The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Dom with the Dragon Tattoo [Masters of Submission 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 7

by Jan Bowles

  She’d had to stop herself from bursting into tears right there and then by making her excuses and heading for the house.

  Maybe fate had intervened after all, because if she hadn’t rushed off, Tyler would never have come looking for her, and then she wouldn’t have enjoyed the best sex she’d ever had.

  She loved the way he made her feel so special, like she was the only woman in the world and he wanted her all to himself. He was busy brushing his lips across her throat, and his hair had fallen forward, occasionally tickling her sensitive flesh. At least Tyler wasn’t pushing her to come clean, for now, and she was grateful for that. In the two months since they’d first met, she’d grown to like him immensely. They shared a connection, and she didn’t want to sour their blossoming relationship by adding a shitload of negative emotions into the mix.

  Tyler rolled on top of her. By the predatory look in his eyes he was up for it again. “Well, Mitch’s misfortune is my gain.” He nudged her legs apart with his own then stared down into her eyes, his thighs pushing hers further apart.

  Putting away her painful past, Rebecca decided to enjoy the here and now. She moaned softly as his huge, twitching cock probed deliciously at the entrance to her pussy. “Mmm.” She arched beneath him, her breasts rising erotically to graze against his sculpted pectorals. “Wow, your powers of recovery are out of this world.”

  His eyes twinkled naughtily in the lamplight. “With all the deviant thoughts I’ve been having about you, why wouldn’t I be excited?”

  She smiled into his gorgeous amber eyes, entirely mesmerized by him. “I see, so you’re admitting to lusting after one of your employees. I believe that’s called sexual harassment, Mr. Stone.” Rebecca enjoyed the banter and pushed it one step further by using his surname.

  “Sexual harassment? You got that right.” She squealed with delight as he suddenly grabbed her hands and held them above her head before growling in her ear. “Oh, yes, Becca, but you’re not gonna complain about the boss, are you?”


  Pinned to the mattress by this beautiful man, she felt vulnerable but excited, too. The stubble on his jaw rasped against her cheek along with his hot breath. “There’s so much I want to do to you. I want to mold you to my will, and believe me, I have the perfect tool for the job.” As if to emphasize the point, he probed her pussy again with his rock-hard cock, making her squirm beneath him. “I can be your new Master.”

  Hovering enticingly above her, his powerful forearms taking the strain, his broad shoulders blocking out the light, he looked, felt, and sounded so goddamned hot.

  “My new Master?” Already knowing her answer, she licked her lips. “But I won’t be a pushover, especially when it comes to work, and we’d need to discuss my limits.”

  “Is that a yes?” Studying her intently, he slowly slid his prick all the way in.

  The sheer size of him made her head rock back, exposing her throat to his lips, as he began driving inside her, exquisitely swamping her and overpowering her with his presence. “Oh, yes, Goddamn it, yes, yes, yes.”

  Chapter Ten

  Tyler whistled to himself as he whipped the pancake batter one more time, and then oiled the surface of the griddle. Why shouldn’t he be happy? It was a beautiful Sunday morning, the sun was shining, and he’d just spent a memorable night getting to know Rebecca a little better.

  A satisfied grin formed on his face as he waited patiently for the griddle to start smoking. After witnessing her true persona at Club Submission some two months ago, he’d thought Rebecca would make a passionate lover, and his time with her last night hadn’t disappointed. She certainly enjoyed giving and receiving pleasure, that was for sure, and the icing on the cake had been when she’d agreed to become his sub, albeit with a mountain of hard limits. He shook his head. The list was as long as his arm, but such details could be negotiated over time. The salient point was he had her agreement, and his slow and undoubtedly challenging exploration of her body and mind could now begin in earnest.

  The griddle began smoking, and he ladled four equal portions of pancake batter onto the piping hot plate, allowing them to spread out naturally. When he heard Rebecca making her way down the stairs, he called out, “I’m over here, honey.” That was the beauty of open-plan living. Everywhere was accessible. Once she reached ground level, she sauntered sexily toward him. Wow. Naked apart from one of his shirts, she looked like a dream. As she walked across to him, he caught tantalizing glimpses of her silky-smooth pussy as the shirt flapped open. His cock was hard, and he figured she knew exactly what she was doing to him. A cat-that-got-the-cream smile lit up her beautiful face, while her glossy brown hair fell in sexy disarray about her shoulders. Her long, smooth, elegant legs seemed to go on forever. Wow. To him she looked like the epitome of feminine contentment and a shining example of what every woman should look like first thing in the morning.

  “I was about to bring you breakfast in bed.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet of you.” She smiled then took his head in her hands and kissed him full on the lips. “But I really need to get home. I was going to wear my jeans, but the thought of putting them on without panties has made me leave it to the last minute.”

  “Panties?” Realization suddenly dawned. “Oh yeah, I ruined them, didn’t I? But as a Dom I really get off on the sound of tearing lace, don’t you? You could always borrow a pair of my boxers,” he teased.

  Rebecca’s mouth formed into a sexy smile, and she raised an amused eyebrow. “Thanks for the offer, but do you seriously think I’m going to wear a pair of your boxers?”

  “You’re wearing my shirt. Why not go the whole nine yards?”

  She patted his forearm. “Believe me, this is all I’ll ever be wearing of yours.”

  Tyler laughed. He loved the easygoing relationship developing between them, and he looked forward to stripping away Rebecca’s many complex layers in a slow, delicious seduction. The challenge was to get to the real woman beneath the formal persona she presented when at work. He’d briefly seen it when he’d fucked her on the stairs. That raw inner core she possessed had opened up to him, and he’d been pleasantly surprised by how passionate she’d been. He wanted more of the same, he wanted more of the real Rebecca.

  He motioned to a pair of stools beneath the breakfast bar. “Take a seat. It’s almost ready.” He flipped the pancakes one final time and then turned to her. “Cooked to perfection.”

  She nodded. “I’m impressed. Who taught you?”

  “I’m self-taught. Just like I’m a self-made man.” With a flourish, he flipped the pancakes onto warm plates, along with some crispy bacon he’d cooked earlier, before finally placing his culinary expertise in front of Rebecca. “Help yourself to maple syrup.”

  Using her fingers, Rebecca stole a piece of bacon from her plate. “Mmm, that is good, crispy, just as I like it. You’re a man of hidden depths.” She picked up the jug of maple syrup and began pouring it over her food. “Tell me about your childhood, Ty.”

  Tyler forked a generous portion of pancakes and bacon to his mouth. “You first, honey. I know a little already, but I’d like to know more.”

  She took a deep breath before slowly releasing it. “Okay, where to begin. As you already know I’m an only child, but despite that, my mother and father never really had any time for me. If I needed anything or I wanted to talk, they’d usually say something like, ‘oh, not now, darling, daddy and I are getting ready for the party tonight. There’s some very important people coming, so you must be on your best behavior. If you need anything, just ask Maria.’”

  “Maria? Who’s Maria?”

  “The maid.”

  “That’s sad, honey.” He leaned across and stroked her hand.

  “I think my parents’ lack of love made me focus on my career.”

  There was something about Rebecca he liked, a shared empathy perhaps. They seemed to be on the same wavelength, too, and although their personalities and backgrounds were very different
, they were well matched.

  “Your turn now.”

  “Okay then. I was adopted when I was just two months old.”

  “Oh, Ty, that’s…that’s…I was going to say that’s so sad, but maybe it wasn’t? Go on.”

  “It wasn’t sad. It was a lucky break. My adoptive parents are fine people. They sound like the exact opposite of your parents, selfless rather than selfish. They already had three kids of their own, but they were the sort of people who wanted to give something back to society. I grew up with three older sisters, who were great girls but teased me mercilessly as a kid. We were a genuinely happy family, and I can honestly say my parents treated me exactly like one of their own.”

  “What happened to your real parents?”

  “As far as I’m concerned, my adoptive parents are my real parents. They were the ones who raised me and taught me anything was possible if I worked hard enough. They were the ones who loved me and nursed me when I got sick. They were the ones who taught me right from wrong. As for my biological father, I tried unsuccessfully to find out who he was a few years ago. To be honest, he could have been anyone, because sadly my blood mother was a prostitute with a deeply ingrained drug habit. I was taken away from her and put into foster care for my own safety when I was just a couple of weeks old. She died barely six months later of a heroin overdose. Although I never knew her, I sometimes think about the life she must have led. Her name was Annie Parkes and she was born and raised on the wrong side of the tracks. Poor kid. She never stood a chance, and she was just eighteen when she died. What a fucking waste.” He sighed wistfully. “It’s all a long time ago now, Becca. As far as I’m concerned, Mary and Joe Stone have always been my real parents.”

  Rebecca squeezed his hand, and he saw she had tears in her eyes. “That’s so sad, Ty. Are Mary and Joe still alive?”

  “You bet. My folks have a ranch about thirty miles south of here, out near Angleton, breeding horses.”


  “Yeah, it was their dream to own a ranch and breed horses after they retired, so, as soon as business at Cerberus Technology started taking off and making a good return, I bought it for them.” He shook his head and smiled. “Becca, you should have seen the look on their faces when I gave them the keys to the ranch. It was priceless.”

  He saw Rebecca was full of emotion, and she dabbed a napkin to her eyes. “Oh, Ty, I think that’s the most wonderful thing I’ve ever heard. That’s lovely.”

  Tyler took the fork from her hand and placed it on her plate before pulling her onto his lap. Breathing deeply, he savored the comforting smell of the apple blossom shampoo that drifted through her gorgeous locks. “Hey, baby, why so many tears?”

  “I get emotional just like any other woman.”

  He kissed her cheek. “I know, and I’m getting to know the real Rebecca each day.”

  Chapter Eleven

  One month later

  “I need to take a break, Rob. My eyes are killing me.”

  Rob seemed genuinely concerned as he looked across at her. “You’re working too hard, Rebecca. You’ll burn yourself out if you’re not careful.”

  Rebecca stood from the computer and smoothed her fingers over her temples, desperate to alleviate the stubborn headache that had been present all day. She glanced at her watch. Goddamn, it was only ten after two. It was almost three hours before she could finally leave and head for home.

  Realization suddenly struck her. What the hell was she talking about? She ran her own team. She could go home whenever she wanted. In fact, she might do just that, because her team had done a fantastic job. Operation Fire Wall was two weeks ahead of schedule, and they were now entering the final stages of coding the new piece of military software destined for the US Army. Obviously, such cutting-edge technology would need some aggressive testing in order to gain type approval, but she was supremely confident that she and her talented team had ironed out any potential bugs in the system. Although the validation process could take up to a year, she felt they were finally heading down the home stretch. She’d keep her powder dry for now and triumphantly announce the good news to Tyler bright and early on Monday morning.


  Just the sound of his name on her lips made her feel all warm and gooey inside. Rebecca felt an overwhelming pride in her achievements at Cerberus Technology. Her forthcoming announcement would make Tyler extremely happy and further justify his belief in her.

  For the last month they’d been almost inseparable and as a result knew each other very well indeed. Oh, the sex, dear God, the sex. Her new Master had introduced a strong element of bondage into their love play, and she’d enjoyed every minute of being controlled by him. In some ways she acted like a love-struck teenager, rather than a mature woman of thirty-three, because every time they passed in the corridors of his impressive company, her pussy positively ached with the need for him to be inside her.

  Tyler certainly cut an imposing figure in his Savile Row suits, which he had especially made, at exorbitant cost, each time he visited London on business. Whenever she saw him, she wanted to reach out and touch him, tell him how much he meant to her and how much she loved him, but they’d both decided that their careers were important, and it would be unprofessional for either of them to be openly affectionate at work.

  She wondered how many people at Cerberus Technology knew of their relationship. Trusted friend Rob Ferino and a select few others certainly did, although even they had absolutely no idea what went on behind closed doors. Rebecca prided herself on being a professional, so she came to work each day wearing the appropriate attire necessary for the job at hand. She smiled to herself. Her work persona was conservative in the extreme and reeked of Middle America Bible-thumping piety.

  If only they knew.

  She smiled again. What if the employees of Cerberus Technology knew the head of the company tied her up and flogged her bare ass until she begged him to stop? What if they knew he used sex toys, nipple clamps, and vibrators on her? What if they knew he kept their demure team leader naked and caged for his own sexual satisfaction? Of course, she enjoyed their sex games as much as Tyler did, and although she was undoubtedly her own woman at work, once outside the restrictions of Cerberus Technology, she was a willing sub. Jesus Christ, just thinking about their lovemaking made her pussy sopping wet, and she realized her headache had suddenly disappeared. Tyler liked taking their sex play to the very edge of her endurance, only quitting when she trembled so much, her words came out incoherent and garbled. There was always her safe word, and she knew Tyler would stop immediately should she use it. She hadn’t. She hadn’t wanted to. She’d fallen head over heels in love with Tyler Stone, and it was a great feeling.

  Rebecca heard the door to the high-security Think Tank unlock before Claire Watson, a respected member of her team, rushed in. Her breathing was fast, and she looked a little flushed. “Rebecca, I’ve just seen Mr. Stone, and he told me you’re to report to his office. Like right now.”

  “Right now? I’m busy at the moment.”

  “That’s what he said, Rebecca. He looked pissed. Rather you than me.”

  Rob joined in the conversation. “It’s the last Friday of the month. The day of the shareholders meeting.”

  Claire sunk into a chair. “Well, I’m guessing it didn’t go well, because I’ve never seen Mr. Stone look so angry.”

  Rebecca raised her head defiantly. “Well, it’s fortuitous that I have some good news for him. I was going to save it until Monday morning, but with what you’ve told me, Claire, perhaps now would be a better time.” Rebecca walked casually to the door, showing her team she was in no hurry. When she glanced behind, she saw their worried faces. “Cheer up, guys, this is my domain. I can handle Tyler. Everything will be just fine when I tell him we’re ready to go to type approval and validation.”

  She felt angry herself. Tyler hadn’t asked her to drop by when she had a moment to spare. Instead, he’d summoned her like a naughty schoolgirl
to the headmaster’s office. Now this sort of behavior was just fine away from Cerberus Technology, and in fact she actually enjoyed such a scenario, but she wasn’t pleased with him pulling rank on her in front of her team. He should have aired his views in private.

  Making her way down the corridor, Rebecca finger combed her hair and then smoothed her skirt into place. Once she reached Tyler’s office, she took a moment to compose herself then rapped three times on the door.

  “Come,” Tyler’s deep voice bellowed from inside the office.

  Rebecca pushed open the door and smiled sweetly as she entered. “Hi, Ty, I think there’s been some misunderstanding.” When he didn’t smile back, she felt the first tingle of nervous energy running through her body. Claire had been right. Tyler seemed in a bad mood. Her brows drew together. “What’s the matter?”

  Without answering, he motioned to the chair on the other side of his desk. “Sit.”

  Even though his manner was unusually arrogant and totally unlike the man she knew at work, Rebecca did as he ordered and sat down opposite him. When he finally looked across the desk, her stomach somersaulted nervously. His eyes were ablaze with a frightening energy she hadn’t witnessed before.

  He cleared his throat. “I’ve just had to justify your salary to the board. Two million bucks a year and a three hundred thousand-dollar Aston Martin are not easy to explain away, especially as you and your handpicked team for Operation Fire Wall have come up with exactly jack shit.”

  Exasperated by his inflexible attitude, she decided to put him straight. “I have a great team, Tyler, and both they and I have worked our butts off to—”

  Clearly angry, he thrust his hand toward her. “Enough. Let me remind you, I am your boss, both here and at home.”


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