A Mate for the Beta:

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A Mate for the Beta: Page 12

by E A Price

  Alec rubbed the back of his head and looked at Liv with a worried expression. “That sounds like a lot of work, I don’t want you getting too tired.”

  “Oh? Too tired for what?” Asked Acksel wickedly.

  Liv winked at the collected group and they burst into laughter.

  He gave her a disapproving look. “I meant because of the baby,” he ground out.

  “Oh my sweet, you shouldn’t worry. The baby’s only 9 days old, we have months of you worrying ahead of us. Lets pace ourselves.”

  Adam slapped Alec on the back. “You’re a lucky man. Remind me again how you managed to trick this angel into mating with you? Drugs? Mind control?”

  Liv giggled at Alec’s disgruntled growl. “No trickery required.” She said between hiccups of laughter.

  Alec’s mouth turned up into a wicked smile. “Just the ‘ole fashioned mating call, just wait till it happens to you.”

  Acksel snorted. “Yep, time comes we’ll be whipped too.”

  “Ha! I’m pretty sure I can handle it without ending up like a drooling love sick idiot. No offence Alec.”

  “Yes that’s what they all think...” Smiled Carly.

  Mac raised an eyebrow. “Shouldn’t we just pity the poor woman who ends up with my brother?”

  “Freudian slip, I think you meant ‘envy’ and ‘lucky’.” Said Adam smugly.

  “I’m sorry which words were we supposed to replace? ‘Cause I just can’t get that sentence to work.” Asked Jake, a look of confusion on his face as he pretended to try and work it out. His serious tone belied his teasing. Jake was always so serious it was sometimes hard to tell when he was actually joking.

  Liv started giggling, and Alec chuckled.

  “Aha! Look at that! I knew Alec did actually have a sense of humour.” Said Mac wickedly.

  “Well he’s done a good job of hiding it all these years.” Greyson added. He was always a good Enforcer, mostly because of his lack of fear.

  Alec glared at everyone. Liv tutted. “Oh leave him alone, stop bullying my mate. He’s perfect just the way he is.” She kissed him and he softened under her gaze.

  The rest of the group rolled their eyes but Carly smiled, feeling the warmth of affection between the couple. “Awww, I love newly mated couples.”

  “Yes, me too, even more so from a long distance.” Deadpanned Jake. Speaking quickly he said, “I heard from Iris Bennett’s lawyer. She left everything to a granddaughter.”

  Adam sobered quickly. “They give any indication about whether she’d sell?”

  “No, she wouldn’t tell them, but she’s coming down to the house this week.”

  Liv cocked her head on one side. “What’s this?”

  Alec stroked his thumb over her hand. “We want to purchase Iris Bennett’s house and land for the pack.”

  “It backs onto pack land. The pack’s getting bigger and bigger, we want to use it to build on.” Adam explained. “You ever meet Iris’s granddaughter?”

  “No, apparently Iris had a disagreement with her daughter, she never talked about her. I don’t think Iris ever met her granddaughter.”

  The wolves began an earnest discussion about what they wanted to do with the land. Liv slipped away to the kitchen to make some tea.

  She was looking out the window when strong warm arms surrounded her, he rubbed her stomach and kissed the top of her head.

  “Love you angel.”

  “Love you too my sweet.”

  She closed her eyes and exhaled and melted into her mates embrace. Everything was perfect.

  Hi there!

  Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed it. If you didn’t, my apologies for wasting your time. But no harm, no foul right!

  If you are interested I currently have three other short novellas in the series published for kindle (including my fave - book 3), the blurbs for which are below.

  Best wishes

  Elizabeth Ann Price (Or EAP!)

  The Alpha’s Mate (Book 2, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

  Rosalee Bennett comes to the town of Rose after inheriting the house of a grandmother she never knew. Things don’t exactly get off to a good start when she runs into the infuriating but sexy Alpha in the local grocery store and then gets in the middle of an argument in the local pizza parlour. Not that it matters, she’s not planning on staying in the sleepy little town.

  Adam Grey, Alpha of the pack, never has trouble with women. They all practically fall at his feet, until Rosalee... He doesn’t exactly make a great first impression, which is even more frustrating when he actually realises what his wolf was trying to tell him – she’s his mate.

  The Alpha struggles to think of a way to woo his sparky little mate. However when she wakes to find a burglar prowling in her house thankfully there’s a very determined wolf on hand to literally burst through her door to protect her...

  Can the Alpha convince his mate to stay with him? Can he keep her safe long enough to even make that decision?

  Please note this novella is approximately 32,000 words in length (a quick coffee break read!)

  But I must advise caution! Contains scenes of a sexual nature with m/f interaction intended for mature readers. (And there’s quite a bit of swearing too!) Naughty Alpha...

  The Librarian and the Wolf (Book 3, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

  Terri Lin, human, librarian. Following a devastating heart break Terri came to the town of Rose to start over. Not wanting to suffer the same heartache she dated younger men who like her just wanted a bit fun. She thought her latest young wolf would be just the same. He’s handsome and charming, but also childish and inconsiderate. She knows he’s still young and wouldn’t want to be tied down. So why does she yearn for more?

  Mal Tanner, wolf, Enforcer. He never expected to find his mate so early in life and yet from the moment he met the curvy little librarian he was smitten. Can he convince his mate that he’s the right wolf for her? Can he show her that he wants them to be together forever?

  Or is someone else vying for her affection? Someone else who thinks dead birds nailed to her front door make a heartfelt gift...

  Please note this novella is approximately 36,500 words in length (a quick read whilst waiting for Mike and Molly to start! Is anyone else watching that too?)

  But I must advise caution! Contains scenes of a sexual nature with m/f interaction intended for mature readers. (And there’s quite a bit of swearing too!) Naughty librarian...

  Running from the Vampire into the Arms of the Wolf (Book 4, Grey Wolf Pack Romance Novellas)

  Melanie Ramirez is on the run. For three years the little witch has been stalked by a vampire who just won’t take no for an answer. She needed to disappear. Which is why she changed her name to Melody James and showed up one day in the small town of Rose. All she needs to do was lay low, go unnoticed and live quietly. Not an easy task when faced with a wolf who excites and irritates her in equal measure...

  Hans Lucas is infamous in his pack for two things; hating witches and being the most aggressive wolf around. He doesn’t like other people and they don’t like him. Wolves and humans alike know not to mess with him. Even family members are wary of him. So then why does the newest witch in town purposefully choose to rile him? Why does it bother him so much that his better looking, younger brother has taken a shine to her? And why should he care that she’s lying about her past?

  Will Melanie be able to escape her past and will Hans accept her as his mate?

  Please note this novella is approximately 35,000 words in length (a quick read whilst waiting for the washing to dry!)

  But I must advise caution! Contains scenes of a sexual nature intended for mature readers. (And quite a bit of swearing too!) Naughty wolf...





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