Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance)

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Cameron, Paige - Commando Cowboys Reclaim Their Love [Wyoming Warriors 4] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Polyromance) Page 11

by Paige Cameron

  “In the daytime I have a wonderful view of the prairie and mountains, but at night I prefer my bright-colored drapes. Sit by the fire. Then we will talk.”

  Cassie sank into the buttery leather. The warmth of the fire felt good. This was a restful room. She looked across at the Priestess where she sat in the opposite lounge chair.

  “You have heard about my blood test, and that some think I am part of the lost tribe?”

  “Yes. Do you have doubts?”

  “Who wouldn’t? This whole thing about you all being descendents of ancient astronauts who crashed on earth and having special skills, which I’ve seen, can be very confusing. Now to be told that through my father’s genes I am one of you—”

  “It is overwhelming. But I assure you between the blood test and what I felt when you touched my hand, I am certain. What made you run away from us ten years ago?”

  Cassie jumped up and paced the room. “I’m not sure. Lang and Nick were pushing me to marry them. My strong feelings for them made me want to, but whenever I was on the ranch I was too unsettled. I decided I was too young to marry, so I ran away.”

  “How were you unsettled?”

  “Inside of me, there was a constant hum, an uneasiness. I couldn’t identify it. I told myself I couldn’t live here. I had no special talents. Later Nick and Lang would regret having such a wife.”

  “Sit. May I touch your head?”


  Cassie sat back in the chair, and Elle moved to stand behind her. She placed her hands on either side of Cassie’s head and began to hum a soft tune. As she did a quiet calm spread from Cassie’s head down through her whole body. Cassie’s internal hum went away, and her muscles relaxed. A feeling of well-being centered inside of her.

  After what seemed only a few minutes, but Cassie realized later had been almost half an hour, the Priestess stepped back and sat in her chair. She closed her eyes, and someone knocked on the door.

  “Come in, darling.”

  Still distracted by what had happened, Cassie was surprised to see the Priestess’s husband walk in carrying a tray with two teacups. He sat the tray on the desk to the side and handed Cassie and then his wife a cup.

  “Drink,” Elle said. “It will refresh you.”

  “I hardly need it. I feel wonderfully refreshed and calm. What did you do?”

  “I stopped the hum. You will learn how to do that. My husband will teach you.”

  Cassie looked across at the tall, slim, dark-haired man standing beside his wife. “How can you help me?”

  “Although my lovely wife and I are both telepaths, she mainly connects with our past and me. She does not do that with anyone else. I have the stronger talent in that area. Your ability is powerful. You must be taught to control that power for your benefit and the others around you.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  The Priestess took her hands and held them tightly. “The hum is other people’s words. You didn’t know how to receive them or how to shut the noise out.”

  “That’s impossible. It never happened off the ranch.”

  “No, because we have more telepaths on the ranch than there are anywhere else. One here or there you’d ignore as outside noise or something insignificant. Here the noise becomes louder, more insistent.”

  Her husband knelt at Cassie’s chair and stared into her eyes. “I can help you learn to control what you want to receive and shut the rest out. Will you let me?”

  “I’m finding this all hard to believe. But I’m willing to have you try to teach me. But how will this help me with my present problem?”

  “I am going to visit your Peter Illingsworth. I will check that what you have said is truthful. Not that I don’t believe you. But I must be absolutely certain. Your first lesson is always make sure of the facts, regardless of who it is.”

  He stood and leaned against his wife’s desk. “What I do then is put the thought into his head that he should confess. If though he is truly evil, it may not take. So the other possibility is that by talking with him, he’ll think of other women he has hurt. I can retrieve their names. Then we can track them down. Hopefully one of them will agree to testify.” He moved away from the desk to the door. “We start your lessons tomorrow morning at nine o’clock.” The door shut behind him.

  “Do you have any questions?” the Priestess asked.

  “I’m too confused right now to know.”

  “Would you like for me to research as much information as I can on your father’s family?”


  “Let’s go join the others.”

  Nick suggested they leave shortly after Cassie and the Priestess returned to the great room. Cassie thanked the Priestess and her husband, hugged Rae, and followed Nick out.

  He opened her car door. She got in, leaned back against the seat, and closed her eyes. It was wonderful to have the hum gone. She hadn’t asked how long it would last.


  When she opened her eyes, he was leaning toward her. “A little, but a good tired. Take me home.”

  “I hope you mean the cabin, because that’s where we’re headed. Lang will want to hear what happened. Me too. That is if you want to share, if not, we’ll understand.”

  “To be truthful, I just want to sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?”

  “Have you forgotten your attorney will probably be at the house when we get there?”

  “Cad. I did forget. I’m anxious to speak with him.” She gazed across at Nick’s profile etched by the night shadows and the moon’s light. A warrior’s mask. Now where did that thought come from? Lighthearted Nick had never seemed the type. And yet she was certain she was right. He glanced at her.

  “You won’t shut Lang and me out again, will you?”

  “Not at all. I’ll tell you everything that happened with the Priestess later.”

  “I must admit to a bit of jealousy concerning this guy.”

  She moved closer to him and put her hand on his thigh. She felt his muscle tighten. “Don’t worry. You and Lang are the only men in my heart.”

  His large, warm hand covered hers. “That’s enough reassurance for me, but you’d better let Lang know, too. He may appear calm and reasonable, but that’s up to a point. It doesn’t include sharing you with anyone, but me.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Cad was sitting at the kitchen table drinking coffee with Lang. “Cad.” Cassie ran forward as he stood. She threw herself into his arms. “I’m so glad you’re here.”

  “I told you I’d always come if you needed me.” His deep voice wrapped around her.

  She stepped back. “This is Nick Kenric. I see you’ve already met Lang.”

  “He tells me you are going to marry him and Nick.”

  “Yes.” She held out her hand to show off her ring. “That just happened.” She smiled at Lang and found he was frowning at her. “They’re a little jealous of you. I’ve tried to explain we don’t feel that way about each other.”

  “Certainly not. You are the sister in my heart.” He turned to Lang and Nick. “I recognized her when she came to my shop. Her vibrations hit me full in the chest.”

  “What?” Cassie stepped back. “You knew? How?”

  “I’m a member of the third tribe, Cassie. And I recognized you by your looks and your heart.”

  She studied him. His wavy black hair was tied back and glistened in the overhead light. His face was a blend of high cheekbones, deep-set golden eyes, a firm mouth, and a square jaw. Cad was as tall as Lang, and his broad shoulders, lean hips, and long legs should have given her a hint that he might be kin to the men she’d left behind. Especially when he reminded her so much of Lang.

  “Why didn’t I feel the unrest around you?”

  “Do you around them?” He nodded to Nick and Lang.

  “Not all the time.”

  “You look like my family, Cassie. My guess is we are related through your father and my mother.”

  Cassie sank int
o a chair. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “You weren’t ready to hear me. But I knew you would have to return here. You couldn’t stay away forever, and when you did return, it would all come to a head. I did not foresee you getting into trouble with the law.”

  “Can you help me with that?”

  “Of course. I never lose.”

  His warm smile comforted her. “I’m exhausted. Can I go to bed?”

  Lang swept her into his arms. “I’ll be right back,” he said to the others. He took long strides down the hall to his bedroom. Setting her on her feet, he began to undress her.

  “I can do it.”

  “Doubtful. You’re almost asleep standing up. You’ve been through a lot in the past twenty-four hours.” He had her undressed and in bed before she could protest again.

  “Turn over.”

  “Why?” She saw a bottle of lotion in his hands. “I’m too tired to make love.”

  He grinned. “I could make you take back those words, but I won’t. This is regular lotion. I’ll rub your back until you go to sleep.”

  Lang dribbled the cool lotion on her backside, and then began to massage her shoulders, back, and down her legs to her feet. She moaned with pleasure. He leaned forward and kissed the side of her neck.

  “Sleep, little one.”

  “I forgot to tell you. You and Nick are in my heart, no one else.” The words came out slurred with sleep.

  “I know.”

  His hands continued to caress her as she sank deeper into her dreams.

  * * * *

  Nick and Cad sat across eyeing each other. Finally, Nick said, “Tell me what you know about her.”

  “We met three years ago. She wandered in from the hot heat of the summer. She looked like a lost child wandering around looking for her home. After I got to know her better, I realized my first impression was right.”

  Cad sipped the last of his coffee. “She stayed with me for six months. I discovered she was very good creatively with her hands. I taught her how to work the gold and silver. Her mind created the designs.” He glanced at Lang as he walked into the room. “She told me about you two. She’d tried to forget you and not care. It hadn’t worked.”

  Lang walked to the stove and poured a cup of coffee for him and Nick. He refilled Cad’s cup. “You told her to go home?”

  “I did. She said she would, eventually. There were more travels to do first.”

  “You could have convinced her,” Nick said.

  “Perhaps. But we must all find our place at our own time. I myself have wandered far.”

  “You’ve never gone back to your roots?” Lang asked.

  “Sadly none of us can go back to our original roots. I live closer to family now. But I’ve known all my life that my destiny was not totally with them.”

  “So it’s in New Mexico,” Nick stated.


  They didn’t ask any other questions. A man had a right to keep his own secrets.

  “I talked to Pruet tonight,” Nick said. He explained to Cad who he was. “Pruet is telepathic. He’ll go to the hospital early tomorrow morning to visit Illingsworth.

  “We checked and Peter is to be discharged later in the day. Apparently, in spite of all his groaning and carrying on, he wasn’t hurt seriously. The bullet hit just the right spot to miss anything vital.”

  “Ah, this Pruet hopes to use his telepathic skills to retrieve names of other victims,” Cad said. “It might help. I suppose you will check on them and try to get one to talk with the authorities?”

  Nick nodded. “That’s my plan. Lang will be here to support Cassie. He’s the calming one. I have to do something.”

  Cad smiled. “You two will be good for her. She will be happy. I’m tired. Where do I sleep tonight?”

  A knock at the door had Nick out of his chair and going to answer it. “I believe this is your ride now. Rae, Mitch and Daren’s sister, will drive you to the main ranch house. They’re our leaders. They’d like to meet you.” He opened the door and let Rae in.

  “Rae Stanton, Caedmon Quinlain, the attorney we mentioned earlier.” Rae walked forward and took his outstretched hand, but immediately started to pull away. He covered her hand with both of his.

  “I am very pleased to make your acquaintance.” Cad smiled at her. She frowned, and this time when she jerked her hand to free it, he let go.

  Puzzled Nick glanced at Lang. “Sit and have coffee, Rae.”

  “No, I’m ready to go. I’ll drop off Mr. Quinlain, and then I have work to do on my plans to decorate your house.” She gave Cad an uneasy look.

  Nick put his arm around her. “You go on home. I’ll drive Quinlain to the boss’s house.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate the offer.” She rushed out, and they heard her car start up.

  “I’ve never seen Rae act that way toward anyone.” He stared at Quinlain. “Why didn’t you let her hand go the first time she tried to pull back? You frightened her.”

  “She understands. She senses who I am and it shook her.”

  “Who the hell are you?” Lang demanded.

  “I’m the man who plans to marry her and bring our tribes back together.”

  “Shit, Mitch and Daren might have something to say about that,” Nick said.

  “It will happen, but not yet. Don’t worry. I won’t cause any problems for you all or Rae.”

  “You claim to be part of the third tribe?” Lang asked.

  “My brother and cousin are the leaders.”

  “Where are they? Why haven’t we been able to find them?” Lang frowned at Quinlain.

  “At the right time, those answers and others will be given.”

  Nick grabbed his keys from the table where he’d laid them. “Let’s go. It’s been a long night.” As they got out to the truck, Nick stopped and touched Cad’s arm. “For your information, Rae’s been in love with someone for a long time. She’s been waiting for him to return. You won’t change her mind about that.”

  “I know. He’s coming home soon.”

  “You know him?”

  “We worked together for a few years.”

  Shaking his head, Nick got in the truck and drove toward the ranch house.

  * * * *

  Rae drove home quickly. She shut off the car motor and leaned her head against the steering wheel. The cool night air and the quiet didn’t slow her pounding heart or relieve her body, flushed with heat and the smell of him.

  Who was he, and how did he have this effect on her? No one had touched her like that. At least not since Nate had left that day so long ago. She’d promised to wait. He’d told her not to. He might not come back. But she hadn’t had a choice. He took part of her heart with him.

  Her hands gripped the bracelet on her wrist. The black stones and the gold flashed in the moonlight. Had she bought this to remind her of Nate, or was it a forewarning of Quinlain coming into her life? She got out and walked to her front door.

  Shaking, she struggled to put the key in. Inside, she went to her meditation room and sat on a cushion on the floor. But she couldn’t shake him or his scent from her head.

  His thoughts had come into hers. “I have found you. You are mine. When I return, we will marry.”

  She’d sent angry thoughts back at him, but he’d only smiled, that certain look on his face. A mixture of excitement and fear rolled in her veins. His particular musky scent had surrounded her. With each breath, she took more of his essence inside.

  She had a strong will. He couldn’t make her do what she didn’t want to. But her fear was that his determination was stronger. Most of all her body wanted him, even if she said she didn’t.

  Desire had burned inside her. A shock wave had gone up her arm and through her when he touched her. Her pussy clenched in hunger and with a demand to feel him deep within her. That was why she’d tried to pull back. But he’d held her tight as the hunger built. He’d left her aching for him to touch her again, only more intimately next time.
  Rae closed her eyes and tried to force those thoughts away. She sat for hours concentrating on clearing her mind and body of him and his scent.

  * * * *

  Cassie woke refreshed and for a moment happy until she remembered the problem hanging over her head. She wouldn’t think about it. First, she’d shower. Then she’d promised to meet with Pruet at nine. It was eight. She had time for a quick shower and to dress.

  Lang knocked as she put the last touch to her makeup before going to find him and Nick. She called out for him to enter.

  “You’re dressed, good. It’s almost time for your meeting. Nick told me about the arrangement. Did you sleep well?” Lang’s eyes trailed from her face down to her feet.

  “I did.”

  “Come eat. I have it all ready.”

  She followed him into the kitchen and realized how hungry she was when he put the plate of eggs, sausage, potatoes, and toast in front of her. Lang went to the cupboard and got her a cup and poured her coffee.

  He sat across from her and smiled at her hurriedly clearing her plate. “I guess you were a little hungry. After your meeting, Rae will pick you up. Technically Nick or I are to be with you at all times, but we trust Rae to keep an eye on you. She’ll take you to see your mother on the way to the new house. We want the decorating and furnishing done soon. You two can work on it and buy what you need online.”

  “Most of it we can buy that way, but some things you want to see and touch in person.”

  “That will have to wait until we have this problem fixed. I have some work to do around the ranch. Nick has gone to town with Quinlain. Pruet is going to see Illingsworth right after your session.”

  Cassie had finished. She took her plate and cup to the sink and turned to find Lang’s smoldering gaze on her. Her heart quickened. He stood and ambled across the small space between them. She breathed in his musky scent. Then she put her arms around his neck and kissed his firm, warm lips. “You didn’t have to cook for me.”

  His hands caressed the sides of her body, and his thumbs brushed along the edge of her breasts. “We wouldn’t want you to lose these sumptuous curves.” A flash of hunger lit his eyes. He pulled her hard against his muscled frame and buried his face in her neck.


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