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Ambereye Page 10

by Gill McKnight

  Uncertain as to what had actually awoken her, she felt compelled to investigate. She felt relieved Jolie was in the cabin, too. It was not as if she was alone. In fact, it might be best to wake Jolie up and tell her.

  Cautiously she slipped out of bed and padded barefoot into the small hall that led off the bathroom, kitchen, and finally into the living room. Wrapping her arms tightly around her body, despite the warmth of her flannel pajamas, she slowly pushed open the door. It was warmer in this room; the dying embers gave off a soft glow. She could make out the form of Jolie sprawled belly down on her makeshift bed, her blankets in a heap on the floor, feet dangling over the edge. But there were no more strange noises. Could it have been the wind rumbling under the eaves? Hope doubted it, but was at a loss to come up with a rational answer. She’d rather it was the wind than an animal prowling around outside. With no more noises to be heard, it seemed silly to wake Jolie. It was probably best to go back to bed.

  Quietly crossing the floor, she tut-tutted to herself as she lifted Jolie’s kicked-off bedclothes. Despite the winter night, Jolie was wearing cotton panties and a T-shirt for night attire. Guiltily, Hope sneaked an admiring glance at the long muscular legs and beautifully curved butt before carefully pulling the blanket over Jolie’s slumbering form. Hope tucked it in gently, right up to Jolie’s shoulders, as the room was already cool and the fire was dying down—With a snapping snarl Jolie whipped out a hand and grabbed Hope by the forearm, dragging her down onto the bed. Another savage snarl and Hope was flipped onto her back. Jolie’s teeth fastened on the curve of her shoulder where it met her neck. A guttural growl vibrated through her throat and into every organ in Hope’s body, liquefying her insides with pure terror. She screamed. Immediately Tadpole, who had bravely followed her to the door but no farther, fell into a flurry of distressed yapping.

  Jolie’s eyes flew open. Hope’s taste was thick on her tongue. Her scent filled her head. Sweet blood sang to her through the thinnest membrane of flesh. It thrummed in a primal beat with the heavy throb in her sex. Every one of her senses pulsed in deep, urgent rhythm with Hope’s heartbeat. It was union. It was delicious. It was terrifying. How had this happened? Her mouth was fastened on Hope’s thumping pulse.

  It resonated through her. How had Hope moved through her dreams and into her bed? Was this dream magic?

  “Get off me, you great lump.” Hope whacked her across the ear and she ducked away to avoid another blow. “Jesus Christ, you scared the shit out of me.”

  “What are doing in my bed?” Jolie spluttered, dragging herself upright.

  “I was putting your goddamn blankets back on you, and you grabbed me.” Hope was outraged, her voice rising in anger. “Shut up, Tadpole. It’s a bit late to start protecting me now, isn’t it?” Immediately he flopped onto his belly and shut up. This allowed Hope to turn her thunderous gaze back on Jolie, who shrank backward a little.

  “I’m so sorry,” Jolie blurted, her eyes wide with apology and mild shock. She still had no idea what had happened. “I was dreaming about”—she blinked owlishly, groping for a way out—“pies.”

  “You bit me, you shit.” Hope tenderly probed her neck. “Since when am I a pie!” She was far from happy with the explanation.

  “No, I didn’t really bite you.”

  “Liar. You did. Look.” Hope pointed in the general area of a bright red mark. “Is it bruised? Have you marked me?” She was seething.

  “No. No.” Jolie shook her head fervently. “That’s not a bite.


  The relief she felt that the skin hadn’t been broken was beyond all measure. A proper bite would snap bones. What the hell had happened?

  How did she wake up with her mouth around Hope’s carotid artery?

  “Oh, so now it’s just a good-night kiss? Don’t think this is the end of it, Jolie Garoul.” Hope was crawling out of the bed, her face still a mask of fury. “If there’s so much as one tooth mark on me in the morning, so help me to God, there’ll be several boot marks all over your skinny ass.”

  With those parting words she stomped back to her room, leaving Jolie sitting completely astounded and confused in her rumpled bed.

  What a bad-tempered little…little… Jolie couldn’t think of anything bad-tempered enough offhand. Hope’s anger was a sight to behold.

  Who knew such a temper could lurk in a normally congenial person?

  She still had no idea what had just occurred, except that they had both had a lucky escape. Flummoxed, she fell flat onto her back and resumed glowering at the ceiling, looking for answers, the last thing she could remember doing before being beaten awake.

  Desperately, she tried to dispel the sexual tension slithering through her bloodstream like a hundred baby serpents. Hope was a tang on her tongue, coating it with sensuous wants and desires. Her head was full of her. She wanted her. Wanted her so much she nearly bit her in her sleep?

  This was dangerous, and Jolie felt weak. It dismayed her at how her wolven side had reached out and taken control. It had to be the valley, and all this talk of mating. She had to be careful around Hope.

  She had to measure time and distance away from her temptation, and come up with a formula that would save them both.

  “Mom, I bit Hope last night,” Jolie said. She had been unable to fall back to sleep and instead lay fretting about what had happened, what had nearly happened, and what would happen when Hope saw the bruising on her neck. Now she was up and about with the sole intention of making Hope a fantastic breakfast to try to placate her. It was the best she could come up with as a treat out here in the forest. She was sure Godfrey would approve. But to do that she needed eggs.

  An oversight in the stocking of their fridge meant she had to go rustle up some, so she’d slipped down to her parents’ knowing her mother would be in the kitchen even at this early hour. It was Thanksgiving, and the food preparations started early.

  “That’s nice, dear.” Her mother fussed over the julienne carrots.

  Jolie blinked.

  “I could have bitten deep. Broken skin. Drawn blood.”

  “We’re not vampires, Jolie. Pass me that bowl. No, the yellow one.”

  “But, Mom—” Jolie began to protest, handing over the bowl.

  “Sweetheart, you should know by now to be careful. Glad Wrap, please,” her mother said. “You’re too old for me to have to lecture you on humans and rough sex.” Her voice was light and lilting, as if she spoke of these things every day.

  “The eggs are in the refrigerator. Where is your father? He promised to fetch me herbs.” Her mother flew out of the kitchen to hound her husband, leaving Jolie looking at the swinging door in total shock.

  “Hello? Anyone home?”

  Hope opened the door in answer to the call.

  Tadpole burst past her and dashed out to welcome the visitor.

  Hope smiled back at the friendly face of the young woman standing at the foot of the porch steps. She was of a similar height to Hope, and her mass of blond corkscrew curls seemed to buzz with the same energy that danced across her face.

  “Hi,” Hope said.

  “Sorry to interrupt. Is Jolie there?” she asked before turning her attention to Tadpole. “Hello, you, who’s a handsome fella?” She reached down and scratched his wriggling belly.

  “Jolie’s not here. But she won’t be long. Would you like to come in and wait? I’ve just made a pot of coffee.”

  With a huge grin her visitor bounded up the steps and extended her hand. “I’d kill for some coffee. Hi, I’m Amy. I live with Leone, Jolie’s cousin.”

  Hope took the hand and shook it warmly. “I’m Hope. I’m visiting with Jolie. And the one shamelessly prostituting himself at your feet is Tadpole. Come on in and I’ll pour you a fresh mug.”

  Though she had supposedly walked this track a million times, Jolie Garoul couldn’t have recalled one thing about it that morning.

  She came from her parents’ cabin with a carton of eggs and in a t
otal daze. Her world was slipping into chaos. Her father had obviously not enlightened anyone as to the truth of her relationship with Hope. He must have his reasons, and until she saw him she had no idea what she was meant to say or do.

  It panicked her that she had woken up to face the same mess she’d fallen asleep in. That she had awakened to find her teeth fastened on the subject of her erotic dreams. And that everyone in this valley, except her dad, thought that Hope was her chosen life mate. Everything was a lie. Except for her subconscious desires—they were red hot and true.

  Jolie was beside herself with worry, and stress, and a million other things she didn’t even have names for. What if she’d hurt Hope? It was obvious she wanted her, but she had to accept she couldn’t have her.

  This was a business trip, nothing more.

  Laughter and soft voices wafted from inside. Jolie frowned. Who could be visiting so early?

  “This one is the south end of the valley viewed from Old Jack.”

  She entered to see Hope and Amy Fortune, coffee mugs in hand, examining the painting over the hearth.

  “Amy.” Jolie smiled a welcome. Her cousin Leone’s mate was always a favorite with her.

  “Hey, Jolie.” Amy came over and hugged her. “I came by to see you and Hope invited me in for coffee.”

  “Amy was showing me her aunt’s paintings. And those ones over there are her own.” Hope signaled another wall of the living room.

  Her eyes sparkled. She had mentioned the delicate watercolor paintings when she’d explored the cabin on arrival. Now she had met one of the gifted Fortune artists. Jolie nodded, pleased that Hope was enjoying Amy’s visit.

  “I got some eggs. I was going to make you breakfast in bed but you woke up too soon.” She was still uncertain how mad Hope was after last night’s incident. Though she wore a high neck sweater, Jolie could clearly see the edges of a massive bruise and inwardly cringed.

  “I saw your note, so I just warmed up the stove and made a pot of coffee. Would you like a cup?”

  “Yes, please.” Jolie turned to Amy. “Would you like to stay for breakfast?”

  Amy shook her head, setting her empty cup on the table. “Thanks, but I better go. I’m on my way to Marie’s to help with the dinner preparations. I’ll catch you guys later. It was lovely to meet you, Hope.”

  “You too, Amy,” Hope called back, before heading to the kitchen to get Jolie her coffee. Amy gave Jolie a good-bye hug.

  “She’s a keeper,” she whispered in Jolie’s ear. “Love the bite.”

  And with a crafty wink she left.


  Huh?” Andre gawped at his mother as she fussed over the glazed ham.

  “…and apart from that unusual conversation where I just know I misunderstood something about sex on Jolie’s desk, I think she’s a lovely girl.”

  “She is a lovely girl, Mom. Hope’s worked with me from the start.

  What sex on a desk?”

  “Ah. That explains what she meant by meeting Jolie through you. They’re such a sweet couple. Your father just adores Hope.” His mother still wasn’t making any sense. “Andre, you’re getting in the way. Happy as I am that you made it for Thanksgiving, I’d much rather have Godfrey in my kitchen than you. You’re such a pilferer. Now shoo.”

  “Sweet couple?”

  “Andre. Out.”

  “What sex on a desk, Mom?” His hand stretched out for a bread roll only to be slapped away.


  Bustled out of his own mother’s kitchen, Andre hightailed it to try to find Godfrey and relay the crazy conversation. He was halfway across the compound when he bumped into Amy.

  “Andre, great to see you got here. Typical of you to make it in time for dinner.”

  “Hi, Amy. I’ve just seen Mom. Now I’m looking for Jolie. What cabin is she in?”

  “The one near the creek.”

  Andre hesitated. “The love shack?”

  Amy nodded, a big smile on her face. “I dropped in for coffee this morning. They invited me to stay for breakfast but I had to go help Marie peel a mountain of potatoes.” They continued across the clearing arm in arm. “I enjoyed meeting Hope. She’s so perfect for Jolie.”

  Andre’s mouth hung open. “They’re a couple? Really?”

  Amy frowned. “Yes. Why are you so surprised?”

  Andre shook his head in disbelief. “It’s just that it happened so quickly. Amy, who told you they were an item?”

  “Mmm, I think it was Marie who told Leone. And either Patrice or Claude told her.”

  “Jesus. It must be true. Crap. I never saw it happening this fast. How the hell did she manage it?”

  “Were they not together before this?” Amy looked confused now.

  “They were sort of skirting around each other. Well, Jolie was. Sort of. But you know what she’s like. Clueless.” He tsked. “It has to be Hope. Never in a million years could Jolie have gotten it together to pounce.” He was flummoxed.

  “Well, I wouldn’t go writing off your sister’s fly moves, big guy. Hope had a serious wolfie love suck on her neck this morning.” Amy giggled as Andre came to a stunned standstill.

  “Oh, my God. It has to be Hope’s doing. Hope’s gone and hooked my big lovesick sister. Jolie’s finally found her love teeth.”

  Laughing, they wrapped arms round each other and went in search of Godfrey to share the amazing news.

  “Godfrey. Wait up.”

  Godfrey turned at the call and broke into a wide grin as Hope came to meet him.

  “Hey, baby doll.” He gathered her in a hug. “Have you settled in? How are you liking it?”

  “I love it. But Tadpole isn’t so sure. I can’t get him to leave the cabin, and usually he’d be in his element snuffling and grubbing about in a place like this. I’m worried he’s ill.”

  “Oh, poor Taddy.” Guiltily, Godfrey thought maybe it was a bad idea to bring the little dog to a werewolf den. “Take him to the vet on Monday. I’m sure he just needs a nerve pill or something.”

  They fell into step together and headed back to the compound.

  “I’m so glad we got here in time for Thanksgiving.” Godfrey gave her arm an extra squeeze in excitement.

  “You got away early. When did your sister arrive?”

  “She flew in on an earlier flight, so she’s minding Mom now. It freed us up to get an early start on our vacation.”

  “And your mother’s doing fine?”

  “She’s looking really good. She loved the flowers, by the way. Thank you for that.”

  “Good. I’m glad she liked them. And I’m glad you and Andre are here. I know Jolie is very nervous about the opening presentation. She’s cool with her own facts and figures, but if it’s outside her immediate sphere she tends to get jittery. Andre will take over now, won’t he?”

  “Yeah, he’s brought his papers. He knew Jolie wasn’t that happy, so we tried to get here on time. Hey, where are you staying? We’re in the main compound.”

  “We’re in this sweet little cabin down by the creek.”

  “Oh, I know that one. Its nickname is the love shack.” They both giggled at that. “It’s lovely down there,” he continued. “Nice and quiet. I suppose there’s so many coming for this Thanksgiving meeting they’re squeezing everyone in anywhere they can. And it’s going okay, sharing with Jolie?”

  “It’s fine. Except for the biting incident. I was way mad about that—”

  “Biting incident?” Godfrey looked shocked. “What biting incident?”

  Hope pulled down the neck of her sweater to show the large, dark bruise.

  “Oh my God,” he cried. “What the hell happened?”

  “Jolie bit me. She—”

  “Jolie bit you?” He looked like he was going to fall over.

  Hope nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yeah. She—”

  “Jolie bit you?”

  “Yes. She—”

  “You mean she really bit you? Oh
my God.”

  Hope frowned. Godfrey seemed to be having a real hard time with this.

  “Yeah. I was mad at her last night, but this morn—”

  “Jolie bit you last night?”

  “Yes. She dragged me onto the bed and—”

  “She bit you in bed? Oh my God.”

  Hope was getting annoyed at Godfrey’s freak-out. It’s not as if it was a sexual overture or anything. Jolie just dreamed as weirdly as she lived.

  “It’s not that big a deal,” she said defensively.

  “Around here it is.”

  She slapped his arm. “Stop being silly. It’s not like that. Oh! Oh, wait till I tell you what happened on the way up here. Jolie leapt under a truck and saved Tadpole’s life.”

  “Oh my God—”

  “Please don’t start that again.”

  “She what!” Hope exploded.

  “Well, that’s what I was told,” Andre said.

  “What?” Hope’s voice rose to near-hysterical levels with every word Andre uttered. “She said what?”

  They were in Andre and Godfrey’s cabin, where Andre’s initial congratulations on Hope’s new love interest soon evaporated under her pyroclastic reaction.

  “Now, Hope, just relax and—” Andre tried to pacify her.

  “Why would she say that? Why? Why? Is she mad? Is she absolutely mad? Has she lost it completely?”

  “Take a deep breath—”

  “Don’t you deep breath me. Your sister has told everyone she’s having an affair with her secretary. That’s sexual harassment and so… so…seventies.”

  Both Andre and Godfrey stood before Hope, swapping concerned looks. If she vented any more, their cabin would be a sauna. She needed to calm down.

  “Hope, honey.” Godfrey tried this time, as Andre was unsurprisingly useless in the placatory department. “There’s obviously been a misunderstanding. Jolie’s not going to lie about something like that. Has anything happened to make her think you and her are… involved?” He chose his words carefully. “Tell me once more about the biting incident.”

  Hope puffed in exasperation but complied with Godfrey’s gentle request, forcing the words out in a heated rush.


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