Infection Z (Book 2): The Aftermath

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Infection Z (Book 2): The Aftermath Page 24

by Gary Chesla

  When she disconnected the wires, the interior of the little trailer became pitch black.

  She waited a few minutes for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

  She reached down and picked up the snoring pup and felt her way over to the couch that she had pulled out into a bed before getting on the CB.

  Fran felt happy that she had been able to talk with John again, but disappointed to learn that she still had so far to go before she would reach Stone, but neither emotion lasted long.

  As she laid her head down on the soft pillow, her eyes drifted shut and she fell into a deep exhausted sleep.

  She would worry about getting to Stone tomorrow.

  She and Snoop had done all they could for one day, now they needed to rest if there was going to be any chance of meeting up with John and Flash tomorrow or the day after.

  Fran and Snoop curled up close to each other and slept.

  Chapter 18

  August 31st, The Summit near Johnstown, Pennsylvania

  Mike and Tony drove up the dirt road and parked the old Buick next to the cabin.

  Linda, holding Jamie’s hand, came out of the house to meet them.

  She was relieved that they had returned so quickly and was curious to find out what they had seen.

  “What did you find out about the fire?” Linda asked, but she stopped talking when she saw Tony open the door, pull up the seat and Sherry climbed out of the back seat.

  Linda looked at Mike, her eye brows rose on her forehead and she had a questioning look in her eyes.

  “This is Sherry,” Mike said in response to Linda’s implied question.

  “We found Sherry up at the girl scout camp when we went up to investigate the fire,” Mike added in a hushed tone. “Her dad and brother were the two men that were in the car down at the end of the driveway this morning. Her mother was at the camp, infected. We had to put her mother down,” Mike added.

  A painful expression spread over Linda’s face.

  “We couldn’t just leave her there,” Mike continued, “so we brought her back here.”

  “Is she OK?” Linda asked.

  “She’s a little traumatized, she just lost her entire family, but as far as we could tell she hasn’t been infected,” Mike whispered. “But if you have the opportunity, maybe you can look at the places Tony and I were reluctant to examine.”

  Linda nodded then walked over to Sherry.

  “Hi Sherry, I’m Linda, I’m Mike’s wife and that little one over there is Jamie, our daughter.”

  Sherry forced a faint smile.

  “And this is George,” Jamie piped up, “He’s my cat.”

  “I’ve heard about George,” Sherry replied nervously.

  Jamie smiled but Linda looked at Mike curiously.

  “Why don’t you take Sherry inside and make her something to eat, I’m sure she is hungry,” Mike said. “Shorty, why don’t you and George help me and Tony for a few minutes.”

  “But George is hungry too,” Jamie said.

  “George is always hungry,” Mike smiled. “he can wait a little longer or maybe he can find some bugs out in the yard.”

  “Bugs make George sick,” Jamie said.

  “Then you better keep an eye on him,” Mike grinned.

  Linda led Sherry inside the house and they sat down at the kitchen table.

  Sherry started to cry.

  “Mike told me what happened,” Linda said. “I’m sorry. But you’re safe now.”

  “I don’t think it is safe anywhere,” Sherry replied. “Not anymore. I thought we were safe but then my family died and I don’t understand why. I’m sure you are all nice people, but I wish I was home with my family, but they’re all dead.”

  Sherry sobbed, putting her face in her hands.

  I can only imagine how you must be feeling,” Linda said. “I wish I could say something to make you feel better, but I know that’s not possible. I can’t change what happened, all I can do is help you get through it. I know you are probably thinking that there isn’t anything to look forward to because everyone is dead. I felt that way too for a while, but then I realized that I have something that just about no one else has. I’m alive. Life is the most precious thing anyone can have now days. You’re alive. I’m sure that your family wouldn’t want you to waste that gift. They would want you to go on with your life and try to be happy.

  We can’t replace your family, no one can do that, but we can make you a part of our family. I know we’re not much, but who knows, you might actually get to like us if you give us a chance.”

  “I don’t mean to be ungrateful,” Sherry sobbed, “but I just feel so alone and out of place.”

  “I know,” Linda replied sympathetically as she reached out and put her hand on Sherry’s shoulder. “Just remember that you are welcome here. Just watch George, he eats bugs and will throw up on you, but other than that, he’s harmless.”

  Sherry smiled at the comment about George.

  Mike already warned me about George,” she smiled. “Thank You. I’ll try not to be too much of a burden.”

  “Don’t worry, we won’t let you be a burden,” Linda smiled. “Tony makes sure everyone has a job to do. He was in the Marines, I think he must have been a drill Sergeant or something, but I think you’ll get to like him. Believe me, he’s a good guy to have around.”

  Sherry nodded.

  “Why don’t you get cleaned up, it will make you feel better.” Linda said as she worked the handle on the water pump and partially filled the sink with water, “You get washed up while I make you something to eat. Are you hungry? Do you like cherry pie. It’s not a real cherry pie. Tony calls them MREs and says they are disgusting, but I really like them.”

  Sherry nodded.

  “And don’t worry about the guys walking in on you,” Linda smiled. “They know to knock before they come inside. Jamie and I have them trained pretty well.”

  Sherry got up and slowly began to wash the dirt and smoke from her face and arms.

  Linda got a cherry pie MRE out of the cupboard and began to prepare it, all the while watching Sherry out of the corner of her eye.

  When Sherry was done, Linda gave her a dish with the MRE on it.

  Sherry ate slowly at first, but soon began to eagerly wolf down the rest.

  “So, who was right, me or Tony?” Linda smiled.

  “You were definitely right,” Sherry grinned. “That MRE was really good.”

  “Do you want another one?” Linda asked.

  “Really?” Sherry asked looking surprised.

  “Sure, we have plenty of them. Jamie and I are the only ones that eat them because they are so disgusting,” Linda smiled as she prepared another one. In fact, I’m sure Tony would be happy if you ate them all.”

  This brought a full-blown smile to Sherry’s face.

  They spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the Living room taking turns telling each other what they had been through over the last two months.

  Sherry paid close attention as Mike, Linda and Tony told her what they had learned about what had caused the event that had destroyed humanity.

  As the evening approached, Sherry watched anxiously as Tony pulled out the small crank powered radio and explained that they did this every evening to listen to Doctor Kennedy’s broadcasts.

  Tony also explained that the broadcasts had stopped a while back, but they still tried to listen every night in the hope that the broadcasts would start again soon.

  They didn’t tell her about their recent theories about why they thought the broadcasts might have stopped.

  It was their intention to give her hope and a reason to go on, not to further demoralize her.

  Of course, the radio was silent again tonight.

  When it came time for everyone to turn in, Mike, Linda and Tony sort of looked at each other, a silent question as to what the sleeping arrangements should be.

  Tony finally made a suggestion.

  “Why don’t we let Sherry
sleep on the living room couch tonight,” Tony said. “It’s my night to sit up and keep watch so I’ll keep her company until she falls asleep and I’ll finish keeping watch afterwards.”

  Sherry looked nervously at Linda.

  “Good idea,” Linda said smiling at Sherry. “With Tony keeping watch, you can relax and get a good night’s sleep. You can be sure with Tony here, you’ll be safe. I’ll go upstairs and get you a pillow and blanket.”

  Linda returned a few minutes later with the blanket and made up the couch for Sherry.

  They all said their good nights, then Mike, Linda, Jamie and George went upstairs.

  Sherry crawled under her blanket while Tony covered the windows, secured the door, turned down the lantern to a soft glow, then made himself comfortable on the stuffed chair in the corner of the room.

  After a few moments of silence, Sherry said.

  “Linda said you were a Marine.”

  “Yes, that’s right,” Tony replied softly.

  “Were you ever in combat?” Sherry asked.

  “Yes,” Tony answered. “I was in Iraq and Afghanistan.”

  “What did you do over there?” Sherry asked again.

  “A lot of things,” Tony replied. “But I don’t like to talk about it.”

  “Why not?” Sherry asked.

  “Because what I did, only someone that was also in combat could understand and appreciate it for what it was,” Tony replied. “Let’s just say I did what I had to do.”

  “Sorry I asked,” Sherry said. “I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “That’s OK,” Tony replied. “A lot of people have asked me that question. No offense taken. Those days are behind me now. I just prefer to think about what needs to be done now.”

  “Linda said you will probably give me a job to do,” Sherry said. “I’m not sure what I can do to help. I’m really not good a much.”

  Tony chuckled, “I’m sure we’ll find something that you are good at. Everyone is good at something, but don’t worry about that now. I’ll let you slide for a few days before we put you to work. You should get some sleep now.”

  “OK,” Sherry replied. “Thank You.”

  “Your welcome,” Tony grinned. “Now go to sleep.”

  The morning of July 1st.

  Tony was up early, making his morning coffee.

  He was extra careful to be quiet since Sherry was still asleep and had the blanket pulled up over her head.

  When the coffee was ready, Tony quietly removed the barricade from over the living room window and made himself comfortable on the chair and began to sip the hot coffee.

  He stared out the window, looking to see if Rocky and Fred were out in the yard, playing their usual morning game of tag.

  He didn’t have to wait long before he saw Fred darting across the back yard with Rocky not too far behind.

  Tony took another sip of his coffee and sat up to get a better look outside, hoping that today would be the day he would see Rocky finally catch Fred and answer the question he had been asking himself for the last few weeks.

  But once again Tony was disappointed as Fred ran up a tree just as Rocky got close.

  Tony sat back in his chair and waited for round two, the two squirrels never stayed in the trees for long, there was still a chance that today would be the day.

  Tony sat back up in the chair when he saw Fred dart past the front of the house again, but turned when he heard the third step on the staircase creak.

  The third step always creaked when anyone stepped on it.

  Tony had been expecting Mike to come down and join him for coffee like he did every morning, but he knew it wasn’t Mike.

  Mike knew about the step and always stepped over it, trying to sneak up on the Marine.

  So far Mike hadn’t succeeded, but each morning he still kept trying to sneak up on Tony.

  It was a point of honor for Tony, to not let an amateur like Mike sneak up on him.

  They had few sources of entertainment, so they found it where they could.

  The morning entertainment consisted of watching squirrels and Mike’s attempt to catch Tony by surprise.

  When Tony looked up, he saw Jamie coming down the steps with George hanging from her arms.

  Jamie never came downstairs this early, but Tony figured that she came down early this morning because she was curious about their new guest.

  When Jamie saw Tony looking up at her, a big smile spread across her face.

  Tony put his finger up to his lips to signal Jamie to stay quiet.

  Jamie was a question machine and once she started, she could drive a person crazy.

  Tony was hoping to let Sherry sleep a little longer before she had to deal with Jamie’s infamous barrage of “Why?”

  Maybe Sherry would think it was cute, but after what she had been through, she could use the rest.

  Tony watched Jamie awkwardly walk down the steps, using both feet on each step, taking one step at a time, her legs still too short to come down the steps like the adults.

  When she reached the bottom of the steps, Tony waved his hand, motioning for her to come over to him so she wouldn’t bother Sherry.

  Jamie grinned as she started to come towards Tony.

  He hoped to distract her by having her watch the squirrels with him.

  He knew he would have to answer all the why questions like why is that big squirrel chasing the little one?

  Why do they climb trees? Why can they just walk right up trees? Why do they bury nuts in the yard? Why this and why that?

  But Tony was used to taking one for the team.

  This morning he would take one for Sherry, her turn would come soon enough.

  Tony returned Jamie’s smile as she walked towards him.

  As Jamie walked by the couch, George got excited, hissed and wiggled out of Jamie’s arms and ran under the couch.

  Jamie shrieked, looked at the scratches on her arm, then chased after George.

  Jamie was on her hands and knees looking under the couch for George when Sherry sat upright on the couch.

  The blanket still covered her head, but slowly slide down over her face and into her lap.

  Tony’s heart almost jumped out of his chest when he heard the low moan coming from Sherry’s mouth.

  Sherry’s gray face angled down towards Jamie.

  The clouded white eyes sent chills through Tony’s body as her lifeless eyes focused on Jamie.

  Her mouth opened, revealing her black lips and tongue, as her moaning became louder and more menacing.

  Tony began to get up from his chair, but everything seemed to be going in slow motion as Sherry raised her arms and leaned down, her hands making grasping motions as she began to fall towards the little girl.

  Tony desperately dove at Jamie, trying to reach the little girl before Sherry’s outstretched arms could grab her.

  Tony dove over the coffee table, landing on top of the little girl as he felt Sherry land on top of his back.

  Tony used his left arm to break his fall and keep his full weight from landing on top of Jamie as he slid his right arm around Jamie.

  He felt Sherry’s arms hitting his back as they tried to grab at Jamie.

  Fortunately for Tony, Sherry had been so focused on Jamie, that she didn’t realize that Tony had jumped between her and the little girl.

  Tony frantically got to his knees, holding Jamie tightly against his body and used his free elbow to slam it against Sherry, knocking her off his back and to the floor

  Tony quickly got to his feet and ran behind the couch.

  Jamie was crying, scared by Tony’s body driving her into the floor.

  Tony looked her over to be sure that he hadn’t done any serious damage, then ran his hand over her head and spoke softly, “Don’t cry, you’re fine.”

  “You hurt my head,” Jamie cried.

  Just then Mike came running down the stairs, his bow in hand, to see what the loud noise caused by Tony hitting the floor and the sliding
furniture was all about.

  He stopped half way down the stairs when he saw Tony’s overturned chair and Tony standing by the couch holding the crying Jamie.

  “What happened?” Mike started to ask, then he saw Sherry struggle to get to her feet.

  When Sherry had made it to her feet, she raised her head to look towards Tony and Jamie.

  “Oh Shit!” Mike yelled when he saw the lifeless gray face open its mouth and let out a loud groan.

  Sherry raised her arms and began to stagger towards the couch, dragging her body in awkward jerky motions.

  Mike raised his bow, intending to put an arrow in Sherry’s head, but stopped when Tony shouted.

  “No Mike, not in here!” Tony yelled.

  A shriek sounded from behind Mike as Linda came down the stairs.

  “What happened?” Linda asked, then she saw Jamie crying. “Oh my God, what happened to Jamie.”

  “She’s OK,” Tony said as he moved over to the stairs and handed Jamie to Linda.

  “Take Jamie upstairs,” Tony said. “Mike, come with me.”

  Go where?” Mike asked as he watched the ghoulish figure of Sherry try to climb over the couch to get at him and Tony.

  “We have to lead her outside before we put her down,” Tony said. “We can’t risk splattering her brains all over the living room. Remember the virus, if we get her blood over everything in the house, it could make this place too risky for us to stay here. We might get ourselves infected. We have to lure her outside to the woods.”

  “OK, I’m all for that,” Mike replied. “How do you suggest we get her outside. If we grab her, she could end up biting one of us.”

  “Fortunately, there is only one walker to deal with and she isn’t very fast,” Tony said. “I’ll let her chase after me and you run over and open the door and go outside. I’ll lead her outside and over to the woods line. When I yell, you put an arrow in her head.”

  “This is a small room, it is going to be a short race,” Mike said.


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