Carol Lynne

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Carol Lynne Page 6

by The Last Bouquet (lit)

  “DC,” Ryan finally mumbled.

  Nate released Ryan and took a step back. He felt as though he’d just been punched. “Why would he do that?” All he could think about was Rio going after his father.

  Ryan took a deep breath and squared his shoulders. “He found Joseph.”

  Nate felt the burn of impending tears sting his eyes. Joseph? Images of his heavily muscled lover confronting the gentle man he’d once known scared him. “Give me the address,” Nate demanded, putting his shoes back on.

  “I can’t,” Ryan whispered, studying the floor.

  “More like you won’t,” Nate accused. “If Rio’s gone there to hurt Joseph in any way I’ll never forgive either of you.”

  “It’s not like that,” Ryan spat.

  “It’s not like what?”

  Ryan’s gaze moved to Nate’s, tears shimmering in his eyes. Having never seen his lover cry, Nate was completely floored. “Ryan?” he prompted.

  “He’s…we’re afraid of losing you. Rio went to see what Joseph’s feelings are towards you.”

  Seeing the obvious worry in his partner’s face, Nate couldn’t retain his anger. Dammit. He should’ve never told them about Joseph. Taking the few steps that separated them, Nate wrapped his arms around Ryan. “You’re not gonna lose me.”

  “You can’t promise that. Up until now, you didn’t know where Joseph was.”

  “Because I didn’t try,” Nate reminded him. “I was a private detective for Christ’s sake. I could’ve found Joseph if I’d really wanted to, but he’d already made his choice.”

  “He’s not a priest,” Ryan admitted. “He runs a non-denominational church in the heart of DC.”

  Nate’s heart skipped a beat at the news. Had Joseph tried to find him? “Will you go with me to DC?”

  Ryan hugged him closer. “I can’t, not now. With the storm blowing in and Quade no longer at the helm, George is gonna need all the help he can get.” Ryan rested his head against Nate’s. “I wish I could, believe me.”

  “I do,” Nate consoled. “But I need to go. I need to say goodbye to Joseph.”

  Ryan nodded. “I know, baby.”

  * * * *

  Holding hands, Tyler followed Hearn into Gracie’s room. “Hey there, princess,” Hearn greeted the little girl.

  A small dark-haired girl peered up from her doll and smiled. “Hearn!” she squealed, jumping up from the floor and running towards the big man.

  Her gaze suddenly swung to Tyler and she skidded to a stop two feet away. The expression of fear on her face broke Tyler’s heart.

  “Don’t be afraid,” Hearn cajoled, kneeling on the floor to get down to Gracie’s level. “This is my boyfriend, Tyler. He wanted to meet the girl who means so much to me.”

  Gracie stood her ground, eyeing Tyler warily. He couldn’t help but notice the thin scar running down the pretty little girl’s cheek. Had her mother done that? Once again he felt ashamed of himself. Although his dad had hit him, he’d never done anything to permanently scar Tyler. From the looks of it, he’d had a good life compared to Gracie.

  Not wanting to frighten the girl further, Tyler took several steps back. “I can wait for you in the reception area,” he said.

  “No,” Hearn said, reaching back for Tyler’s hand. Hearn turned his attention back to the frightened girl. “Remember we talked about the difference between good people and bad people?”

  Gracie’s gaze swung from Tyler back to Hearn. She nodded slowly.

  “Well, Tyler’s one of the good people. As a matter of fact, I think he’s the best person I’ve ever known, and he means an awful lot to me. Do you understand?” he asked in a gentle fashion.

  After several tense moments, Gracie stepped forward and held out her tiny hand. “I’m Gracie.”

  Swallowing around the newly-formed lump in his throat, Tyler shook the girl’s hand. “Nice to meet you, Gracie. Hearn’s told me a lot about you.”

  Gracie smiled at the news before wrapping her arms around Hearn’s neck. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you, too, princess.” He leaned back and put his hand inside his jacket. “Look here what we brought for you.” Hearn pulled out the white lamb. “It came from Tyler’s store. He owns a flower shop in Cattle Valley.”

  Gracie’s entire face lit up as she hugged the animal to her chest. “He’s so cute.”

  Her little body twisted back and forth as she continued to hug the cheap stuffed animal. Suddenly Tyler wanted to fill the room with as many toys as it would hold.

  Hearn chuckled, standing to put his arm around Tyler’s waist. “I think she likes it.”

  “I’ll say,” Tyler agreed.

  “Wanna have a tea party?” Gracie asked, gazing up at them.

  Tyler noticed the paper cups on the floor beside her now-forgotten doll. “I think we’d love that.”

  With a nod, Gracie walked over and sat down. “Come on,” she giggled. “You can’t have tea standing up.”

  With a wink, Hearn released Tyler. They walked over and sat across from each other on the small thread-bare rug. Tyler marvelled at the way Gracie handled the throw-away cups, as if they were real china. He vowed to buy her a real set as soon as possible.

  As Gracie handed a cup to Hearn, Tyler watched the man he loved. Hearn’s entire face had taken on an unmistakable glow. He really does love her. Tyler wondered if Hearn had ever considered adopting a child. It was obvious the man was good with kids, and from the looks of the centre, there were plenty of children that needed homes.

  They spent the next two hours enjoying their tea party and playing games. Tyler admitted defeat on more than one occasion. “I can see I’m going to have to brush up on my skills,” he informed Gracie.

  The little girl giggled. “Nothing wrong with losing. It’s willing to play in the first place that’s important.”

  Tyler reached out and smoothed a wayward black curl off Gracie’s forehead. “How’d you get to be so wise?”

  Gracie pointed to Hearn. “That’s what he always tells me when I lose.”

  The fact that Gracie didn’t pull away from the gentle touch made him feel like a king, until he made the mistake of grazing the scar with his finger.

  Gracie’s eyes went wide as she covered the area with her hand. “I’m sorry. I know I’m ugly.”

  Tyler automatically reached out, wanting to take the little girl into his arms. An interrupting cough from Hearn stopped him. Tyler glanced towards the man he loved. Hearn gave a slight shake of his head.

  “That scar doesn’t make you any less beautiful,” Tyler tried to apologise, but the damage had apparently already been done.

  Gracie turned away and hugged her lamb to her chest. Tyler glanced at Hearn pleadingly. “What do I do?” he mouthed.

  In answer, Hearn stood and scooped Gracie from the floor. “Hey.” Hearn bounced the sad little girl in his arms. He walked with Gracie over to the mirror and stood there. “Look at yourself.”

  Gracie buried her head against Hearn’s neck and shook her head. “Mary Grace Cook, do as I asked,” he gently reprimanded.

  Tyler wiped at the tears running down his cheeks. He couldn’t believe he’d just blown any chance he had of getting close to Gracie.

  As he watched, Gracie slowly lifted her head and turned to regard her reflection. “What do you see?” Hearn asked.

  “A scar,” Gracie mumbled, sticking her bottom lip out.

  “Really? Because what I see is a little girl with big blue eyes and rosy lips. Why, the only thing I see wrong is that pout on your face. How many times have we talked about this? Hmmm? True beauty comes from within, but so does ugly. Now I happen to know you’re beautiful on the inside, so how can you possibly imagine you’re ugly on the outside?”

  Gracie didn’t say anything but ran her finger down the scar from her outer eye to her chin. Hearn shook his head. “Nope. Not buying it.” He touched his lips to Gracie’s cheek. “If you let people see that inner beauty that I know you possess, t
hey’ll never even notice that tiny scar.”

  Tyler watched in awe as Gracie seemed to absorb every word Hearn said.

  “You’re the only one who can do that. I can tell you you’re pretty every day for the rest of your life, but until you’re able to truly see it, you’ll never believe it, in here,” he whispered, tapping her chest.

  Hearn turned to Tyler and held out his hand. “Tyler didn’t mean to make you feel bad. Did you, Tyler?”

  “No. I wasn’t even thinking of the scar when I touched you. What I really wanted was to hold you, but I didn’t think you’d let me, so I touched your cheek instead.”

  “See there?” Hearn asked Gracie. “You’ve only known my boyfriend for a couple of hours and already you’re trying to take him away from me.”

  Gracie’s red lips turned into a smile before finally breaking out into a giggle. “I didn’t mean to,” she said with her earlier cheer. “It just happens sometimes.”

  Hearn pulled Tyler against them. Gracie reached out and wrapped one arm around Tyler’s neck, still leaving one around Hearn’s and hugged them both. Tyler followed suit, as did Hearn.

  After feeling the little girl in his arms for the first time, Tyler knew his life would never be the same.

  * * * *

  Nate stepped out of the airport and called Rio’s phone. He was sure Ryan had probably already called to warn him of Nate’s arrival, but he’d yet to speak with his wayward lover.

  “You here?” Rio answered.

  “Yep. Where’re you?”

  “The Hyatt on H Street.”

  “Have you seen him?” Nate asked, getting into a cab. “Hyatt on H,” he told the driver before returning his attention to Rio.

  “No. Ryan called right after I landed, so I got a room instead.”

  Nate could tell by the sound of his lover’s voice that he wasn’t happy. Well too bad. “It’s getting late. We might do better to meet with Joseph in the morning.”

  “He’s already expecting us. I called him earlier. I thought it only fair to warn him you were coming,” Rio answered in a clipped fashion.

  “What room are you in?”


  Frustrated with their stilted conversation, Nate sighed. “Fine. I’ll be there in a few.” He hung up the phone and looked out the passenger window. It had been years since he’d stepped foot in DC. He briefly thought about calling his mom. Would she even dare to see him? They’d had a few phone calls over the years, but they were always short and in secret.

  The closer he came to the hotel, the tighter his stomach clenched. He wasn’t sure what to say to Rio when he saw him. He was still pissed his partner would take off without telling him, but he also knew he’d have done the same thing. The bigger question was why Rio sounded so pissed when they’d spoken?

  Nate was known for his ability to charm the bigger man, but would anything he had to say do the trick this time? Wait a minute. Why am I worried about easing Rio’s mood? I’m not the one who ran off to DC half-cocked.

  The cab pulled up outside the Hyatt, and Nate pressed several bills into the driver’s hand. He grabbed his overnight bag from the seat beside him and entered the grand hotel. The elevator ride was reasonably short, and before he knew it, Nate stood outside room five-fourteen. He gave the door an even handed knock and waited.

  Rio opened immediately, stepping back to let Nate enter.

  “Before you start yelling at me, let me explain,” Rio said.

  Now that Nate was in Rio’s presence, he realised it wasn’t anger, but hurt that prompted the short answers earlier. Dropping his bag to the floor, Nate launched himself into Rio’s arms. He’d somehow managed to hurt the two people he loved most in the world. “Seeing Joseph isn’t worth hurting you,” Nate told his lover.

  Rio seemed surprised by Nate’s statement. “What? You’d come all this way and not talk to him?”

  Nate didn’t even need to consider the question. “Yes, if that’s what you want.” He framed Rio’s face with his hands. “I won’t lie and say I’m not curious, but not for the reason you think.”

  “You told us you loved him,” Rio mumbled.

  “I told you a part of me still loves him, it’s not the same as what I feel for you and Ryan. I’m not in love with Joseph. He was always the loose end of my life left dangling out there. Now that we’re here, maybe I can finally close that chapter of my life.”

  “I saw his picture on the internet. He’s even more handsome than that photograph you still have.”

  Nate grinned. “Excuse me? Have you ever looked in the mirror?” Nate ran his hands over Rio’s broad chest. “Does he have pecs to die for? Does he have dimples I love to kiss?” He gave Rio a kiss. “Can he make me feel loved simply by smiling at me?”

  Nate shook his head. “I was a boy when I fell in love with Joseph. I hate to admit it, but that was a very long time ago. Believe me, Rio, there’s nothing Joseph could ever say or do to make me want him over what I already have. You’re stuck with me.”

  Rio smiled. “In that case, I think we have time for a shower before meeting him downstairs for dinner.”

  Chapter Seven

  Nate tucked the white collar under his camel coloured cashmere sweater and turned to Rio. His partner leaned against the door, arms crossed, dressed to die for. If he’d done nothing else to improve his lovers lives at least he’d taught them to dress well. Of course it helped when they let him buy most of their clothes.

  Wearing the black pants and shirt Nate had bought him for Christmas, Rio looked…dangerous. The long-sleeved silk blend shirt moulded to his lover’s chest, defining each ridge and dip. The overly-long mop of black curls Nate loved to run his hands through was secured in a leather thong at his nape. “You are one sexy motherfucker.”

  The corner of Rio’s mouth lifted in a boyish grin. “Can’t have you getting all tempted by this preacher man,” Rio commented.

  “Not gonna happen.” Nate walked over to stand in front of his partner.

  “Sure about that?” Rio asked.

  Nate could still see the worry etched around Rio’s eyes. After the fuck they’d shared in the shower, he’d hoped Rio would feel a little more confident. “See this ass?” Nate asked, turning around to present his butt. “I don’t know where that little spinny-twirly thing you did came from, but I’m gonna be feeling it all through dinner.”

  Rio reached out and smacked Nate’s ass hard. “I bought a book.”

  Surprised, Nate spun around, rubbing his ass. “You bought a book?”

  Rio rolled his eyes. “I can read ya know?”

  Nate put his hand to his mouth to cover the smile. “I know, big man. So, what kind of book did you buy?”

  “Sex stuff,” Rio simply stated.

  Nate’s brows shot up. “Sex stuff?”

  “Ya know…positions. Don’t want things to get stale between us,” Rio confessed.

  With a sigh, he wrapped his arms around his lover. Nate knew what it meant for Rio to admit his insecurities. Although Rio was the quiet one of the threesome, he felt everything twice as deeply, but that didn’t mean he always shared those feelings.

  Instead of calling him on his admitted fears, Nate pulled Rio down for a kiss. “I love you, and I’ll always want that prized dick up my ass, spinny-twirly thing or not.”

  Rio grinned. “Good to know.”

  Nate glanced at his watch. “It’s time.”

  Rio nodded and opened the door. “After you.”

  After a short ride down the elevator, Rio pointed in the restaurant’s direction. Nate didn’t miss the proprietary hand on the small of his back. “I’m nervous,” Nate confessed before entering.

  “So am I,” Rio admitted.

  Stepping up to the host, Nate smiled. “We’re meeting Joseph Allenbrand,” he told the tall man.

  “This way. You’re party’s expecting you.”

  The host showed them to a small room off to the side of the main dining room. Nate looked up
at Rio. “Did you make the reservation?”

  Rio shook his head.

  The host bowed, indicating for Nate and Rio to enter the small private dining area. “Your server will be along momentarily.”

  After a deep breath, Nate stepped into the room. Joseph and another man stood as soon as they entered. Rio had been right. Joseph was even more handsome than he had been all those years ago. The slight hint of grey in his otherwise dark hair set off the blue in his eyes perfectly. “Joseph,” Nate greeted, when his old friend stepped around the table.

  “Will.” Joseph returned the greeting and pulled Nate into an embrace.

  Nate stepped back and studied the face he’d longed to see for years. “It’s Nate now.”

  “Yes, of course, I’m sorry. You’re partner told me that on the phone. I’m afraid it may take some getting used to.”

  Nate reached behind him for Rio’s hand. “This is one of my partners, Rio Adega.”

  Rio held out his hand and Joseph took it. “One of your partners?” Joseph asked, brows rising questioningly.

  Nate grinned. “Ryan’s our other partner, but he couldn’t get away to meet you.”

  Joseph nodded before turning to the man to his left. “This is Phillip, my partner.”

  After the introductions had been made, Joseph gestured to the table. “Please, sit down.”

  Nate was pleased when Rio automatically pulled his chair out for him. “Thank you,” he said, gazing up at his lover. Rio took the seat next to Nate’s and placed his napkin on his lap.

  “So,” Joseph began. “Rio tells me you’re thinking of running for mayor?”

  Nate glanced at Rio. His lover’s slightly guilty wince almost made him laugh. “Yes,” he answered, returning his attention to Joseph. “I’ve run into a stumbling block however. In order to register my name for consideration, I have to supply my birth certificate with the application.”

  Joseph nodded his head in understanding. “And you’re afraid your new name will cause problems.”

  “For you mostly,” Nate admitted. “At this point in my life I’m not sure I care about what my father thinks of anything. If the press gets wind of it and decides to go after him, so be it.”


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