Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Capturing Kylie [Slick Rock 9] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 6

by Becca Van

  “Don’t panic, sugar. This is the doctor and he’s checking you over.”

  “I don’t need a doctor,” Kylie snapped and then she glanced toward the medical practitioner sheepishly. “Sorry, but I’m fine.”

  “So you’ve had panic attacks before?” the doc asked.

  “Once or twice.”

  “Mm, you need to get more rest, young lady. You are totally exhausted but I can understand why you’d have trouble sleeping.”

  “You told him?” Kylie asked accusingly.

  “Now, now, don’t get upset. I needed to know everything so I could treat you. Apart from being tired and underweight, you are healthy enough. You need to eat and rest more. If you continue to have trouble sleeping, come and see me in a week. I may have to prescribe some sleeping tablets.”

  Kylie nodded to the doctor and then thanked him for his time, but Lachlan could see the determination in her eyes to cope on her own. She was such a stubborn little thing and he and his brothers weren’t about to let her get away.

  The doctor left her his card on the bedside table, and once he’d left the hotel room, she glanced at all of them and pushed her chin out while clutching the covers. “Could y’all please leave so I can get dressed? Who the hell undressed me anyway?”

  “We did, sweet thang,” Will answered, his eyes on hers. “We were worried about you and wanted to make sure you were comfortable.”

  Lach watched as pink suffused her cheeks and then traveled down her neck and then she glanced away as if embarrassed. He reached over and gripped her chin, bringing her gaze up to meet his. “You have nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about, sugar. Your body is perfect and so fucking sexy.”

  Kylie turned her head and dislodged his hand, but he saw her swallow and he could tell his brothers had heard the audible action as they both moved closer. Lach looked up when Xavier sat down on the bed close to her hip. She pulled back, but her pulse was beating rapidly in the base of her neck and her breathing was quicker than usual. He looked up into her green eyes and noticed that her pupils were dilated. As much as she tried to hide it, Kylie Mailing was turned on and not just by one of them. All three of them got to her and he’d had about as much as he could take. Obviously, so had Xavier.

  Xavier palmed her cheeks between both his hands and then swooped in. His brother didn’t start the kiss off slow and ease Kylie into it. He devoured her mouth like a starving man. Lach was just as hungry if not hungrier than his older brother to taste their woman. He gripped his aching cock and shifted it, trying to relieve the throbbing, but it didn’t help. Then Kylie moaned and whimpered and reached up to grab at Xavier’s hair.

  Lachlan was done for.

  Lachlan moved to the other side of Kylie and reclined beside her. His body temperature rose another several degrees when he saw the way her tongue danced with Xavier’s. He wanted to taste her mouth, her throat, her breasts, her skin, her pussy, and everywhere in between. He was so damn hungry that he was shaking with it. Xavier slowed the kiss and finally eased away from her. Lach didn’t give her a chance to move, he literally pounced on her. His body blanketed her, but he didn’t put any of his weight on her and there was still a gap between his body and hers. He wanted nothing more than to rip the covers away as well as his clothes and her underwear and then have her naked body pinned beneath his, but he didn’t want to scare her away. Instead of devouring her like Xavier had, he gently placed his lips against hers and brushed them back and forth.

  Her breath puffed out from between her parted lips on a moan, and Lachlan slipped his tongue in between them and her teeth. He groaned as her sweet taste coated his taste buds and he wondered if the cream from her pussy would taste just as sweet. But first he wanted to savor her mouth with his. His tongue slid along hers and then he explored her inner cheeks and teeth before moving back to tangle with her tongue once again. She tasted so sweet and right, as if he was complete for the first time and had finally come home. Now all they had to do was convince her to take a chance on them and trust them. A not so gentle thump to his shoulder let him know that Will was just as eager to get a taste of their woman and wouldn’t wait much longer. Lach lowered his body along hers, but didn’t give her his full weight, and then he lifted his mouth from hers.

  Kylie was so damn fucking beautiful with her lips vibrantly red and kiss swollen, her eyes glazed over with passion, and her cheeks tinged a pink hue. But underneath her arousal, she looked so damn lost and tired. There were dark smudges beneath her eyes, a testament to lack of sleep over a couple of weeks, and beneath that flush, her skin was a creamy white and she was so damn thin she looked fragile. He pushed up onto his knees and elbows and rolled over off to the side, giving Will room to move closer to her as he crawled onto the end of the bed.

  The dazed look in Kylie’s eyes changed to confusion and then anger took over. Will was reaching for her as he moved up between her splayed thighs, which were still covered by the blankets, but he halted when she held a hand up, palm facing out, and then she looked from him to Xavier and Will and then took a deep breath, ran her fingers into her hair as she pushed up into a sitting position and then glared at them.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “If you have to ask us, baby, then we weren’t doing a very good job,” Xavier answered calmly.

  “I can’t do this.”

  “Why?” Will snapped out the question, surprising him and Xavier, and by the look on his face, himself.

  “I can’t have a relationship with one man, let alone three. It’s not right. As far as I know, it’s illegal, and I have enough to deal with without having to worry about anyone else.”

  “First off, having a relationship with more than one person is not illegal,” Lachlan said firmly. “Is that what you think about Eva’s relationship with our cousins?”

  “No!” Kylie answered emphatically and then bit her lip when she realized what she’d done.

  “Thank God for small mercies,” Lach muttered, but the glare Kylie gave him told him she’d heard him. He gave a shrug of his shoulders.

  “Secondly, if you would let us help you, if you would lean on us for a while, you wouldn’t have to worry so much. We can protect you, Kylie.” Xavier rose from the bed and began to pace the room.

  Will got off the end of the bed and took a couple of steps away before turning back to pin her with his stare. “We could have something good between us if you would let us get close to you, sweetness.” He held up his hand when Kylie opened her mouth, no doubt to refute Will’s statement. “Don’t you dare deny the attraction between us, honey. Do you think we don’t see the way your body reacts to us when we’re near you? Your nipples get so damn hard they try to push through your bra and top, and we can damn well smell the cream leaking from your pussy.”

  Another blush crept up her neck and cheeks and she looked down to the bed cover and began to trace the tip of her finger over a flower.

  “What the hell are you so scared of, sugar?” Lachlan asked, deciding to put it out into the open. He and his brothers had already figured out she was scared and not just of the fucker out to get her. There was something else going on here, and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

  She lifted her head and thrust her chin out at him. “I’m not scared of anything.”

  “Prove it,” Xavier bit out.

  “I don’t need to prove anything to anyone.”

  “No, you’re right, you don’t.” Lachlan sighed and headed to where her dress was draped over a chair. He grabbed it, walked back to the bed, and handed it to her. “Why don’t you get dressed and then we’ll head on back to the house. I think you should be in bed. The doctor said you need to rest, and with the wedding tomorrow, I think you should call it a night.”

  “I’ll wait out in the hall for you, sweet thang,” Will said as he opened the door. “Xavier and Lachlan will let Eva and our cousins know we’re leaving.”

  Lachlan headed toward the door as Xavier and W
ill exited the room but looked back at Kylie over his shoulder. “Are you sure you’re okay, Kylie?”

  She glanced off to the side before meeting his gaze again and said on a sigh, “I’m fine.”

  Lachlan stepped through the door, but before pulling it all the way closed pinned her with his stare once more. “Don’t think whatever we have between us is over, honey. We know you want us just as much as we want you, and we are going to find out where this thing between us is going.”

  * * * *

  Kylie stared at the closed door and wondered what the hell she had got herself into. First she had some crazy rapist after her, and now she had three men who wanted to have a relationship with her. Why did everything have to happen at once?

  But then the little devil on her left shoulder whispered in her ear. Maybe Xavier, Will, and Lachlan didn’t want to have a relationship at all and just wanted to use her for sex. There was no way in hell she was going to let them use her as a receptacle to relieve their sexual urges. Kylie thought back to how they had treated her over the last few days, that was, when she hadn’t been hiding from them.

  Xavier was the most serious of the three brothers. He was a straight down the line sort of man and didn’t hesitate to call it how he saw it but she had seen the way he had been holding back when dealing with her. She wondered if that was because of all the stress she was under or if he was afraid she couldn’t handle his straight-laced, hard-ass ways.

  Will was the playful one. When he was around he was always trying to get her to smile but she could see underneath that playful exterior that he had great depths to his soul and kept his serious side hidden. Or maybe he was just waiting for her to get to know him better before revealing his true self. Then there was Lachlan or Lach as the others called him. Lach could be as hard as Xavier. She had seen it in his eyes tonight when he had declared that whatever was between them wasn’t over. Determination had lit up his gaze from the inside and she knew that even if she found a place of her own that those three men weren’t going to leave her alone.

  And if she was honest with herself, Kylie had loved being around everyone in Eva’s house. Of course, she had spent most of her life alone and lonely, except for the time she had spent with Eva, but she finally realized that she had made the choice to be by herself because of her claustrophobia. It wasn’t until she was staying with her best friend and fiancés, as well as their cousins, that she realized just how damn lonely she been and how she had let her phobia force her into a life of solitude.

  It had gotten so bad that whenever she had to leave her apartment she would begin to hyperventilate and sweat. Shopping was a nightmare for her with so many strange people around, so she had even begun to have her groceries delivered. She and Eva used to go out regularly, but when her mother had become ill, Kylie had spent her time taking care of her and stopped socializing. When Eva had moved away, Kylie had been devastated, but then she had been happy that her best friend had found the loves of her life. That’s what Kylie wanted. She was sick and tired of living in her secure, comfortable little bubble and even though she was scared shitless about that evil man finding her, her fear of him had given her the push she needed to start living her life again instead of just existing.

  Leasing out her apartment and leaving her safe environment had been one of the hardest things she had ever done in her life, but she had taken the first step and didn’t intend to step backward now. Life was meant to be lived and enjoyed through good times and bad, and she wasn’t about to let her anxieties stop her from taking the next step.

  And that included finding out what those Badon cousins wanted from her. She decided right then that if they were just looking for sex, fine. She could do that. It might end in heartbreak, but she’d been through loss before and she could deal with it again. With a stalker hot on her heels, everything in her life felt uncertain. She had to start living in the now, even if that meant jumping in with both feet and hoping to God it didn’t blow up in her face.

  Chapter Seven

  The moment Kylie stepped out of the hotel room, she felt like her whole life had changed. Lachlan was waiting for her, just like he said he would, and as soon as she was close enough, he placed his hand on her back and began to rub in soothing circles, as if he could feel the tension emanating off of her and her need to have some human contact. God, it had been so long since someone had just held her. The thought of leaning against Lachlan’s firm, masculine body and having his arms wrapped around her sent a massive urge through her, and she had to concentrate on not throwing herself into his arms.

  Lach didn’t speak as he walked down the hallway beside her and she kept her eyes down so he wouldn’t see the yearning she felt in her eyes. A noise ahead of her drew her attention and she lifted her head. Her gaze locked onto Xavier’s and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t look away. She felt as if she was drowning and falling into him. Her pussy clenched and gushed and her nipples pebbled into hard little buds. The material of her lace bra felt abrasive on her sensitive nipples as she took rapid shallow breaths, and as she watched, Xavier’s eyes turned from cool to hot within a split second.

  How she missed seeing him move was beyond her, but one moment she was walking toward him with their eyes locked and the next moment he was in front of her and scooping her off her feet. Kylie whimpered as the heat of his body seeped into her as he cradled her against his chest, and she slung an arm around his neck for stability as he hurried toward the exit.

  “Will, hurry up and bring the truck out front. We need to get Kylie home, now.” Xavier looked down at her while he spoke to his brother, but his next words were for her. “We’ll take care of you, baby. You won’t regret it, I promise.”

  “Wha…” Kylie didn’t get to finish her question because in the next moment Xavier’s lips were on hers and she was lost. His tongue pushed into her mouth and curled around hers before withdrawing, pulling hers into his mouth. She moaned and mewled as he began to suck on her tongue. Her body flashed from simmering to boiling hot in a nanosecond, and she lifted her other arm up and threaded her fingers through his hair. A cool breeze wafted over her but it did nothing to cool the fire coursing through her body. Xavier released her tongue, swiped his across her bottom lip and then lifted his head. It was then that she realized they were outside and Lachlan had opened the back door to the truck and was holding it open as he stared at her.

  She glanced toward Will and he, too, was looking at her as if he was starving. Kylie lowered her gaze and wondered how she had let things get so out of hand and in public, too. She shifted in Xavier’s hold and tried to look over his shoulder into the hotel to see if anyone had seen the way she had behaved, but his hold tightened on her, drawing her attention.

  “No one saw us, baby. Relax, the only people who will ever see your passion from now on are me and my brothers.” Xavier got into the backseat of the truck, taking her with him, but he was careful as he passed the door and made sure that no part of her body hit on the frame of the truck.

  Once on the backseat, he didn’t relinquish his hold on her but placed her on his lap and hugged her tight. Kylie nuzzled her nose against the skin of his neck and inhaled deeply. She sighed with arousal and contentment as his unique, clean, manly scent filled her olfactory sense and knew she was in deep trouble. She’d never wanted to smell a man before, and the fact that she had just inhaled his scent had her mind on alert. But then the fear slid away when he threaded his fingers into her hair and gently tugged her head back. She looked up at him through narrowed eyes and watched as he slowly lowered his head toward hers.

  Is he giving me time to move away? Maybe he’s waiting for me to say no. I can’t do that. God, I want him so fucking much. I want them all so damn much I’m burning up.

  It didn’t seem to matter at the moment that they only wanted her for sex. Nothing mattered but extinguishing the burn running through her body. She’d never felt so out of control before, had never felt the heat running through her veins or
the yearning to have them touching her and holding her.

  No, that isn’t true.

  She had needed from the moment she had set eyes on them and she was about to find out if they could take care of every one of those needs. Kylie was so scared deep inside, scared that they meant more to her than they should, scared that her heart would shatter when they left, and scared that she would never be able to put the pieces back together again. But she was more scared of not knowing what it felt like to be loved by these three men.

  She sighed into Xavier’s mouth when his lips finally met hers. He brushed his lips back and forth, testing her response and she couldn’t hold anything back. Not anymore. She’d wanted, needed this from the very first, and it was finally happening. Her heart thumped rapidly against her chest and her breath puffed out in a rush as Xavier deepened the kiss. His tongue pushed in between her lips and teeth and he explored every part of her mouth. She heard a moan and realized it had come from her and then she mewled with rapturous delight as his hand left her waist, smoothed up her side and cupped her breast.

  Her nipple hardened and ached as he kneaded her fleshy globe, and she wanted to scream at him to touch her hard peak, but there was no way she was ending their hungry kiss just so she could speak, so she arched up into his touch, letting him know how much she wanted, needed.

  The cry that left her mouth was muffled as he tangled his tongue with hers, but she heard his echoing moan, and shivers of arousal traversed her body as feminine power raced through her. She was giving him pleasure, too, and she wasn’t even touching him yet. That was a heady feeling. Kylie gasped when his fingers scratched and tickled over her turgid peak. She thrust her hips up and placed her hands on his shirt, running them over his chest and torso.

  God, he was so fucking muscular. He felt like hard stone covered with warm skin and she still hadn’t touched his naked flesh. Without any conscious thought, her fingers undid buttons, pushed cotton aside, and then her hands were on his bare skin. The light dusting of hair on his chest was an aphrodisiac to her senses, but still she craved more. She wanted everything. Her hands raced down his torso to his stomach then to the waistband of his pants. She was grappling with his belt, trying to get inside, and nearly screamed with frustration when he ended the kiss and grasped her wrists in one hand.


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