Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller

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Dark Rapture_A Disturbing Psychological Thriller Page 61

by Logan Fox

  Beside her, Tanner had been watching this exchange with a small smile, rubbing a finger over his gums. When Pearl glanced over at him, he cocked his eyebrows at her and leaned in for a kiss.

  Pearl’s eyes fluttered closed. She would do anything for those lips. They’d been the instrument of her downfall; so seductive, so beseeching. How the hell did he do it? Practice? Instructional videos?

  The bed shifted under Caden’s weight. Pearl tore her mouth away from Tanner’s, watching the man approach with an uneasy tightening of her muscles.

  “Yeah,” Tina called out through tight jaws. “Little closer. ‘Kay, got it.”

  Caden gave the girl a bemused frown, and then turned his attention to Tanner. “The fuck, Tanner?”

  Tanner slid his fingers into Pearl’s hair and yanked her head back, drawing a gasp from her. “She’s nosy — got into my private stash when this one was distracting me.”

  “Jesus, all of it?”

  “Most of it.”

  Tanner was holding her still for Caden, Pearl realized with a lewd flicker that hotwired her entire body back into play mode.

  Caden still wore his jeans, although his buckle dangled loose from its loops. He was on his knees, only a few feet away from Pearl when he paused to take off his glasses. He held them out toward Tina. The brunette leaped from the chair and bustled over, reaching blindly for the glasses as she kept the camera trained on Pearl.

  “And the hair?” Tina asked, using Caden’s glasses to gesture to the top of her own head.

  “It stays, Miss Director. I won’t be here long.” Caden turned to Pearl, his curious smile evaporating as his hands touched her ankles.

  Tanner worked at her bonds, releasing her hands after what felt like hours. She twisted around and drew her arms into her lap, rubbing furiously at her wrists to bring blood to the cool, reddened skin. But, before she could get more than a prickle from her blood-deprived fingertips, Tanner tugged her arms up over her head and lashed them with those same satin strips against a convenient slat in his carved headboard.

  Caden shuffled closer, blue eyes intent on Pearl, lips parting the closer he drew. His hands slid up her legs to her knees.

  Without warning, Caden tugged her legs apart.

  Pearl squirmed, unable to go anywhere — bound as she was to the bed. Not really knowing if she wanted to. It was dim in here with the shades drawn; enough light to make out just about everything, enough shadow to veil her in gloom.

  The man lowered himself, touching his lips to Pearl’s knee without taking his eyes off hers. Pearl let out a low moan, shifting her hips, trying to draw her legs closed again.

  Perhaps realizing Caden wasn’t going to take him up on the offer of Pearl’s mouth, Tanner crushed his chest against hers and kissed her again.

  Caden’s mouth had started a long, slow journey down her thigh. Pearl responded to Tanner’s mouth without hesitation; it was impossible not to. He used the grip in her hair to urge her hard against him, drawing slivers of passion from her she’d thought had long since been eradicated by their earlier, prolonged fucking session.

  Pearl’s ankles brushed against Caden’s jeans. She recoiled from the rough fabric. The man’s hands slid down her legs, gripping her ankles and drawing them over his shoulders.

  Was he really going to—

  Pearl’s hips bucked as Caden flicked his tongue against her clit. She let out a deep, low moan — muffled by Tanner’s mouth — as Caden’s tongue began exploring her sex. Pearl moved her mouth away from Tanner’s, gasping for breath as Caden slid two fingers inside her.

  “You’re very wet, Miss Buchanan,” he said, pressing his lips to her inner thigh. “For once, you’ll be saving me some time.”


  The Exorcism of Pearl Buchanan

  She wanted to laugh. She wanted to tell Caden he was a dick — he’d hated her from the day she’d arrived — and nothing he could say would change that fact. But she was exhausted. Tanner had drained her, depleting every resource of energy — sexual or otherwise — she’d had at her disposal.

  Tanner began nipping the side of her neck and massaging the back of her head as Caden’s fingers moved rhythmically in and out of her. Pearl groaned and lost herself in the feel of so many hands on her. Was Tina still watching? Still pointing that infernal video camera at their ménage? Pearl tried to look past Caden, to see into the far-too-distant corner of Tanner’s room, but the man blocked her view with his pale, inked chest.

  Caden adjusted her legs, making sure her ankles were hooked behind his neck, her calves resting securely on his slim shoulders, before he sat up. Pearl’s hips lifted more than a foot from the bed. Tanner shoved a bunch of pillows under her back and shoulders, raking his nails down her belly and giving her clit a quick, hard stroke with his thumb as Caden unzipped his jeans.

  The man didn’t bother tugging his jeans down. It was probably more efficient to have his dick simply pop out — as hard as if she’d been sucking on it for fifteen minutes — and slide into her.

  Pearl groaned again, writhing as Caden slowly urged himself deeper into her. Her eyes closed. She let her head sink back into the pillows. Tanner moved away from her a second later, his voice marking his position in the room as he slid off the bed.

  “Still pissed at me?” he asked in a light voice. There was the sound of a drawer opening by the dresser.

  Caden’s voice was tight in comparison. “Is that supposed to be a rhetorical question?”

  The man drew out of Pearl again, grazed his teeth against the inside of her right knee and slid into her again, drawing out a long, slow sigh from her.

  This was such a contrast to Tanner’s violent, demanding thrusts of earlier. Caden moved with purpose — no denying the restrained intensity behind every move — but as if to feel ever inch of his cock inside her. As if he was more interested in the feel of her than the friction between them.

  “Any chance I can bribe my way back into your good books?”

  Caden snorted softly. He slid both hands down Pearl’s thighs, digging his thumbs into the flesh beside her sex and splaying his fingers over the bottom of her pelvis, like a photographer framing a scene.

  “Bump of fish change your mind?”

  “Which you obtained from where?” Caden sounded surprised.

  “Mr Fucking Drake, of course. Came with his…” Tanner hesitated for a moment, “settlement.”

  Caden shifted, and Pearl felt the bed bough as Tanner got back on. Her eyes fluttered open. Caden hadn’t forgotten about her — he was still working himself into her as gradually and methodically as before, but his attention had shifted to Tanner who now perched on his knees beside the Fox Pit’s operations manager. Tanner held out a spoon — so small it could easily have doubled as Tinkerbell’s soup ladle — with a mound of off-white powder heaped on it. Caden lifted one hand free of Pearl, using it to close his nostril as he snorted up the coke. Tanner dished out another helping — this disappearing into Caden’s other nostril.

  “I had my reasons,” Tanner said, studying Caden with a sudden, intense fixation.

  He touched the tip of his finger to the opening of the tiny vial and tipped it over. Caden’s hand found its way back to Pearl, stroking her clit almost as an afterthought as he watched Tanner with narrowed blue eyes.

  She moaned, writhing as that fingertip plunged tendrils of ecstasy through her.

  “I’m certain you did,” Caden said. “It’s just that your reasons are not often within the realm of common sense. Or even this dimension.”

  Tanner laughed, brought his finger up and slid it between Caden’s lips. Pearl moaned, struggling to keep her fluttering eyes open. Caden was working her like a marionette doll, despite his lack of attention. Tanner’s finger slid along Caden’s gums, and the man closed his eyes briefly, eyelids writhing as if he’d slid into a flash dream.

  When they opened again, they were wide, flickering over Tanner’s face as if searching for something.

�m assuming you’ll explain those reasons to me at some stage?” Caden glanced down at Pearl, his jaw jutting out as he gave his bottom lip a quick bite.

  Pearl moaned, her hips bucking up from the sheets. Despite the blood roaring in her ears, the erotic ardor Caden’s rhythmic movements poured into her, despite the feel of the man’s finger against her pleasure center, she couldn’t stop trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about. Was this about the email she’d read the other day? The name Drake had been in there. Or was this about Ethan?

  “At some stage,” Tanner said, helping himself to a dose of the fish. “Sure.”

  Caden let out a low growl and bent over Pearl, changing the angle and speed of his thrusts. She cried out, her fingers sliding into the same slat that held her bonds, and gripped the wood tight. Caden’s hands slid up the front of her body, the fingers of one closing around her throat, the other smoothing hair from her face.

  He brushed his thumb over her lips, his lips parting and his eyes sliding closed. They opened again a second later as he began forcing himself harder into her.

  “This about Sylvia?” Caden’s words touched hot tendrils of air against Pearl’s neck, making her shudder. Caden touched the side of her mouth, his thumb tracing the outline of her lips. She parted them for him, and his finger slid inside, pressing down on her teeth.

  “Sylvia who?” Tanner’s voice came from close — a glance to the side through passion-fogged eyes revealed him less than a foot away Pearl and Caden, his hands on Caden’s shoulders, his fingers working into the lithe, inked deltoids. His tongue moved behind his lips, tracing his teeth — first the upper row, then the bottom.

  “Tanner—” Caden broke off. Pearl felt the quiver racing through his body. Already? So soon? Pearl could feel her own climax approaching, but it was as distant as the sun touching the horizon. She groaned, twisting her hips, urging the man to touch her again. But he seemed more intent on her mouth and the grip around her throat.

  Tanner slid his right arm over Caden’s chest, tugging the man up. Pearl gasped — the new angle had Caden’s dick hitting that secret spot just inside her sex, applying just the right amount of friction and pressure. Caden’s hands slid away from her throat and face, returning to cup her sex, massaging her, whipping her into a new frenzy.

  There was a difference of half a foot between the two men which put Tanner’s mouth by Caden’s shoulder. He pressed his lips to the man’s skin, trying to hide his smirk. Caden glanced to the side, his eyes narrowing to slits when he caught sight of Tanner’s expression.

  “It’s just business, Tanner.” Caden’s jaw was bunched tight, his chin jutting out as he spoke.

  “Just business,” Tanner murmured.

  “Why do you always take it so goddamn person—”

  Tanner used his free hand to grab hold of Caden’s jaw, yanking the man’s head down. The furious crashing together of their mouths ended Caden’s sentence. Pearl stopped writhing for a moment, abject astonishment making her climax flicker away as if it had never been.

  This wasn’t anything sensual, erotic. The grinding of those lips was animalistic and fierce. Livid, even.

  Tanner’s hand slid from Caden’s chest, his arm now around Caden’s waist. Pearl shivered as Tanner’s fingers brushed her, urging Caden’s hands away from her sex. Instead, the sides of Tanner’s thumb and index finger brushed against Pearl as he wrapped his hand around Caden’s dick, pumping him into a faster rhythm.

  While keeping more than two inches of cock outside of Pearl. She groaned, shoving her hips up to try and get more of Caden inside her.

  Was Tanner punishing her or Caden?

  Caden grabbed a handful of Tanner’s sandy hair. If he’d been trying to yank back the man’s head, he hadn’t succeeded - Tanner’s neck muscles bunched, but his head didn’t move. Their kiss dissolved an instant later, but their mouths remained within threatening proximity, lips parted, as if both men were considering whether to resume, whether they could stand that hedonistic ecstasy.

  That hand wrapped around Caden’s cock began slamming into Pearl’s pelvis. She gasped, her hips rising to meet every throttled thrust into her. Tanner’s hand slid away from Caden’s jaw, gripping the back of his neck instead. They looked about to resume that brutal kiss of theirs, but then Tanner’s eyes fell closed.

  Well, Caden had to keep his hands busy, right?

  With Tanner’s fist slamming into her on Caden’s every thrust, she was again minutes away from climaxing.


  Her body screamed for that release, so long denied. Would it be anti-climatic after such a frenetic build? A dull flicker in comparison with the tongues of fire that had been whipping her nerves into a frenzy?

  Tanner groaned loudly, the sound muffled an instant later. The men had decided they could bear each other a few seconds longer. Pearl, feeling Caden’s muscles bunching, let out a low moan — she was still minutes away at least.

  Caden pulled out.

  “No!” Pearl’s rough, hoarse voice shocked her. “Please.”

  The men broke off their kiss. Caden gave her a snake-slow smile as he ducked his head out from under her legs.

  “Calm yourself, Miss Buchanan.” His voice was surprisingly calm for someone on the brink of orgasm. “You’ll get yours.”

  Had he read her mind? She moaned anyway, feeling her orgasm retreat like it had so many times today. Feeling that numbing throb return. Caden’s eyes fluttered as he moved up beside Pearl.

  She blinked, glancing down. Tanner still had his hand around Caden’s dick, pumping him with those same relentless strokes as before.

  “Open, baby girl.”

  For a second, she had no idea what Tanner was asking of her. The man bumped into her legs, using his elbow to part them.

  Oh, of course.

  Pearl let her legs fall open. Tanner rammed himself inside her so hard that she let out a strangled yell of pain. Her eyes flashed closed, a thrill coursing through her body as her back arched off the bed.

  Caden’s fingers brushed her lips. “You heard Tanner. Open your mouth.”

  Pearl’s eyes opened again. Caden’s dick was inches from her mouth, Tanner displaying amazing co-ordination as he simultaneously pumped Caden and fucked her.

  The coke? Or practice?

  Pearl’s lips parted. Caden grabbed her chin and tugged her mouth open as far as it could go. Tanner’s thrusts became furious and determined. The man began grunting as he pounded into her. Pearl moaned loudly, the sound strange coming from her open mouth.

  Caden’s shoulders bowed. He slid a hand over Pearl’s throat, the other skidding over her belly as he dragged his nails over her flesh. His fingertips found her clit, stroked her once, and then slid around either side of her sex, wrapping around Tanner’s wet cock where it speared into her.

  Pearl shuddered. His palm applied a hard pressure to her clit, but those fingers chafed along the sides of her sex, sending teasing electric tendrils through her.

  Caden came seconds later, utterly silent, jaw bunching as he bit the corner of his bottom lip. He spurted his load over Pearl’s parted lips, her cheek, her chin, Tanner aiming his dick perfectly despite the man’s bucking hips. She shuddered violently when the bitter liquid touched her tongue, hurriedly pushing it out of her mouth and letting it run down the side of her face.

  Tanner pounded hard, stopped, and then thrust into her one last time, ending with the tip of his dick slamming into her cervix. He still worked Caden’s cock, eking the last few drops of cum onto Pearl’s lips as the man’s lips trembled ferociously. Caden squeezed her sex hard enough to draw a gasp.

  Then Caden ducked down, bit the soft flesh above her pubic mound, and began licking her clit as hard and fast as Tanner had pumped his cock. Tanner moved slowly in and out of her, his cock still pulsing as he emptied the last of his load into her.

  Pearl’s climax arched her back from the bed. Her nails bit into her own palms as a wordless shriek erupted from her. B
ut Caden didn’t let up — his tongue followed her just as Tanner’s cock kept gliding in and out of her, now slippery and dripping with cum.

  “Again, baby girl.” Tanner slapped the back of her thigh, hard enough to wreathe sparkles of fire through her numb flesh.

  Pearl bucked as a breathless “no” left her lips.

  “You can do it,” Tanner murmured. He was still hard, still sliding in and out of her as if building to another climax of his own.

  “No, I—”

  Fingertips scored over her taint and swiped a line of fire over her backdoor. Pearl gasped again, hips slamming up so Caden’s teeth ground into her flesh.

  A finger slid inside her, pumping eagerly, spurring her toward another blazing orgasm.

  She couldn’t scream the second time. Her lungs had frozen and her entire body had stiffened. She must have looked like they were performing an exorcism on her.

  Perhaps they were.

  Because no demon could have survived the religious ecstasy that lashed through her seconds later.

  True to his word, Caden left a few minutes later. Pearl was still caught in the throes of her climax — blood roaring in her ears and her heart pounding — as Caden buckled his jeans and slid off the bed.

  The man turned to Tanner as he tugged his shirt from the hook behind Tanner’s door. “You’re sure about this Ethan character?”

  Tanner, his forehead resting on Pearl’s knee and his dick still buried inside her, gave a nod. Pearl panted at him, her eyes flicking from the exhausted billionaire to Caden. He stood with the palm of his hand against the doorframe, waiting on Tanner’s answer.

  “Sure as shit,” Tanner murmured. He lifted his head, flashed Pearl an open-mouthed smile, and gave the side of her thigh a slap. “Trust me.”

  Pearl’s heart rate refused to slow. She squirmed, tearing her eyes away from Tanner as she stared at her still bound wrists. Surely she could untangle—


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