SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

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SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP Page 40

by K'Anne Meinel

  At this Joan looked up alarmed. A secret had slipped. She’d been so concerned about Grace the past few days she’d worked on auto pilot. Graces desire to go back to work so soon had annoyed her. Her desire to help the patient who had caused all this angered her. Joan’s own inability to do anything about it all had brought on a rage. She’d been keeping things in check over the past days by taking them out on the punching bag and cushions. She wasn’t used to being the one taking care of things of this nature. Write a check, fine, things were fixed. She couldn’t write a check though to fix this. In her frustration she’d stopped communicating with Grace and she knew nothing of Joan’s feelings. Taking a deep breath she told Grace all this, she told her feelings, her emotions over it all. She told Grace how she felt about her job, how she’d always worried, that this incident had confirmed all her worst fears over the years. She hadn’t wanted Grace to know how she hated some of the people that Grace had to deal with. The people that were sick in this manner. It wasn’t often that people like this, this severe, came into Graces sphere of work but it was always a possibility.

  Grace was really stunned. She’d known over the years that Joan didn’t feel comfortable around some of her patients, but not to this extent. Joan’s fears, real and justified, had all been confirmed. She couldn’t defend her job. Joan understood her need to help others, her desire to be the best psychiatrist she could. It was the danger involved in dealing with the mentally unstable that got Joan. They could be so unpredictable and this was what bothered her. This attack had brought all she was feeling to the forefront. Her own illness had compounded the worries she felt regarding Grace.

  They sat there discussing things for hours. Each other’s fears. Each others emotions. It brought them closer than they had felt since the wedding. Grace understood Joan’s hatred of the job, how uneasy she felt. Joan understood Grace and her need to help others. They finally discussed the money that Joan had deposited in Graces account. Grace explained how hurt, how kept, how insulting it seemed to her. Joan explained that it didn’t really mean anything to her, the money. She was comfortable, she hadn’t wanted Grace to have any worries, what was hers was Graces. It was an uneasy part of the conversation but at least it was aired. They decided they needed a vacation before Joan’s hectic career began to get in their way again. Grace needed a break as well. Before New York and it’s party. The house in Barbados they had never even seen. Each of the boys had been down there but not Joan and Grace. Grace was sure she could get one of her weeks of vacation in the next couple before New York.

  Grace did indeed take one of those weeks due to her. She and Joan packed shorts and swimsuits, tanning oil and passports, and away they went. D.O.G. went over to Craig’s welcome household and the chalet was locked up for the week they were gone.

  Barbados was a pleasant surprise. Joan had heard of the house going into foreclosure by chance one day and on impulse had purchased the note from the bank. She’d settled with the delinquent owner’s and they’d left the property to her. The management company had assured her that the property was in excellent condition and the furniture intact. The guys had raved over the acquisition and now Joan and Grace could confirm it’s incredible location. The beach was down a four foot drop from the lawns of the property. A private beach. Too far for tourists to walk, occasionally they’d get horses and their riders down this far, but overall it was secluded. The villa was long and low. Built to last through hurricanes and the years, it was over 100 years old and looked as though it had always been there. An old plantation surrounded it and you had to drive for over half an hour to get to town. Joan and Grace loved their impromptu getaway. Mornings were spent leisurely on the patio eating breakfast, attended to by a discreet staff of servants that were hired for the week they were there and for when the villa was rented out to other vacationers. Afternoons they’d go exploring either in town or on their own beach. Running into the surf to swim. Evenings were spent in front of the unnecessary fire in the fireplace but it was so very romantic. Graces bruises were all faded and she became very tanned. Joan made sure there were no tan lines on either of them, she’d convinced Grace to sunbathe in the nude. The week sped by all too soon and they determined Christmas should be spent here!

  Grace returned to work and many commented on her tan. She kept to herself that there were no tan lines but grinned when she was by herself at Joan’s insistence of tanning in the nude. They’d even made love on the beach much to Grace’s surprise. It had been so beautiful, so idyll, so private. They’d needed their time alone together after dealing with the last year.

  ~ CHAPTER 42 ~

  The New York gallery was jammed. The party was being held at the spot that contained Joan’s work as well as several other up and coming artists who’s work Joan admired and encouraged. The managers Ella and Frank Fitz were doing a splendid job thus far. Craig, Jane, Adam, a very rounding Gwen, Bryan, Kim, and Grace were all there to see Joan launch her new book and her newest gallery. The place was packed to the rafters with art people, buyers, artists, politicians, even stars. The elite mixed and mingled with the poor. A complex group that all had a great time. Joan was beyond exhausted by the end of the party and her party wasn’t the only thing she had to attend that week. An entire week of parties, social engagements, dinners, meetings. All set to launch both the book and the gallery in fine manner. Allan was at his best. He had Joan up on a proverbial pedestal that rotated the art, the book, the woman into all the circles that continued to bring her such success. The hint that another book would be forthcoming in the next year had everyone pleased. Grace watched from afar as Joan was continually sought after. Her autograph’s in demand, her opinions, her expertise. She was in her element and Grace knew how much she hated it all. The adoration, the falseness of these people. They had too much money, too little time, and many were brainless. Joan far preferred creating her works of art to all the business behind it. She was thrilled though to have Allan handle the details, it was different when she was younger, less well known, but now it was just too much work for her alone. She didn’t mind upsetting her quiet life for a week to be paraded around. As long as it was only for a week. She made that very clear to Allan. He really wanted to do another tour, to hit some of the lesser cities that they had missed. Perhaps South America and Africa. She wasn’t even tempted.

  The guys basked in the reflected glow of their mother’s accomplishments. The families picture was taken over and over again. Joan made sure Kim was included as well as Grace. It was finally understood that Grace and Joan were a couple. Ah, she was an artist, it was to be expected. People accepted it more easily in this circle.

  ~ CHAPTER 43 ~

  Kim was uneasy. She hadn’t realized what marrying into Bryan’s family would be like. Yes, she knew they were very wealthy or rather Joan was. She understood Joan was famous. She didn’t know her picture would be splattered over newspapers coast to coast. She’d received a reply to her letter to her parents acknowledging her engagement and asking for a wedding date but that was the last she had heard from them. She wasn’t surprised when she and Bryan returned from New York to find several messages on her answering machine from not only her father and mother but her brothers. Deleting them one by one, she hid them from Bryan. It ate at her and their relationship became a bit strained. Deciding that she was being a coward, she sat down with him one day and explained about her family.

  She had nothing to do with them for the most part. They hadn’t supported her when she decided to become a doctor. She was still paying on those loans and the clinic had been run on a shoe string budget until Joan had come into her life. Her family still thought her living hand to mouth and she preferred that they think that. She didn’t want them around her neck. She explained to Bryan how difficult it had been growing up.

  Her alcoholic parents had been absorbed with themselves and the bottle. Her brothers didn’t do anything but become career couch potatoes, impregnating girls at random, not caring to improve their lot
in life. She on the other hand had been a straight A student. Had wanted to get out of that situation that she had been born into, and go to college. Her family was certain she was from another planet. She was certain she had been left in a basket on their doorstep she was so different from them. Bryan listened to all of this in rapt fascination. He knew Kim’s life from college on but she had never really mentioned her family before. He had felt it was a taboo subject and he was right. She had no love lost for them. They figured once she was a doctor she could support them and she’d disabused them of the notion once she started the non-profit clinic.

  She explained to Bryan that she didn’t want him to think she was after his or his mom’s money but that if or when they met her family that impression would be real strong. Bryan assured Kim that no one would think that of her, knowing her. Her commitment to the clinic was substantial. She genuinely cared for these people. Her skills as a doctor were being used to their utmost to help them. Joan’s money assured that the clinic had state of the art equipment for that purpose. Kim continued to fret...she worried how Joan would react to the news that Bryan’s inlaws were money grubbing imbeciles who would expect handouts. Bryan convinced her to take it to Joan. He went along to provide moral support.

  Grace and Joan were sitting in front of the fireplace drinking a well deserved bottle of wine between them. They were discussing the New York trip and the people that they had met. Joan was talking about possibly retiring in a few years, perhaps slowing down and releasing new art only once a year or so. Her work was in such demand now that she was getting sick with all the people approaching Allan with deals. She wanted to still be able to create, not produce on demand.

  Grace was absentmindedly rubbing Joan’s shoulders with one hand as she listened. Grace too was thinking about retirement. She didn’t think she could though until she was at least 60. She enjoyed her work. She enjoyed her life with Joan too. The trips were fabulous. Joan always stayed in first class now. The public could be hectic but Joan assured her she was just the artist of the moment and not everyone knew her. She put down her empty glass to massage both of Joan’s shoulders. Joan put down her own glass as it was sloshing around anyway. They had replaced the couch that she had bled all over, there was no way that amount of blood could come out of a couch anyway. This one was classier anyway they both thought. The massage led to more interesting things. Grace was pushing Joan down on the couch kissing her deeply with her hand in Joan’s blouse when the front door suddenly opened. They both froze as Bryan and Kim walked in. Everyone suffered from acute embarrassment. Grace sat up, removing her trespassing hand. Joan sat up putting her clothes back where they belonged. Bryan and Kim had turned and shut the door, pretending to look at the design of the doors. A cough and cleared throat announced that Joan and Grace were back in order. The blushes on their faces though told a different story. To hide her discomfort Grace offered their guests some of the wine. When they declined she filled her glass half full and hid behind it. Joan watched her with amusement. Her son and his fiancee sat on the couch where it curved around opposite the couch she was sitting on.

  Bryan began to tell her Kim’s fears. Kim let him go as far as he knew before continuing on explaining about her family. She told what a disgrace they were, how tacky, and thoughtless of others. How afraid she was that they would embarrass the Wood’s family at the wedding, or worse yet shame everyone in some way. She didn’t apologize for them but she didn’t excuse them either. Bryan was proud of her. She didn’t need to get anyone’s approval regarding this but forewarned is forearmed and she was stating her case quite clearly to his mother. As he expected Joan waved off Kim’s fears. Joan explained to Kim that she had of course found out where Kim came from after the first check had been delivered. She knew that Kim was a good person or she would have paid off her loans with that money. She knew about her parents already and didn’t care. She asked Kim quite plainly, did she love her son? Kim’s smile and answer were yes. Joan said that nothing else mattered. Looking Kim directly in the eye she asked her plainly, are you after the money? Kim answered NO, emphatically saying she wasn’t. Joan told her that was good because the money wasn’t her son’s it was Joan’s and she’d be around a good many years yet to spend it as she saw fit. Kim laughed with Joan. It allayed Kim’s fears though. Her family could be so rotten. She didn’t want Bryan or Joan hurt by them. She was startled to realize though that Joan had had her investigated and already knew about her. Rather than being offended she thought it good business sense. She had to stop underestimating this amazing woman that she adored.

  They began to discuss the wedding. Bryan and Kim didn’t really want a huge wedding. They didn’t want to wait until spring either. Grace and Joan exchanged a look and had the same thought. Why not have the wedding in Barbados? Everyone thought that was an excellent idea until Kim pointed out that no one in her family could afford that trip. Bryan suggested they send two tickets to her parents but Kim explained that would just be the start. They’d whine that they couldn’t afford it, the tickets would arrive and then they would whine that they didn’t have the clothes, then they’d whine that her brothers couldn’t come. It would be never ending. Joan quietly suggested that if Kim wanted her wedding to Bryan in Barbados that they do exactly that and to hell with her grasping family. If Kim wanted to break off all ties with them, she was always welcome in the Woods family. Kim thought this over for awhile and agreed. Her family didn’t want or need her. They only wanted what they believed they could get from her. She didn’t want them around her neck or Bryan’s. She didn’t owe them anything.

  The wedding was set for Thanksgiving week in Barbados. Joan had to come directly from a show in Miami and met them all at the airport. Grace had managed an extra long weekend from the hospital. Craig, Jane, and their kids, Adam, a very pregnant Gwen, Donny, Bryan and Kim all set off across the gulf to Barbados. They were met by the minister who would be conducting the ceremony. A few friends had flown in and were staying in town. The second day after their arrival the ceremony would be conducted. The villa was packed to the gills with the Woods family. Everyone relaxed that first day on the beach. Joan and Grace exchanged several meaningful looks remembering their own days earlier in the autumn as they played with the grandchildren on the beaches.

  The ceremony was lovely. It was simple, it was festive, and it showed the love of these two kids getting married. It didn’t matter that Kim was older and had no money. It didn’t matter that Bryan was beside himself with joy and kept forgetting his vows. They loved each other. They wanted to commit to each other in front of family and friends. The party went on into the small hours until the newlywed couple slipped away to their honeymoon suite at one of the fine hotels. The few friends that had come took a mini bus back to town. The remainder of the vacation was to be spent among family.

  Joan and Grace were sitting on the beach being buried alive by a very dedicated threesome of Adam, Donny, and Jennifer. They were certain that Grandma and Grandma Grace would be more comfortable on the beach buried up to their necks in sand. Suddenly Adam was there, Gwen had gone into labor and he wanted Grace to help. They’d already called a doctor in town and he was on his way. Joan wanted to take her to the hospital immediately but Grace suggested they wait until the doctor came. Annoyed since Grace WAS a doctor Joan snapped at her. Grace laughed at her, she wasn’t THAT kind of doctor. The doctor arrived and he suggested that they all stay put. It would be better for Gwen to have the baby at the villa rather than move her to a strange hospital room. Tense hours filled their afternoon and evening. Just after midnight on Thanksgiving day Adam brought a squalling infant out of the bedroom to show his new son to the grandma’s, aunt, uncle, cousins, and brother. They decided to name him Abel, since Adam was first man and Cain had been in disgrace. Joan laughed at her son, they had never been very religious.

  The flight back was very hectic. A new baby will do that to you. To all of them. Bryan and Kim joined them for the flight back, appearing from
their honeymoon suite after a week. They greeted their new nephew with some surprise. The flight from Miami to Chicago was nice. From Chicago to Central Wisconsin was not. An early snowstorm made landing hazardous. The taxis that Joan had hired for each family were late and they stood in the terminal with toddlers and a new baby for an hour before they began showing up one by one. Joan and Grace took the last one and off they went into the blowing snow storm. The driver wasn’t thrilled to buck the small drifts on their remote road but the tip that Joan gave him upon their arrival at the chalet made him smile.

  They found at the chalet though that the heat and electricity were out. Using her cell phone Joan called Craig to get him onto finding out the why. Joan and Grace left their luggage by the door, it was useless anyway full of shorts and swimsuits. They bundled into sweatshirts and started a fire in the fireplace both on the main floor and in the basement. The electric one in their bedroom would be useless. It took about six hours until electricity was restored. They had sat huddled together on the couch as the fire roared in the fireplace warming only the air around it. The one downstairs however sent warm air throughout the basement. Joan was concerned about the Jacuzzi’s and the water in them. She waited until the storm was over to check the one in the gazebo. She was surprised to find it had warm water in it under it’s cover. Apparently the solar heat worked regardless of the electricity.

  Three storms back to back battered the Wausau area. By the time Christmas rolled around everyone had had quite enough snow. Grace had missed a lot of work, unable to get there during the storms, she wasn’t the only one though. Joan had arranged years ago when they built the chalet for their driveway to be plowed after storms such as these but even the plow couldn’t get through for an extra day until roads in their area of the county had been cleared.


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