Yaoified Love

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Yaoified Love Page 5

by Z. Allora

Staying curled around Kyle seemed like a much better way to spend the evening. More sex would keep reality at bay.

  But who could dissuade a Seme intent on a... dance party?

  * * *

  The music at the dance party wasn’t terrible. Bodies gyrated to the beat, then slowed down as if on cue as Kyle and Rory stepped through the door. The lights dimmed, and disco lights spun in patterns to guide the dancers. A soft, sexy melody turned the dark into some black-and-white movie.

  “Dance with me.” Kyle tugged him out onto the dance floor.

  Rory slipped into Kyle’s embrace as if he were born to be there. He allowed himself to be guided by the rhythm of Kyle’s body pressing against his, easily following.

  The lyrics sang of one true love, and even though he mouthed the words, he didn’t look at Kyle. This wasn’t a Yaoi with an easy answer. No, this was life, and reality could pretty much suck.

  Kyle nuzzled Rory’s neck, making him want to head back to the room and forget about... everything other than each other.

  “Maybe we could—” Rory tried to wheedle them toward the exit.

  Apparently, Kyle wasn’t aiding and abetting Rory in his escape plans. Kyle did guide them to a quieter corner of the ballroom and twirled him like a fairy-tale prince.

  The light was dim but enough so Rory could see the serious expression Kyle wore. Kyle’s tension made Rory nervous. Was Kyle going to say they should see other people? Maybe they should... but—

  “I know we haven’t spent much time together outside of Skype, but I feel like I know you.” Kyle touched over Rory’s beating heart and placed Rory’s hand over his heart. “And you know me.”

  Rory nodded. He couldn’t agree more and that terrified him.

  “I get why you didn’t want to talk about the future and all, but I think we should.”

  Fear ripped through Rory. What was between them was too good to survive in the real world. Distance and time would erode the perfection, so he selfishly wanted this weekend.

  “How about we enjoy BishounenCon, and we talk on Sunday.”

  Kyle frowned and took Rory’s face in his hands. He stared deep into Rory’s eyes as if trying to share his soul with him. His mouth captured Rory’s in a kiss meant for the pages of a Yaoi, not for real life.

  Each of Kyle’s kisses was precious, and Rory tried to memorize them all. He wanted to save the taste for when there would be no more.

  This kiss was soft and full of... affection, for lack of willingness to apply a more accurate descriptor. The brush of Kyle’s tongue and the glide of his lips made Rory want to believe that maybe, just maybe, they could have forever.

  Chapter 7

  Late Sunday morning...

  The weekend had flown by amid cuddles, blowjobs, snuggles, and more sexual adventures than Rory thought possible. But now it was late Sunday morning....

  “Come on. We should shower.” Kyle dragged him into the bathroom.

  They took turns brushing their teeth and using the toilet. How could activities of daily living be so heartbreakingly perfect?

  Rory sniffed, stepping under the spray; he hoped Kyle would think it was the water that made his eyes red.

  Kyle joined him. He grabbed the bodywash and soaped up every part of Rory, making him want to get dirty again.

  The shower rained down, drenching, but doing nothing about Rory’s hard-on other than making his cock wet.

  Fuck! Kyle’s hair had gotten slicked back and made him look even sexier. He wore a smile that said Rory was in trouble, and he’d fucking love the dilemma about to befall him.


  “I need you, Rory.” Kyle pinned Rory against the shower wall.

  The cold tile on his ass barely mattered as Kyle rutted his cock against Rory’s until stars burst behind his eyelids. Rory tilted his head so Kyle could suck a mark onto his neck.

  Rory’s heart clenched. If only Kyle meant that in the way Rory wanted Kyle. Why did they have to live on opposite coasts? It sucked. Pushing away the yaoified dreams of happily ever after, Rory focused on a more practical happy ending. “Here I am.”

  Dropping to his knees, Kyle demonstrated, for probably the fifth time this weekend, how talented his mouth was by sucking in more than half of Rory. He froze and peeked up.

  Rory stared down at the vision that topped his wishes and dreams list. It was surreal, and then Kyle smiled around his cock, taking him to another level of unreal ambitions.

  He grabbed Kyle’s hair to stay upright as he fell back against the tile. His groan for mercy was met with eyes sparkling full of mischief.

  Kyle bobbed his head excruciatingly slowly. He sucked in more of Rory’s cock on each descent until he tickled his nose in pubic hair. His mouth ringed around Rory’s base, and Kyle swallowed.

  “God!” As good as that was, it wasn’t enough.

  Kyle slid back to the tip. He wrapped a hand around the base of Rory’s dick and started to stroke him off with a slight twist as he sucked harder. It was another unique feeling in a weekend of firsts.

  “Fuck!” Rory clutched Kyle’s hair tighter.

  The delicious sucking and twisting tugs got faster... and that was it!

  “Kyle!” Everything good in the world converged making Rory come hard. He pulsated in time with Kyle’s strokes and sucks.

  Kyle stayed on Rory’s cock until he swallowed everything. Rory caught his breath as aftershocks of pleasure cascaded through him. Long licks helped guide Rory back from the land of grunting orgasms.

  Standing, Kyle nuzzled Rory’s neck, and steadied him.

  Rory moaned in blissful contentment. He slumped against Kyle, and allowed him to support his weight. As their breaths synced, Rory wished their feelings would as well, but—

  Kyle’s erection bumped into Rory’s leg.

  Oops! Rory had basked in release, forgetting Kyle suffered. He kneeled at Kyle’s feet. “Let me taste you.”

  He licked Kyle from tip to base and back again.

  “Oh man! You’ve gotten good at that.” Kyle leaned against the wall and combed his fingers through Rory’s hair.

  “It’s all the practice you’ve given me.” Rory licked him like a lollipop. He dragged his tongue up along the shaft and swiped around the tip to capture all of Kyle’s sweet precome. Then he flicked his tongue around the crown again and again.

  Kyle slapped the wall with his hand. “Please, Rory?”

  “Please what?” Having found his inner uke, Rory discovered he enjoyed tantalizing his Seme.

  “Put me in your mouth... just a little,” Kyle begged in a very non-Seme way.

  Rory loved the vulnerability, and fucking hell, he loved Kyle. He couldn’t confess this truth out loud, but yeah again the inconvenient truth reared trying to steal the happiness of now. Dread of the future heartbreak almost overwhelmed him, but he focused on giving the best blowjob the world had ever seen. He sucked like he could change the future.

  Kyle shook and groaned like he’d been shot. “That’s it, Rory. Yeah, just like that. Suck me.”

  Hollowing his cheeks added enough suction to make Kyle moan. Rory wrapped his hand around Kyle’s cock, and stroked the length that wasn’t in his mouth at the speed he found Kyle enjoyed the best.

  Kyle’s head thumped against the wall.

  Rory took him in as deep as he could without gagging. He bobbed his head and used his fist the way Kyle had.

  “Yeah! So good! Suck me off, Rory,” Kyle gasped.

  Adoring the desperate sounds Kyle made, Rory figured he must be doing something right, so he continued.

  A grunt and a strangled “Swallow” was the only warning Rory got before his mouth filled with the salty taste of Kyle. He sucked harder and did as instructed.

  Gratification at making Kyle lose control fulfilled him. He’d put that satisfied smile on Kyle’s face.

  When Kyle’s orgasm finished, he pulled Rory off the floor and into his arms for a movie kiss.

  The joy of necking made rainbows col
ored with happy endings and yaoified happily-ever-afters dance through his heart—

  “I should get you something to eat, and we should double-check your flight.”

  Until reality stomped in.

  Rory pressed his lips to Kyle’s and clung even though soon enough they’d go back to their separate coasts, shattering his Yaoi fantasy of their happily ever after ever being possible.

  * * *

  Shifting in the high chair at the hotel’s sports bar, Rory couldn’t find a comfortable way to sit. It had been a busy weekend.

  Kyle grinned but thankfully didn’t comment. “I’m starving. How about you?”

  The weekend ending made Rory not hungry, but he said, “Um, yeah. I’ll have whatever you’re having.”

  Waving the waitress over, Kyle ordered burgers with fries and two Mountain Dews.

  Turning his attention to Rory, he asked, “So, it’s Sunday, and we’ve never really talked about your plans?”

  The waitress brought the sodas.

  “My plans?” Rory swallowed hard. This was it.

  “Yeah, like what are your plans with school, work... you know, everything?”

  Rory did know what he wanted wasn’t on offer. “Actually, after I graduate in two years with a BA, I’m hoping to get my Masters in social work from San Francisco State.”

  Kyle’s eyes widened. “Wow. That’s awesome.”

  “Yeah, you’ll be graduating sooner, though. What about you?” That sounded like a normal question one would ask a friend, fuck buddy, and the love of his fucking life. Rory ripped off a piece of his napkin and shredded it into tiny bits.

  “Well, I’m planning to accept a job offer in San Francisco.” Kyle studied Rory.

  What? Hope ricocheted through him. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I’ll start in June. There’s a big need to work with LGBT youth in the city, and I decided since I have a boyfriend there—”

  “Excuse me?” What the fuck? They’d been skyping for months, and after this weekend they did every sexual thing imaginable... some things twice! And now Kyle was fessing up about a boyfriend?

  “You.... You’re there. I’m moving there because I want to be with you. If that’s okay...?”

  What? “Yes... that would be fine.” He was sure every desperate emotion, elation, and relief he felt transmitted with no need for translation.

  Kyle grabbed the hair at Rory’s nape and pulled him into a crushing kiss. When he moved back, Kyle whispered, “I know this maybe is too soon, but I love you, Rory. I want to be with you. I’m going to do my best to make all your dreams come true.”

  The promise of yaoified love was infused in each glide of Kyle’s lips.

  Rory soared with the possibilities of their future together. His heart was too full. He pulled back and stared through blurry eyes. So many things he wanted to say, but he settled for “I like when real life is like a Yaoi.”

  “Me too. I got us a late checkout. Come on, we still have a couple of hours....”

  Rory asked for their food to go.

  Caution — Over the Top!

  WARNING: This Bonus Material is completely over-the-top, and a double dose of Yaoified love. It may not be suitable for all audiences. Continue reading at your own risk.

  Two Years Later...

  Amber kept the entire graduation ceremony from being a snorefest with her texts.

  Kyle looks handsome.

  Yeah. Rory left out he looked even better this morning when they’d traded blowjobs.

  She texted, It’s good your parents like him.

  They like him better than me.


  Your row is up. Shake with your right, accept with your left.

  Rory pocketed his cell and stood in line. Four years of hard work, and it all morphs into a piece of paper. Though the paper, his grades, and several professor recommendations got him a full ride including a sweet teaching assistant gig for grad school. So, he wasn’t in a position to complain.

  And since Kyle’s apartment was close to SF State, they’d be living together officially. For the last year or so, he’d been staying over Friday through Wednesday. Maybe he could put aside his hatred of Wednesday and Thursdays nights now.

  Rory jogged up the steps to the stage. As his name was called, he searched the audience one more time, but couldn’t find Kyle. He smiled at his waving parents.

  He shook hands with the dean, accepted the scroll, and moved his tassel to the other side of his goofy-looking hat. Unexpected relief rushed him. He’d done it. Searching the crowd, he wanted to share the moment with Kyle.

  Where was Kyle? Why wasn’t he with his parents?

  As he walked off the stage, he stared at the seat Kyle had just been sitting in all morning. His foot hit the floor and a flash caught his attention.

  White cards held by people in the section above where his parents sat spelled R-O-R-Y.

  More white cards came into view and were flipped over. W-I-L-L Y-O-U M-A-R-R-Y M-E? I L-O-V-E Y-O-U K-Y-L-E

  Oh my God!

  Kyle appeared in front of him holding a red velvet ring box. “Rory, I love you. Your parents have given me their blessings. Please say yes and marry me.”

  “Yes!” Rory pulled Kyle into a kiss.

  Some of the crowd who were aware of, and in on, the proposal broke into thundering applause, causing a minor disruption in the ceremony.

  Kyle rushed him through a side door and they escaped into a courtyard.

  Rory laughed.

  “What?” Kyle pulled him into his arms.

  Rory kissed Kyle’s lips and then said, “That was wild and wonderful and the biggest yaoified gesture ever.”

  “You liked it?” Kyle asked as if there was a way Rory wouldn’t appreciate such an effort.

  Sometimes, reality could be awesome. He squeezed Kyle tight and proclaimed, “I love when real life is like Yaoi.”

  Kyle gave him a bone-melting smile. “You mean the hot sex or the happy endings?”

  Tilting his head, Rory played the uke and asked, “I have to choose?”

  His Seme growled and assured him, “As long as you’re with me, you’ll get both.”

  About the Author

  Z. Allora believes in happily ever afters for everyone. She met her own true love through the personals and has traveled to over thirty countries with him. She’s lived in Singapore, Israel and China. Now back home to the USA, she’s an active member of PFLAG and a strong supporter of those on the rainbow in her community. She wants to promote understanding and acceptance through her actions and words. Writing rainbow romance allows her the opportunity to open hearts and change minds.

  Find Z’s Books at:

  Rocky Ridge Books


  Queer Romance Ink

  Also by Z. Allora

  Z’s Newest:

  Opposites might attract, but is acting on that attraction wise?

  Librarian Tristan Cooper can’t steer clear of sexy, motorcycle-riding bad boy Phillip—the man is hot—but Phillip is bound to find quiet, bookish Tristan boring, like all Tristan’s boyfriends. Tristan yearns to explore the wild side of himself. Maybe rakish Phillip is just what he needs to feel free.

  Sexperienced hairdresser Phillip is more of a believer in happy endings than happily ever afters. He’s learned not to hope for more—until he meets sweet, vulnerable Tristan, who seems genuinely interested in his heart. But Phillip can’t imagine Tristan might want him for more than a night.

  With the help of a pair of matchmaking grandfathers, Tristan and Phillip might find the courage to step beyond their comfort zones and discover what’s missing from their lives.

  * * *

  Rejected. Heartbroken. Devastated.

  Zack Davis wanted to serve only one man, Andrew Nikeman. He was denied for what Andrew thought were good reasons. So Zack crushed his submissive tendencies and focused on being the perfect Dom, giving every sub he played with something he couldn’t have.

  After yea
rs of denying his submissive side, Entwined’s charity auction “Are you Dom Enough to be a sub?” gives Zack an excuse to get a little of what he’s always craved.

  Andrew doesn’t know when his infatuation turned into more, but it kills him to see Zack with a constant parade of submissives. He’d refused to jeopardize his brother’s relationship or become Zack’s regret; however, Zack isn’t a kid anymore, and his brother’s relationship is unbreakable. Now Zack’s popularity and success as a Dom might ruin Andrew’s dreams of collaring him, but he can’t wait any longer to confess his feelings or he risks losing the man he loves forever.

  Buy at Dreamspinner or your favorite retailers.

  * * *

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