this information. Sitting up in and swinging her legs off the bed she leaned over the phone. “Richardson you said?”

  “Yes, that’s right, Richardson. What’s this all about?” Craig hated being left out of the loop. Information was important in his business.

  “Say, you get a $50,000 cashiers check messengered over to him immediately with a standard purchase contract. I want that sown up immediately. It’s some land I wanted and he thought he could get double.” Excitement tinged her voice.

  “$50,000 on a Saturday? Come on Mom, I’m not a miracle worker.” Exasperation was in his tone.

  “Sure you are, that’s why you do what you do. Don’t tell me you can’t get that money today? Take it from my personal account if you must, but I want that land. You hear me?” With that tone, he was left in no doubt.


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