My Fake Summer Boyfriend

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My Fake Summer Boyfriend Page 8

by Ann Herrick

  When we all finished eating, Logan suggested that he and I go for another swim.

  "I'd love to." I flashed a big smile at Logan, as if going swimming with him was the most exciting prospect in the whole world.

  "Let's join them," Alex said to Nicole.

  Alex picked up Nicole and carried her to the water's edge. "I want to go swimming," he said.

  Nicole shrieked gaily as she kicked her long legs. Her shriek ended abruptly, however, when, waist deep in the water, Alex dropped her.

  I suppressed a laugh, but Logan let loose with a raucous guffaw. When Nicole popped up from the water she looked, at first, as if she was going to slug Alex. But she quickly noticed that Alex's attention was focused not on her but on me, so instead she threw her arms around Alex and kissed him.

  At that point I dove into the water. I couldn't take watching any more of Alex and Nicole's love scenes. Logan dove in after me and immediately caught up with me, lifted me out of the water and cradled me in his arms. "Now I've got you," he exulted.

  I knew that tradition demanded that I pretend to hang on to Logan for dear life, but instead I turned to see if Alex was watching. My eyes met his, and just as I thought we were connecting, Logan whirled around and dunked me. By the time I surfaced, Alex was swimming out to the red buoy. Nicole was right behind him.

  "Let's race out to the buoy," I suggested. I wanted to see what Alex was up to.

  "I have a better idea," Logan said. "Now that Alex and Nicole are out of the way, let's go back to the blanket."

  I'd caught a glimpse of Alex and Nicole bobbing in back of the buoy. I felt my temper rise. "Good idea," I said.

  We swam back to shore, and I stretched out on the blanket, staring up at the clear blue sky, wondering how I could be feeling so hurt and confused on such a beautiful day.

  "Why don't you pay attention to me?" Logan asked.

  "Sure." I forced a smile. "I'm all yours."

  "Don't I wish." Logan leaned down and kissed me.

  I slid my arms around his neck. I wanted it to look good—in case Alex was watching.

  Chapter Eleven

  Dear Samantha,

  Thanks for the postcard. I'm glad things are going so well for you at McDonald's. I can't believe you've dated six new boys this summer! My love life should run so smoothly!

  Things were going fine with Alex and me up until last Friday. We'd developed a real close friendship, which was on the verge of turning romantic, when who should arrive in town but Nicole Kendall! Somehow, in three days she ruined my relationship with Alex! We're hardly speaking to each other. By the end of the week we probably won't be at all.

  Alex and Nicole are suddenly a twosome again, and I'm involved with Logan (Nicole's brother, a sophomore at Harvard, would you believe?) in what is probably a futile effort to make Alex jealous and to show Nicole that I'm not some child with no opportunity for romance. If I really liked Logan I guess it would be worth all the effort. But, to be honest, Alex is the one for me—at least the Alex I knew up until a few days ago.

  We're coming home the day after Labor Day, so I will see you then. Nicole is leaving Saturday morning (yay!), but I haven't had a chance to ask Alex when he's going back.

  Tonight we're all (me, Logan, Nicole and Alex) going to one of the world's last drive-in theaters to see some dumb horror movie. I don't really want to go, but I have to keep an eye on Alex and Nicole! Should be a fun-packed evening. Ha! Tell you all about it next week,

  Love, Katie


  I wasn't sure what to wear to the drive-in, but since it was a hot evening I decided on shorts and a halter top. The pale pink outfit looked as cool as it felt. With my hair in a ponytail and a dab of Passionate Plum on my lips I was ready when Logan came to pick me up.

  On the way out to the car Logan put his arm around my shoulders and kissed me. I smiled uncertainly, grateful for the stick shift and bucket seats in Logan's car. If only the back seat had similar accommodations, I thought when I climbed in the car and saw Nicole resting her head on Alex's shoulder as they lounged in the dark and cozy back seat.

  At the drive-in theater I realized what a disadvantage I was at sitting in the front seat. Alex and Nicole would be able to watch what Logan and I were doing but I couldn't tell what they were up to. I didn't want to spend the evening kissing Logan if it wasn't necessary, but I didn't want to sit there like a totem pole if there was all sorts of action in the back seat.

  Logan attached the speaker to the window.

  "We'd better roll all the windows down," Alex suggested. "It's too hot in here without the air conditioning going."

  I was only too happy to roll down my window. It seemed less secluded in the car with the sounds from the playground drifting in.

  It was awfully quiet in the back seat as the credits for Attack of the Murderous Mangoes flashed across the screen. Logan slipped his arm around me.

  "I can't see through you." Alex nudged Logan's arm.

  I was pleased that Alex was at least paying enough attention to the screen to see what was going on in the front seat.

  Logan pulled me down and over toward his side of the car. The stick shift jabbed my ribs. "Is this any better?" Logan asked.

  "Much," Nicole answered.

  I froze as Logan kissed the back of my neck, then started down my back. I was wedged between him and the steering wheel. I needed a diplomatic way out of the situation.

  "Popcorn!" I shouted. Logan jumped a foot, and I squirmed my way back to my own seat.

  "What?" Logan looked at me as if I were crazy.

  "Popcorn," I repeated. "I've got a craving for popcorn."

  "Hmm...okay," said Logan. "Let's go to the refreshment stand."

  "Well..." I didn't want to leave Alex and Nicole alone in the car. "I don't want to miss any of the movie."

  "All right," Logan said reluctantly. "How much?"

  "How much what?"

  "Popcorn! What size do you want?"

  "A bucket. The biggest they have."

  "Get some for me, too." Alex waved some money at Logan.

  "Oh, all right." Logan grabbed the money and headed for the refreshment stand.

  "Great movie, isn't it, Katie," Alex said after Logan left.

  Before I could answer Nicole blurted, "Oh, Alex. You know no one in their right mind is going to watch this movie." She made soft kissing noises.

  "Cut it out," Alex said. "Isn't it obvious that Katie and I want to see the movie? Katie, what do you think is the motive behind the mangoes' murderous rampage?"

  I swallowed a laugh. "I-I haven't figured that out yet."

  "I think it was being sprayed with insecticide that did it."

  This time I couldn't hold back the laughter. "That—" I tried to control myself. "—that's probably what it was."

  "Honestly!" Nicole exclaimed.

  Logan arrived with popcorn. "Here's yours." He handed a bucket to Alex. Alex offered some to Nicole.

  "Thank you, no," Nicole said icily.

  "Did I miss anything?" Logan asked.

  "Just the mangoes rolling down the highway after a tractor," I said. As I munched my popcorn Logan resumed kissing my neck. "Butter!" I cried out.

  Logan shot straight up, bumping his head on the rearview mirror. "Ouch!" He rubbed his head.

  "What did you say?"

  "Butter," I repeated softly. "I forgot to ask you to get extra butter for my popcorn. Would you? Please?"

  "Oh, all right." Logan sighed.

  "Get some more butter for my popcorn, too, old buddy." Alex handed his tube of popcorn to Logan.

  Logan muttered to himself as he again headed toward the refreshment stand.

  "I'll bet those mangoes had tormented childhoods," said Alex.

  "They probably suffered as seedlings," I concurred.

  "I can't believe this conversation," Nicole said. "The plot, such as it is, is absurd, and you two act as if it was a profound psychological drama!"

  "It all depends
on how you interpret it," Alex said. "Right, Katie?"


  "What I'd like to do," said Nicole, "is ignore it."

  "Mangoes aren't naturally murderous," I said quickly. "There must be some reason for them to suddenly turn vicious."

  "Yes," Alex agreed. "They really—"

  "Honestly!" Nicole was totally exasperated now. "Why don't you sit up front and watch the movie if you think it's so great?"

  "Good idea!" Alex had his fingers on the door handle when Nicole realized her mistake.

  She grabbed Alex's hand. "Can't you take a joke? You know you belong back here with me."

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Nicole start to kiss Alex just as Logan shoved a tub of popcorn through the window. Alex turned to grab the popcorn and Nicole's kiss landed on thin air. Hooray!

  "Thanks, Logan." Alex scooped a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

  "Here you go." Logan handed the other bucket of popcorn to me. "I hope this meets your standards."

  I started feeling a bit guilty about the way I was acting toward Logan, so I sampled a few pieces. "Thanks. It's fine."

  "Good." Logan made himself comfortable again before nuzzling my neck.

  I stiffened and made a big deal of munching popcorn.

  "Haven't you finished that popcorn yet?" Logan whispered.

  "I'm a slow eater," I whispered back.

  "At least take a break." Logan put the tub of popcorn on the floor, wrapped his arms around me and kissed me on the mouth this time.

  "You're blocking our view," Alex protested.

  "Not really," said Nicole.

  Logan pulled me down. Then some knob stuck me in the side. Logan kissed me harder and held me tighter. I pulled my mouth away from Logan's, bumping my head on the dashboard. "Soda!" I gasped.

  "What!" Logan stared at me, wild-eyed.

  "Uh, soda. Please." I sat back on my own seat. "I'm dying of thirst after all that popcorn."

  "Oh-all-right. But this is my last trip to the refreshment stand! Is diet root beer all right?"

  "That would be fine." I folded my hands in my lap. Someday I would have to apologize to Logan for my weird behavior.

  "Diet root beer for me too." Alex tossed some change to Logan.

  Logan left and promptly returned with the sodas.

  "That was fast," I said as Logan handed me my soda.

  "Not many people at the refreshment stand just as the mangoes are about to be pulverized into fruit juice."

  "They managed to escape that fate," Alex said as he took his diet root beer. "Hey, this is kind of small, isn't it?"

  "I wanted to be sure Katie could finish hers before the evening was over," said Logan.

  I guiltily sipped my drink. I really wasn't being fair to Logan. As a form of penance, I gulped the rest of my soda.

  "Ah, you're done." Logan took me in his arms and kissed me. I couldn't think of any more excuses to avoid it. Besides, as I'd previously noted, he was a good kisser. I could always pretend it was Alex who was kissing me...

  "Oh, Alex. Stop." Nicole giggled. "Cut it out."

  I snapped out of my trance and abruptly ended the kiss.

  "Never mind them," Logan whispered in my ear. He kissed me again, but I was no longer swept up by it. I'd let myself get carried away for a few seconds, and now Alex was kissing Nicole.

  Logan's tongue prodded my lips.

  "Mosquitoes!" I slapped my arm and turned to examine my elbow as if I'd been bitten. I'd been caught off guard by the intensity of Logan's ardor. I peeked over at him. I could tell he was getting angry. "Could you ... do you have any mosquito repellent?" I asked meekly.

  "Let's just roll up the window." Logan spoke through clenched teeth.

  "We'd suffocate if we did that," Alex said.

  My heart beat faster. Alex was at least paying attention to the conversation.

  "I don't hear any mosquitoes." Logan glowered. "You must have killed the one that got into the car."

  "I—I probably did." I wondered if I looked as embarrassed as I felt. Logan was no doubt ticked off at me and probably thought I was out of my mind. Or, worse, a tease. I wished I hadn't ever thought of using him to make Alex jealous. What had I gotten myself into?

  For the last few minutes of the movie Logan sat over in his seat and I sat in mine. I sighed and stared down at my fingernails. I felt miserable. I perked up a bit when the final credits rolled by and Alex applauded. That meant that he'd been watching the movie instead of indulging in heavy-duty snuggling with Nicole.

  "We were right about the mangoes, Katie," Alex said.

  On the way home it started to rain. I was glad. The sound of the wipers slapping across the windshield was better than complete silence. If only someone would say something!

  Logan pulled into my driveway. Of course, he would want to drop me off first, I thought. He probably couldn't wait to be rid of me after my performance this evening.

  Just as Logan opened the car door for me, Nicole spoke up. "Since the Stedmans are leaving for Hartford on Saturday, I thought Logan and I should have Alex and Katie over for a cookout. It will be our last night to be together."

  My insides felt like wet cement. It would be Alex's last night in Chatfield and I wouldn't be able to see him alone. Then he would back in Hartford with Nicole while I was struck in Chatfield.

  "How about it?" Nicole asked cheerily.

  "Good idea," said Logan. He held out a hand to help me get out of the car.

  "Sounds fine," Alex said, glaring at Logan.

  "How about you, Katie?" Nicole asked sweetly when I didn't respond right away.

  "Don't worry, Nicole," I shot back before turning toward my house. "I'll be there!"

  Chapter Twelve

  Friday morning I got up early and rushed over to the Stedman's to see Alex. It was my last chance to talk to him before he went back to Hartford. I had a feeling that if I didn't get to talk to him before he went back, I would lose him to Nicole for good.

  Mrs. Stedman answered the door. "Hi, Katie. Excuse the mess. We're packing for our trip back to Hartford tomorrow."

  I spied the picture of Nicole resting on top of a suitcase.

  "Hi, Katie!" Hailey ran over to me and took my hand. "Did you come to say goodbye?"

  I hugged her. It was amazing how in one summer I had learned to appreciate younger kids, Jason included, instead of just writing them all off as pests. "Hey," I asked casually, "where's Alex?"

  "He had to work extra," said Hailey. "Mr. Little is sick and needed Alex all day, eight o'clock to five-thirty, so Alex said he would."

  "Oh." The cookout was scheduled for six. Forget any plans I'd had about seeing Alex alone. I pulled myself together. "Well, I'll let you finish packing. See you sometime soon in Hartford, okay?"

  "I promise." Hailey ran her finger along the back of a chair. "Thanks for a wonderful summer, Katie."

  "Sure," I said. "It was fun for me, too." I left quickly before I started to cry. It had been a wonderful summer, until a week ago ....

  Logan had offered to pick me up and drive me to the cookout, but I decided I'd rather walk. Maybe it would give me time to think of a good way to approach Alex.

  I passed the giggling girls standing in a knot, passing around slips of paper, promising to write each other faithfully. A car slowly rolled by. I recognized Jake as the driver. The girl who'd been at the beach with him snuggled close at his side. My heart ached when I considered the turn my own summer romance had taken.

  Just as I reached the Kendalls’, a car pulled into the driveway and stopped. It was Alex.

  He leaned out the window. "I'd planned on picking you up when my folks said I could have the car, but obviously I'm a bit late. How about a ride down their driveway, at least?"

  "Sure!" My heart did a triple flip. It was time alone with Alex, even if it was only for a moment. I was about to open the car door when Logan appeared from the rose garden and jogged over to me. He took my hand in his before I could pull the do
or handle.

  "Hi, Katie." Logan motioned to Alex. "Just park the car over there. I'll escort Katie to the patio."

  Alex roared down the driveway, the car tires squealing. By the time Logan and I reached the patio Alex had his arm around Nicole and a defiant look on his face.

  "Katie." Nicole smiled. "I'm so glad you could make it." She turned and looked adoringly at Alex.

  "Hello, Nicole." I noticed her luxurious red hair looked thicker and fuller than ever, and the pale blue dress was low-cut enough to show off what she wanted to show.

  "Oh, Alex," Nicole said, curling a lock of her hair around her finger. "My parents said to say they're sorry they missed you tonight. They've gone out to the country club for dinner and dancing."

  A warning bell sounded in my head. I wasn't sure why, but the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Kendall weren't going to be around sounded ominous.

  But the evening went smoothly enough, considering, with Logan and Nicole doing most of the talking while Alex and I eyed each other whenever we thought the other wasn't looking. After a reasonably pleasant dinner of shish kabobs followed by Baked Alaska served with dramatic flair by Nicole, Nicole asked Alex to go for a walk with her along the beach.

  When Alex hesitantly agreed, I assumed that Logan and I would go, too, but Logan had a different suggestion.

  "I'm not that crazy about the beach when it's almost dark. Katie, why don't you let me show you the turret?" Logan asked. "We'd have a great view of the sunset from up there."

  "Oh. Okay." I would rather have gone to the beach with Alex and Nicole, but felt my motive would be too apparent if I insisted. It wasn't as if I'd never seen the beach. And I was curious about the turret. It was one of the first things that had caught my attention in Chatfield.

  "I'd like to see the turret," Alex said.

  "You can see it after our walk," Nicole insisted.

  "Yes," Logan said. "You can join us later." He put his arm around me and winked at Alex.

  Alex grabbed Nicole's hand and pulled her along the path leading to the stairs to the beach. "We won't be gone long," he called over his shoulder.


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