Public Marriage, Private Secrets

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Public Marriage, Private Secrets Page 16

by Helen Bianchin

  Her original wedding ring—the one she’d removed and handed to him this morning…the one he’d chosen for her to keep. The new rings on her left hand signified a new beginning.

  Her heart lurched a little as his eyes seared her own, dark, slumbrous with emotion.

  Its significance didn’t escape her, and her eyes dilated as he took hold of her hands and brought both to his lips in a silent touching salutation, merging the past with the present, together with the promise of their future.

  Then it was her turn to remove the circlet with its twin row of diamonds she’d bought as her gift for him, and she followed his lead by placing the new ring on his left hand, before slipping his original wedding ring onto his right hand.

  Two minds that thought as one.

  ‘Eternity,’ she vowed gently, and followed his action by lifting his hands to her lips.

  His eyes darkened measurably as he drew her close and kissed her so gently it almost brought her to tears.

  Everything after that seemed an anti-climax, as guests were offered champagne, and there were toasts and good wishes exchanged. Raúl and Gianna mingled until Teresa requested everyone transfer to the dining room.

  Fine food graced several serving dishes set at the formal table.

  The staff had excelled themselves, providing succulent offerings to tempt the most discerning epicurean. Raúl was there—physically, mentally and emotionally connected to her in a way that made her heart sing. Evident in a look, a touch…almost as if they communicated without the need for words.

  If she could mark her life by the number of best days, today ranked right at the top. For happiness, love, and a future filled with both.

  Together, they would make it so.

  A family with a child…children, Gianna amended, hugging the knowledge that the initial event might be closer than she’d anticipated.

  Too soon, she cautioned silently. Much too soon to even confide the possibility. It had been an eventful few weeks…an understatement if ever there was one. Three days late with her monthly cycle didn’t necessarily equate to what she hoped, prayed it might mean.

  Nevertheless, she merely took a sip of champagne, and stayed mainly with iced water. Did Raúl notice? Teresa? Anyone?

  A wistful smile curved her lips as she pictured a little girl with blond curls being held in her father’s arms…a baby boy with Raúl’s dark eyes and the promise of growing in his father’s image.

  Life…their future…stretched out in front of them. The path an adventure filled with joy, laughter and love.

  Above all…love.

  The forever kind.

  Gianna felt the light brush of Raúl’s palm down her spine, and she spared him a soft sweet smile glimpsed the warmth apparent in his dark eyes, the silent question evident, and her lips widened with mischievous sensuality.

  For one brief instant his eyes flared, and he leaned in close. ‘Soon the evening will end; the guests will leave.’ His hand slid up to gently cup her nape, and lingered there. ‘Then you will be at my mercy.’


  ‘You need to ask?’

  No, she didn’t. Instead she placed a light hand on his thigh, felt the muscles flex beneath her fingers, and lightly trailed a path dangerously high before transferring it to her lap. ‘Careful, mi mujer,’ he warned gently.


  It was eleven when Teresa’s nurse appeared to escort her to bed. Teresa had coped well with the day’s excitement, and although she dispensed with any concern for her well-being, eventually she was unable to disguise her tiredness and flagging energy.

  The catering staff departed, the guests discreetly brought the evening to a close around midnight, and when the last guest had departed Gianna waited as Raúl set the locks in place and activated the security system.

  Without a word he swept her into his arms and crossed the foyer to the staircase.

  A faint laugh emerged from her lips. ‘I can walk.’ A verbal protest that had little basis in intent. She loved his strength, the security of muscle and sinew, his clean male smell, the elusive cologne he used.

  His lips brushed the top of her head as he ascended the stairs. ‘You’d deny me tradition?’

  She knew she’d never deny him anything. ‘I’d hate anything to diminish your…er…’ She was hard pressed to contain the soft laughter threatening to escape her throat. ‘Performance,’ she finally managed as he reached the gallery and turned towards the guest wing.

  It didn’t, as he ably proved again and again through what remained of the night…only to tease her awake in the early-morning hours.

  Afterwards he held her close and shaped her slender curves, soothing her rapid breathing as she rested against him.

  ‘Is there anything you want to tell me?’

  ‘Your libido isn’t in question.’

  Raúl lifted a quizzical eyebrow as he dropped a light kiss on her temple. ‘It’ll keep?’

  Yes, it would.

  ‘Rest, querida,’ he bade her gently as he felt the sweet brush of her lips in silent acquiescence.

  His, he vowed silently. Beautiful in mind and spirit.

  More important to him than anything else in his world.

  Something he would endorse every day for the rest of his life.


  CASSANDRA TERESA VELEZ-SALDAÑA entered the world two weeks ahead of her due date. In a hurry to be born and exercising her lungs to full velocity, as her father commented as he cradled the pink-faced squalling infant before transferring his daughter to her mother’s chest where, with a subsiding hiccup, she quieted and nestled comfortably.

  Dark hair, exquisite features and a mind of her own, Raúl mused, when she protested volubly as a nurse tucked her into a crib and trundled it to the nursery.

  ‘Gracias di Dios.’ The words teased the tendrils of Gianna’s hair as he spoke them close to her ear. ‘My beautiful wife,’ he said gently. ‘Believe you’re the love of my life.’

  They were words he reiterated often…words she never tired of hearing. Gianna smiled, and lifted a hand to lay it against his cheek. ‘Same goes.’

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6979-2


  First North American Publication 2010.

  Copyright © 2010 by Helen Bianchin.

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