Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana

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Crush: The River Demons MC of Louisiana Page 22

by Brair Lake

  “That wasn’t nice. Mia.” He steps closer, dropping to his hunches. His hand gentle as he cups my chin. His thumb swipes over my lips and I bit the tip. He squeezes my chin and I jerk my head back, but Delaney does not free me. “Play nice, Mia.” His gaze turns to the man and the pit of my stomach twists. “And we’ll play nice with you.” Delaney rises, releasing my chin. “Jo-Leigh played nice.” He walks to the back of the chair. His breath warm against my neck as he kneels behind me, lifting my hair away from my neck. “She was a screamer.” Although I am unable to see him or his face, I sense his smile against my flesh. The one which turns me cold. “My friend likes screamers. Are you a screamer, Mia?” Delaney’s fingers brush against my neck and as bile climbs in my throat, I shiver. He is close once more and I try to wiggle away from him. Tilting my head away from his touch. Delaney chuckles and I turn to him, taking my eyes off the other man and spit into his face. “You like it dirty. Do you, Mia.” Delaney’s hand slides to my front. His fingers brush over the bare flesh of my upper chest. He is close enough for me to smell his scent, and my fingers curl as his lips brush against the back of my neck.

  I close, then open my eyes as I turn to him. “I’ll not give you the satisfaction of making a sound.”

  The other man comes to stand in front of me and as I stare at Delaney, cold steel presses against the flesh of my stomach. It takes everything in me not to flinch when he takes hold of my tee-shirt. The room fills with the roar of ripping material. The tip of the blade runs against my flesh. From my stomach to the top of my breastbone, without splitting the skin. As Delaney watches me, I force my fingers to relax as they clenched into tight fists and with a sneer at Alex’s enemy, I turn to the stranger and lick my lips. “You were supposed to bring me a drink.”

  The stranger chuckles as he taps the flat side of the blade from one breast to the other. “You can have a drink when we’re done. I’m sure you’ll need it.” I spit at him and he wipes the phlegm away with his thumb. “Don’t be wasting the spit.” He chuckles as he thrusts his hips into my face. “You’re going to need it for another job.”

  “You ever double tagged, Mia. Jono tells me that’s how Alex likes it.” Delaney’s mouth is close to my ear and I knock him with my head. In retaliation he slaps me, making the room spin as ringing in my ear vibrates. “You’ll hurt more than me, girl. Play nice and I’ll be nice to you.”

  I swallow another mouthful of saliva. My head hurts and the stranger continues to play with his knife on my flesh. He slides it down and into the waistband of my jeans. There is a loud pop as he breaks the catch. The blade presses against my pubic bone and I turn my gaze to the stranger. “Is this how you get your kicks.”

  Cold steel slides from one hip to the other, opening my jeans further and I curse myself for not wearing panties. Then I turn my curses to Alex and his dare that I go naked beneath my jeans. “You’ll find out soon how I get me kicks.” The stranger smiles as he slides the knife further down. “This is a pretty sight.” The blade is cold as he presses the flat end against my pussy lips. “Your man likes you naked.”

  I yearn to move. To shuffle my ass further against the back of the chair, but I dare not move. It’s turning claustrophobic as the two men surrounded me. My breath is trapped, but I refuse to look away. When the stranger leans in close. Faint barking from outside faintly filters into the basement and I glance up, noticing the small window. In the dark it was hidden from me. Too small to let much light in.

  “We have visitors.” Delaney rises as he speaks. His smile cold, and my stomach twists into knots. “I knew he would come.” He strokes the side of my face. “It was never about you. You were just the carrot I needed.” He glances to the stairs. “You wouldn’t think it to look at him. But he is rather gallant. A true gentleman. He wouldn’t leave a woman in distress. That’s where we messed up last time. Killing the whore too soon.”

  The stranger looks at me, runs the tip of his knife over my flesh and the slight sting as the top layer of my flesh is spilt open, has me to flinching.

  “Keep quiet.” He glances around the room, finds nothing, then glances at Delaney. “Pass me your handkerchief.” Delaney looks at me and smiles as he watches the stranger stuff the cloth in my mouth. When they reach the top of the stairs, the room is plunged into darkness and the door is locked. The dog’s barking hasn’t eased, and I pray it’s Alex. That he knows what he is doing. Then the dog falls silent and as I strain my ears, I glance in the direction of the small window. Feet run past. I mumble against the cloth. There is a creak as a door is kicked opened. Then the house falls silent. The walls are too thick for me to hear what is happening. I glance to the door, but it remains closed. I mumble against the cloth once more and using my tongue I push the cloth free. Then lick my teeth. My mouth is dry and stiff. I stretch and twist it to loosen it. The first time I yell, no sound came out. The second time it is husky. The third time I find my voice. “Alex.” As I scream, I shuffle the chair to the bottom of the stairs. Occasionally it would rock, and I would hold my breath, expecting it to topple over. When I reach the stairs and shout again, my cries for help go unheard once more. The soft pad of more feet running pass the window has me glancing over towards it, and I scrape the chair in that direction. Each time I shuffle and hop, the chair lands with a resounding thud and I glance to the stairs. My breath thick in my throat as I wait, but no one comes. There is no sign of life.

  “I’m in the cellar.” I hold my breath as I wait for a reply. No feet pass the window. The chair is heavy, but I lift the back legs slightly and slam it down. My stomach stings from the cut of the knife. Knowing all I can do is wait, I sit with my head bowed and close my eyes. Then the feet are back, passing the window.

  “Help.” The feet stop and I tilt my head as I wait and listen. They come back and I shout once more. “I’m down here.” I was shouting at someone, hoping they were from the River Demons and not one of Delaney’s men.


  Cole’s voice is nirvana to me and the air slips from my body as it deflates in anticipation. I blink as I glance up at the window and he flashes a light beam at me. “Cole.”

  “Mia, are you okay?”

  Okay. I have never felt better. I snort, “I’m alive.”

  Cole chuckles as he keeps the light on me, and I continue to squint. “That you are Mia.”

  “Is Alex with you?”

  There is a loud resounding kicking sound and glass breaking. Shards shatters and scatter around me. As the flashlight flickers away from me. A shuffling and a string of oaths as Cole squeezes his body through the gap, fills the air.

  “Shit. I think I need to lose a bit of weight.”

  I giggle. It is a nervous giggle. Cole is nicely toned without an ounce of fat on him. He lands with a gentle thud and the flashlight blinds me once more.


  “Yeah, Mia. It’s me.” His aftershave surrounds me and the beat of my heart increases, knowing I’ll soon be away from this hell hole. Then his fingers are at the knots on the rope at my wrists. I raise my hand. Tiny pricking pins spear through me as blood raced to my wrists and I rub them. Then my feet are free, and Cole rubs them. As he swings the light over me, the beam catches on the cut. “Fuck. Are you hurt?” His fingers soft as he probes the cut and I nod.

  “It’s a flesh wound. Just stings a little.” There is more rustling, and Cole helps me to my feet. After slipping off the ruined top, he pulls his own tee-shirt over me.

  Cole swings the flashlight round the basement, then back at the window where the draft is quite noticeable. His chuckle has me glancing at him as I raise an eyebrow. “I’m not climbing back out of that gap. I nearly damaged my manhood.” He flexes his hand. “And I think I’ve several splinters in my fingers and palm.”

  “There are stairs and a door we can use.”

  Cole scowls, “maybe I should leave you here for Alex to find and deal with.”

  It’s the adrenaline running through me, which makes me ligh
thearted, and at Alex’s name, I glance at the stairs. It’s still too quiet. “Do you think he’s okay?”

  Cole chuckles, slipping his hand into mine as he guides me up the stairs. He twists the door handle, swearing when he finds the door locked. “He’s fine.” Cole swings the flashlight round the doorframe. “He’s not on his own.”

  A shiver shudders through me. “Delaney was expecting him.”

  Cole twists the door handle once more, then leans against the door and pushes, but the door refuses to budge. “Alex thought that.” He pushes against the door again; the wood gives a slight tremble but refuses to open. “Here hold this.” I take the flashlight and point it to the door. Cole throws his body again and groans. “Shit, I’m going to be covered in bruises.” Then he turns to me, pulling out his cell. “I’m done showing off.”

  We don’t have to wait long before the door opens and find ourselves face to face with Oyster. His over bright smile is missing. One moment I am standing beside Cole. The next I am in a bear hug.

  “Shit, Oyster. I can’t breathe.” Oyster’s hold slackens and after I kiss him on the cheek, he sets me free. As I turn from him, I spot Alex standing in the doorway to one of the other rooms. He holds his arms out. His grip is just if not tighter than Oyster’s. The cut on my body stings. I don’t care. I am with Alex.

  Chapter 33

  Mia: Alex’s Apartment in Noir Valley

  “This isn’t Demon’s Lair.” I follow Alex into the small apartment as I take a swift intake of the decor. It is clean. The sage green sofa and easy chair dominate the room. At the rear is the kitchen, cut off from the main room by a half wall. To my left is a door, I presume leads to the bedroom. Alex turns to the small kitchen and I watch him open the fridge door.

  “The riverboat has already sailed.” He looks at me with a lopsided smile. “Besides, I thought you would sooner be here than quizzed by Day.”

  I nod as I stroll further into the room. “I’ll have to face him, though.”

  “Tomorrow. Tonight, you can sleep.”

  Cole’s over large tee-shirt sticks to me, and as I tug at it, I grimace. “Where’s the bathroom?”

  Alex strolls towards me, and as he is about to pass me a beer, his scowl deepens. “Fuck. Why didn’t you say something?” He throws the bottles onto the couch, pulling at the material of the tee-shirt which is embedded in the dry blood.

  I slap at his hands as my lips pinch. “Stop it, Alex. It’s not much. Just tell me where the bathroom is.” Alex glowers at me. His frown is of concern and I smile as he leads me to the bathroom. With a sponge he dampens the tee-shirt and between us we wiggle it free from my body. His “fuck,” echoes in the bathroom and I look down at the knife wound. It is not wide, and the blood has dried. As the tub fills with warm water, Alex sits me on the edge of the tub, and with a damp cloth, wipes at the dry blood. His touch is soft. Free of its usual sexual torture as he caresses and cleans the wound. “Will I live?”

  With a twisted smile, Alex glances at me. “Yeah, you’ll live. Now strip and step into the tub.”

  I glance at the tub. The water is cloudy and the faint aroma of antiseptic teases my nose, “I prefer roses.”

  “Not tonight.” Alex’s hand stops as it reaches my jeans and his frown is back. “Mia. Did they hurt you?”

  I glance at the missing catch on my jeans and shake my head. “No.”

  His stare is intensive, I want to step back, but remain where I am. “You wouldn’t lie to me. Would you?”

  I kiss his forehead. His chin is covered in night stubble and I stroke the soft bristles. “No. You can see what they did.” I lean over, kissing him on the nose. “They didn’t do anything else.” I smile. It’s nervous and I close my eyes as I draw in a breath. “They didn’t have time.”

  Alex nods without looking at me as he removes my jeans, then slaps my thigh. “Get in the water. I’ll be back in a minute.” The slap tells me everything I need to know, and I smile.

  As warm as the water is, the antiseptic stings my wound forcing me not to linger. While Alex is in the other room, I quickly wash my body, and I’m just climbing out of the tub when Alex returns.

  “I told you to soak,” he said.

  “Pass me the towel.” Alex searches and reaches for the white towel folded on the toilet seat, then passes it over. My nose wrinkles, “the water is not enticing enough for me to soak.” With the towel wrapped round my body, I stroll into the bedroom. The walls are painted a soft blue and the bedside lamp radiates a soft glow, and I head for the bed with its vintage patchwork quilt. Alex saunters over to a mahogany tall boy and pulls out a large tee-shirt, then he’s strolling over to me and sits beside me. He drops the beer he collected from the lounge onto the bed and his touch is soft as he pats my body with towel. Once he is satisfied that I am dry, he reaches for the tube of cream he dropped with the beer and pushes me on to the bed. His fingers soothing as he smoothers cream into the long cut. His scowl deepens and I brush at it. Then he looks at me.

  “Are we going to talk about it?”

  Alex shakes his head as he reaches for the clean tee-shirt, slipping s it over my head. “No.” He looks at me and he reminds me of the Alex who returned to Noir Valley after Jo-Leigh’s death, seven years ago. “He’s been dealt with.”


  He leans over and kisses me, then he’s pulling back, stripping his tee-shirt off. “He’s been dealt with, Mia. There’s nothing to worry about.”

  “No. Do I have to worry each time I see Hank. Or you’re stopped by the police.”

  Alex halts as he reaches the bathroom door and turns to look at me. “No. Delaney is alive. He knows not to return to Noir Valley. Or to come near you.”



  “How did you find me?”

  Alex chuckles. It is one of mockery and his blue eyes sparkle. “I wish I could say by great detection like all the great detectives. After we realized you were missing and while we were searching for you, Delaney sent a message.”

  “A text?”

  Alex shook his head. “Patch. She told Cole everything.”

  “Did he hurt her?”

  “No. She told him willingly. She just made us wait.”

  “Where is she now?”

  “With Kit. He’s going to deal with her.”


  Alex shrugs. “I didn’t ask why. She betrayed the club. That’s all that matters.” Alex smiles. “Now, can I go for my shower?”


  I close my eyes, but I am too tense to sleep. My brain and imagination too unsettled, I turn to watch the door of the bathroom, listening to Alex as he showers. When he returns, he has a towel wrapped around his waist and the pulse in my clit leaps to life. With a welcoming smile, I hold my arms out to him. Alex hesitates at the door. His gaze penetrating as he watches me. Then the towel drops from his waist, and I watch his cock bounce to life. The shaft swelling as blood travels and throbs through his veins, engorging them and I lick my lips. Alex saunters a little closer, then climbs onto the bed. His lips gentle as they brush against my forehead. “Do you want this, Mia?”

  I nod. “I want to forget Delaney and his friend. I want to forget about the basement.” I reach up and kiss him on the lips. He tastes of water and mint. “The darks never scared be before. But today. In that room. The emptiness was getting to me.” I kiss him. “Bring me the light, Alex. Help me sleep without nightmares.”

  Alex’s lips are on mine as he pushes me back onto the bed. His naked body warm against mine. His cock brushes against my thigh and I shiver. His tongue slips into my mouth, which I willingly accept. Twisting my tongue around his as I stroke the warm flesh of his back. My fingers trail over the ridges of his spine, and Alex trembles beneath my touch. As we kiss, he shuffles his body between my legs, his fingers soft as he caresses the flesh on my arms. Then he is pulling back and has me naked before I can blink. His gaze drops to the cut, and he lowers his head. His lips g
entle as he kisses the flesh beside the wound and a shudder rocks through me as I stare at the ceiling. His lips leave a trail of kisses down one side and then up the other side. When he reaches my breast, his tongue teases and flicks the tip. His fingers teasing as he strokes the flesh of my sides, slipping lower, brushing over my hips to my pelvic bone. A moan slips from me as I thrust into his touch. I am hungry. I am greedy. I want more.


  “We have all night, Mia. I’m going to taste every inch of your flesh.”

  “Only if I can do the same to you.”

  Alex’s breath warms my tit and his chuckle heats the blood in my clit. “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mia.” His lips are on mine and his fingers slip between my swollen pussy lips, and I thrust against him as he strokes the sensitive flesh. He finds my clit, presses against the throbbing flesh, and I moan into his mouth as I spread my legs a little further. Wrapping them around his waist.

  “I like that, Alex. Do it again.”

  He chuckles. “You do. I would never know.” His finger flicks my clit and my toes curl. One day I’ll not know his touch. But I’ll always have the memories of the things he did to my body. How with a flick of his tongue. The sweep of his fingers. The trust of his cock, he brought me to life. That with his mouth he brought me to the little death where the world turned black as I fainted. When his mouth leaves mine, a moan of distress leaves me only to be replace by a sigh of pleasure when his lips wrap around the engorged bud of my tit as his finger slips into me. When his tongue flickers over the tip, his finger pulls back. When his tongue frees my tit, his finger thrusts into me. My stomach is alive as it clenches against empty air. My thighs squeeze Alex’s waist as I gasp for air. My fingers tangle his hair as I fight to find purchase. To ease the growing orgasm in me. Blood pounds in my head. Alex’s groans become a distant echo in the room.


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