Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller

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Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller Page 5

by Logan Fox

Pearl shuddered. Another breath, more unsteady than the first, filled her lungs. Her breasts pressed against the bottom of his pecs, her upper abdomen fluttering against his abs. The smell of him enveloped her, closeting her in cinnamon and sandalwood. Her arm lifted, but whether to knock him away or drag him closer she didn’t know.

  “Stop shaking,” he whispered into her ear.

  Her eyes, which had fallen closed at his kiss, were glued shut now.

  Another dollop of ice-cold mousse decorated her other collarbone. This he removed solely with his tongue. Pearl shuddered, remembered that calm missive of his, and tried keeping herself still.

  “You didn’t put lotion on your skin tonight,” Mr. Armani said. “Good girl.”

  Three fingers trailed at a slant down the side of her neck.

  God, how sticky was she going to be tomorrow?

  Wait, good girl?

  Her eyes fluttered open.

  He studied her face, a faint smile etched over his wide mouth.

  “What’s—” she cleared her throat “—what’s your name?”

  He brought his fingers up and sucked the traces of mousse off them.

  “Formalities after dessert.”

  She wanted to argue, but he dipped his head forward again, his breath stirring strands of red hair against her ear.

  Damn, his mouth was hot. The contrast between his heat and the chill of the mousse enveloped her, made her shiver.

  “Keep still.” Not a suggestion, but a quiet command.

  Pearl stiffened. She barely dared to breathe. She couldn’t breathe, not with him so close that his intoxicating scent filled every lungful of air. His cheek brushed her jaw. His hair tickled her lips.

  Mr. Armani licked away the mousse from her neck. He sucked her skin, his teeth nipping her.

  Her arm finally decided what it wanted to do. She slid her fingers into his hair, touching his warm scalp, moving her hand down to grip his neck—

  Strong fingers closed over her wrist, yanking her away.

  She gasped, shocked out of her enchanting bubble of lust. Mr. Armani straightened, tugged her wrist behind her back, and squeezed just once as if in warning.

  “No touching.”


  “It’s your first time, so I understand that you’ll make mistakes. Just don’t repeat them.”

  She was still blinking up at him in confusion when his fingers glided under the shoulder of her dress and shoved it off her shoulder. It fell down, skimming over her skin, and exposed her right breast.

  Her heart pattered in her chest, blood singing in her ears. She’d never been commanded like this, never had to obey someone’s orders. Was this what he was into? Bossing girls around, having his wicked way with them however he wanted, leaving them unsatisfied and not caring less?

  Was she into this?

  More mousse. Chilling the top of her breast. Circling her nipple. Each new streak removed with the same care and precision he’d used to paint it onto her.

  Holy hell, but she could be. She really could.

  Unable to manifest externally, her trembling now became internal. Her intestines coiled, her sex quivering with every feather-light touch of his lips and tongue.

  She should have worn panties; arousal dampened her inner thighs.

  He grabbed her waist, turned her, lifted her onto the table. It happened in one fluid motion so her ass was down before she’d snapped out of her concerns about underwear issues. She glanced beside her, worried that she might be sitting in designer pizza.

  His mousse was empty.

  Almost all of hers was gone, too. There was a small stab of indignation that he’d eaten her pudding. A flutter deep inside her that there was only a single mouthful remaining.

  His hand slid under the dress’s remaining shoulder.

  Pearl grabbed his wrist. Her breath came hard and fast, her lips parting as she looked up at him, wanting something from him, some kind of sign, unable to describe it even to herself.

  He twisted his hand, escaping her pathetic grip in an instant. Grasping her in that same firm, suggestive circle of fingers, Mr. Armani maneuvered her arm behind her. Pressed her wrists together. Gripped both of them in a hand. He jerked the dress free from her shoulder. The silver fabric pooled around her waist, exposing her entire upper body to the apartment’s perfectly-temperate air.

  Her nipples pebbled under his lingering gaze. She began to ache for him, her sex growing wet and hot the longer he stared at her breasts. She squirmed, trying to ease that yearning, only making it worse.

  Mr. Armani spooned the last of the mousse onto his fingertip. His gaze returned to her breast, to her nipple.

  Pearl moaned, squirming again.

  The grip on her wrists tightened in warning. She forced herself to still, closing her eyes against the throbbing ache inside her.

  Soft, cold mousse touched her nipple.

  A hot, wet mouth sucked it off. His teeth closed over her bud, tweaking it. His tongue flicked against it.

  Pearl arched her back, moaning again, her body shuddering under the ministrations of that masterful mouth. He released her with a popping sound. Her eyes fluttered open, struggling to focus on his face. He had his head cocked, a ghost of a smile on his mouth.

  “You enjoyed that?”

  “Yes,” she said breathlessly.

  His expression changed from curious to disbelieving in a flash. Frowning, his hand slithered down her stomach. She stiffened, her mouth forming an ‘o’ of uneasy anticipation as his fingers danced over her skin.

  Fingers skimmed her clit. Dragged through the soaked folds of her sex. One slipped inside her, spearing deep and fast.

  “You did,” he said, sounding surprised and self-satisfied. “Good girl.”

  That single touch had electrified her. She was a live wire, pulsing with lethal voltage… and nothing to earth her.

  His hand disappeared. He gripped the bottom of her dress and slid it up her legs, baring her thighs and her sex. Pearl squirmed, wriggling her hands to try to free them, but he held her fast. His grip tightened until her wrist bones ground together.

  “I could make this easy for you, sweetheart.” The man leaned back, fixing her with an auguring, green-eyed stare. “I could tell you I’ll pay you a thousand dollars for tonight.”

  Pearl’s stomach clenched. A thousand dollars? He’d just quadrupled what she’d been intending to ask.

  Mr. Armani’s gaze fluttered over her face, her breasts.

  “But I don’t want the money to be the only reason you’re staying. It should be inconsequential.”

  Easy for him to say: he was loaded.

  Pearl licked her lips and tried to nod, but she was too aware of how exposed she was, how the mirrors behind Mr. Armani were reflected spans and spans of her own naked skin back to her.

  “I want you to want this,” he said, his voice dropping to a deep whisper. “I want you to show me just how obedient and pliable you are. Can you do that, sweetheart? Can you be obedient?”

  Pearl swallowed and managed a breathless, “Yes.”

  “Yes, what?”

  “Yes…” Pearl’s gaze flicked between Mr. Armani’s eyes. What did he want from her? What was he looking for—

  And then it came to her, all at once, in a rush that made her exhale a short, light breath.

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Mr. Armani smiled another one of his rare, genuine smiles and released her wrists.

  “Good girl, Pearl. Now lay back and spread those pretty legs of yours.”

  Feeling wooden and unreal, like a toy version of herself, Pearl sank to the table. The wood was cool beneath her, both smooth and rough, slick and coarse. After two thundering heartbeats, Pearl lifted her knees, carefully positioning her stilettos on the wood, and forced her trembling thighs apart.

  Mr. Armani didn’t look down. His gaze was fixed on her eyes, his face without expression.

  “Hold onto something,” he said.

  Pearl blinked at
him. What the hell she was supposed to hold onto when he was the only—

  “Now.” Almost a growl.

  She lifted her arms and held awkwardly onto the rim of the table, inches from the top of her head. This obviously met with the man’s approval: his eyes finally left hers and began roaming down her body.

  Her inflating lungs was the only movement she allowed herself.

  Stay still.


  It’ll be over soon, right?

  But somehow, for some unknown reason, she hoped it wasn’t. Yes, the position was awkward and revealing. Yes, this guy wasn’t exactly someone she pictured herself marrying, settling down, and having kids with. And yes, this whole thing was a thousand different levels of fucked up.

  But she ached inside.

  Maybe still from the touch of his lips against her skin… or maybe because of the fact that she wasn’t in control anymore. The decision-making part of the evening was over. All that was left was to hold tight and ride the wave.

  Surf’s up, Pearl.

  Mr. Armani draped his palms on her knees, sliding his hands over her thighs. In the background, the orchestral score that had been playing through most of the evening faded out.

  Had he really planned everything in such detail? Pearl’s skin began to prickle. Was he playlisting classical music while estimating how long it would take them to eat, for him to suck mousse off her nipples, for her to fight and then relent? Had he—

  But then the music came back, soft and ominous; the isolated, somber sound of a piano.

  Mr. Armani snatched a fistful of her dress in his left hand, twisting the fabric. He jerked her hips closer and she gasped at the unexpected force of his movements. He ducked his head, grazing the top of her knee with his teeth as if hiding the ghost of a smile that now played on his mouth.

  Pearl’s heart began stuttering in her chest. She tightened her grip on the table, trying to wring the nervousness from her body.

  His mouth touched the inside of her thigh. He nipped and kissed his way down, making her insides coil ever tighter the closer he came to that pool of warm, throbbing darkness.

  Something rasped, metallic and too loud in the eddies between those melancholic piano chords. Pearl’s legs quivered, wanting to slam shut, to deny him access. But before her muscles could overpower the command from her mind — keep still and obey — Mr. Armani’s tongue brushed her clit.

  Pearl jolted, gasping. He’d still been inches away from her, and it hadn’t been his tongue she’d been expecting to touch her. But it was nothing more than a butterfly kiss, as brief as it was light. She quivered internally, squeezing out wetness as her muscles contracted.

  The fingers of his right hand dug into her thigh, bruising her, and Pearl squirmed before she could stop herself. This was torture, him being so close; the threat of another flicker-touch sent aching waves of anticipation through her.

  The piano music dipped low, those previously happy-sad chords becoming tense, almost angry.

  That fist in her dress tightened. Mr. Armani hoisted her up, using the dress as a holster to keep her ass more than a foot from the tabletop.

  Because that meant he didn’t have to bend low to eat her out.

  Pearl moaned when his lips closed over her sex, his mouth sucking so hard at her that the pressure of it sent ripples of pleasure all the way to her whitened fingertips where they clung for dear life to the rim of the table.

  Her eyes fell closed.

  Mr. Armani didn’t have to hold her up anymore: her thighs and back trembled as she kept her hips raised for him, forced her legs apart.

  He dragged his tongue through her folds, leaving flickers of electric kink in his wake. Two fingers found their way inside her, twisting her open and forcing her to draw a long, unsteady breath that rattled in her throat. Her back arched when his lips touched that bundle of nerves, that knot of coruscating pleasure he seemed determined to rip free.

  His fingers probed her once, twice, and then withdrew. He smeared them over her sex, drenching her. His lips left her, his mouth closing briefly over the inside of her thigh where he drew blood to her skin, leaving behind a perfect circle of russet flesh.

  Her ass thumped to the wood, her back no longer arching under the attention of his mouth, his fist no longer holding her up. She writhed, still riding the rise of that gentle swell of pleasure when Mr. Armani nipped at her knee again, grabbed the inside of her thighs with both hands, and wrenched them apart.

  Shit, had she forgotten about her legs? Had they fallen closed? Did this count as disobeying him—

  He thrust into her, shattering thought.

  Pearl cried out, almost losing her grip on the table. She tried to dampen the sound by clamping shut her mouth. Her hands scrabbled for purchase, her back arching in an almost instinctual response to Mr. Armani’s sudden, violent penetration. She shuddered, mind slipping into a brief, blissful oblivion.

  A slap to her ass brought her round with bleary-eyed confusion.

  “Don’t you dare close that mouth of yours, sweetheart. I want to hear how hard I’m fucking you.”

  What? She blinked across at him, wondering when the hell he’d taken off his shirt. Had she passed out? Fainted? Briefly visited another dimension in that soul-shattering instant he’d pounded into her?

  His jaw clenched; the only warning she had. He drew out of her, an inch, maybe more. Then he burrowed his way back in, his hips slamming into the barely-adequate padding of her ass. Wrenching another cry from her, one she didn’t suppress. One she might even have embellished a little. It was impossible to tell with all the blood thumping through her veins.

  “Good girl,” he murmured, his attention now fixed solely on his task.

  Another thrust, harder. Pearl gasped, her spine curving. Mr. Armani slid his arm around her raised knees, hugging her legs against his chest. His other hand found a breast. He trapped her nipple between his fingertips, tweaking the already-pursed bud and drawing another gasp from her.

  “Are you holding tight, sweetheart?”

  “Yes, Sir.” The words weren’t hers, obviously. She’d never just blindly—

  Another wordless yell filled the dining room.

  This was no fucking wave: this was a goddamn tsunami.

  It was only through the combined efforts of her grasp on the table and Mr. Armani’s grip on her legs that kept her in position as he hammered into her with hard, deliberate thrusts.

  Somewhere in the background, piano chords described a torturous journey into the earth’s molten core. The hero battled oceanic monsters with tentacles and eyes on stalks in a midnight chasm where unearthly, glowing fibers streaking the darkness.

  Well, in her head they did, anyway.

  She could hear herself; moaning, gasping, crying out. She could hear Mr. Armani: groaning, grunting, growling. Her body didn’t belong to her anymore. He owned it now, gripping the title deed between his teeth as he drove her toward a cliff’s edge where certain death waited. His hand abandoned her breast — she’d forgotten about it — and his thumb brushed over her clit.

  Her back arched. Her eyes slid closed.

  She tightened her muscles, trying to get her sex away from his fingers, that feeling too intense to accept.

  But he owned her. She would stay where she was until he was done with her.

  She began to pant, becoming lightheaded from the rush of oxygen spiking into her brain. Would she pass out? Hyperventilate and then faint, laying here like a dead thing while Mr. Armani used her body for his own selfish pleasure and then roused her with another slap to her ass?

  His thumb strummed her clit, driving thoughts of fainting from her mind.

  Piano keys pounded from the sound system: had he turned up the volume? When? Maybe around the time he’d taken his shirt off, baring that weird, skull and roses tattoo slathered over his chest.

  She shuddered, certain death racing closer at warp speed, faster than light, screaming as it shredded the sound barrier to reach h

  Pearl came before Mr. Armani did. Her climax slammed through her, leaving her breathless and writhing beneath the man. He drove into her with renewed ferocity, grabbing a handful of her hair and jerking her head up.

  His mouth crushed hers. She could taste herself on his tongue and his lips as he devoured her, leaving her yearning for breath and the return of her mouth; something she’d erroneously assumed private property before he’d claimed it.

  When he came, seconds later, his kiss abated with a finality that made her head spin. He held his lips against hers, a slow exhale filling her mouth with warm, sweet air.

  He pounded into her a last time, jarring her, his fingers pressing deep pools into her thigh. Holding her still, his breath still mingling with hers, Mr. Armani’s luminous eyes fluttered closed. His muscles relaxed, and for just an instant he leaned into her, his weight sudden and overwhelming. But before her quaking body could collapse under him, the man straightened. Eyes flaring open, he gave her a last, fierce kiss, his teeth catching her bottom lip before he drew out of her.

  Their friction had left her hot and aching inside. Pearl’s legs slid down, her muscles too unsteady to keep them up without the man’s arms slung around them. His hand closed over her sex, cool compared with her scorched flesh, and then that, too, was gone.

  He tugged up the shoulders of her dress, his breathing ragged and forceful.

  Pearl hugged herself, her own breath too fast, too unsteady. She closed her eyes, hearing the snap of rubber, the rasp of his zipper. Flutters of pleasure, stranded after her explosive orgasm, made her shiver. A hand ran over her hair. Her eyes flickered open.

  Mr. Armani’s lips twitched into a fleeting smile as he stepped away and beckoned her to follow him with his free hand.

  “On your feet, Pearl. Time to talk shop.”

  Mr. Armani led her around the staircase and into a cozy entertainment room with a large flat-screen television fixed to the wall. Glass-fronted display shelves lined the walls, the room’s only couch facing another slanted window that looked out over Fifth Avenue.

  Pearl sank down with a sigh of relief. Her legs were unsteady, her insides still throbbing.


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