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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

Page 6

by Paige Cameron

Ellen wrinkled her forehead. “How did you hear about that?”

  “The ranch is like a small town. Someone overheard the conversations about how brave you were to face your fears and do what you did in Washington.” Cassie leaned close. “How did you escape him?”

  “Ah, you are running from someone?”

  “Yes. I thought I’d gotten away.” Cassie stood and paced around the small living room area. “But when I took Mom to the city for her last treatment, I think I might have seen him.” She turned to face Ellen. “Probably not, though. It was a man with blond hair about the same height as him. I was driving away and didn’t get a good look. I’m certain he didn’t follow me back here to Lovettville.”

  “So certain that you’re still worried.” Ellen glanced at Cassie wringing her hands.

  Cassie sat back down. “I didn’t know him all that long. We were introduced by mutual friends. He seemed nice. He’s well known in his community, handsome, rich.” She laughed. “What more could a girl want, right?”

  “How soon did he start being abusive?”

  “About a month after we met. Little accidents started to happen. He’d accidentally squeeze my hand too tight or bump me against the wall. Stupid me, I tried to ignore it at first, accept it as not intentional. Then one day I was late meeting him and he blew up. We’d arranged to go from his house to a party.

  “When I arrived and went inside, he attacked me. He slapped me, pushed me hard against the wall, but what happened to really frighten me was when he put his hands around my neck.

  “He said he expected me to be on time, to do as he said, or it was my fault if he got mad and hit me.”

  Cassie took a deep breath. “This is hard to say. I’ve never told anyone. I got angry and frightened. I rammed my knee into his private parts. He wasn’t expecting me to fight back. While he was doubled over, I ran out and got in my car. But it wasn’t over. He followed me around town for days and made threatening phone calls.

  “Did you go to the police?”

  “Once. They talked to him and believed his denial. Things got worse after that. I’d been thinking about coming home. When I got Mom’s letter that solidified my decision. I quit my job and drove out of town in the dead of night. I traveled a circuitous route to get here and left no forwarding address.”

  “And yet you fear he has found out where you are?”

  “A tiny fear, probably not grounded in reality.”

  “Have you told anyone but me?”

  “No. I didn’t want to worry my parents. They have enough to concern them.”

  “What about Lang or Nick? Jack said you three were close before you left.”

  “That’s something else I want to ask you, Ellen. How have you adjusted to living on the ranch? Do you feel like an outsider?”

  Ellen shook her head no. “Not at all. Of course going on the assignment helped me be accepted, I think. And Sahale and Jack are so loving and intent on seeing I’m happy. They make my world go around. Plus, I enjoy my work with the incredibly intelligent scientists and biologists. They’re really the best. But you didn’t answer my question.”

  “No, I haven’t told either one of them. This is my problem. I’d never forgive myself if one of them got hurt trying to fix something I started.”

  “First”—Ellen reached out her hand—“this isn’t your fault. You had no way of knowing this man was an abuser. My ex-husband didn’t physically abuse me. His father threatened me, and my ex became an abuser to his second wife. They’re clever and were able to hide their deviousness from friends and family. Many abused wives or girlfriends feel helpless or are too frightened to ask for help. So they don’t go to the police. At least not right away. I was happy my ex-husband and his father were stopped.” Ellen took a sip of tea before continuing.

  “You surprised this man and hit back and went to the police. But from what you’ve told me, he’s a pillar of society and the authorities are more apt to discount one lone complaint. He’s also dangerous. At least tell Lang and Nick.”

  Cassie shook her head. “I can’t, not until I decide if I’m ready to commit myself to them. Otherwise it isn’t right to ask them to be involved.”

  “What’s holding you back? Don’t you feel part of the ranch community?”

  Cassie got up. “Wait here a moment.” She went in her bedroom and got some pictures she’d unpacked recently. Going back to Ellen, she handed them to her. “This is what I looked like when I lived on the ranch.”

  She watched Ellen start to smile, and then laugh. “You are a late bloomer. The original wild child written all over you. From your defiant expression, to the clothes you wore, and the hair blowing wild around you. So you rebelled, so what?”

  “Have you noticed the teenagers on the ranch? They might rebel a bit, but there is an innate sense of responsibility and direction, even at that young an age. It was like being in a foreign country and not knowing the language.” Cassie stared at herself in the picture. A gentle sadness filled her heart for the confused teenager looking back at her.

  “Lang and Nick were so mature for their age. They were certain I was the one for them, even though they were only twenty. They’d come home from college for the summer.

  “The thought of spending the rest of my life here in Wyoming and settling down, before I’d experienced all that attractive world outside of here, was too much. Also, the idea of two husbands didn’t appeal to me at the time. I flew away.”

  “But you returned.”

  “I couldn’t forget them. So many times I had started to come back. I thought I had to prove myself first.” Cassie picked up their teacups. “I’ll get us some fresh tea.”

  Ellen followed her into the tiny kitchen. “You found your talent. You make beautiful jewelry.”

  “Thanks. I love doing it. I met a man, a friend, in New Mexico. He lived near a small town I passed through. His home sat at the bottom of a mountain. I admired his work and asked him to make a piece while I watched. He made jewelry, pottery, all kinds of things.

  “I stayed in town for six months and worked with him.” She glanced at Ellen. “Now there was a man with talent. Strange, he reminded me of Lang. He urged me to go home, but I thought I’d make a few more stops in my travels first. Three years later, I finally came back. Mom was sick, and if I’m honest, the memory of Lang and Nick called to me.”

  They sat down to drink their tea. Ellen faced Cassie. “All right, I’m going to be blunt. I think you have two questions for me. You want to know if it’s really a good idea to marry two men? For me, the answer was that I loved them both and couldn’t imagine my life without them. Your mother chose differently. That’s the good thing about being in this close community on the ranch. Your decision is accepted either way. Whatever works for the couple or threesome is all right. Your second question regards your fear of this other man. I agree you need to be careful and I’d suggest you tell the men who love you. If not, be very vigilant and go to the sheriff if you see him. Don’t try to be a heroine on your own.” Ellen looked at her watch. “I hate to go, but I’m cooking a special dinner for Jack tonight. It’s his birthday.”

  “Thanks for coming by. I hope I wasn’t rude or impertinent with my questions.”

  “Not at all. I’m glad you asked. But do something now before you get hurt. Bye.” Ellen waved as she hurried down the steps to her car.

  Cassie closed the door and locked it. She’d known the answers to her questions before she’d asked. She just hadn’t wanted to admit it. Still, could she do what Ellen suggested?

  She wanted more time. Time to work in her shop, time to be sure of her feelings regarding a marriage to Lang and Nick, and time to reconnect with the ranch community. If not for Peter, she’d be able to let things occur naturally.

  Peter couldn’t have found her. She’d give herself a little more space before jumping back into the life she’d left behind.

  Chapter Six

  Nick knocked on her door promptly at five thirty. He’d call
ed earlier and suggested the two of them go out for the evening.

  “Hi, honey. Are you hungry?” His wicked grin gave the simple question a double meaning.

  “I’m starving for food, if that’s what you mean, but I’m dressed in jeans, and you’re very dressed up.” She let her gaze roam from his dark-blue jacket with white shirt underneath, to his slim waist encircled with a thin black belt, and his long legs covered in dark-blue slacks to match his jacket. Polished black shoes completed the outfit.

  “I’ll have to fight off the women,” she teased him.

  “Give me the once-over like that again, and no one else will see me. We won’t get out of this apartment.” He flashed his sexy smile at her. “Go change. I started to call and thought I’d surprise you. We’re going to the big city for a real dinner.”

  Cassie’s heart lurched. “That’s not necessary. There’s a great steak house on the outskirts of Lovettville.”

  “Nope, I’m going to take you to a seafood restaurant. A friend of mine owns it and several more in other states. He has the fish flown in fresh.”

  She didn’t know what to say. She was being silly. It’d be like a needle in a haystack for Peter to happen to be at that restaurant on this particular night.

  “What’s wrong? I thought you’d like to get away from Lovettville for one evening.”

  “It’s a great idea. I was trying to remember if I had any dressy dresses left. I only brought the basics with me when I moved.”

  “Anything will do. You’re fine as you are.”

  “No. I have to look good to stave off all those other women.” She hurried toward her bedroom, but she saw the flash of doubt on his face. She hadn’t fooled him. Darn.

  When she returned dressed in a green, billowy, short-skirted cocktail dress, Nick whistled and smiled broadly.

  “You look great. The dress suits you and shows off those lovely, long legs. We’d better hurry before my other hunger takes charge.”

  “Where’s Lang?”

  “Puttering around the new house. He’s never quite finished.”

  “Is he mad at me?”

  “Not that I know of. Lang doesn’t get angry, but he likes to spend time alone and think about situations and people. I told him I’d like to surprise you by taking you to a fancy town restaurant.”

  Nick was a good, steady driver. She sat back and tried to relax. The sun set over the mountaintop, spilling a cascade of colors, yellow, red, and bluish purple, across the high peaks and the sky.

  He glanced at her. “Want to tell me what’s worrying you?”

  “How do you know I’m worried?” Cassie asked.

  “You have that little wrinkle in the center of your forehead. In the past, when you frowned like that, something was bothering you.”

  “How do you and Lang know me so well? We spent part of a summer together, a few months.”

  “You’ll find the men of our group are very observant, especially in regards to the woman we love.”

  “I know so little about your group, as you call it. What makes you different than all the other men in this world?”

  “Maybe we’re not of this world.”

  “Right, you’re men from Mars.” She grinned at him. “Where’s your antenna?”

  “I knew I forgot part of my outfit tonight,” Nick teased back with her.

  “Well you can’t go back for it. We’re almost in town, and I am hungry.”

  Nick reached out and brushed his hand along her thigh at the short hem of her dress. “Satin smooth. I’m hungry, too, but I’ll have to wait.”

  Between the warmth of his hand slipping under her skirt and the flash of fire in his eyes, a sizzle went up her spine. Her pussy clenched with desire. His male scent filled the air as his fingers rubbed across the top of her leg.

  “Don’t you need both hands on the wheel?” Her voice quivered as she asked the question.

  He removed his hand. “You’re right. There’s traffic ahead. I wanted to remind you of our dessert, later.” His husky tone sent another shiver across her body.

  “Perhaps, I won’t be hungry for dessert.”

  The car stopped at a red light, and he turned briefly to look fully at her. “I’m sure you will be, by then.” The streetlights shone across his high cheekbones, the chiseled jaw, and the sensuous mouth. His light-blue eyes looked darker and deliciously dangerous.

  “You are mine, honey, and Lang’s. The quicker you accept that, the less complicated your life will be. We’ll all be happier then, too.” The car behind honked. Nick grinned and drove on.

  “What if I never accept you two? My mother married one man and has been quite happy.”

  “Can you choose?” Nick turned and drove into the drive to a large restaurant.

  The doorman opened Cassie’s door. She was thankful she didn’t have to answer. At least not yet.

  A crowd of people sat or stood around waiting for tables. When Nick gave his name, the man called on his cell for someone.

  “My friend is going to come out to speak with me. He’s seldom at this restaurant. He keeps busier at the two he has in California. After we see him, then we’ll have a table waiting for us.” He put his arm around her waist.

  Thank goodness he did. Her legs went weak when she saw the smiling, blond-haired man making his way around the crowd and walking determinedly in their direction.

  “Peter, it’s good to see you.” Nick removed his arm from around Cassie and shook his friend’s hand. “I’m glad you’re here tonight. I want to introduce you to my special lady. Peter Illingsworth, meet Cassie Venitia.”

  “Hello, Cassie. We meet again.” He smiled. Cassie reluctantly put out her hand, and he squeezed it tight. Nick didn’t notice. He was looking in surprise at Peter, and then her.

  “You know each other?”

  “Yes. We met in San Francisco. A mutual friend introduced us.”

  “What a small world. This is great. Won’t you join us for dinner?”

  Cassie held her breath. She’d seen the anger burning deep in Peter’s eyes when he looked directly at her. But he was a chameleon. Nick would never see the real monster.

  “I’d love to, but I have to take care of a few things first. What if I join you two for dessert? The cook is preparing something special tonight.”

  “That would be fine. We’ll see you later, then,” Nick said.

  Peter told his maitre d’ to take them to his special table. “See you two soon.” He looked directly at Cassie.

  Her heart sank. What do I do now? Would Nick believe her any more than the one or two other people she tried to tell in the past? She doubted it, and now Peter had found her for sure.

  When the food came to the table, she forced herself to eat and tried to pay attention to what Nick was saying. But the food stuck in her throat, and she couldn’t concentrate.

  “Are you all right?” Nick asked halfway through the meal.

  “I’m not feeling well. I hate to spoil this lovely evening you had planned, but would you mind driving me home?” Guilt rushed through her when she saw his concern.

  “No, of course not. Let me pay the bill and we’ll be on our way.” Nick nodded his head at the waiter. He rushed across the room.

  “What would you like, Sir?”

  “My bill. My lady is not feeling well. Will you give my regrets to Mr. Illingsworth that we are not able to stay longer for a visit? Please tell him I’ll be in touch.”

  “Certainly, Sir. I’ll be right back.”

  But he must have called Peter. Cassie saw him taking long strides toward their table.

  “Cassie, I’m so sorry you aren’t well. Is there anything I can do?”

  “No.” She tried to smile. But the muscles in her face felt stiff and unable to respond.

  The waiter brought the bill, but Peter took it first and tore it up. He waved his hand when Nick tried to protest. “You did not get to finish. You must come back when you are feeling better.” He smiled again at Cassie. “I want you
to enjoy a special meal prepared especially for you and Nick.” He bowed. “I must go. I do hope nothing is seriously wrong with you.”

  Nick took her hand as she stood. “I’ll see she takes care of herself.” He wrapped his arm securely around her waist. “Next time you’re in town, let’s meet for lunch,” Nick said to Peter.

  “I’ll call when I return.” He waved and walked away.

  Cassie leaned her head against the headrest in the car and closed her eyes. She felt Nick glance her way several times, but she didn’t look at him. The drive went on forever, it seemed.

  The car slowed, and Nick parked. “You’re home, Cassie.”

  She opened her eyes to see the back of her shop facing her.

  “Shall I come in with you?” Nick asked. “I hate to leave you when you’re feeling sick.”

  “I’m sure a good night’s sleep is all I need. I’ve been working on my jewelry late at night this week.”

  His fingers brushed across her forehead, and a flicker of desire stirred inside her. “Why do I sense there is more to this evening than I think? Did you and Peter date? He’s notorious for dating, and then walking away suddenly. He’s left many women wondering what happened.”

  “We dated a short time. I wasn’t interested.”

  Nick grinned. “That must have been a new experience for him.”

  “When did you two meet, Nick?”

  “A number of years ago. I built his home.”

  The irony of it all made Cassie want to laugh hysterically. She’d loved Peter’s home, sensed something about it, and yet at the end dreaded going there.

  “I’ve been there. It’s lovely. You did a good job. Now I really must go in, and, at least for tonight, I need to be alone.”

  Nick walked her up the steps and came inside to check her apartment. He tipped her face toward his. “I just wanted to be sure that everything was all right in here before I left. You call me anytime day or night, Lang or me, and we’ll come.” He brushed his lips across her mouth and then walked to the door. “I’ll call tomorrow.”

  She listened to his footsteps as he walked down the stairs.

  Part of her wanted to call him back, but she needed to think first.


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