SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 25

by K'Anne Meinel

  Waking up the next morning Joan was pleased to find Grace still in her arms. She looked forward to today and her son’s marriage. Gwen was a good mate for him and she wished them both well. Thinking about Gwens parents though caused her to unconsciously tighten her hand, squeezing Grace in the process. Grace sleepily awoke.

  “Is something wrong” she asked her voice thick with sleep.

  “No” Joan kissed her brow “sorry, I didn’t intend to wake you.”

  Smiling in remembrance of the previous evening Grace asked “why not?” She turned over to rise over Joan brushing her breasts against Joan as she reached for a kiss.

  Joan hooked her leg behind Grace to pull her closer as they began to make love. Later in the bathtub they discussed the coming nuptials and Grace told her some of Gwen and Adam’s plans that Joan didn’t know. Joan had chosen this particular bathtub for this very reason. They could both sit in it’s molded seats. It was long and deep and they could soak in it for as long as they wanted. If they wanted the jets on it would shoot the water in a circular motion reheating it as it sucked some of it into the mechanism. Joan played with Graces toes as they talked. Joan had put up her braids to keep them from getting wet again. After an hour in the tub they were both pruny but happy. Wearing nightgowns and robes they went down for breakfast.

  Mrs. Richardson had scrambled eggs, toast, bacon, orange juice, and apple juice ready and waiting on the table for them. They were halfway through their meal when Gwen came upstairs and then soon after Kara. Gwen didn’t look at all as a blushing bride should. Her hair was all in disarray from sleep, severe bed head, her face puffy and creased where it had lain imbedded in a pillow. Kara looked perky much to Joan’s disgruntlement. She too had been in her twenties once but never this perky. Kara wouldn’t be coming to the church but would join them later for the reception. She didn’t know Adam well as she had only started working for Joan at the beginning of the tour. She had made friends with Gwen quickly though and everyone had felt it would be rude to leave her at the house. Mrs. Richardson would be at both the church and the reception. Her husband as well. She was good friends with the boys after the previous summers non stop partying. This summer with Joan gone hadn’t been as wild even though the boys and their friends had used the boat and wave runners.

  Joan had finished her breakfast when the intercom from the front gate went off. As she had risen to put her plate in the sink she answered it. A car could be seen as well. A head sticking out of it to push the button at the gate. Seeing that it was Gwen’s parents she didn’t bother talking and instead released the gate which swung wide to let their car through. Joan went to the front door to let them in. Don was jovial this morning but Mrs. Kovoch stared disapprovingly at Joan’s morning attire. Joan invited them to breakfast and escorted them into the alcove but they refused having eaten at the hotel. Mrs. Kovoch told all of them that they had had trouble finding the chalet as they lived so far out. She stared at Joan as though it was all her fault. Joan offered her a tour but she refused and instead turned to her daughter to hurry her along. The intercom went off again and Joan turned to let another car filled with giggling bridesmaids in. Deciding that she didn’t want to be involved in this part of the wedding Joan headed upstairs.

  She was standing in her studio for the first time in over five months. Grace found her there just looking around with her head raised to the sunbeams coming through the skylights. Her eyes closed she looked like she was praying. Grace smiled, amused. She thought about the rude woman downstairs who Joan antagonized with just her being. She went and gave this woman whom she loved a hug putting her arms around her from behind. Surprised Joan hugged her arms to her. It was mornings like this she loved best. The closeness, the simpleness of it, she missed it.

  All too soon it was time for everyone to get ready for the wedding. It was at 2:30 and the photographer wanted them there early to get a few pictures out of the way. Joan dressed in a dress she had found in Berlin. It was modest and not at all matronly. She ended up looking incredibly sexy after she put the gray sparkling concoction on. Grace certainly appreciated it’s effect. Grace was wearing a suit similar to the tuxedo dress she had worn back at the gala in California. This one was a velvety brown and made her eyes stand out. The skirt was slit up to there, showing off her long legs. Joan thought her very attractive in it. As soon as they both stepped down off the stairs they ran into Mrs. Kovoch. Her disapproving glare encompassed them both. Joan and Grace exchanged a look and almost burst out laughing. Going into their chaotic living room it was full of bride and bridesmaids all chattering nervously. Gwen stopped chattering long enough to exclaim over their outfits. Joans long mane of braids intrigued the bridesmaids, a sister and two best friends from college. Joan was bombarded with questions on how to take care of them, how long it took to grow them, etc.

  Finally it was time to head to the church. A limo took the bride and her parents first. Another limo took the bridesmaids and a third took Grace and Joan. Kara had caught a ride with the bridesmaids, all similar in ages, and already fast friends. Mrs. Richardson had left soon after breakfast.

  The wedding was beautiful. Adam stood tall and proud in his English morning suit. The pinstriped tux showing off his tall frame wonderfully. Craig stood behind him as best man, Bryan escorted one bridesmaid and a friend from college the other. They promised to love and cherish in sickness and in health until death doeth part. Joan smiled widely, holding back tears, watching one of her babies get married. She was so proud of Aaron as ring bearer. His job finished he sat in front of his Grandma, Grace, and Jane who held little Jennifer. The flower girl sat in front of the Kovoch’s, she was Gwen’s niece. Gwen’s two brothers were ushers. The one they had embarrassed yesterday made sure he didn’t make eye contact with Grace or Joan.

  The reception was a riot. There were flowers everywhere. Disposable cameras were at every table for candid snapshots. Joan danced with her son and then with Mr. Kovoch. Adam went over and drew Grace up for a dance as well. Joan danced with her other son’s. They too made sure to dance with Grace. Joan even danced with Aaron much to his delight. The food was delicious. Gwen and Adam had chosen wisely and their guests were well satisfied. Just before midnight they slipped away to their honeymoon suite. The party continued without the bride and groom until well into the morning. Joan and Grace took their limousine back to a quiet chalet to spend a quiet morning together. People would arrive later for brunch.

  The caterers arrived at 9AM on Sunday to set up for brunch. Joan was doing pretty well despite the lack of sleep the past few days. With the time change she could tell it would be catching up to her soon. Her butt was starting to drag. Grace watched her closely to be there if she began to falter. The presents were all over the dining room. The caterers set up their own tables in front of the windows and doors to the deck. People began arriving and Joan switched off the security system and gate. She swung the gate wide so cars could just pull into the drive. Everyone who had been invited to the brunch had maps to find the chalet.

  Grace had given the newlyweds a hint that they would be leaving this afternoon on their honeymoon but not where. She hadn’t wanted Adam to buy a second set of tickets to somewhere so she told him only that she and his mother had bought their honeymoon as a wedding present. She only told them to pack a toothbrush and a smile. Laughing at them she also told them to pack shorts and swimming suits. She wouldn’t reveal where they were going until their brunch.

  Joan sat on the couch as they opened their gifts. Grace was chatting with Jane as the presents were revealed. They got FIVE automatic coffee makers alone. Joan laughed with everyone else. The caterers had done a good job and everyone had plates full. Mrs. Kovoch hovered around her daughter to help keep track of who gave what. The wedding planner stood discretely back so Mrs. Kovoch could help. Finally the last present was opened and duelly noted. Grace stood up and took an envelope that she had hidden. She walked over to the newlyweds in front of everyone and handed them the envelope
kissing each one on the cheek, telling them it was from Joan and she. Gwen squealed when it was revealed they were going to the South Pacific. They would be on a boat chartered for their honeymoon and sail among the islands for two weeks. Adam gave Grace a hug and a kiss and then went over to do the same to his mother. Gwen hugged Grace unashamedly exclaiming over the gift. She went over to Joan and kissed and hugged her thanking her. Looking her full in the face she asked if she could now call her Mom? Joan froze and she could see out of the corner of her eye that Mrs. Kovoch froze as well. Laughing she said how about Joan instead? You have a mom she pointed out. Laughing with her, no one could burst her bubble, Gwen agreed.

  The honeymooners left around 2 to catch their flight. As instructed they had packed shorts and the like so were ready to go but they had to pick up their passports. The wedding gifts would remain at the chalet until the newlyweds returned from their honeymoon in two weeks.

  Joan and Grace said goodbye to the last of their guests soon afterwards and the caterers cleaned up the place. Don thanked Joan for their hospitality and left with Mrs. Kovoch who hadn’t said a word in gratitude.

  Joan went upstairs to pack for herself. She hadn’t brought much knowing she was staying for only two nights. Grace was depressed to see her go but drove her to the airport with Kara to catch a 4 PM flight. Grace walked them in and waited until the flight was called. Hugging Joan tight she told her she’d see her in a week or so in LA.

  ~ CHAPTER 29 ~

  When Joan touched down at LAX she felt like she was coming HOME. The palm trees and the warm sun greeted her. The limo took her to the Hyatt and she slept for 12 hours straight. The last week in Moscow had been hellish. She had arrived in Los Angeles days before Grace would in order to take care of some business. The next morning she had the limo driver take her down to Westminster in Orange County to the jeweler she had contacted from Venice and again in Rome and Moscow. The ring she had drawn should be ready to be picked up. The limo pulling into the mall caused some curious glances but Joan ignored them. Allan had insisted she have a body guard in Los Angeles and San Francisco so now a guy by the name of Michael shadowed her. Telling the driver to wait nearby she went into the mall where the jeweler had his store, Michael followed discretely behind her. On the lower level she found a directory and his store. The mall had changed a lot in the 20 years since she had last been there. She walked into the jewelers and three heads whipped up. They seemed startled when she introduced herself and asked to see the old jeweler. He had heard her ask for him and popped out from a back room. He ushered her to a seat and brought out the ring. It was gorgeous. Exactly what she had asked him to create. The stone was incredible and the picture he had sent on the internet hadn’t done it justice. Joan paid the balance due on the ring as well as the deposit on the rest of the pieces she ordered from him. Pulling another drawing from her purse she explained to him what she needed for this new ring. Smiling and nodding as she explained he understood exactly what she wanted. Taking the sketch he promised it in two months. Showing her a few uncut gems, she couldn’t decide and she couldn’t tell until they had been cut what they would look like. He would email the pictures of the stones she wanted when they had been cut. Smiling happily at the ease of their business transaction she slipped the boxed ring into her purse. Shaking his hand she departed. Into the mall she went with Michael discreetly a step behind her. She had told him about the ring and told him she would shoot him herself if anything happened to it. She put it in the hotel safe until she needed it.

  That afternoon she went to Malibu to visit her gallery there. She and Madge discussed business for a full three hours before she headed to the beach for a jog. She stopped in at Jack’s first much to his delight. She caught up on gossip with him and Marie, one of the waitresses. He raved to other diners that this was the artist who created his beautiful works of art in the dining room. Embarrassed she just shook her head at him. Finally she headed out for her jog. The limo met her and Michael down the beach several miles. Michael wasn’t much of a jogger and Joan teased him about it all the way back to her hotel room. She changed into a swim suit and sat out at the pool until the sun set. She ate at the hotel dining room and several people stopped by her table to talk to her. Michael sat next to her as though her date. Few would guess he was her body guard.

  The next day Joan went for a long jog. Michael had found a bicycle somewhere and he followed better today. The sun was murderous and she could feel it on her bare head. A headache began to pound at her temples from the sun. She jogged back to the hotel to lie down. She took ibuprofen to get rid of the headache. After a few hours and things getting worse such as seeing spots where there weren’t any she became worried and called Kara. Kara panicked and called the hotel doctor. He recommended that she go to the hospital which she refused. After much discussion and arguing they finally agreed to give her an IV there at the hotel. She was laying on the couch with a cold cloth over her eyes and a needle sticking out of her arm when Grace walked into the suite. Alarmed at seeing Joan like this she demanded “What the HELL is going on?”

  Joan woke up immediately upon hearing Graces voice. She tried to rise from the couch but dizziness overcame her and she fell back down. The doctor told her to stay there. Grace rushed to her worried. The doctor explained to Grace that Joan was a bit dehydrated, had too much sun, and had refused treatment at the hospital. The IV was to rehydrate her. Grace was furious at this irresponsibility. Joan should be at the hospital not in some posh hotel room. She vented on Kara who discreetly left. Joan tried to calm her but Grace was adamant about this. Finally Joan agreed if she didn’t feel better soon she would go, but the IV worked along with the orange juice and ice she had been sucking down.

  Grace waited until the doctor had left before airing her feelings to Joan. How irresponsible to jeopardize her health like this. Joan told her dryly she was happy to see her too and was she as hungry as Joan? Not funny. Grace was furious. It took awhile for her to calm down. She had looked forward to this week in LA with Joan. They had planned to see their friends and go to some of their old haunts. With the exhibit right there they would have plenty of free time. Now she just wanted to hide here up in their suite. Joan persuaded her to at least go to dinner with her. Michael shadowed them as they made their way to the dining room. With Michael eating with them they couldn’t talk about anything personal so Grace told her about her flight and arrival. Michael had sent the limo for her. Grace planned on renting a car for the rest of the week. Joan said why bother when the limo was available. Shrugging it off she guessed she could use it if she HAD too, grinning at the great inconvenience of having a limo at her disposal. She and Joan giggled like school girls.

  They returned to the suite after dinner to catch up and as there were no plans to go out that night Michael retired for the night but not before stressing that they should CALL him if they changed their minds about going out.

  They sipped wine and looked out at the skyline of LA from the balcony. It had rained several days before and the smog hadn’t had a chance to blur it. The night was crisp and clean and clear. They were up on the 20th floor and had a good view. Joan heard the doorbell ring and went to answer it. She had arranged for her package from the safe to be delivered to her. Checking that it was HER package she signed for it. She slipped the box into her robe. Grace came in from the balcony. She closed the patio doors saying it was getting cold. She went into the bedroom and returned shortly thereafter. Joan sat on the couch with another glass of wine. Grace sat down next to her and they stretched out quietly beside each other, a companionable silence.

  The quiet was broken when Grace turned to Joan and asked “Joan, how long have we been together?”

  Thinking for a moment she answered “four and half years or so.”

  “Have you ever thought of making it permanent?” she asked.

  Releasing a quiet little snort of air through her nose Joan answered “well if what we already have isn’t permanent I’d like to know wh
at is.”

  Grace tried another tack. She was nervous and it was beginning to show. “Joan, you know I love you?”

  Joan stared at her like she was crazy “Of course”

  Reaching into her robe pocket Grace pulled out a box and said very seriously “would you marry me?” She opened the box to show a beautiful solitaire gem. The gem was huge at least 5 karats.

  Joan was totally surprised and her mouth hung open staring at the ring and thinking. She didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. She didn’t answer for so long that Grace was becoming even more nervous. Finally, closing her mouth she swallowed and answered looking straight into Graces eyes “Yes, I’ll marry you Grace” she reached into her robe pocket and withdrew the box retrieved from the safe. She opened it to reveal the ring she had had made for Grace as she continued “but only if you will marry me?”

  Now it was Graces turn to be astounded. She stared at this incredible ring before her. You could have dropped a pin in the room they were both so quiet. Joan was waiting on Graces answer. She was sure of what it would be but she wanted to HEAR it. Finally Grace looked up with tears in her eyes. She nodded dumbly and said throatily “yes, oh yes Joan I would love to.” She closed her ring box and threw her arms around Joan, unbalancing her.


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