Gypsy Kiss: Book 1: Micah (The Gypsy Kiss Series)

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Gypsy Kiss: Book 1: Micah (The Gypsy Kiss Series) Page 27

by Heidi J Thomas

  So it was as I thought then, Eli was a troubled soul. “Mmm, I’ve noticed he’s not like you.”

  Micah frowned, “How’d ya mean?”

  “Well, you’re so laid back, so chilled out. Eli just seems…stressed a lot of the time. Like he’s permanently biting his tongue. I don’t know if he likes me.”

  Micah laughed a little. “Trust me, he likes you. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t even acknowledge you. He would blank you as if you didn’t exist. Yeah…he is a bit…intense. He was the one who took it hardest when my mother passed away. He was only…fifteen I think, a funny age. He clashed a hell of a lot with my dad. He was really angry when mama passed away and I think in some ways he still is. But…he’s a good guy, loyal and honest. He drives like a maniac…”

  It was my turn to laugh and I nodded. “Yeah, he does! But yeah…I get the vibe that he’s a good guy. You all are. Such a happy, close family, it’s nice. His kids are adorable.”

  “Yeah they are.” Micah agreed. “Have you uh…ever thought about having uh…having kids?”

  I shrugged, only a little uncomfortable with the way the conversation had turned. “Maybe…one day, yeah.”

  “Yeah, same.” He said with a smile, and then mercifully Nic was back by our side. “Are you ready to order?”

  “Yeah, thank you.” I said. “Can I have the carrot and coriander soup to start, followed by the chicken?”

  “Of course, madam.” Nic said with a dutiful bow. “And for sir?”

  “I’ll have the same please.” Micah said. He never took his eyes off mine, and he stroked my knuckles with his thumbs. “Thanks, bro.”



  After we had eaten, and chatted a while, I decided it was time we headed off, before Jewls lost her nerve again.

  Heading outside I spotted a taxi and whistled once, surprised myself when it pulled up beside us – thought that only worked in the movies.

  We climbed in the back and I put my arm over her shoulders as we pulled away and were on our way.

  At the club, I was pleased to see an old friend – an ex-employee of the park – working the door and he managed to get us past the queue outside and straight in. I felt her whole body tense up through her fingers entwined with mine as we walked into the main club and the flashing lights and thumping music. I pulled her to my side, holding her close and navigated us through the crowd to the bar, depositing her on a stool before getting the attention of the bartender and ordering us a couple of drinks. She looked nervous as hell and about as far out of her comfort zone as anyone could possibly get, constantly trying to pull her dress down or mess with her hair. I had that feeling again, like maybe this wasn’t such a good idea and then decided to just give it an hour or two, if she still didn’t look comfortable, we would move on to somewhere quieter. More than anything I just wanted her to let loose and have some fun, let go the weight of the world that seemed to have settled on her shoulders, pushing her down and holding her back.



  My dress was black but I felt illuminous in that club. Perfect people with perfect figures everywhere I looked, all eyes on us, probably wondering what on earth a gorgeous man like Micah was doing with me.

  He was talking to the barman and when he turned back to me, he held up two cocktails, offering me one. I took it, grinning.

  “What’s this?”

  “It’s a cocktail, Jewls. It’s gin, vermouth, with a cherry on top. It’s simple, sweet and got a hell of a kick.”

  I grinned again. “What’s it called?”

  “It’s called a Gypsy Kiss,” he said, and now he was smiling too, pleased with himself. I opened my mouth to say something back and he silenced me with a kiss, soft but firm, right on the lips.

  The music changed, to The Black Eyed Peas, The Time, an updated version of the Dirty Dancing classic and my man’s eyes lit up in delight.

  “Fuck yeah! Dance with me Jewls!”

  I opened my mouth to say oh, I don’t really do dancing, but before I could get a word out, he had set my drink down and was dragging me onto the floor, grinding up against me and spinning me around.

  Four more of those cocktails and two vodka and cokes later I didn’t give a fuck who was watching us, Micah had taken all that fear and doubt away. I had been afraid that somewhere like this, another, prettier girl might take him away from me but he never gave anyone else a glance, his eyes were on me all night. He never let go of me either, he maintained some kind of physical contact all the time, making it clear we were together.

  As the night drew on, the music began to slow, and we found ourselves one of just a few couples left on the dancefloor.

  Coldplay’s Magic hummed through the speakers, the gentle beat reverberating through my feet as I moved slowly with my wonderful boyfriend.

  Call it magic, call it true

  Call it magic, when I’m with you…

  Standing in the middle of that dance floor, my arms up around his shoulders, his hands on my hips and our bodies flush against each other, I never felt more wanted or desired. Up until that point, anyway. He put his hands on my face, leaned down and planted the slowest, sweetest kiss on my lips. It took me all of two seconds to respond and I opened my mouth in invitation. His tongue met with mine, swirling around with it, his lips devouring me, his fingers looping in my hair, keeping me locked with him. He let out a low moan deep into my mouth and then released me, but only for a moment, and then wrapped his arms around me and pulled me to him for a hug. He nestled his nose in the curve of my neck, below my ear and kissed me there.

  Wanna fall, fall so hard…

  “I love you, Jewls…” he whispered and I felt like crying. He had said that before, but that time was different. We weren’t mid-fight, it wasn’t something added on to the end of a sentence…it was said with real feeling, with emotion. Like he meant it, with every fibre of his being. I nodded slowly.

  “I love you too.”

  He kissed my forehead, letting out a contented sigh. “Let’s go, huh?”

  I nodded my agreement. In that moment I just wanted him all to myself away from all these people.

  Once again he managed to hail a taxi with remarkable ease and we were on the move again. I sat back happily in his arms as the streetlights and cars passed by the window. As we drove along the seafront he sat forward.

  “Just here will do, mate.”

  I frowned, confused as he paid the driver, helped me out of the taxi and began walking down to the beach with me following along holding his hand. The sand was firm and dry and he promptly sat down, patting the spot beside him before lying down on his back. I hesitated for just a moment, and lay down beside him.

  “Would ya just look at that?” he said, gesturing to the clear sky above us. “This is the beauty of living on the coast, huh? Minimum air pollution. Look at that…”

  I looked up and I have to admit I was stunned by the sheer volume of stars. Breath-taking.

  “Wow…” I said in an exhale. “What’s that one…?” I asked, pointing over to my left.

  “It’s a star, Jewls.”

  I fought the smile curling the side of my mouth. “And uh…that one?”

  “Also a star…they’re all stars and all very beautiful, I’m sure.”

  “You’re not very good at this, are you?” I said with a smirk, and he half-smiled back.

  “Not really. I’ll be honest…I haven’t brushed up on my astronomy lately. All I know is, the more stars, the prettier the sky. I know beauty when I see it…”

  I looked up again at the blanket of stars across the deep blue sky and let out a sigh of contentment before realising he was no longer looking up, he was looking at me.

  “Stand up a minute, Jewls.” He said, getting up and helping me to my feet. He leaned forward and kissed my forehead, slowly and deliberately. “I love you, Jewls. I’ve never been happier, ever. I will always love you.”

love you too…” I said, moved almost to tears, and then to lighten the mood I added, “You’re still shit at astronomy.”

  He grinned and nodded, rolling his eyes. “Yes I am. But there are many things I am very, very good at. As you will find out soon enough.”

  “Thank you for a great evening, Micah.” I purred happily.

  “It doesn’t have to be over yet. Come back to my place?”

  “Your place..?” I felt my heart leap into my throat. I knew what that was code for. Was I ready? Ah, who was I kidding? I wanted to, he wanted me to. It was time to take a risk and for once in my life just go for it.

  “Yes.” I said, without a hint of hesitation.

  He seemed genuinely surprised by that. “Yeah, you will?”

  “I’d love to.” I said and his smile broadened.

  I reached out a hand and settled it on his crotch, unsurprisingly finding him hard as a rock. He closed his eyes and visibly trembled at my touch. It was incredibly empowering. He raised both hands, and they hovered in mid-air for a moment as he fought his natural instinct to touch me back, before they dropped back by his sides. He exhaled just a little, his lips pursed as though it took every ounce of his concentration to go against his natural urge to take over the situation we were in.

  I realised what he was doing and loved him all the more for it. He was handing himself over to me – handing the power over to me. In that moment I felt like the sexiest woman on earth and I wanted to have my wicked way with him more than anything. I was ready to do it there and then, I had to have him. I couldn’t recall a time in my whole life I had ever been so aroused.

  “Fuck, Jewls…not here, follow me.”

  I hadn’t noticed where we had gotten out of the taxi but mercifully we were literally two minutes’ walk up to his house. It dawned on me that if anyone had been looking out of one of those back windows, they probably would have seen me feeling their brother up on the beach. The thought made me blush. Christ, they were going to hear a lot more than that soon enough. I prayed they were all heavy sleepers. It was close to one in the morning already.

  Chapter Eighteen



  Of course, I'd been to Micah's place before, but I'd never seen his bedroom, only in my daydreams, anyway.

  I say bedroom, but the word didn’t do it justice. It was bigger than my flat, or at least it felt like it. It was more like a penthouse suite of a swanky hotel. All dark wood, and muted terracotta walls with heavy cream drapes and bed linens. The bed was huge, and I had to resist the urge to do a running jump onto it. It was, in short, the bedroom of my dreams. Clean and minimalist, masculine, but with enough softness to make it appealing to me as well. It was gorgeous.

  It surprised me if I am honest. I expected a real lad’s room, all naked lady posters and dirty mugs. This was classy, clean and beautiful.

  My eye was drawn to the window, which wasn’t a window at all, but double patio doors that opened onto a small balcony, just big enough for two small chairs. The view was of the beach, and the moon reflecting off the sea.

  I sensed Micah’s eyes on me, and turned to find him watching me, his dark brown eyes ablaze with lust.

  “Jewls,” he began, stalking across the room to stop in front of me, “you look beautiful tonight, as ever…” I was frozen to the spot. He came nearer and traced his knuckles down my cheek. “So fucking beautiful...” he muttered.

  He traced a pattern with his lips, from my throat to my left ear, then back again and to across my right. Soft, gentle kisses and bites.

  Oh my God!

  My senses were in a whirl, torn between enjoying the tenderness of his touch and an urge for him to just take me already. A thousand tiny electric sparks pinging their way round my body, bringing my sexual self to life for the first time in…well, ever.

  He reached for the hem of my dress and I felt a flash of panic as I suddenly remembered what I had on underneath – the granny pants that Marisol had insisted I wear. Crap! He was gonna run a mile when he saw them. I couldn't stop him; he had already lifted my dress to my waist.

  “Arms up,” he said, and he peeled my dress the rest of the way off and dropped it on the floor. I closed my eyes briefly as his beautiful browns travelled the length of my body, his hands trailing down my arms.

  “Jewls, what the f..? Wow! What are these?” Mortified, I tried to cover myself and reach for my discarded dress. “Oh no you don't, let me see,” he said, batting my hand away. He studied the giant pants and grinned. “I like them, I really like them, love them.”

  I rolled my eyes, “No you don't, you're just...”

  “Yes, I do! They’re very…retro. You’re a proper woman Jewls, and you should be proud of your body. Now, come here…”

  He took my face between his hands and his lips brushed mine, his tongue gently probing. My mouth opened subconsciously, and we kissed tenderly. I could feel his erection, pressing against my stomach. He walked me backwards until my knees were against the bed, and we tumbled back, our mouths still fused together.

  “Jewls,” he breathed, as my bra was removed, followed swiftly by those damn pants. My eyes closed as his mouth wandered down to my left breast, his hand kneading and squeezing my right. His mouth travelled further down my body; my mind and body a blur of senses I'd never felt before. Somewhere in the midst of this, Micah was now also naked, and I fleetingly wondered how he had managed that. His mouth was almost at ‘that place,’ his long fingers gently parting my folds. I could feel his cock against my leg.

  He pushed my legs apart with his knees and climbed on top of me, resting on his forearms, his hands either side of my head. I could feel him nudging at my moist entrance.

  “Jewls are you’re sure you want this? You can say no, you can always say no.”

  “No, Micah.” I blurted.

  He stopped, frowning. “No?”

  Damn it. “No, I mean yes, I mean I don't want to say no, I don't want you to stop.”

  He smirked a little, and then slid into me, all the way to the hilt, with one stroke that made the air rush from my lungs. He started to move in slow, gentle thrusts, his eyes on mine. God, those beautiful eyes, dark pools of lust frames with long lashes.

  I reached up for his mouth and drew his bottom lip between my teeth, and then my tongue sought his in a blissful kiss that grew ever more frantic. My body was trembling, my senses reeling.

  “ God…”

  “Uh huh..?”

  “Oh God Micah, I need…”

  “What, babe?” he whispered, “tell me what you need…”

  “I need it faster Micah, harder. Please…” I begged shamelessly. I no longer cared how I sounded; I cared about nothing but this, this moment. Because I was on the crest of the first ever orgasm I’d had that was going to come from someone else. Micah was about to be the first – and I hoped the only man ever – to bring me to an earth shattering climax. I just needed a little more friction, a little…more.

  “Oh babe, hold on...” he breathed, his cock pulsing inside me, filling me like I could never have imagined in my wildest, blissful dreams.

  He began to move faster, deeper, every thrust pounding. I grabbed his hair bringing him closer, our mouths locked, kissing hungrily, our tongues doing a dance of their own in and around our mouths. My hips rose to meet his until my body started to shake, I could see lights flashing before my eyes.

  “Micah, please...” I whimpered.

  Micah was pounding, the only sound, flesh on flesh. My head was thrashing from side to side. I screamed as my body was gripped by spasm after spasm and an explosion of feelings I'd never experienced before, and then with a roar, Micah's spent body slumped over mine as he joined me in a climatic euphoria. It was insane; we lay breathless, forehead to forehead for several moments before he slowly slipped out of me and gathered me in his arms.

  “You ok baby?”

  “Mmmm...” I managed.

  “Jewls, are you okay?”
he asked, his tone a little firmer, laced with just a little anxiety.

  “Mmmm, yes.” I said with a grin, “Yes, I'm okay Micah, more than okay...”

  “I’m sorry I wanted to make it last…longer, I wanted to give you-”

  “The biggest, most incredible orgasm of my life? Mission accomplished, Micah.” I interrupted and he sat up, propped on his elbow facing me.

  “The most incredible orgasm of your life, huh?” he said with a salacious grin. “Wow. So I’m forgiven for knowing fuck all about stars then?”

  I giggled and turned on my side also. “You’re forgiven.”

  “Good. I need a shower, come on.”

  He jumped off the bed, and holding my hand dragged me with him. Funny, post sex like we had just had, I didn’t care that I was naked. That is, until he opened a door from his room and, convinced he was dragging me naked into the hallway I tried to pull back.

  “Micah!” I hissed, “Kinda naked here…” I trailed off as I realised we were actually in an en suite bathroom. Another door led me to believe it was shared and I was worried again. As though he read my mind – which I swear, he could – he locked both doors and then without a word slid open the glass door of the ridiculously huge shower and switched it on as I looked around me in dumbfounded awe at the beautiful pristine bathroom. The shower cubicle alone looked big enough for four people, and the whole room was floor to ceiling white tiles with the occasional silver tile, all the fixtures and fittings chrome. It was clean, clinical and very much a man’s bathroom. Without asking me, or saying anything, he stepped into the shower and pulled me in with him.

  Okay, so it was beginning to feel like I was living out one of the books on my Kindle. This was the part where he went down on me in the shower and brought me to another earth shattered orgasm some five minutes after the first one. Only I didn’t know if I had it in me to have another one so soon. That didn’t happen in real life, did it?


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