Phoenix Rising (Invasion #1)

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Phoenix Rising (Invasion #1) Page 7

by Bethany Shaw

  He let his hands tiptoe down her body, stopping at her apex. His finger pressed against her clit. Her hips bucked up wildly and he grinned, repeating the action. The sounds that came out of her mouth were sinful and he loved the way his name sounded, deep and breathy on her lips.

  His other hand cupped one of her breasts, rolling the tender bud between his thumb and forefinger and eliciting a cry from Addison. Continuing his ministrations, he pulled back so he could watch her face, wanting to see her as she came undone in his embrace.

  Zephyr buried himself deeper in her. Her core seemed to be sucking him in deeper and growing wetter by the moment. It was almost too much for him. He was about ready to lose control when she tipped over the edge.

  She screamed out his name, repeating it over and over again as her hands came to rest on his shoulders and her body stiffened beneath his. Her eyes were closed and her face showed her ecstasy. It was enough to send him teetering over after her.

  He came with a roar, his seed spilling into her, with her name on his lips. Addison threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling his mouth back to hers. Their tongues met, swirling together as they both came down from their highs.

  Zephyr pressed his forehead against hers and opened his eyes, peering into hers. A mixture of emotions seemed to be swirling in them, but he couldn’t decipher what they were. She didn’t say anything as he rolled off. He kept her close, tugging her so that her ass was pressed against his already hardening cock.

  Addison wiggled her butt, letting out a sigh as she pulled his hand and placed it on her breast. Tomorrow all hell might break loose, but for tonight he was going to enjoy himself. One night couldn’t hurt anything, right?

  Chapter Eight

  Addison clutched the sheets tighter, shivering as she peered her eyes open. Her hands reached out to feel for Zephyr, but the bed was empty. She sat up holding the thin fabric to her bare chest as she looked around the bedroom.

  He was nowhere to be found. She bit her lip and sighed as she raked a hand through her hair. This wasn’t how she’d anticipated starting her morning.

  A loud wail caused her to jump. Her heart skipped a beat as she swallowed. Creeping to the edge of the bed, she retrieved her discarded jumpsuit and slipped it on.

  Silently she tiptoed over the floor, pressing her back against the doorframe so she could peek into the front room. Movement caught her eye outside. Dropping to her hands and knees, she crawled over the floor to the gun case. Her fingers shook as she drew out a rifle and the handgun. The screeching grew louder and she closed her eyes, forcing a ragged breath into her lungs. She needed to focus on loading her weapons. Zephyr was nowhere to be found and she prayed he hadn’t been captured, or worse.

  The only thing she did know was someone was making a whole lot of noise outside and that couldn’t be a good thing.

  Both guns loaded, she shoved boxes of bullets into her pocket and dropped to her stomach to scoot across the floor toward the window.

  The hard floor dug into her knees and elbows, but she didn’t stop until she reached the far wall. Her pulse thundered as she rolled and sat up with her back was against the wall.

  Addison stood and peered out the window. The Imanjis yellowed bodies strolled around the small court almost as if they were looking for something—or someone. They must be searching for her and Zephyr.

  From what she could tell, there were at least six. Too many for her to take out without being detected. There was no sign of Zephyr either. He wouldn’t have left her. She didn’t know how she could be so sure, but she was. The alien had done nothing but protect her thus far.

  Another wail sounded, but this one was different. It was high-pitched and frantic. A bird squalled and Addison moved the curtain for a better look.

  The fiery phoenix attacked two of the Imanji, spraying an inferno at them until their bodies were completely engulfed in flames. Addison lifted the rifle to her shoulder, took aim and fired at an Imanji.

  The alien she’d targeted pitched forward onto the asphalt. She fired again, striking another. By then, the bird had taken care of the remaining Imanji. It flew toward the cabin, landed on its feet and changed into Zephyr. He opened the door and rushed to her.

  “Are you hurt?” he asked as he grasped her hands with his.

  “No. You?” she asked as she fell into his embrace. His arms wrapped around her folding her into his warmth. She could stay like this all day, but knew it wasn’t possible. “Where were you?” she asked as she pulled back, narrowing her eyes. “I was worried when I woke up and you weren’t there.” She didn’t want to sound like a clingy overly sensitive woman, but these circumstances weren’t normal.

  He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a granola bar. “I went to find something to eat. The canned food didn’t sound appealing. I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to come up with much before I noticed the Imanji.”

  “Thank you.” She took the food from him and opened it breaking the bar in half to offer him some.

  “No. I’m okay,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” They both needed their strength.

  “I’ll be fine. We should leave. More will be coming,” he said as he grasped her free hand and led her outside.

  She ate the bar, not bothering to savor it as Zephyr turned back into the burning bird. She secured the guns as best she could before nodding at him that she was ready. As he had the day before, he used his talons to pick her up and swing her into the air.

  With her eyes squeezed shut, she groaned as her feet left the ground. Part of her wondered if she would ever get used to flying. From the way Zephyr spoke, she might not have much of a choice. Her world would be gone if they couldn’t come up with a way to save it.

  There had to be a way to do something. She just hadn’t come up with it yet. Surely her dad or the president would have an idea—if they were still alive. They had to be. Someone had to still be fighting. Earth had over a billion residents, they couldn’t all be gone.

  Her stomach lurched, drawing her from her thoughts as her feet touched the ground. Zephyr let go of her and then landed in a squat in front of her. As he stood, the fire melted away, showing her a man.

  “Is this what you were looking for yesterday?” he asked as he turned.

  Addison covered her mouth as she took a step back. Her feet fumbled over the debris and she fell, landing on her butt onto a pile of rocks. The White House was in ruins. If she hadn’t been to the historic landmark so many times, she might question if it was really the mansion, but she would recognize those pillars anywhere.

  The destruction didn’t mean anything. Someone could still be alive down there. The hidden bunker was well protected, built to withstand an attack.

  She forced herself to her feet. “We’ll have to find a way through the rubble.”

  Her hand went to the spot just over her heart as she took in the carnage. The once historic and proud home was destroyed.

  Tiny fires still flickered around the area. It would be tough to get inside, but she was going to find a way. She trudged through the rubble until she’d made her way to the front stairs leading to the door. The building had collapsed in on itself. Even if the bunker was still intact, she had no idea how she was going to get down to it. It’d be really nice if Zephyr’s life sign detectors were working right about now.

  “Can you help me move this?” she asked as she bent down. Her hands went underneath the concrete, but it refused to budge.

  Zephyr squatted down, putting his hands under it as well. He started to lift, but then stopped. Jumping over the debris, he pulled her to him and together they crouched down.

  “What is it?” she asked, though, she wasn’t sure she wanted to know the answer.

  “I hear a ship,” he said, his warm breath ghosting over her ear.

  She gulped. Had the Imanji come back to make sure they’d finished the job?

  A whirling sound came closer and she looked up to see a long rectangular ship fly overhead.

  “Addison, stay here,” he said as he stood.

  “Why? What is it?” she asked as he flapped his wings out.

  “It’s one of mine. Don’t move. I’m going to signal it,” he said as he took flight toward the ship.

  Addison watched as he left a trail of flames in his wake. She held her breath as Zephyr sped up, soaring through the sky toward the sleek silver ship. If he didn’t catch it in time they would be stranded without help. He really needed to catch that ship.

  Her thoughts were disrupted when another streak flashed through the sky. This one was black and circular-shaped. Addison gulped as something was ejected from the ship and sent careening toward the silver one. A sickening feeling pitted in her stomach as she realized the black ship was their enemy.

  The Imanji were here and they were firing on Zephyr’s friends. He’d already lost one ship and she didn’t want him to lose another, but she wasn’t sure there was anything she could do to help. The two spacecraft were already tiny dots on the horizon. Even Zephyr had diminished to a burning glow. They were miles away and she had no way to warn them or help.

  She ran a hand through her hair and stared into the distance until all three were gone. Now what am I going to do?


  He hadn’t intended to leave Addison, nor had he thought he’d have to go so far to catch up to his crew. The beautiful human was sitting out in the open and in danger. She would be okay, he assured himself. Addison knew how to take care of herself and he’d be back as soon as he could.

  If he didn’t catch his ship, he and Addison would have to fend for themselves on her planet. The Imanji were due to destroy it in less than forty-eight hours. He had to reconnect with his people and secure a way for Addison and him to get off the planet. It was the only way they were going to survive.

  He pushed his wings harder, flapping them faster to catch up to the shuttle. Caught up in trying to catch the ship, he didn’t see or hear the Imanji ship approaching until a spray of ice shot passed his right side, narrowly missing him.

  Zephyr looked over his shoulder and cursed under his breath. The enemy ship was gaining on his shuttle. His shuttle’s door opened and two men dove out, changing midair into phoenixes. They darted toward the enemy ship, both blowing a spray of fire at it but missing.

  Zephyr flew up and changed direction until he was behind the enemy ship. Turning his wings, he squawked as he sent repetitive balls of fire at the ship. The enemy’s craft dodged to the right, missing the first one, but the second fireball caught its right side.

  Zephyr watched with satisfaction as the ship nosedived toward the ground. He joined his fellow phoenixes and watched as the ship fell. It struck with a loud crash, sending smoke billowing into the sky.

  He held his position, searching the skies for any other craft. His shuttle had slowed and was making its descent to the ground. Once he was certain the sky was clear, he fluttered to the ground and returned to his alternate form as he marched toward the bay door.

  It hissed open and Orion stepped out, his eyes wide as he took in the sight of Zephyr. Orion pulled his captain into a manly hug. “Zephyr, thank goodness. We thought we lost you.”

  “It’s good to see you, too,” he said, clapping his friend on the back before pulling away.

  “Are there any others?” Orion asked, his eyes flitting to the sky.

  Zephyr glanced to the ground and shook his head. “Addison and I are the only ones. They iced the shuttle while we were searching for survivors.”

  “Crud,” Orion said under his breath. He looked around then frowned. “Wait! Where is the human?”

  “I left her back at The White House while I tried to catch you. She thinks there could be people still in there,” he said.

  “You were the two life signs we detected in the area we just scanned. We were coming back for you when the Imanji ship popped up on our radar. We’ve already canvased this entire city. All the living humans are onboard the shuttle or The Retribution,” Orion said.

  “Was the...” he paused trying to remember what she’d called her leader. “The President one of the men you rescued? He’s some sort of leader.”

  Orion shook his head. “I don’t think so, Sir. I’ve been trying to keep track of the refugees and I don’t remember that name.”

  He huffed and scrubbed a hand over his face. The news wouldn’t make Addison happy at all. It meant her father was most likely dead. “I’m going to keep searching for survivors, while you take this group up to The Retribution. First, I need some new equipment. Everything I had was damaged in the attack yesterday except for my translator.” Thank goodness he hadn’t lost his ability to communicate with Addison.

  Orion unzipped his jacket and shrugged it off. “Here, switch with me. My life signs detector is in the right side pocket. I’ll see what I can do to have your jacket operational and back to you before we leave Earth’s orbit.”

  Zephyr removed his coat and took his friend’s. “Thanks. I’ll be in contact.”

  “Be careful, Zephyr,” Orion said with a nod. “We don’t have much time left.”

  “I know.” He zipped up his borrowed jacket as his wings shot out of his back. He flapped them up and down as he shot back into the air and toward Addison.

  It was important to get back to her before anything happened, but he hoped he would be returning with good news of her father’s safety. At least he had made contact with his people.

  Chapter Nine

  Addison was never going to move all the rubble by herself. Even if she had construction equipment, it would take her days to dig her way through.

  Tears pricked her eyes as she struggled to move a large brick. She tugged until her foot slid out from under her, causing her to fall on her butt.

  Pain exploded through her leg and she yelped as she tried to right herself. Her foot was stuck underneath some rocks that must have shifted. Each movement caused more pain to slice through her.

  She let out a breath and stared up at the sky, searching for any signs of Zephyr. He and the two ships were gone. It had been at least a half hour and there was no sign of him or the ships. She didn’t know what to make of it.

  Addison’s heart ached with worry for the phoenix. In a short period of time, she’d come to care for him. Zephyr wasn’t like any man she’d ever met before; then again, he wasn’t even from this planet.

  She giggled at the thought and then slapped a hand over her mouth. Now wasn’t the time for hysteria to set in. She had to keep working. Lying in the debris wasn’t going to help anyone.

  Pushing herself up, she gripped one of the rocks over her foot and lifted it, tossing it to the side. She removed two others before she could finally wriggle her foot free. It hurt, but she managed to stand.

  A ball of fire in the sky caught her eye and she scurried across the rocks, looking for a spot to hide. It looked like it might be Zephyr, but she had no way of knowing for sure. Not to mention, with the events of the last two days, a little caution wouldn’t hurt.

  Her injured foot didn’t ache as much now that it was free and she was able to hurry to a spot where she could duck inside a rock with a small overhang, hopefully out of view, but it also meant she could only see directly in front of her.

  Addison held her breath as the seconds ticked by slowly.

  “Addison?” Zephyr’s voice called.

  She crawled out of her hiding spot and shot up, letting out a relieved breath to see him standing several feet away. Running toward him over the rubble she launched herself into his arms and hugged him. “Thank goodness you’re okay. You were gone for such a long time! I wasn’t sure what happened to you.”

  He squeezed her against him and breathed in her scent, kissing her forehead as he pulled back. “I’m sorry. It took me longer to catch the shuttle with the Imanji attacking it. I checked in with my people and got my communications and life signs detector replaced.”

  “Oh?” she looked hopeful as she stared at the ground. “Is there
anyone here?” If there was how in the world were they going to get them out?

  “No. The group in this area was already rescued.” He looked away from her and sighed. “I inquired about your father and the president. To Orion’s knowledge, they were not found. I’m sorry.”

  The breath felt like it was knocked out of her lungs. She grasped her stomach as she sank into a pile of rubble. My dad isn’t here. Was he alive? Would they have gone someplace else? There were multiple safe havens to take the president and it was anyone’s guess as to which one he could be in. Of course, that was assuming they’d even left The White House. They could have been killed by the Imanji.

  She chewed on her fingernails as she thought.

  “Are you okay?” Zephyr asked as he took a seat next to her. “I know how much finding your father meant to you.”

  She gulped, swallowing down the lump forming in her throat. “I don’t know.” In her heart she knew her dad was still alive, but where was he and could they find him in time?

  Zephyr put his hand on hers. “We have thirty hours to find what survivors we can. After that, we must board The Retribution and get out of Earth’s atmosphere before the planet explodes. Is there anywhere else you can think to look for your father or other survivors?”

  Where would my father have gone? He’d promised to come get her. What if he went looking in California and here she was on the other end of the country? She closed her eyes and let out a breath. Think. Think. Think.

  Cheyenne Mountain.

  Of course, she should have thought of it sooner. The mountain was the perfect hiding spot, someplace the Imanji would never think to look because the base was hidden inside the mountain. If she remembered correctly, control to the nuclear warheads could be accessed there, too. That’s where she’d find her dad and probably the president with some armed forces, too.

  Even if her dad wasn’t there, could they somehow find a way to override the warheads and nuke the Imanji? Could they do it without harming the people and the planet too much? Maybe Earth had a chance yet.


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