A Willing Wife

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A Willing Wife Page 22

by Jackie Merritt

  “Well, do you also recall my predicting trouble for Logan?”

  Maggie nodded. “Is Logan in some kind of trouble?”

  “He could be. I just heard that he only recently discovered that he has a child—a little girl named Amanda Sue.”

  “Really. And who’s the mother?”

  “This is sad, but apparently she died quite suddenly.” Rosita became thoughtful. “I wonder what he will do about Amanda Sue.”

  “I would hope that he would assume responsibility and take care of her,” Maggie said bluntly.

  “Yes, but he is a bachelor, you know, and caring for a sixteen-month-old child would certainly change his lifestyle.”

  “Tough toenails,” Maggie said. “If he knows Amanda Sue is his child, he should take her into his home and be a good daddy to her.”

  “Well, we’ll just have to wait and see what he does.” Rosita smiled rather smugly. “Just don’t forget that I predicted it, Maggie.”

  Maggie laughed. “No, Mama, I won’t forget.”

  Rosita strolled off, and for the first time in hours Maggie found herself alone. With a furtive glance around to make sure no one was watching, she darted behind a huge fern and heaved a relieved sigh. The Christmas wedding was wonderful, but she needed a break from kisses, hugs and gushing enthusiasm. She was not accustomed to being the center of attention, and she was rather pleased with her temporary hiding place—

  Dallas peeked around the fern. “There you are!” He crowded into the small area with her. “I’m about ready to blow this joint. How about you?”

  “May we? I mean, is it all right if we leave first?”

  “Honey, nobody expects the bride and groom to hang around for long. They all know what we really want to be doing. Let’s escape by the back door and go to my house. Travis is in good hands with your mother, and besides, every woman here adores him and the men think he’s a fine little guy.”

  “I’m so proud of him, Dallas.”

  “I am, too. He stood with us during the ceremony like a little man.”

  “Dallas, I’ve been thinking about our honeymoon. I know I told you to surprise me, but…well, the idea of being away from Travis with a kidnapper on the loose is just too unnerving. Would you mind terribly if we postponed the honeymoon until the kidnapper is caught?”

  “That could take a while,” Dallas said slowly. But he realized that as convincing as he’d been when he’d told her that Travis would be safe, she was still concerned. And could he blame her?

  “I know that, darling. But everyone is so busy. I know Mama and Savannah and others have said they would watch Travis, but you know how he wanders. He needs almost constant supervision, and I wouldn’t relax for a second worrying about him.”

  “Sweetheart, if you feel that strongly about it, then we won’t go anywhere right now.”

  Maggie smiled adoringly. “Thank you. You’re a wonderful man.”

  “And you’re a terrific lady. Now, this wonderful man wants your beautiful, sexy body. Are you with me?”

  “Forever and always, my love, forever and always.”

  Holding hands and giggling like two kids, they ran through the house and out the back door.

  In the library, Rosita smiled to herself. They thought they’d made a clean getaway, but she’d seen them. Oh, yes, she’d seen them go off to be alone. Positive that bringing Dallas and Maggie together was her crowning achievement, Rosita’s bosom swelled with pride and self-satisfaction.

  Life was good right now, she thought happily. Oh, my, yes, life was very good.

  Special thanks and acknowledgment are given to Jackie Merritt for her contribution to THE FORTUNES OF TEXAS series.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-1138-7


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