Last Horizon: Beta

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Last Horizon: Beta Page 9

by Daniel Schinhofen

  Kittish stood up and walked over to the stammering dev, “It's okay, you didn't know one of his peeves was being accused of cheating. We will not use such tactics, though if we do find them we'll notify you so they can be fixed.”

  “I truly am sorry for my words,” Jazzy said still not looking towards Terets. “It's just, this never should have been able to happen. Even the gear Thallien gives players for bringing him supplies wouldn't be enough for this to happen. Minor increases in damage and armor shouldn't boost you to this point even with Smee's potions.”

  The group exchanged glances then Dumadin shrugged, “Minor increase? The gear we got is frickin awesome, here, look.” With that he held out his shield and axe for Jazzy to examine.

  Her eyes widened and she stuttered again, “This isn't right at all. You should have just received some iron weapons and a breastplate. These items are from much later in his quest chain, when you bring back his stuff from the dungeons he sends you to.” She handed back the items and looked over the swords, necklace and staff. “Yeah this is wrong entirely. That explains it then. There's a bug in Thallien's code and he's giving out the wrong gear. Okay, this I can work with and get the other devs settled. The mystery has been explained.” She sighed at the end as if a weight had been lifted from her.

  “We good then? We get to keep the gear until live happens I hope?” Dumadin inquired.

  “Yes, that should be fine. It means you'll be ahead of the curve for a bit, but when live launches and everything is reset it won't matter. I'm glad you are enjoying the game. My sister will be disappointed, but those are the breaks.” She chuckled and bowed slightly to the group, “I'm off then.”

  “Wait,” Terets called out, “why will your sister be disappointed?”

  “Oh, she's been working like mad to get to level five. Says she wants to be equal to you guys, for when you catch back up. Only now though, you're level seven. It won't make a huge difference but,” She shrugged and didn't finish the sentence. “Well, enjoy and good luck.” With that she disappeared with another burst of light.

  “Well then, since Amythyst has been apparently counting on us getting back, I say we fast travel to Smee's and then fast travel to Stoutbank. This way we won't get any further ahead of the lady waiting for Terets's, I mean, our return.” Dumadin ended with a smirk.

  “Laugh it up fuzzball, just remember it was me who killed the bear.” With that Terets vanished as he fast traveled.

  “Har har, well at least I can let him have the last word.” Dumadin muttered then linked arms with Kittish as they fast traveled to Smee's cabin as well.


  The trio appeared just outside of Smee's garden. Smee came out from the cabin and waved at them.

  “Welcome back youngsters, how was your journey?” Smee greeted them and opened the gate to his garden for them to enter.

  “It went very well Smee. We had a talk with Thallien and we're on a quest to retrieve his journal. We also have your mushrooms and a heart for you.” Kittish responded, handing him the small bag of Deathhead mushrooms and the box containing the bear's heart.

  Smee took both, his smile showing blackened and crooked teeth, “Oh very well done you precious child. I am sure your friends were of help to you during the trial. What kind of heart did you bring me, hmm?”

  Terets and Dumadin both smirked at Smee's words and watched him closely as Kittish told him.

  “Well, we were going to give you a wolf's heart, but then we thought that just wouldn't do for someone of your abilities. So we put Theodore to rest and brought you his heart instead.” Kittish said with a small smile on her face.

  Smee's face blanked as his eyes grew large and he clutched the box to his chest. “Theodore? You killed Theodore? His heart is within this box?” Smee seemed stupefied at this news, staring alternately at the box he held and the adventurers standing before him.

  Quest completed: Help Smee.

  Receive alchemical supplies and training if you are an alchemist.

  Quest completed: Give Smee a heart.

  Receive two thousand experience and talk to Smee in a few days to collect your reward.

  “Don't move, don't move, I will be right back, I must put this precious heart away. Don't leave, make yourselves comfortable.” Smee hobbled off to his cabin, still clutching the box close.

  While the group waited for Smee to come back, they set up a fire and cooked the bear meat they'd collected. The result was Sautéed Bear Steak, which on top of replenishing health and stamina also gave a six hour buff increasing total life by 10%.

  “This will be helpful when we go for the goblin cave I would think. We only have eight pieces, best to hold onto them for now.” Dumadin said as he packed the cooked meat away. Just as he did, Smee returned from his cabin.

  “Well now, my feisty youngsters. I have some herbs here for you to use as you see fit and teaching for this sweet slip of an elf. It will only take an hour or so, just make yourselves comfortable. Come with me, sweetling and I will show you a truly interesting thing about these mushrooms.” Smee held out an arm for Kittish and led her off towards the well.

  “He's kind of creepy,” Dumadin said, watching the hunchback lead Kittish away.

  “Understatement of the year dude. Reminds me of Gollum from Lord of the Rings, but not as over the top. Or Igor, the assistant of Dr. Frankenstein” Terets added and pulled out a few wolf skins and buttons.

  “Working on armor for Amythyst? You should let her know we'll be there in an hour so she can be waiting for us. Maybe take the night to celebrate our achievements and get to know her a bit.”

  Nodding as he worked Terets initiated a whispered conversation with Amythyst.

  “Oh Terets, hi! How are you? I finished up a quest chain and got an amazing reward for it. How are you and your friends doing up north?” Amythyst asked as she accepted the request to converse.

  “That is good, we are doing well. Had to stop by Smee's cabin on the way back for Kittish to get some alchemy training. We should be back in town in an hour. I've almost finished a new leather outfit for you, putting the finishing touches on it as we speak. Oh, what weapons do you use? Dumadin wanted me to ask.”

  “A staff, I'm a stealth caster. I just reached level five yesterday and got my first spell, Icebolt. It does okay damage and slows the target for a few seconds. I can show you when you arrive, if you want. It's so useful in kiting mobs.”

  “Sneaky mage eh? That sounds interesting. Did you take the intellect start or the agility start?”

  “Intellect. I have a hard time playing characters not as smart as I am. Which means I can't get as good at stealth as an agility type but it is super useful still. If you're going to be here in an hour, I need to get some stuff done. I'll see you soon, did you want to meet at the Lonely Wood Inn?”

  “Yeah, that sounds good. Tell Bjorn we'll be there soon and his friend Thallien is fine. We'll head that way as soon as Kittish finishes learning her herb stuff.”

  As the conversation ended Terets finished off the armor he'd been crafting. Fine Buttoned Leather pants and tunic. They had a lot more armor and durability than the rough leather he and Kittish had. They were also much nicer looking.

  “We should get more hides so I can make us all a set of these,” Terets said, showing Dumadin the armor. “And Amythyst is a caster, so I hope you made a staff. She knows Stealth and Icebolt currently.”

  Dumadin checked and nodded, “Yup made a staff thank goodness, and it came out decently. Not my best weapon from the set, but better than most. Means I can send the rest off to Felton to break and re-craft with.”

  The two friends looked over at Smee and Kittish, who seemed to be having a lively conversation. It was obvious the two were having a disagreement, though a friendly one. Then Smee took a Deathhead mushroom and took a large bite out of it, which caused the two friends to look at each other in concern.

  “Didn't the tooltip say those thing were toxic in the extreme?”
Dumadin muttered watching Smee seemingly savoring the bite.

  “Yes it did. I'm hoping Kittish can learn to make a poison out of it for my swords,” Terets said, watching the alchemists talk.

  After a bit longer Smee and Kittish walked back to Dumadin and Terets, who stood up.

  “We're good to go guys,” Kittish said as she got there.

  “Return in a month and I will have a surprise for you. Until then, take care and may the gods watch over you.” Smee moved off towards his cabin as the group gathered their stuff. Smee paused at the door of his cabin and called back to the group, “Give Blade Master and Executioner a good thrashing.” The door closed behind him with a solid thud.

  The trio looked at the door, then Terets and Dumadin turned to Kittish questioningly. “Don't look at me. He is off his rocker. He wants me to poison myself with those mushrooms to 'build up concentration for spell casting in battle.' Then mentioned that large doses of Deathhead mushroom can give one glimpses into the future. If they don't kill you.” Kittish shook her head, then continued, “He also showed me how to make a poison coating with them. I can make some for you to use with your swords, Terets.”

  The duo glanced at Kittish, then each other and back at Kittish, then chuckled in unison.

  “What!?” Kittish demanded, hands on her hips.

  “We saw you two arguing. Wondered what it was about,” Dumadin bear hugged his love to him. “I know how you feel on prophetic visions, love. Still, that convo looked really interesting.”

  Terets just nodded and chuckled a bit more as he checked his gear, “I'm ready when you two are done.”

  The trio then fast traveled to Stoutbank's main square and turned to face the Inn.

  “There they are guys! Kill the bitch first, she's a healer,” came a familiar voice from off to the left.

  Terets didn't wait; he activated stealth right away and moved off.

  “See, your friend knows you're fucked this time noobs,” Executioner sneered at them. He was with Blade Master and three other men, who looked suspiciously like some of the people who'd wanted to kill Bjorn on opening day.

  With a sigh Dumadin turned to face them, “Seriously, don't you learn? We killed you twice already. You think these three will help you that much?” As he spoke he got his shield and axe ready.

  “The truly stupid are incapable of learning dear, you know that from your old job.” Kittish added and stood behind Dumadin, marking him for the necklace.

  “Five on two, doesn't seem fair to me. Sure you don't want to get a few more to help ya so it's more even?” Dumadin taunted and slid his feet into a nice stable stance, axe and shield held ready.

  “Fuck you shorty. If you're lucky we'll let you watch while we deal with the bitch behind you. Show you what real mean are made of.” One member of Blade Master's group dropped into stealth, another readied his shield and the last new comer stepped back, brandishing a staff.

  “Kill them!” Blade master shouted and charged at Dumadin.

  As Blade Master, Executioner, and the new shield bearer charged Dumadin, the rogue tried to stab Kittish in the back. Dumadin had been waiting for this and activated his shield, instantly teleporting him in front of the attack, which bounced harmlessly off the shield.

  “Peek-a-boo, I see you,” Dumadin said and hacked the rogue in the arm.

  “What the fuck, that isn't fair,” the attacking rogue said, backing up quickly and cradling his injured arm.

  Terets appeared momentarily behind the mage and backstabbed him, then vanished into stealth again.

  “Gah!” The mage said and spun around to find no one there, “Man, that is total fucking bullshit. You can't stealth in combat! Lame ass hacks, fucking cheaters!”

  As soon as he finished speaking Terets again appeared behind the mage, backstabbing him once more and killing him. “Never call me a cheater,” Terets added as the body fell.

  The trio charging Dumadin slowed, suddenly uncertain. Blade Master tried to rally his friends. “We can still take them, Quincy take the rogue. Me and Ex will kill the healer then help with the dwarf.”

  The shield bearer turned and targeted Terets with Taunt, the single target version of Anger Howl, forcing Terets to attack him.

  Kittish was chain casting Weaken, tagging each attacker with her dot while keeping an eye on her companion's health.

  The rogue tried to stab Dumadin again, only to have his attack blocked. Dumadin took the opportunity to use the ability of his axe to counter attack, which was enough in conjunction with Kittish's dot and earlier damage to kill the level one rogue. Dumadin triggered his shield again as Blade Master swung on Kittish.

  “This is just pathetic, where did you get your helpers, Acme Minions?” Dumadin taunted as the two handed sword bounced off his shield.

  “Teach you, you cheating noob,” Executioner yelled and slashed into Dumadin's side.

  Terets charged at Quincy due to the taunt when a bolt of ice slammed into the shield bearer from somewhere behind him.

  “Good thing I noticed these idiots and waited to see who they were going to bother this time.” Amythyst said, appearing from stealth as she attacked.

  “This time? You mean these guys do this often?” Terets ducked as the shield bearer swiped a hammer at him, grazing him. “But these guys are just sad. Dude, you lost more than 25% of your life to one Icebolt.” Terets casually side stepped and drove a blade into Quincy's chest, which dropped him to 5%. “You want to finish him?”

  “Gladly. He's one of the perverts that was cat calling me the first day,” Amythyst cast another Icebolt to finish off the doomed man.

  A Healing Light enveloped Terets as he turned to see how his friends were doing.

  Dumadin was trading blows with Blade Master and only losing 5% of his life per hit, unlike Blade Master who was losing 10% per blow. Executioner stepped towards Kittish and swung on her. Using the last of his aether Dumadin intercepted the attack, causing the axe to bounce harmlessly away.

  “I told you guys before, don't touch my woman,” With that Dumadin launched into a series of swings.

  Executioner looked around just in time to see Terets finish off Blade Master and realized he was the last one left. He turned to run, only to be hit by an Icebolt and slowed by the spell.

  The inn door burst open and Bjorn came striding out with an axe in his hand. “What in the bloody hell is going on out here!?”

  Executioner bounced off the angry dwarf and landed on his ass. “They viciously attacked me and my friends,” Executioner said pointing at Dumadin, Terets and Kittish.

  Bjorn looked at the group and laughed, then brought his axe around and used the top of it to pin Executioner to the ground. “You daft moron, those are my friends and a boon to this town. While you and your friends have attacked other adventurers at least five times this week, and tried to intimidate the tailor into giving you free clothing. This town has turned its back on you. If you come here again you'll be killed on sight.” With that Bjorn turned the axe and cut Executioner's throat.

  “We might be needing to hire one of them guards to patrol the town like the bigger towns have at this rate.” Bjorn muttered after Executioner's body vanished. Glancing around he saw the group watching him with raised brows and shrugged. “If you accrue enough ill will with a settlement, you can be banished upon pain of death. And we've had a lot of small issues of late since you adventurers starting showing up, which means we might need to hire one of them Protectors. I'll bring it up with the other town folk and see what they think. But now, come into the Inn and let me get you a drink!”

  Dumadin invited Amythyst to the group and they quickly looted the coin and gear dropped by the PvPers. Once they collected everything they stepped into the bustling inn and were met with applause.

  “Thank you for dealing with those louts. They've been terrorizing the lone adventurers who've been questing just outside town. They've also shaken down various merchants in the last few days. Please, allow me to introduce mys
elf. I am Dunstun, the tailor here in town. If you stop by my shop tomorrow I would like to show my appreciation.”

  “We would be honored, Dunstun, but it might be a bit late in the morning depending on how late the night runs.” Kittish responded, smiling at the middle aged human.

  “Very well then. I am off to have dinner with my wife. Enjoy the hospitality of the Lonely Wood.”

  Bjorn set the foursome up with tankards of mead as various other players came over to thank them for killing Blade Master and his gang. Seems the ragtag group had managed to make life hell for all the solo players except those able to stealth in the last few days.


  Dumadin listened to Bjorn's story of the PvP players and smiled as an idea occurred to him. “Guys, what did we collect off the idiots? Let's do a quick count up.” Puzzled, the group piled the coins and items they'd gotten from the gang on the table. A total of fifty five silver, twenty five copper, a shield, a dagger and a pair of pants comprised the haul.


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