Sable Hart, Vampire Slayer (Book 3): Blood Hunger

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Sable Hart, Vampire Slayer (Book 3): Blood Hunger Page 7

by Megan Hawke

  The pretty ash blonde with the big blue eyes seemed calm while Gustav quickly bound her hand and foot. I knew different. There was a certain amount of discomfort associated with the tight confinement, but she was anxious about the scene as well. Different people reacted differently, so it was hard for me to read her. Was this what she really wanted? Was she being forced into it? I couldn't tell.

  Most of Penny's clothes were neatly folded to one side. She'd stripped down to lacy garter belt, black hose with the seam up the back, and lace up red platform knee boots. She had a very nice set of c-cup boobs.

  She lay on her belly, ankles crossed and bound together. Her arms were pulled way back, and the forearms bound to parallel to each other and wrists bound to opposite elbows. My shoulders, arms, and upper back ached just looking at it.

  Gustav had also tied an elaborate series of ropes across her torso, from her groin to her neck. A single strand of rope was pulled up through her slit and tied to a strand around her waist. That was enough to make me forget about the arms. Her chest was also crisscrossed with rope and knots, accentuating her breasts, which Gustav was in the process of binding tightly.

  Yes, she was letting him bind her boobs close to her chest, making them balloon out at the end, turning purple-red. I could barely look at them. That disturbed me in a very base way. I so wanted to make him stop, but that was one of many things these people liked to do.

  "Are you good?" Gustav said. "Not too tight are they?"

  "Perfect," she said with a strained voice. "How much longer?"

  "We're ready. Can I get as assist over here?" Gustav said, looking around.

  He spotted me, and scowled. Yeah, I didn't like him either. I tried not to judge, but I deeply resented what he was doing to poor Penny. But I hurried over to him.

  "What do you need?" I said.

  "Help me lift her up," he said. "You're a vampire, so should be able to hold her up effortlessly while I suspend her."

  I scooped Penny up in my arms and held her horizontally. Gustav ran the extra rope hanging from her ankles up to a steel ring dangling from the ceiling. Others began moving over to check what he'd done. Most of the ropes crisscrossing her torso came to a series of knots above her shoulder blades, and a single rope came out of that. He tied that rope to the ring as well, but with some slack. So when I eased her down Penny's head was lower than her feet by some bit.

  There was no doubt about it, Gustav did a good job of it. Everyone said so. After my brief lessons I could see his artistry as well, because there was no way I could've done that good or elaborate of a job. But I heard a few "compliments" spoken that didn't amuse him, though he tried hard to smile through them.

  "Almost as good as Roger."

  "That's right up there with Roger and Philip."

  And such. Way to compliment a man by saying he was almost as good as someone else. Was there some form of BDSM politics going on there? Did the different knot masters have their devoted followers?

  "Great job, Gustav," I said.

  I smiled brightly, trying to encourage others to give him positive feedback. Running my gaze over the crowd, I did a double take. I thought I saw Roger at the back of the crowd, peeking in thought he double doors. But the door was ajar and empty when my looked again. I turned to go look for him.

  "McMuffin!" Penny whispered urgently. "McMuffin! I'm ready to get down."

  I didn't hesitate. Lifting her up, I waited for Gustav to untie the ropes to the ring. The table was not set up. I didn't recall seeing anyone take it away. Gustav called for it, but I just eased down to my knees and set Penny down on the cold tile floor.

  "She's really stress out," I said. Gustav hesitated, clearly not pleased I didn't wait for the table. He had no choice but kneel down and start untying her when I began struggling with the knots. "Start untying her now."

  "You looked awesome, Penny," Sabrina said, dropping down beside me and starting on her ankle bindings.

  Another double take was called for. Sabrina was hot. Red hot. And, she did it in pink. Everything she wore was pink, including her earrings, necklaces and bracelets. She wore matching pink lace up thigh boots and bolero jacket, with a soft pink leather bustier, that was short enough to leave her midriff exposed, with its pink rhinestone navel ring. Her snug leather low-riders were hot pink, with a wide pink rhinestone belt. Even her slave collar was hot pink with rhinestones and five silver rings evenly spaced around her throat.


  "What of it?" she said, amused. She obviously had gotten that question before. "In this crowd of black and blood red, pink really pops. I like to stand out in the crowd."

  "Well, you stand out," I said. Grinning, I shook my head. "You look hot."

  "Thanks," she said. She was pleased.

  "Don't blame me if I forget and steal that look sometime in the near future," I said as innocently as can be. "Things happen, you know?"

  "You'll have to wait. I got them in Isabella's boutique this afternoon. She has more boots, but everything else was one of a kind in her shop," Sabrina said. "Eat your heart out, Big Sis."

  Actually, I kinda was.

  "What about my outfit?" I said. I really wanted to know. Was I fitting in? Did I score with my outfit, or miss by a long shot? "You like?"

  "Yep," she said. I smiled. "I have it in red. Candy apple red, to be exact."

  I gawked at her a second, which really pleased her.

  "Damn," I said. I came that close to buying the candy apple red one, too.

  Someone was waiting for that play station, so we got Penny untied, wrapped her in her baby blue blanket and moved off to the side. Gustav let Sabrina and I give Penny her after care, and went over to assist at another play station.

  I noticed they were tying up Vanessa Wicker, called Nessa by all of her friends. She was the sixth girl in the photo, one of only three still alive. Nessa was a pretty little thing, maybe five three, with a curvaceous body. Her brown hair was cut in a sexy little bob, where the front was longer than the back. She was wearing one of the skimpiest outfits in the place, really just the briefest of string bikinis and black ankle boots.

  She eagerly stripped off the bikini and three men started tying her up. Gustav was the least unsavory looking of the three. I shook my head woefully, and returned my attention back to Penny.

  It took a good forty-five minutes of hugging and stroking her back and hair before Penny was back to her old kinky self. We helped her back into her clothes, and I went in search of Gustav or Philip. Prime suspects one and two.

  Sabrina tagged alone.

  "How come you weren't here last night?" Sabrina said. "We had one hundred and twenty members, and forty-five guests. It rocked. It was the best night ever since I joined just a year ago."

  "Was there a band?"

  "No, but Isabella hired this awesome DJ who play the best dance music. I spent half my time on the dance floor," she said.

  "And the other half?"

  "Getting tied up and spanked," she said, wagging her eye brows at me with gleeful naughtiness. "And then some."

  "Too much information."

  "Hey, if you want to hang here then be prepared to see me bent over a few chairs, tied up, and either getting spanked or fucked."

  "Or both," I grumbled.

  "In a perfect world, yes," she said. She grinned wickedly at me. "I got screwed seven times last night. I've never got it more than twice in a night before."

  "Oh my God," I said. Yeah I was shocked. She was worse than a vampire or a thrall.

  "Master T and his guest double-teamed me first," she said. Her eyes twinkled with glee. I think she enjoyed shocking me. "I got it on with four other guests, until Phillip tied me up in a private room and banged me for a whole hour. Wow. I almost passed out it was so good."

  "Glad I missed that," I said.

  We found Gustav in line for one of the private rooms with a pair of pretty brunettes. The longest lines were for the private rooms with actual doors. For, you know, privacy.r />
  "Isabella should do room assignments like it's done on Saturday nights, and have a sign-up sheet for each room with a designated block of time for each scene," Sabrina said.

  "Are you and your sister doing a scene together?" Gustav asked, giving me the evil eye.

  I didn't like the way he leered at us. Maybe it was just because I knew he was a vamp.

  "Don't be perverse," I said. Catching his eyes, I gave him an intense look that made him swallow. That accomplished, I smiled indulgently. "I'm here to learn from you. Teach me, O Wise One."

  The two brunettes looked at me, at Sabrina, then at each other. Without speaking a word to each other, they excused themselves and headed for the main parlor.

  "Guess they don't like doing scenes with vampires," Sabrina said. "Guess they didn't hear."

  "Hear what?" I said.

  "What you did for Angie. Wow, if you weren't my sister I'd want a little of that action," she said.

  I had to explain to Gustav what I did. He looked shocked. I don't know why, but he really was shocked. I know, because his heart rate ramped up. I can't sense vampire emotions like I can humans, but I could hear his beating heart.

  "If I have to teach you, then Sabrina has to be the sub," Gustav said.

  "No. No she doesn't," I said.

  "You just chased off the pair I've been trying to get alone in a private room for the past five weeks," he said, letting his annoyance shine. "Who else is there? You? I'll gladly tie you up."

  "I'm game," Sabrina said. "Gustav's good. Lousy after care, but he knows his ropes."

  Before I could compose my thoughts and voice my objections, the door opened and the room emptied out. Sabrina pushed between us and entered the room. Gustav gave me a scathing look that slowly turned into smug triumph as he followed her in.

  "There better be a spanking involved," Sabrina said. "Because I've been a very bad girl today."

  "Naughty as naughty can be?" Gustav said in a really bad English accent.

  "Right-O," Sabrina piped in, with an even worse accent.

  The room was just ten by ten. I expected to find a bed, but instead there was a red velvet couch. No one showed me all of the rooms, but I knew each of the private rooms had a different theme and décor. This room was in gaudy red and gold, with Louis the whatever furnishings.

  Sabrina started pulling out the needed gear from drawers and cupboards. They packed a lot in a little space. She pulled out red rope and nipple clamps. I was not pleased to see those. Then I glanced at the couch, and spotted three wet spots.

  I'm really starting to not like this place, I thought, grinding my teeth.

  "So, how do you want to do this?" Sabrina said. "Completely naked? Just my boots? Fully clothed."

  "Fully clothed," I said.

  "Just lose the pants and the bustier," Gustav said, as he began moving everything he'd need to convenient places close to the couch.

  Sabrina stripped off her top first, leaving the pink leather bolero jacket on. Her lace up boots had zippers, so she shucked them quickly, peeled off her pants, and zipped back into the boots.

  Gustav started by placing the nipple clamps on her. Each nipple clamp had a small silver bell. Sabrina had a generous bosom, if not quite as large as mine. Gustav really enjoyed playing with her boobs, bouncing them and making the bells jingle. Sabrina seemed to enjoy it as well.

  I could barely glance their way. All I could do was glance now and then, afraid he was hurting her but too freaked out to actually look. Then he maneuvered Sabrina to the middle of the couch, sitting at the very front edge, and began tying rope around her booted ankles.

  "Lean back, lift your legs high," Gustav said, and Sabrina obeyed. "No spread them as wide as you can."

  My sister was limber. Gustav took hold of her left leg and pulled the rope hanging off that ankle all the way to the top corner of the couch, over it and to a metal ring embedded there. He tied it off, then did the same to the right leg. Faster than I thought possible her legs were bound impossibly wide. Then he tied her arms to the same rings.

  It wasn't spread eagle, but it was spread something. In its own way, I felt that position more obscene than spread eagle. She looked more vulnerable and sexually exploitable. Both her vagina and anus were right there, easy access. Even her mouth was easy access.

  Gustav leaned over and kissed her deeply. Open mouth. Tongue. Sabrina loving it.

  I stomped out, slamming the door.

  I could hear them laughing. The urge to break something consumed me, but I fought it down. Deep breathes helped, despite the fact vampire's don't really have to breathe at all.

  I heard Sabrina grunt, felt her body changing. I knew he'd just penetrated her. I closed my eyes and trembled for a long moment. Her needs and desires washed over me, and I couldn't handle it. I marched away, heading as far from them as possible. The crush of the main parlor crowd would help block my sister's passion.

  I ran into Mistress Mandy in the women's room, touching up her makeup. I went into a stall and pissed. Okay, with my outfit it wasn't that easy. Basically, I had to half unlace myself, wiggle out and do my business naked, then force my body back into that outfit. And that was the real reason I rarely drank at clubs.

  Any drink other than blood went through a vampire faster than beer through anyone else. Don't even ask me what alcohol does to me. Not good. One drink gave me a major buzz. Two could put me to sleep. If I could stay conscious long enough to finish three, then I was out for the count. Of course, vampire bodies processed alcohol amazingly fast, so three drinks went through me in three hours. Three hours and I'd be perfectly sober again.

  Gotta love being a vampire sometimes.

  Mandy was leaning back against the sinks when I came out of the stall. Waiting for me.

  "Vampires have to pee?" she said.

  "Yeah, and go number two, as well," I said. "And to add insult to injury, I have to pay taxes, too."

  She threw her head back and laughed. Not a fake laugh, either. She meant it. Yeah, I can tell that too via aura and body. I decided I liked her. A lot.

  "A funny vampire. I've seen everything now," she said.

  I had my purse from the coat check girl, so began fixing my face. It wasn’t too bad.

  "What can you tell me about Gustav?" I said, and then reapplied my red lip gloss.

  "Why?" she asked. She cocked her head, giving me a curious look. "You don't like him?"

  It was my turn to laugh. "I'm sorry. I am suspicious of Gustav because he is in a private room right now, nailing my sister good. I think he is doing it because I accidentally chased off two girls he wanted."

  "Ah. Karen and Mikki? I saw him with them," she said. "I bet he is pissed. But, your sister is much more beautiful than both of them combined. Helluva consolation prize, I'd say."

  "So would I," I said. "Is he okay? Not a...well, I was going to say not a pervert or anything, but I guess he is. Duh."

  Any fear I had of her being offended by that joke was instantly dispelled. She clapped her hands and stomped her left foot with laughter.

  "I'll be here all week," I said, smiling. Finally, someone who appreciated my sense of humor.

  "Really? You know Thanksgiving Night is a really big party up here," she said. "Really, it's an orgy."

  "You have an orgy for Thanksgiving?"

  "Actually, it is a dance. Very formal. Black leather only," she said. "Only Halloween Night is better or better attended."

  "That an orgy, too?"

  "And a costume ball."

  "Well, that makes the whole orgy thing okay."

  "Of course," she said, laughing.

  "Does Sabrina...nevermind. I don't need to know, and I definitely don't want to know," I said. "But tell me about Gustav and Philip."

  "There are four Philips here," Mandy said.

  "Oh. I didn't know. The Philip that was banging my sister Friday night?"

  "I wasn't here Friday. But we're back to that banging my sister thing," she said. "Stop worrying.
I know Sabrina pretty well. She can take care of herself just fine. But which Philip are you talking about?"

  "Tall. Very tall. Dark hair on the short side, and fierce blue eyes," I said, trying to recall everything about him.

  "Fierce eyes, that would be Philip Murphy," Mandy said. She frowned and shook her head woefully. "Your sister sure knows how to pick them."

  "Why?" I was on full alert.

  "Just that Philip, Gustav, and Roger are her favorite tops, and they are all a bit on the strange side," she said. "Very good, though. Without a doubt those three are the best bondage boys we have. Especially Roger."

  "Roger? Roger Rippner?" I said. Didn't want her thinking I knew too much. "I've met him outside of the club. He's a pretty good friend of Sabrina's, right?"

  "I think so," she said. "Roger gets along better with the girls than with the boys. Philip and Gustav are crazy with jealousy of his talent and success with the women."

  "Oh, is he some kind of player?"

  If he was, then that meant he'd been lying to me all along. I wouldn't appreciate that in the least.

  "No. Roger? He's way too shy. But he is the least threatening man in the club, and the most talented and gentle," she said. "He's the only person I've ever let tie me up."

  "And Gustav and Philip are jealous of him?"


  "What about the other men? Any other of them jealous of him?"

  "Probably, but it is just more obvious with those two," Mandy said.

  "And it's all competitive?"

  "Yep. For them."

  "Men," I said, and she nodded.

  We went back out to the main parlor and found seats at the bar. I could hear every conversation in the room. The main topic that night was the murders of three of their members. I got to hear all the rumors, and the most common was they believed the three girls were murdered by a horny vampire that saw the three dead women while he was leaving Sweet Hearts Gentlemen's Club across the street. They didn't trust those vamps at all.

  Suddenly, neither did I.


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