Mine To Bear (A Paranormal Shifter Romance) (Atonement Book 2)

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Mine To Bear (A Paranormal Shifter Romance) (Atonement Book 2) Page 6

by Wolf, Terra

  Internally though, Edward couldn't help but shake in terror that he had made another gigantic mistake.


  They pulled into the parking lot early in the afternoon. As if trying to demonstrate his care and dedication to her yet again, Edward parked far away from everything, so that they could slowly walk in, building her up to the prospect of crowds.

  It wasn't all that busy in the plaza, for which she was grateful. Although she had done her best to put on a confident face to Edward, she was horrified about doing this. Despite her fears though, she knew that this point in time had been coming, and if she could master it, then she would be as close to healed as she was likely ever going to be.

  The walk in was the worst, as the anticipation of being in close proximity to males and females grew. Most professionals would have told her to take baby-steps, but Melissa knew she had to jump right back on to the horse, or she would never ride again. Steeling herself, she subconsciously gripped his hand, and they plunged into the first store.

  The first time a sales associate approached her, she froze in shock, but Edward appeared out of nowhere to make a joke, turning the attention away from her. Seeing him integrate so easily with others acted like a catalyst, spurring her into mild conversation as well.

  Things spiraled from there, as she began to relax and enjoy herself. With Edward at her side, she knew it would be better than ok, and that she was in no danger. She shopped a little more than she planned, feeling guilty about the number of shirts, skirts, and all manner of accessories she was picking out.

  Not that Edward was any help she noted. He was grinning like a schoolboy the entire time, constantly pushing her to get just about anything she thought looked okay on her curvy figure. His energy was contagious though, for Melissa was happier than she had been since well before she had been kidnapped. He just seemed to bring out something in her, something she thought she had lost a long time ago.

  "I think I need to put all this stuff back in the car Edward. It's getting too heavy to carry!" She stifled a giggle as she looked over at him, laden down with several of the heavier and more awkward bags that she couldn't carry on her own. It was so comically stereotypical that the two of them stopped and laughed about it for a moment.

  "Sure, the car is around the corner there. Just cut across that patio, it'll save us time, so we don't have to go all the way around the building." The patio in question cut completely across their path, joining two buildings together. She headed towards it, Edward in tow, when his phone rang.

  "Just a second, sorry. That's my secretary's ring, she knows not to bother me unless it's urgent."

  Nodding her understanding, the two of them continued on. Edward fell farther and farther behind, talking about some business hire and the need to get his contract done. She didn't care though, for he had been amazing about putting her before his business all day, even if it was a weekday. To give him this little bit of time wasn't a problem.

  As she walked through the patio, she stopped to look at him, for he was a good fifty feet behind her now. While she waited for him to catch up, a rough, grabby hand slid its way down her back, before grabbing her rear.


  The scream drew his attention.

  He looked up, seeing Melissa backing away from a creepy looking older man who was trying to approach her. He didn't seem to care at all that she was terrified of him, for he kept trying to touch her. The sheer look of terror in Melissa's face made his vision go red.

  Without thinking, he dropped the packages and began to run. His bear surged to the surface, infusing him with power far beyond that of any normal human. Ignoring the entrance to the patio he leapt the railing around it, taking the shortest path directly to her.

  The man never had a chance as he turned to confront the hard charging Edward. The creep sneered, raising a fist to strike him, but Edward was faster, grabbing the collar of her attacker's shirt, and heaving him clear to the other side of the patio. He crashed through several tables before slamming up hard against the railing, his head drooping as he sagged into unconsciousness.

  Edward turned to try and comfort Melissa, but she was gone, having taken off into the parking lot, headed for their car. His intimidating growl sent the creeps friends scrambling to put some distance between them as they reassessed their priorities, going to give their fallen comrade some aid.

  Turning, Edward set off across the parking lot, catching up with Melissa just as she reached the car. He put his arms around her, but she tried to fight him off. Just like back in the cave though, when he had set her free for the first time, he held on tight, sensing that she needed the security right now.

  Her fists beat at him for a few seconds and her legs kicked him in the side, but shortly thereafter her sounds of anger turned into sobs. He sunk down to the ground, his back pressed up against the car as he held her tight, letting the tears pour into his shirt. She buried her face in his neck, holding him tightly as she sobbed, letting the tension leave her as the adrenaline faded.

  "I'm so sorry, it's all my fault. I should never have let you get so far ahead of me." He apologized profusely for several minutes more, feeling terribly guilty. If he hadn't been so preoccupied with business, this never would have happened. He was supposed to have been her protector, there for her, to ensure this didn't happen. She deserved better than this, and his conscious felt guilty as all hell.

  "You threw that man farther than I would have thought possible," she commented from within his arms as her sobs subsided a little.

  "I got a little mad, and let some of my bear through to deal with that asshole."

  She snuggled in against him a little tighter, worn down from the afternoon and the events of just a few minutes ago, but he noticed that she was definitely not having a breakdown of any sort. In fact, she seemed to be dealing with it about as would be expected from someone without a recent history of trauma inflicted by men just like him. Edward was proud of her, for that showed a lot of inner strength on her part.

  Without his permission, his bear pushed to the surface, causing an uncomfortable tightness in his pants as he hardened slightly with her warm body pressed close against him. Her shirt was pulled down, exposing some of the gloriously soft flesh of her breasts to his hungry eyes.

  She looked up at him, the desire in his eyes reflected back at him. Without even thinking about it, he leaned in to kiss her. Their lips brushed softly against each other, barely acknowledging the touch before he pulled back, surprised at his boldness. Her lips had felt so tender, he longed to kiss her again. He had to tell her how he felt though, before anything more happened.

  "Melissa, ever since I saw you in that cave, I've felt some sort of connection to you. I can't explain it, I don't understand it, but it exists nonetheless. I'm falling in love with you, but I'm not going to rush you into anything. I want this to happen, but if it's going to, it will be when you decide."

  Her eyes opened wide in surprise at his words, but the look behind it all told him she was more surprised to hear him say it, than at the words themselves. Her lips curled up into a smile, and he felt her relax into him, as if the last barrier between them had fallen away now. His bear knew something momentous had just happened as well, for it roared, demanding that he claim her as his mate, then and there.

  "What was that?" she asked as his rapidly hardening cock pressed into her.

  "My bear," he ground out, fighting down the desires surging within him. He had already pushed it by kissing her, there was no way he wanted to risk even more right now.

  "Oh," she said, not completely understanding. He didn't acknowledge it, for he was busy beating his bear into submission once again. Once he had it under control, Edward gently pried her off of him, and they got up. Giving her the keys, he told her to lock the doors and drive away if she felt uncomfortable.

  He hated to leave her alone again so soon, but there was something he had to do. Running back across the parking lot to the patio, he ignored the
looks of bystanders. Instead, he gathered up all the dropped bags of Melissa's new clothing, trying to manage it all in one trip. With the help of a stranger, he got himself loaded for bear.

  The look on her face as he arrived back at the car was all the thanks he needed. Every time her face lit up with that smile, he felt his world shrink until everything was focused on her. He wondered to himself if this was how Derek felt around Keri. He sure hoped so, because nothing in his life compared to how he felt around her.

  As he loaded up the trunk, she shifted back into the passenger's seat, content to let him drive home. They were well out of the city before she spoke, but it didn't matter to him. He knew she would be okay in the end, and that was enough for him. So when she did speak, he was not prepared for what she had to say.

  "Edward, is there, umm, perhaps an empty room in the main house that I could stay in? I'm starting to get a little lonely being the only one in the guest house."


  The move to be closer to Edward had gone smoother than she had expected. He had been such a gentleman about it, showing her rooms that were both close to his, and far. In the end, she chose the one across the hall from him. She couldn't kid herself about the connection between them, and she knew it would only be time before they took the next step.

  That moment came almost a week later, when she caught him looking very relaxed, reading a book on the couch when she walked into the room. There was something about his pose, the way the sun caught his face, she wasn't really sure. All she did know, was that her body reacted in a way she wasn't expecting.

  Warmth began to pour out from between her legs as blood rushed through her body. Her heart sped up until it was beating far faster than she thought could be healthy. Her nipples hardened to attention, showing clearly through the thin tank top she was wearing.

  Not giving herself another minute to think, Melissa approached him slowly, her mouth slightly open with nervousness. As he sensed her approach, he put down the book, his piercing green eyes staring directly into her. She was sure he could sense her mood, for he didn't say a word, only setting his glass of water back down on the side table.

  Licking her lips in anticipation, she straddled him on the couch, feeling his firm, muscular legs accept her weight without complaint. His hands wrapped around her waist, gripping her curves tightly. Her hands pressed into the cushions on either side of his head as she lowered herself to him, pressing her lips firmly against his.

  A shock of static leapt between them at the last moment, but neither of them pulled back, too intent on each other. It felt so good to her, to finally be close with him. As their kiss deepened, his hands slid up her back and through the masses of hair, pulling her in tight to him. She didn't fight it, pressing her breasts up against his chest, feeling the heat pouring off of him.

  At first he seemed tentative to continue with her, but she put that fear to rest by grinding her hips against the bulge in his pants, doing her best to silently indicate to him that it was okay, she wanted this and was okay with it. He got the hint quickly, his hands finding the bottom of her shirt and lifting it up over her outstretched arms. She hadn't been wearing a bra, and now her breasts were completely exposed to him.

  He wasted no time in taking one of them into his mouth, his tongue gliding around her nipple in gentle circles, while his hand caressed her other breast, teasing her nipple to harden it even more. A soft moan of pleasure escaped her lips, surprising both of them at the amount she was enjoying it.

  The moan turned to a gasp as he effortlessly picked her up, turning her around until she was the one on her back, with him on top of her. He kissed her again passionately, taking his time and ensuring she swooned properly, the blood rushing to her head as he pulled away. One thing he definitely was, was a good kisser. Biting her lip, she thought she might be able to get used to that.

  Her pants seemed to come to life as he pulled them off with careless ease, sending them flying across the room while he turned his attention to her remaining articles of clothing. She stopped him though, not appreciating the differing levels of nakedness going on. With a swift tug, she pulled off his shirt, slightly evening the battlefield.

  With a grin at her actions, Edward practically dove between her legs, his eager tongue finding her swollen folds with ease, earning him yet another loud moan of pleasure from her throat. He started off slowly, simply exploring her completely, while Melissa rode the waves of bliss he sent pulsing through her body. As he learned what she enjoyed though, he began to push her closer and closer to the edge, but never giving her enough to go over.

  "Please Edward, I need it, I want it," she gasped, begging for him to release her. Finally, with pleasure evident in his eyes, he gave her what she wanted, letting her climax. It crashed over her in a wave, each nerve blazing into a white hot fire that spread out from between her legs to engulf her entire body. Breathing became difficult as she writhed under his attentions, the sensations cascading over her almost too close together to differentiate them.

  It took her a long time to come back to the present, her chest heaving with exertion as she tried to recover. The aftershocks that raced through her didn't make the task any easier, so she simply lay back for awhile more, enjoying the view as Edward stood up, taking off his own pants while she watched.

  As they fell away to reveal his hard cock, her lip curled up between her teeth as she bit down in desire. Feeling energy course through her again, she slipped down onto her knees, eager to give him some attention in return. He felt rock-hard in her hand as she wrapped it around the base, holding him still while she flicked her tongue over the tip.

  The low growl from above told her she was doing a good job. He had the biggest dick she had ever seen before, so large it was hard to take it all in her mouth. In fact, she barely got more than three-quarters of the way down, using her hand to cover the rest. As she began to cover him in wetness, her hand slid easier and easier along his shaft.

  Before she got him too riled up, he stopped her, not wanting to be done there. Lifting her back up again, he spread her legs as she fell back into the couch. Edward positioned himself in front of her, taking his time as he slid entirely within her, filling her completely and then some. She stretched to take his size, the feeling causing at least one gasp of pain mixed with pleasure. When he began to withdraw though, she savagely pulled him back, not wanting to stop now. Instead, she urged him to move faster, slamming his hips in to her harder each time.

  Her fingers raked lines down his back as he moved against her, his fluid motions hitting her just perfectly. Just when she thought he was about to lose control, she pushed him away from her. It had been a long time since she had taken a man of her own free will, and she intended to relish each moment of it.

  Flipping over, she put her knees on the floor and wiggled her hips at him, encouraging him to mount her from behind. Just as inclined as she was, he knelt behind her, his hands pulling her hips back onto him, letting him enter her deeper than before. She buried her face in the couch as her screams grew louder, trying to keep her wits about her.

  The pleasure continued to build, but there was only one way that she could ever climax from sex. Not wanting to be teased any longer, Melissa guided Edward to the floor, before straddling him once more. She reached back and guided him inside of her slowly, taking his entire girth in one swift movement, burying him to the hilt within her.

  Starting slowly, she ground her hips into him, moving back and forth in a slow, rhythmic movement. The pressure between her legs built and built, reaching its peak only seconds before Edward shuddered and began to release inside of her. Her moans and his intertwined in the throes of their passion, before she collapsed on top of him, completely spent.

  As they lay there together, catching their breath, she smiled at him and kissed him softly again.

  "Thank you," she whispered in his ear. Not for having sex with her, but for going with it and not voicing any concerns as to her own well- being, but i
nstead trusting her own judgment. That was something she required from a partner, and it was refreshing that it seemed Edward would have no problems giving it to her. She was eager to see what the future held with him.


  "Oh my goodness Keri, you look positively radiant!" Melissa exclaimed, pulling away from Edward to give her new friend a hug. They hadn't seen each other in two weeks, but that didn't seem to matter. He watched the two of them giggle and head off together, leaving him standing there with Derek.

  The past six months had been a whirlwind for him. Not only had he gotten the girl, but he had found himself a mate. Their relationship had blossomed at a phenomenal pace, so fast, in fact, that he had begun thinking about things he never thought would come his way. It scared him a little to think about it, but Derek had been there to support him the entire way. Still, not even his best friend knew his latest decision.

  "Just look at them, you'd think there had never been a pregnant woman before," Derek commented as the two of them chuckled in response.

  They were waiting on Philip and also Keri's friend Lizzie, all of whom were coming tonight to help plan a shower for Keri. The two men had dragged Philip along because, as the third member of their trio, he deserved to be bored out of his mind along with the other two. When the entire party was present, the waiter took them to their table.

  "So, Philip, you're the only single one now. Any plans to change that?" Keri teased lightly to laughter around the table when he flushed bright red. His embarrassment didn't stop his quick wit though.

  "I still have until these two get hitched," he remarked, jerking a thumb over at Melissa and Edward. She looked over at him and blushed, but to everyone's surprise he didn't react at first, instead fiddling with something out of sight. A hush came over the table as they wondered what he was about to say.

  Thus it was not his words, but his actions that stunned the table into complete silence. Sliding back his chair, he dropped to one knee in front of Melissa. From his pocket, he pulled out a small black box.


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