Last Horizon: Beta

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Last Horizon: Beta Page 30

by Daniel Schinhofen

  The group paused, then handed over their weapons and waited as Thymas picked out twenty men from the mass who surrounded the group and started walking them towards the keep. Halfway there the group had to stop as Devlin and his daughter blocked the way.

  “Thymas what you do is unjust,” Devlin began before another voice cut him off.

  “Devlin stop, we have accepted the fact that the Baron will judge us. Step aside or come with us and help us with our case.” Dumadin called out making Thymas turn back to him.

  “Anything you say at this point can be used against you before the Lord,” Thymas advised.

  Chuckling Dumadin held up his hands, “The right to remain silent, I got it, but if he starts spouting off again I will keep speaking.”

  Thymas grimaced and went forward and exchanged hushed words with Devlin before taking him and the daughter into the group and continuing on the way.

  “What is the meaning of this Thymas?” the Baron's voice boomed with as much authority as Thymas had projected earlier.

  Thymas motioned the guards to bring the captives and the two townsfolk forward as he went to the foot of the dais and knelt on one knee. “Lord, these people have just slain Roland. I have brought them before you as the laws require to receive your justice.”

  “Were they any witnesses to this attack and slaying?” the Baron inquired to the crowd.

  “Yes, my lord,” the page that had been leading them out stepped forward and knelt on one knee to the Baron. “I saw the incident up to the point where Roland attacked them.” The page then began relaying the events that had transpired before the attack.

  As the page finished he stood up and moved back. “Very well, are there any other witnesses of the attack or the cause of the attack.”

  Devlin and his daughter came forward and knelt. “Yes my lord, we both have accounts to share.” Devlin quickly informed the Baron of what had transpired earlier. “I had sold my food stuffs to the innkeeper and had just gotten enough money to buy the indenture of my daughter off Roland. As I turned to seek him out I found him behind me. When I informed him of my intent and tried to give him the coin he lashed out, striking the purse from my hand. He then began to pummel me, the next thing I know I was waking to my daughter crying over me in the street.”

  As he finished the daughter began, “Your Lordship I can only inform you that the attack upon my father happened as he says. However, I would present evidence that Roland was a traitor to you.” The crowd exploded at this announcement.

  The Baron slammed a metal shod foot onto the floor a few times, calling his throne room to order. “Quiet, or I will have you all moved outside.” He settled back into his seat and nodded at the daughter, “Continue with your tale.”

  She spoke quietly, but firmly, “Roland has been working with the innkeeper and a few other shop owners to deprive your lordship of the correct taxes. For the last five years they have been paying less than they should as Roland is the tax collector. He doubled the tax in all the towns and then gave some of the more influential merchants the old tax fee. The extra he took from the others he kept, it should be in a strong box in his room. I overheard him tell the innkeeper that next year he and one hundred men would be leaving your service and starting their own keep and that the special merchants would all be welcome there.”

  The Baron nodded once, “Thymas, send a man to check Roland's home and secure any coin there. Pick two other men to escort these two to my chambers so we can speak at length later.” Thymas quickly selected the men and sent them off. “Now, adventurers, let us hear your story of the attack.”

  Dumadin stepped forward and went to the foot of the Dais and dropped to one knee as well, which caused a murmur. “Baron, I can't add much to what has already been said. I will only add that we had no intention of fighting when we left you earlier. When the incident happened we would have gladly settled it with words and perhaps fists, but Roland had ordered his men to attack and they drew weapons. Seeing that it was a fight to the death, we had to defend ourselves. When Thymas ordered us to surrender we did so without hesitation, as you are known though out the land as fair if firm in your judgment.” Thymas quickly confirmed that the group had indeed surrendered peaceably to him.

  The Baron sat back and raised his voice, “Listen now, all of you. Laws are to meet punished with the appropriate punishment. I have made sure that fair and just laws govern this land and I will continue to make sure they do. These people defended themselves from an unjust attack while protecting an innocent from those who would abuse the powerless. They are not to be punished, but lauded and praised for holding up the pinnacle of what is good and just. They stood before armed men with the intent of helping the poor and innocent. If you would not do so, then I will release you from my service.”

  The crowd began to murmuring among themselves. The Baron allowed it for a minute, then again called for silence. “For those who had been aiding Roland, I will show a measure of mercy. Turn yourselves over to Thymas this very eve and I can promise you mercy. If I find out later you aided him and didn't turn yourself in then I will treat you as a traitor as well. Now go and let the others know that punishment is to be met out shortly.”

  The crowd departed leaving the group, Thymas and the Baron alone in the hall. When everyone else had gone, the Baron looked at the group. “Now what am I to do with you lot? I can't reward you or it will look very odd to the men.”

  Dumadin shrugged, “We don't need reward, Baron. Roland needed to die for his actions. If you feel strongly enough about it, give us a boon to request your aid later. Give each of us the chance to ask you for a small favor or trinket at a later date.” The group nodded along with this. “Also make sure that Devlin and his daughter are well cared for, please.

  The Baron boomed a laugh, “So it shall be then, for helping me secure my kingdom from a traitorous snake. Thymas, show them the way out and then circulate among the men so they have the chance to repent. I will go speak with my guests and find out who else needs to be looked into.” The Baron stood and waved them goodbye as he slipped into a passage behind the throne.

  Thymas ushered them out and walked with them to the gate. “I thank you for helping my old friend and saving his life. However, I would suggest you stay away for some time to give us the chance to ferret out the bad apples.”

  The group agreed and though the portal out of the instance. “Do you think that the dungeon will stay changed for us?” Felton inquired of his friends.

  Not knowing, they shrugged in turn, then noticed it had been close to six hours since they logged in. “About time for the break and then off to Thallien to turn this journal over and see where we’re off to next. Meet back up in, say, two hours after food?” Kittish suggested to the group, who agreed and logged out one by one.


  The group reformed at the appointed time and began the trek up the path to Thallien’s home, stopping for the ore and herbs on the way. When they reached the top they felt a slight chill to the air. Frowning, they approached the cave slowly and entered cautiously. They found Thallien sitting at the table wrapped in a heavy cloak and shivering slightly. The group was surprised as no NPC had shown signs of being sick before.

  “Oh, my friends, welcome back. I was hoping that you would return soon with my journal. Please come in and make yourselves at home.” Thallien’s voice sounded stuffy, like he had a cold.

  “Greetings Al, are you okay? Is there anything we can do?” Amythyst greeted him in a soft, concerned voice.

  “No child, nothing you can due to aid me at the moment. Did you retrieve my journal from the keep?” Thallien’s eyes seemed to gleam with anticipation.

  Dumadin set the journal before Thallien, watching him closely. Thallien snatched the journal and cradled it to his chest and sighed, rocking slightly in his seat. “Thank you friends for bringing this to me. I am sure that I shall feel better in a week or so. Please come back to me then and I can get you pointed towar
ds the next journal.” Thallien slowly stood and went to his bed, collapsing into it and cuddling the journal he began to snore.

  Quest completed: Find Thallien's journals, part three.

  Receive: Forty thousand experience and a bonus to crafting.

  The group looked at each other with puzzled expressions. “I would almost say he got his fix.” Dumadin began, “I’ve seen junkies look like that when they got their next dose of their drug. Maybe we should talk to Bjorn and see if he can shed any light on this?” The group agreed to meet back here in a week and share what they found out.

  “Em and I are going to head back to the area around Dalton for the week then, man. It’s been fun and I want to continue, but I want to go do more crafting. I’m hoping that I can get another quest from the crafters there to improve my rep with them. Also figure out what the latest bonus was as it didn't say.”

  After the duo left, the others fast traveled to Stoutbank. Appearing in the town square they were met by a plate wearing dwarf who stood there. “Greetings Heroes, I am Dado, the Guard of Stoutbank. I have been told about you and wish you a pleasant stay.”

  The group greeted the guard with the same enthusiasm that he had greeted them. “Glad to see they chose an able person to hold the peace, Dado. I hope everything has been peaceful so far for you?” Dumadin finished and waited for the reply.

  “Oh yes, very peaceful. No issues at all, makes me wonder why they needed a guard. I won’t complain though, means I have a good job. Bjorn asked me to let you know he looks forward to your next visit.”

  “Well then, we shouldn’t keep the keeper of beverages waiting. Until the next time, Dado, may the time pass as peacefully as it already has.”

  Exchanging goodbyes, the group crossed the courtyard and entered the Lonely Wood Inn. They were greeted by a booming voice, “Welcome back my friends! Take a table and I will bring out beverages in a moment.” Bjorn started getting things ready as the group seated themselves.

  Bjorn brought mugs of mead and made sure everyone had one, then saluted their health. After they set the mugs back down Bjorn leaned forward as if wanting to talk privately. “Friends, I have a request I am hesitant to ask you for. It is a matter of a personal nature that I need kept quiet.” He finished speaking in a soft voice and looked around to see if anyone was watching them.

  The friends all leaned forward slightly to hear Bjorn then looked around with him, not noticing anyone taking an interest. “Speak on Bjorn. We also have something of a probably personal nature to discuss with you.” Terets nodded once as he finished speaking.

  “Right, um you see it is... well it’s like this... I...” sighing, Bjorn drained his mug and yelled to the server behind the bar. “Tabitha another mead for me, please.” Motioning the friends to wait a moment he sat there in silence. The server was the same woman who had filled in behind the bar before, a lovely female human. Her figure was pleasantly plump, rounded and full in many areas that were attractive. Her face was on the plain side, but her smile was beautiful as she put the mug before Bjorn. As she walked away Bjorn sighed again, watching her wistfully.

  “Tabitha... such a wonderful woman. She is always pleasant and graceful...” Bjorn blushed slightly and took another drink. “Okay, what I need is for you to please retrieve a few things I need to do this right.”

  The group sipped their mugs, waiting for Bjorn to continue. He eyed them and waited for something, after a minute he spoke again. “Well, will you do it?”

  Terets chuckled, “Bjorn, you haven’t told us what you need done. All you’ve said is retrieve some things. You didn’t tell us what things or where they are. I assume they are for you to court Tabitha.”

  Bjorn slapped his head and sighed, “My mind it is going, forgive me. What I need are the items that were left in a small cave about a week west of here. A ring, a bell, and a knife are what they are. The ring has a wondrous diamond on it, the bell is crystalline in nature but can’t be broken, and the knife is a bodice knife made of mithril.”

  Quest available: Marriage material.

  Retrieve the ring, bell, and knife for Bjorn.

  Rewards: Fifty thousand experience and increased rep with Bjorn

  The group accepted the quest, “Of course Bjorn, we’ll be glad to do so.” Terets picked up his mug, “To properly courting a lady.” Amythyst blushed as the group drank to the toast. “We can set out tomorrow. Bjorn, we did wish to speak to you about Thallien. Has he ever been sick, or been dependent on any substance?”

  Bjorn frowned, “I’ve never seen him in need of any substance, not like others who find themselves addicted to things. The only times I have seen him unwell were caused by poisons or disease. What’s the matter with him?”

  Terets grimaced, “He was shivering and huddled as if cold when we talked with him. When we gave him his journal back from the Red Baron’s keep he clutched it like an addict with a fix. So we’re worried for him and curious.”

  Bjorn shook his head with a frown, “Not that I ever observed, but it has been five years since we parted company. If he has become addicted to anything since I would like to help him. Please keep an eye on him and let me know if I can help in any way.”

  Quest Available: Worried Friend

  Keep an eye on Thallien for Bjorn, informing him of any issues.

  Rewards: Increased rep with Bjorn and variable monetary compensation

  The quest was accepted, “Of course, Bjorn, he’s our friend as well. We’ll do all we can and let you know if we notice anything else.”

  The group spent the rest of the evening visiting with various townsfolk and players who wanted to hear tales of their adventures. Dunstun and Theresa came in for food later and greeted them, sitting and chatting while the couple ate a meal.

  The other shopkeepers came in one at a time for a bit. Each joined the table and listened with the same eagerness as the others to the various tales of the group. The last of these was Alvira, who upon leaving whispered to Kittish, who giggled and nodded and leaned over to Dumadin and whispered.

  “Well guys, me and Kittish are going to take off for the evening. I hope you have a good night and we’ll see you at eight tomorrow?” Dumadin said standing and offering Kittish his arm.

  Terets looked and them and shook his head, “You two... go have your fun, freaky deviants.” Collecting a hug from Kittish as they left, he sat back down and chuckled.

  “What’s going on?” Amythyst asked when the other two didn’t log out but left the Inn.

  Terets smirked, “They have a date with some leather I believe. Or at least the owner of the Tanned Hides.”

  Amythyst blushed and looked down, “You mean they’re going to meet with Alvira? They are going to...”

  “Yup,” Terets reached out and took her hand. “They’ve always been that way, really. Besides I will not stop him from having any kind of non-harmful fun he can get in at this point.”

  Amythyst just nodded and then looked up through her lashes at him. “They are lucky to have found their match in each other.”

  Terets smiled and squeezed her hand, “There is hope for all of us then, if those two did it.”


  The next day they met up outside the inn. Mounting up, they began to ride through town. As they passed the Tanned Hides Kittish waved at Alvira and giggled at the kiss blown back at her as the shop keeper limped slightly into the shop. Terets raised a brow and shook his head, “Old teenage deviants.”

  Dumadin and Kittish laughed and smiled at each other as they rode. “That might be, but we’re experiencing all we can in the time we have.”

  Amythyst frowned slightly, “I’ve been hesitant to ask, but I want to know why? Why are you playing with the limited time you have left? Why are you not doing all you can RL right now instead?”

  Dumadin sighed and his brow furrowed as he tried to find the right words. “I could be flippant and say my best friend once gave me the best advice, that each day was a gift and not a given

  Terets laughed, “Nickelback? Really, Nickelback? Showing your age there, man. Seriously answer her question please.”

  Nodding and again thinking, he began to explain as best as he could. “What can I do RL right now? I could be doing what my sisters want, frantically clinging to life by trying everything under the sun to give me more time. Which would cause more pain as I lingered on. I could enjoy the sunrise and sunsets, eat fine foods and good drink. Travel, see more of the world. Is that what you’re thinking?”

  “Well, yes, basically. You could do all of that and spend more time with your loved ones.”

  “But I already am doing all of those things. I am spending time with those people that understand me the best. My sisters, while we love each other deeply, are very different and they don’t understand my thoughts. So I’ll spend my last days with my love, my best friend, and more friends. I’m exploring a whole world with you, eating new foods and trying new drinks. I’m crafting things at times and living here. My input here might maybe one day help this game become the bonding agent to a group of people to become friends for life. WoW did that for me and some of my friends, Felton and Em for instance. So while I can’t do anything to really influence RL, I might make a big enough difference here.”


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