MC: Brighton

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MC: Brighton Page 12

by L. Ann Marie

  She nods, getting plates down while I throw spaghetti in the pan of water. “So you’d work like Driscoll? When there is a threat you’d be seen and when there isn’t people don’t see you?”

  “People don’t see me?” What does that mean? Driscoll is always HS Security.

  “Yeah, like he follows Tess, but you never see him. She says he’s there, but he’s hidden. Once I saw him behind her, but it looked like he was just walking down the street.” She finishes the table and looks at me.

  “I guess. I’ve only ridden with HS twice before you were taken. Danny doesn’t do regular Security, he does jobs. It’s usually a specific issue. I’ll be partnered with him, so I’ll work his hours. I don’t know what I’m doing the rest of the time yet, but it could be like Driscoll.”

  She gives me her smile. I guess she’s not still pissed at me. “And you get a raise! Jiminy! We should celebrate.”

  She’s got me smiling. Jiminy. Shaking my head, I grab her waist. “The women will set up some time to help you while I’m training this week. I’m going to celebrate as soon as dinner is done. Maybe I’ll spread some ice cream on you for dessert.”

  She looks shocked, then she squints her eyes. “What about me? I want ice cream.” She covers her mouth with her hand, but I’m already laughing. She drops her hand and smiles. I love that she’s coming out of her shell.

  “I’m not sure about you spreading ice cream on my dick, babe, but I’ll make sure you get some.” I kiss her head and drain the spaghetti.

  “Mitch says guys like ice on their private parts. She has a whole chapter on it,” she says softly and I spin around. Her head is down, so I lift her chin and see she’s embarrassed.

  “You’ve read Mitch’s book?” I can’t believe she’d crack that one open. I’ve heard the stories about it but never got around to actually reading it. She nods. Fuck me! “I guess you’ll have to show me.”

  She looks down again. “Okay.”

  I know the book is on my shelf somewhere. I need to find it and read it, tonight. Fuck, I’m hard already. I waste no time getting food on the table. She oohs and aahs over the food like it’s a picture, but I’m shoveling it in to get to dessert. When I finish I get the ice cream out and set it on the counter. She smiles and watches me clean up and get the dishes in the dishwasher. With the kitchen clean and the food wrapped, I pull a bowl and scoop some ice cream in it. She takes care of her plate and waits on the side of me.

  “Thank you for dinner,” she says softly.

  I look at her. She’s smiling. “I think I’m about to thank you for desert. What do you need?”

  She turns bright red but keeps my eyes. “Mitch used ice chips and water, but I want the ice cream.” Fuck, now she’s telling me what she wants. She won’t have to work hard to get me there. She gets a spoon and I grab a glass of water then her hand and drag her upstairs. She giggles but keeps up.

  I put the water down on the nightstand and take the ice cream from her, setting it beside the water. “Way too many clothes for ice cream.” She giggles again and my dick jerks to attention. I strip her down, watching her smile. It’s replacing her usual embarrassment. My girl is getting daring and my dick notices. I slide my hands up, avoiding the scars as I stand. They don’t look as dark as they were, but they’re still sensitive to touch. “Your turn.” Her eyes go big, then she smiles and pulls my shirt up with her hands flat on my stomach then chest. I pull the back of my shirt up over my head to help her and her fingernails scrape my nipples, sending a jolt right to my balls. She moves her hands right down to my belt and looks down but not before I see her smile. The minx did it on purpose. I’m going to like this.

  With my pants off, she looks up at me. I’m not giving her suggestions. I want to see how far she’ll go. She takes a deep breath and moves me to the chair, then goes into the bathroom. I smile when she comes out with a towel. She covers the chair and looks at me. I sit and she goes for the ice cream that’s melting in the bowl and the glass of water. Kneeling in front of me, she takes a big spoonful in her mouth, then strokes my dick from base to tip. Her mouth is on me and I suck in a breath. That’s fuckin’ cold, but her tongue stroking under, across the ladder, is keeping me hard. Damn, that’s a hell of a contradiction in sensations. She pulls me in deeper every time she goes down. She’s good at this, but her initiating it and the ice cream have me hard as a rock. She’s like a fuckin vacuum sliding me out, and I moan the whole way with the ladder bumping out one rung at a time. With a smile, she gets more ice cream and does it again. The initial shock of cold has me sucking in a breath again. “Fuck, that’s the craziest sensation, but it feels good.”

  She doesn’t stop or acknowledge me and I forget as soon as she’s sliding me out again. This time she takes the water and ice. As soon as her lips touch me, I feel the difference. “Holy fuck!” She moans going down, swiping her tongue back and forth on the ladder again. Her mouth is ice cold, freezing the studs, feeling like it’s going right through my dick, but then her tongue feels hot. Fuck, I’m going to come. I hold off and she’s sliding me out again. It’d be fuckin embarrassing to come without her mouth on me, so I run code while she’s getting more water. My fingers are embedded in the arms of the chair and I squeeze harder when she drips the water from her mouth on the head of my dick. Her mouth is on me, going down fast. The heat from her tongue has me right at the edge, then her nail scrapes down my sack and I’m shooting down her throat. “Fuck, Pen!” She doesn’t stop until there’s nothing left in me. I can’t do anything but try to keep sitting up and breathe. She slides me out gently with the biggest smile on her face. Shit. “Fuckin perfect.” I pull her up and kiss her, making her breathe heavy. My brain engages and I smile with her head on my shoulder. “I’m packing the freezer with any flavor you want.” She laughs. “Your turn, does it work the same for you?”

  She sits up and looks right at me. “I don’t know. Her book is about men.”

  “Let’s test it out and see.” She gives me my smile. It’s shy, but her eyes have a shine to them. I get another towel and move her to the bed.

  Chapter Ten


  The men are working in the back, so I’m a little nervous opening the door. “I’m so glad I get to come over and help you today, Penny!” Tess says before the door is all the way open. She’s so excited I laugh. She hugs me and steps in.

  “Do you want some coffee?” I ask, closing the door and flipping the lock. Digs doesn’t lock it all the time unless he’s leaving. Since he’s not here, I’m locking it.

  We get our coffee and sit at the table. “Amanda worked all night on your tattoo and wants us to meet her today. She’s so excited to do this for you.”

  “Does it hurt? On the scars, I mean. I told Digs I wanted this, but I’m a little nervous.”

  “Oh no, it’s not even close to the pain of getting the scars and I even fell asleep while they were doing it. Bring your iPod and listen to your favorites.” She giggles and it sounds like music. She’s so cute.

  I think about when he squirted the stuff on me and remember thinking I was going to die this time. “I was talking back to him when he squirted it on me this time, but I was so scared. I told him he wasn’t important to me anymore. Jiminy, he was mad, but I didn’t let him see how scared I was.”

  She gets the biggest smile and I wonder why. “That’s what bravery is. Being scared and having the courage to do it anyway! I’m so proud of you, Penny!”

  “Wow. I was brave.” I stood up to him even when I was tied up. “I even hit him. I think I broke his nose.”

  She looks serious. “Good for you! He deserved it. Some people are just bad. We don’t always see them right away, though.” I get that scary shiver down my back but don’t say anything. She waves her hand. “Enough about that. How are you and Digs doing?”

  I smile. Just hearing his name makes me smile. “Good. He’s been perfect.” I feel the heat on my face remembering the ice cream last night. It works the same for women

  She giggles. “Yay! I knew you’d be perfect for each other. It will be good, Penny.”

  I nod and I’m so glad, but it’s weird that she knows. “Did Amanda give a time to meet her?”

  “In a half hour. Colby will take us over.”

  She must be under lockdown still for HS to be driving her around. “She’s just showing me, right? I’m still sore.”

  “Oh, yes. She’ll show you what she thinks will look best and you get to pick colors and stuff, but she will have it on the computer so you can see how it will look. After we see her we’re going to the Kids Club to see Jeremy and Brenna.”

  “Fiddlesticks! I need to get dressed.” I jump up.

  She gets up too. “I’ll help you. That’s why I’m here.” I’m glad. I can’t do much more than a ponytail in my hair without feeling like I’m going to rip the darn skin apart on my stomach. “We’ll be fixing some of that today and you can do your pretty braids again.” I stop on the stairs and look at her. She just continues up, so I follow. Jiminy!

  * * *


  We just finished the balloons and head back to Security. VP meets us in the hall. “Did good?”

  Danny answers, “Yeah, eighteen out of twenty, then twenty out of twenty.” He puts his hand out and VP slaps a fifty in it. They’re betting on my training? They bet on everything, but my training? Fuckin’ Brothers.

  “Good job.” He looks from me to Danny. “Not bettin’ against him again.” That feels good.

  Danny laughs. “Pres owes me a hundred. I’ll get him for more, need to up the ante.” I just look at him. Fuckin’ Brothers.

  VP nods. “Meetin’ for traffickin’ in twenty. Need you there.”

  “We’ll be there. I need to find some food first. I missed breakfast again meeting with Jeremy. I need to get everyone a fuckin’ schedule so I can eat.”

  I laugh. He’s always called at meal times. I don’t know why he doesn’t just take fruit or power bars. He looks at me and I stop. He gets pissed fast when he doesn’t eat. “I have a couple of sandwiches in the fridge.” He nods and starts walking toward the kitchen.

  VP laughs. “You get for you, get for him. Keeps him happy.”

  “Got it, VP,” I say, following Danny.

  “Digs!” I stop in my tracks and turn. Fuck.

  “Did good. Welcome aboard.” He smiles. I salute him. Why the fuck I do that is anyone’s guess, but I do. He laughs and I jog to catch up to Danny, feeling pretty fuckin’ good.

  Our meeting is about tomorrow’s takedown. The kids have information pinpointing locations. HS is watching the houses and we roll tomorrow. I get slaps on the back, but Rich hits me with the biggest compliment, leaving me speechless. “You train and work to keep up with everyone never realizing how important you are to us. I hope to fuck you get it now. You’re not just IT, you can do it all. If you were a SEAL you’d be a satellite. Fuckin’ proud of you, Digs.”

  “Watched him with the Brothers in training, I knew it all along. Fuckin’ Badass Brother,” Tiny says. Everyone laughs as we file out.

  “Bet that felt good,” Danny says as we hit the side stairs.

  “Yeah, Brother.” Is all I can say. I still can’t believe he said it in front of everyone.

  At the bikes he looks at me. “You work my schedule, so you’re off. Geek said you can pick up work from him on the side. Same pay rate, but you’re not locked into hours. I told him to give you the week to get all this straight and Penny settled. There’s still shit happening with the addition and build. Get that straight and start his extra next week. Yeah?”

  “Yeah.” I’m glad I can still work IT. My hands are itching to get on the keyboard, but he’s right, the house needs to be finished and my shit put in the garage.

  He throws chin and starts his bike. “Go get your girl before Tess has her back at Amanda’s getting inked.” He roars away, laughing.

  Fuck, she’s still hurting, she can’t get inked yet. I pull my phone and pull her tracking. Shit. I’m at Amanda’s in minutes and hear Tess’ musical laugh. I follow it to the back and almost sigh my relief. They’re looking at Penny with tattoos on the monitor. “I like it.” They all swing toward me, smiling. I bend and kiss Penny, then look back at the screen. “Love the colors, babe.” She’s happy. Good. I don’t give a fuck if she colors them or not, but she wants this. “The flowers and waterfall are awesome.” Amanda has water flowing under her tits, but the worst has a fall on them, making the ink pop with the 3D image. She’s the best artist I’ve ever seen.

  She’s beaming and watching Penny’s reaction. Tess laughs and pops up. “I need to get the twins. I’ll see you tomorrow for Little Sisters, Penny. CJ will help you tomorrow. She’s good at getting things organized.” She talks so fast, then hugs everyone and is gone like a little tornado.

  “I swear they spoon feed her sugar,” Amanda says, making us laugh. “You see Jeremy two more times, then we start. Tess says it will be good then, so we’ll schedule that now and I can free up the hours we need for this.” She looks at her calendar, throwing the date and time out. Penny’s smiling the whole time, nodding like a bobble head. We thank her and I ask what she needs for it. She waves me away. The ink is easily over a thousand and she’s giving it to Penny for free. Fuckin’ love the Brotherhood. I throw her chin and she smiles with a nod.

  Outside I mimic Danny’s words. “Bet that felt good.” She gives me a confused look. “Knowing what you mean to the Brotherhood and the old ladies.”

  “Oh. Yes, they always surprise me with their generosity and compassion. Amanda doesn’t have much time and she’s giving it to me. It’s the sweetest feeling when they do stuff like this.” She’s got tears in her eyes. I kiss her before they can fall. When I lift my head she’s smiling.

  “Let’s go pick the furniture for the bedrooms. I’d like to get the house settled before next week when I’ll have more work.”

  She likes that idea. “Okay.”

  * * *


  He stops in front of the furniture store and I cringe. This place is too expensive. I came with Aleena once and couldn’t believe how much she paid for a living room set. “Maybe we should go to the store at the mall,” I tell him as he tips the motorcycle.

  He looks at me like I’m crazy. “I’m not shopping for furniture at the mall. Danny helped open this one. It’s based out of Boston and carries furniture Brothers wouldn’t be embarrassed to have. Everything I own comes from here.” He’s serious. Our bedroom set comes from here? I like it and all, but Jiminy.

  “I wouldn’t want to pick sissy furniture and embarrass the badasses! Jiminy, it’s furniture!” Holy Moses, I said that out loud. I slam my hand on my mouth and look around to see if anyone heard me swear.

  He’s laughing. “Let’s get some of that Badass furniture. We need a setup for a baby, then what?” He’s pulling me and the swear is forgotten with baby furniture taking all my brain to grasp. He wants baby furniture! Inside he stops. “Babe, what do you want in the other two rooms?”

  Baby furniture, I think, but say, “A bedroom and a craft room? I cleared the back room for it when you moved in.” He nods and looks around. A man comes over calling him by name, surprising me.

  “Manny, this is my old lady, Penny. We need a baby room, a bedroom, and a craft room,” Digs tells him.

  He’s very nice. “Pleasure to meet you, Penny. Are congratulations in order?”

  I feel my blush but keep looking at him. “No, we just finished an addition and Digs likes to be ready for everything.” They both laugh. Oh dear.

  He shows us baby furniture and Digs lets me decide but won’t let me look at any prices. He types everything in his phone as we go. I pick the bedroom set too! For the craft room Manny shows me tables on his computer. It’s way more than I expect and look at Digs. “You don’t like that?”

  “I just expected to have a folding table and some plastic drawers.” Manny walks away and I’m glad.

e, it’s our house, not the Community Center or Little B&S Club. Babies will get into plastic drawers. We need something that will last and withstand all that a baby will throw at it. Yeah?” Wow.

  “Fiddlesticks, I didn’t even think of that.” He always looks at everything from so far away.

  “So pick what you need in real furniture and we can get out of here. We need to get the shit to put on the beds still.” He turns around. “Manny, we’re all set here.” Manny comes back and I pick the table and two credenzas to go with it. Digs adds a corner cabinet and sideboard table to it. Holy Moses. Manny comes back to us with a sheet, but Digs holds it where I can’t see it. Dang it all!

  He shows Manny his phone and Manny smiles, nodding. “Always right, Digs.”

  When he comes back with the credit card Digs asks, “I need this tomorrow. Is that a problem?”

  “No. MC takes precedence. I’ll set you as first delivery. Do I need to schedule with Security?” Manny asks, looking at me.

  “Yeah, I’m on a job tomorrow and Security is covering.” I look up at him. Security is covering me?

  Manny nods. “I’ll get it scheduled right now.”

  “Thanks, Manny.” I wave bye as Digs guides me to the door.

  He drives us to a big chain store, but it’s another that’s really expensive. Jeepers, hasn’t he ever heard of Walmart? We walk in and he goes to the service desk. I’m looking around. This doesn’t look anything like Walmart and I wish we were there. I could use a candy bar. Digs comes to my side. “What’s that look for?”

  “I was wishing we were at Walmart so I could get a water and candy bar.” He laughs and shows me a pretty tin pail with candy bars inside, then asks the woman at the counter for two waters. She just hands them to him and another woman introduces herself.

  Tyaina like hyena takes us to baby stuff first and I pick a quilt and two pillows. “We should wait until we’re ready for a baby to get more.” Digs nods and walks with us while I pick bedding for the spare room. He picks a navy set for a change. I didn’t think about that. We get things for the room and bathrooms then our room. Since we only have one set of sheets for that he tells me to get two more sets to change however I want. Holy Moses! He talks to another woman, then comes back to me.


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