Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves)

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Blood Oath (#3, Mystic Wolves) Page 4

by Belinda Boring

  “Oh, I very much want to go there. If you think you have what it takes, then step up to the plate and show me what you’ve got.” I winked before adding, “That’s unless you think you’re not capable.”

  Vixen, was the only word I heard before he seized my mouth completely, setting me on fire with the mastery of his touch. Heat built up, whipping around us as his tongue repeatedly swirled and plunged in my mouth. Mason answered my taunts with a kiss so spectacular, I thought my body would lift off the bed and float away.

  He was relentless, methodical in his ministrations, easing up to let me catch my breath before sinking me back under and stealing it again. My entire being focused solely on him and the exquisite feeling pulsating through me.

  I didn’t flinch as his hand tugged on my shirt, pulling it free from my jeans. Neither did I pause when I felt his warm fingers rest on my rib cage. His touch excited me, the way it caused me to tingle, and he absolutely turned my world upside down.

  Arching my back, I pressed my skin into his palm so wherever he had contact branded me. I didn’t know where to focus on—my mouth or my body. Everything about him was unraveling me, one blinding stroke at a time.

  I felt myself being lifted, so unaware of my surroundings, and I almost toppled when I found myself placed on my feet. Saving me from face planting onto my bed, Mason chuckled, scooping me up in his arms.

  “Just as I expected, you can’t even stand! I win the challenge.”

  I tried to tell him not to gloat, that it wasn’t becoming, but all I could do was laugh, completely dazed and bewitched. He had literally kissed me senseless.

  Watching Mason pause, he tilted his head to the side as if listening, and I knew something was happening. To some it may seem strange, but I’d seen him receive messages through the pack connection enough to know someone needed the Alpha.

  “Duty calls?” I asked, finally able to find my voice. Slowly, I was beginning to focus on my surroundings, the effect of his kiss fading. All but the burn, which I knew would take a little longer to extinguish.

  “Yeah. I need to go check something out, but before I do ...,” he stopped talking and left the room, entering the adjoining bathroom. I heard things being moved around, bottles being picked up and placed back before the sound of water filling in the bathtub reached me. A few moments later he returned, a man on a mission, and lifted me into his arms.

  “A new command from your Alpha.” He winked at me as he set me on my feet in the bathroom. Without waiting, he began to undress me before placing me in the soothing hot water. A quick smell told me he added bath salts—lavender and eucalyptus—my favorite.

  “Try to relax from now until I come and get you for Jasmine’s farewell. Just lie here and soak in the tub. Dream about all the kisses I’ve yet to give you and nothing else. I’ll be back in about an hour or so.”

  He glanced around, looking as though he’d forgotten something. He hurried out of the room before returning with the paperback novel I’d left resting on the bedside table. “In case, you feel like reading.” He winked.

  I went to say something, but he leaned forward, not caring about the water that sloshed up and wet him as he kissed me quickly on the lips. “I love you.”

  Smiling, I closed my eyes, moaning about how good my muscles were beginning to feel. This wasn’t about me getting clean, my shower earlier having taken care of it. I let my body relax, and softly hummed a random tune to myself.

  This kind of pampering could be easy to get used to. I lifted my hand out of the water, watching the way it trickled down and the noise it made as it splashed.

  “Go be the Alpha, Mason. I’ll be here when you get back.” I waved lazily, the effects of the lavender already lulling me into a contented state. “If you get back in time and the water is still warm enough, maybe you can join me.”

  It was hard to miss the flare of desire as he contemplated the idea. “Count on it.” Leaving the room, hearing the door close behind him, I slid down in the tub, fully immersing myself.

  This felt like heaven.

  Chapter Three

  The evening’s breeze felt good against my warm skin. Standing on the edge of the garden’s perimeter, I took a moment to take in everything and let out a sigh. With my hand securely grasped in his, I felt the gentle tug of Mason pulling me forward.

  Whoever prepared the outside had done a phenomenal job, one worthy to be a tribute for a beloved pack sister and friend. With the sun having finally set and the chirp of cicadas filling the air, it was the perfect night, and I sent an upward thanks to the gods. I didn’t want anything to tarnish the ritual, this being the final show of respect from the Pack.

  The lawn was aglow with what seemed like countless lanterns, candles aflame that cast delicate shadows upon the ground. It set an almost ethereal mood on those already in attendance, everyone speaking in reverent tones as they huddled together in small, intimate groups.

  A hush came over everyone as they noticed us pass through. Hands reached out in comfort and condolences, some breaking away from others to speak brief words of solace. Jasmine’s death had shaken us as a whole. I could see it reflected in everyone’s faces and the tears that were already beginning to flow.

  There wasn’t just pack members here, others from the supernatural community had come to pay their homage, and it showed the level of admiration and respect Mason had earned for them to be here.

  Devlin stood closely by his King, Zane, and a quick glance had me finding Vlad standing off to one side, looking awkward.

  As we passed by Zane, Mason stopped and accepted the embrace he was pulled into. There was history between these two great leaders, and it was an affectionate one. The vampire king whispered something into the Alpha’s ear, his hand resting firmly on his shoulder.

  I walked Devlin’s arms, his body offering temporary comfort as he also murmured how truly sorry he was.

  Moving to Mason’s side, I missed the short conversation, but caught the end nod of agreement, and the brief pat on the back before we continued on to the front of the congregation. With chairs arranged in lines and an aisle down the center, Vivien faced us on the dais that had been erected. Wearing the ceremonial robes befitting her station as the lead witch, she looked elegant and deeply saddened.

  I thought I had no more tears left as our eyes linked, and she inclined her head to the side as if reading me. Vivien was someone who I greatly admired, and I cherished the relationship we’d been able to foster. She was a wise confidante, someone with unfailing loyalty, and I could feel the calming energy she radiated into the crowd, as she stepped down and walked towards us.

  Her arms opened for Mason. “Darling boy, I’m so sorry. This is something I couldn’t have foreseen and would never have wished for you. To lose both parents, and now your sister, you are too young to have experienced such loss.” I watched as the embrace ended, and she caressed the side of his face. “Please know I am here should you ever need to talk. Your mother would’ve been so proud.”

  The comment seemed to make him stand a little taller, and I was grateful he’d been given that reminder. Even though his relationship with his father had been tenuous at best, he had been close to his mother and she would’ve loved to have seen the man he was.

  Vivien continued to hold Mason’s attention. “Remember, brave Alpha, this too shall pass, and before you know it, you’ll be reunited with your beloved sister. Keep your focus on the future.” I loved hearing the slight accent she had. I hastily brushed away my tears, and she turned to me. Using her finger to slant my face back, she gazed deeply into my eyes—looking, reading, studying.

  Taking hold of both of our hands, she clasped them together, squeezing them with hers before releasing them. “Yes, you truly are the perfect match. You will both be fine and will rise above what is to come.”

  She nodded to herself, pleased, before turning her focus onto the crowd gathered. She really did give off a regal air, and I could see why so many people held her in high es
teem. She was a revered leader and a formidable opponent. With the ritual soon to start, we walked alongside her back up on to the dais.

  A feeling beckoned me, pulling my gaze away and I looked behind Vivien. I found myself staring at Jasmine lying on the makeshift altar. She was shrouded in the most exquisite sheer material, and she looked like something out of a fairytale.

  She wore a simple shift of lavender, intricate beading on the bodice the only embellishment. Her hair was brushed out and arranged into braids, with small blossoms and ribbons threaded through. I noticed again how peaceful she looked, like a slumbering princess waiting for her prince to come and kiss her back to life. Surrounding her body were flowers of every kind, and the floral scent filled the air.

  “She always was the beautiful one of the family.”

  My quiet musings were broken by the soft words of Mason.

  “I used to tease her about all the broken hearts she’d leave in her wake. I guess she’ll be doing that where she is now.” He wore a gentle smile, but I saw the pain behind it.

  “She loved her big brother,” I replied, catching a stray tear with my finger.

  Vivien came up behind us, motioning for us to take our seats and I mouthed to my future mate my belief we’d get through this.

  Paying one last look at his treasured sibling, Mason led us down to the waiting chairs at the front. I noticed April was sitting alone a few rows back and I motioned for her to join us before turning my gaze to the front.

  Lifting her arms in a welcoming fashion, small balls of light seemed to appear out of nowhere and floated above us in the air. A reminder of the power she held, it also increased the beauty of the moment and signaled the beginning of the ritual. I couldn’t help but gaze upwards and marvel at the magic involved as they faintly twinkled like mini fireflies dancing.

  “I welcome you here tonight, esteemed family and friends of the Mystic Wolves pack. It’s with troubled hearts we gather to say a goodbye to our dearest Jasmine, sister of the Alpha. But more importantly, we meet to celebrate the life of one who shone brightly in the short time she was amongst us.”

  A warm sensation settled over me like a sigh and I snuggled in closer to Mason. Fitting perfectly under his arm, I rested my hand on his thigh, and he placed his on top of mine. It seemed as though the world stopped still, taking time from its constant orbit to witness the sacred rite. Everything subsided, all noise and commotion waning as if a powerful spell was being cast. We were pulled into its weave, its heady influence offering a peace greatly needed.

  “Life doesn’t always go as we expect it to. Even with the most marvelous of powers, we’re helpless against what’s written in the stars. Whether you believe in fate, or free will, there’s always some kind of plan, some intricate design which governs over us and keeps the balance. Even when that balance is threatened, tearing us away from those we love, we must continue to trust there is a purpose, and hold on tightly to those who still walk with us.”

  “The humans have an interesting saying—there is a time and a season for everything. As supernatural beings, we also hold this belief true. Just as we rejoice in the blessings brought with each new life, we also mourn when one is extinguished. It’s particularly hard when death comes beckoning early, or without reason, but I would share with you this—don’t let grief weigh you down so much that you lose your way on the path. Feel what you will. Cry your tears, but always remember, even in the darkest of times there is hope. Remember those who have passed on and show your gratitude for them by continuing to live in a way that honors them. That way no life is ever wasted. Each life is revered and cherished.”

  “Jasmine was a precious soul, one blessed to be born into the werewolf legacy. We’re each given unique traits, a heritage that ties us together as a community, and none are more fascinating than the lupus. The spirit of a human and wolf residing in the same vessel, a lifetime spent together as intimate companions. Each soul brings to the partnership strength and abilities, both seeking to find that perfect balance as they learn and accept one another. Our beloved sister and friend was at the beginning of her journey, her education only started, but already she had shown a great depth of character and compassionate heart. She and her wolf will be greatly missed, but never far away.”

  Having been to many funerals, this next part was always something that struck me deeply. It was the ritual of farewell where the body was consumed by witch’s fire, releasing the spirits into the air so they could continue their journey into the afterlife together. There were many different tales about what happens next, each pack and group adding their own slant, so I was curious to see how Vivien spun her tale.

  “The mythology of the werewolf is one buried deeply in lore, and as such, has many interpretations. Stories shared of centuries after retelling often add to the truth, but never forget—there is always beauty and honor at the center.”

  “My grandmother spoke of sitting at the knee of her mother and listening to the tale of the Lupus constellation.” Lifting her arm up to the side, Vivien gestured to a group of stars sparkling in the night sky. “Formed in the shape of a wolf, it is said they stand there as punishment for the grievous sins performed against the Greek god, Zeus. Retaliating in anger, the father of all werewolves, Lycaon, was banished to the heavens, forever to watch over his descendants.”

  “Forever is a long time, an eternity of contemplation over the foolishness of pride—so my mother told me—and here is where my tale differs. After a millennia of observance, and having his heart filled with humility, Lycaon now stands as a constant sentinel. A reminder to others the consequences of arrogance and hatred, an influence to countless generations seeking guidance, and the resting place for those who pass on.”

  “The farewell ritual is the forgiving practice, passed on by a benevolent god to help each descendent find their rest with their ancestors. Where once they were cursed to wander the earth, denied entrance to the afterlife because of the sins of one, the witch’s fire was created to release and purify the dead, transporting them home.”

  A chill pulsed through me, and a reverent awe hovered over the crowd. I heard familiar snippets threaded through Vivien’s heartfelt words, but this was by far the most profound retelling I’d experienced. Judging from the nodding of Mason’s head, he too was feeling the same, and he raised our entwined hands to his mouth to place a kiss on the back. I felt a smaller hand grab hold of my other, and I turned to see the shy smile of April. She was just as affected, and I offered her a reassuring squeeze.

  Moving about the dais now, positioning herself behind Jasmine, Vivien used a nearby lantern to light a taper. Holding the flame to a bundle of sage and prepared herbs, she began to waft the smoking leaves up the length of Jasmine’s body. Chanting words too soft to hear, power began to build and rise, like the lulling of a wave, each one growing stronger and stronger into a crescendoing pitch.

  The gentle breeze before us gradually picked up speed, raising the garments and hair of Vivien. The balls of light hovering in the air flared in intensity, but still she kept chanting, never losing focus. A different kind of electricity filled the air, one without the unique feel of Mason’s Alpha energy. Magic rippled and convulsed to the point where I began hearing the echo of gasps and exclamations behind me.

  Suddenly, all the lights extinguished, plunging the garden into complete darkness. Even the moon seemed to hide its face, the stars fading to the point where the sky was like a black canvas—all but the Lupus constellation. Those stars shone brighter than anything I’d ever seen, as though they were alive and waiting.

  A shimmer from the altar drew back my gaze and I let out of exalted sigh of surprise as I watched Jasmine’s body instantly ignite with the most wondrous hues of purple and blue flame. Higher and higher the blaze flickered and burned, twisting and turning as though each spark was dancing.

  A look of absolute love shone from Vivien’s face as her hands began to move in intricate patterns, each gesture seemed effortless and fil
led with meaning. I couldn’t pull my eyes away from the sight and caught myself leaning forward in the attempt to catch every nuance.

  Tears streaked down each face, my own eyes blurring before I rapidly brushed mine away, so captivated we were as we seemed to hold our breaths for what we knew was coming. Even prepared, I gasped as I watched a beam of the purest white light break out of Jasmine’s body, releasing two globes, which I knew were the spirits of the wolf and herself.

  They seemed to glow and pulsate—one the prettiest of yellow and the other a deep forest green. I knew which one was Jasmine—the yellow, because I always felt she reminded me of the sun, life giving, a provider of warmth and always bestowing hope.

  Gently, they drifted over the now empty vessel, twirling around each other as though they were excited in the newly found freedom they had. Fascinated, I watched the yellow globe, Jasmine, teeter towards us, almost hesitant, before floating over and frolicking between Mason and me. She was saying goodbye one last time. Letting us know she was happy and not to worry.

  Mason stretched out his hand—palm up, and a cry erupted out of his tight frame as the delicate ball of spirit rested softly on his skin. A look of unadulterated reassurance crossed his face, his lips curling into a small smile before he nodded. Taking this as acceptance, Jasmine rejoined the green globe, and with one last dance around Vivien, they began to ascend up into the sky.

  A familiar surge of energy pushed its way through the crowd as the Alpha issued the command to change. One by one, we stood and began, allowing our wolves to come forward and say their goodbyes.

  I felt the solemn brush of my own wolf against my skin before she burst forth, bringing me to my hands and knees. All around me I could sense when each change was completed, Mason’s happening almost instantly. With one accord, as a soulful tribute, I joined my pack and howled.


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