No Strings Attached

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No Strings Attached Page 9

by Diana Nixon

Tossing the bouquet aside, Oliver captured my wrists and pinned them to the wall over my head. “This is the first and the last time that we let damn gossip ruin our game, is that clear?”

  “I would say this is the first and the last time that I let you fuck me after you wanted to do the very same thing with someone else, you son of a bitch.”

  He smirked. “Consider it noted.”

  His lips went straight back to mine, his tongue stroking mine in a slow dance.

  What are you doing? The voice in my head asked.

  Just shut the fuck up, I said back mentally.

  “Your skirt is too damn tight. Mind if I ruin it a little?”

  “You don’t think we are going to do it here, do you?” I stared at Oliver, a little shocked. Even for someone like me, making out in an elevator was a little too much.

  “Do you have a better idea?”

  “Actually, I do.

  “Just don’t tell me you want to do it right in Dom’s receiving room.” He giggled, now kissing my neck and collarbone.

  “Of course not, idiot. I have a separate office now, remember?”

  “Damn, I should have thought about that earlier, but there’s one thing that I can’t wait to do.” He pushed the red stop button and the elevator came to an abrupt stop with a loud cracking sound.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing?”

  Ignoring my question, he pushed my pencil skirt up, enough to touch the fabric of my panties.

  “All I’ve been thinking about today, was the way your softness burned my fingers. I want to feel your juices sliding down my palm again,” he said, plunging his fingers inside of me.

  Oh, Lord…

  “I want to hear those small sounds of yours, escaping your delicious lips every time I push my fingers deeper inside you.” His every word was accompanied by the things he mentioned. “I want to see you coming for me, over and over again.”

  “Oh, God, please stop. Someone may hear you.”

  But Oliver wouldn’t listen, his moves turning into one uncontrollable craziness. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I kissed him hungrily, just the way I liked it most. His low groan vibrated on my lips.

  “Holy fuck, I will never learn how to control myself with you. You are so wet, I want to fuck you right here and now. Not just with my fingers, but for real.”

  “How about our kitchen table plan?”

  “Hell, yeah, I will fuck you there too.”

  My pulse accelerated at the visions of that scenario coming true. Hiding my face in the curve of his neck, I let out another moan, simply unable to keep my mouth shut with his fingers still pulling in and out of me.

  I was about to fall apart, and we both knew it. My muscles tensed and Oliver wrapped one arm around my waist so I wouldn’t fall on account of my climax.

  “I’m coming,” I said into his ear.

  “Oh, yeah, this is the best thing I could have ever heard from you, Baby.”

  He sped up and I felt the familiar fire building beneath my skin, rolling down to where I was about to explode, totally lost and breathless, but finally relieved.

  Until that very moment, I didn’t even realize how much I actually wanted Oliver to make me feel that indescribable ecstasy, the rush of feelings and emotions that somehow turned into the best of things I had ever felt.

  And then, I let it go… All at once: my anger, my fears, my doubts. I wanted nothing but to prolong this moment as much as I could, but on the other hand, I realized that it was nothing but another orgasm, that in reality, was just a physical need that did not necessarily mean anything bigger…

  “God, I hate you, Oliver,” I said, laughing quietly. I couldn’t believe I actually let him do that to me, and in the elevator. Jeez, I was hopelessly screwed…

  “You can hate me as long as you wish, Sweetheart. As long as I make you scream my name in the night, you can even call me names and post all the bullshit you wish in the papers, I don’t care. As long as you make my heart beat as fast as it’s beating now, I want nothing but your legs wrapped tightly around me, with me pushing myself deeper and deeper inside you.”

  “Damn, that sounds like a plan,” I said, readjusting my skirt. I could barely breathe, and I was sure I didn’t look any better than a broom, but then again… Who the hell cares?

  A male voice spoke into the speakerphone.

  “Mr. Altier, Miss Murano, are you all right? I’m sorry it took us so long to get in contact with you. We didn’t realize anyone had gotten stuck in the elevator.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank God.

  “We are totally fine,” Oliver said, smiling cunningly at me. “Waiting for someone to rescue us.”

  “We are doing our best to release you as soon as possible.”

  “No need to hurry. Miss Murano and I are having a great time in here.”

  “Again, sorry, we made you wait.”

  “This is not fair,” I said in a whisper.

  “What? Lying about our small adventure?” Oliver reached out one hand and removed some hair that had clung to my cheek. “Besides, you need a few more minutes to catch your breath.”

  “Well, thanks for keeping me here,” I said, running one hand through my messy hair.

  “You are always welcome, Sweetie. How about we turn it into a small tradition?”

  “You can’t be serious. Besides, if Dominick finds out, I’ll be fired even before our make out session is over.”

  “You mean even before I can make you come?”

  I rolled my eyes. “I was right last night saying that you simply don’t know how to keep your kissable mouth shut.”

  “Don’t forget that we are not done here.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I still want to see your new office.”

  Chapter 9


  From the moment I entered my apartment, which still smelled like a fresh paint pot, I knew there was no way I could allow myself to stay there and die of intoxication, because that is exactly what would happen if I were to stay in my apartment. First, I thought I would call some of my friends and ask if I could stay for at least a little while with one of them. But then, I realized that there was only one place I wanted to be now. So I called a taxi again, and went back to Wilson’s Publicity.

  I didn’t expect to see Jillian in the lobby, but when she ran up to me and kissed me, I thought I would lose my mind. Until the moment her lips locked with mine, I didn’t even realize how much I actually wanted to feel her kiss me, even if it was just one more time. I returned the kiss willingly, trying to fill it with all the need and desire I had been trying to suppress since last night. The only thing that was wrong with the situation, was the damn bouquet of flowers that she was holding in her hands. But after she said that I had fifteen minutes to apologize for what I had done, all I could think about, was locking her in some dark room, and showing her just how very sorry I was for messing things up. And at that point, the elevator seemed like the perfect place to do just that.

  The moment my fingers touched the soft skin of her inner thigh, my blood boiled with excitement. I didn’t know what it was, a simple physical attraction that I couldn’t resist, or something else that would make me visit her more than once while she was working.

  She looked so beautiful, with her cheeks flushed and eyes so bright and deep, I would willingly drown in them. There was a battle happening behind her gaze, but I knew that she still wanted me, just as much as I wanted her. I could feel it, and I was more than ready to show her just how much I missed the feeling of her perfect body moving in sync with mine. The sound of her moans was driving me totally crazy. I could hardly stop myself from taking her right there in that damn elevator, in fact, I wanted nothing more than that right at that second. But I also knew that she needed more time to be able to trust me again. Maybe if not to believe that I wasn’t as much of an asshole as everyone thought I was, but just enough to burn the sheets with me again. Then there was the fact that not
hing had ever hurt me as badly as when Jill had told me that she thought better of me than how I had behaved; I simply didn’t realize she really thought there might be a chance I was actually good. It made me want to be a better man, and that scared the hell out of me.

  After my little game was over, I watched her readjust her skirt, and all I could think about was tearing the damn thing to pieces, the very moment she crossed the threshold into the apartment later that day. Of course, I couldn’t stop thinking about the kitchen scene that I already had so vividly envisioned in my mind. Damn, I was getting hopelessly addicted to every small thing that Jillian wanted to show and do to me.

  What the hell was that supposed to mean?

  “Here we go, my office,” she said proudly, opening the door to her new kingdom. It was quite spacious, with a crescent-shaped desk, drawers, a few chairs and a couch that I hated at first sight.

  “That doesn’t look very welcoming,” I said, pointing to the thing.

  She laughed, shaking her head. “I can’t believe that you and your brother are so much alike.”

  I frowned, looking back at her. “What do you mean?”

  “The couch was the first thing that he noticed, when he came to see me this morning.”

  I burst out laughing. “I guess he knows better than anyone that a comfortable couch is the first thing that you need to think about moving into a new office.”

  “And I don’t even want to think what he would need it for.”

  “The same thing that we would need a good couch here for,” I said, pulling her to the piece of furniture that looked like it was about to fall to pieces from one touch only.

  She giggled, watching me. “If we ruin this couch, Dominick will never let me forget that he mentioned that I need another couch, or at least a better one.”

  “We will try to be careful,” I said, pushing her skirt up again.

  “This is insane,” she said the moment I ran my tongue up her thigh, the scent of her skin, filling my nostrils with her sweet, sweet smell.

  She was standing with her hands on my shoulders, and if it wasn’t for the damn couch, the secretary sitting just a few feet away from the closed door and people walking down the hall, I would do everything that I wanted to do to her so much faster and louder.

  “Did you lock the door?” I asked in between my kisses.

  “I don’t remember.”

  “Well, then I guess we need to be very quiet. Won’t we?” I asked in a sexy teasing tone.

  Her cheeks flushed. “I can’t believe that one of the things I’m about to do on my first day at a new post, is fuck my former boss’s brother, right here, right in my new office.”

  I smirked. “Sounds so dirty.”

  “It also looks like that,” she said, staring down at me.

  “And I love it,” I said in a whisper, before I removed her thong just enough to run my tongue across the most sensitive part of her body.

  “Oh, God, Oliver, we shouldn’t be doing this.”

  “Here or just in general?”


  I smiled, pulling her to sit on my lap. “Wrong answer.”

  I could see that she was as turned on as I was, and I was sure she was craving so much more than a naughty make out session in the elevator.

  “Sit on me,” I said, placing a small kiss right under her earlobe.

  “I am sitting on you.”

  “No, sit on my cock.”

  She shook her head slightly, apparently trying to decide between what she wanted and what would be the right thing to do.

  “I won’t leave until I get exactly what I want,” I said, looking meaningfully into her eyes.

  “And what exactly do you want?” She asked, reaching for my belt.

  “You, all over me.”

  “What if someone comes in?”

  “I’ll make sure he or she sees the best and the most erotic sex scene ever.” The truth was that I was sure the door was locked, because I locked it myself the second I closed it behind me. I wasn’t that insane to leave it unlocked. But somehow, I thought that teasing Jillian a little would only make that fire in her eyes become even brighter.

  With her sitting on my lap and her legs wrapped around my hips, I rose a little and pushed my jeans down with one hand just enough for her to do what I needed and wanted most.

  “Now,” I mouthed, positioning my hardened cock at the entrance of her sex.

  She slid down slowly, throwing her head back, and closing her eyes the exact same moment I closed mine, I began to feel that familiar excitement burning inside of me, making me feel more alive than I had ever felt before. For a second, I thought I would die if she decided to stop me. I couldn’t even imagine stopping right now. After what happened in the elevator, I was so worked up, I don’t think I had ever been as crazy about having sex, as I was with her at that second.

  We fit so perfect together, as if we could actually read each other’s minds, knowing exactly what each of us liked and wanted most. I knew she liked it hard and fast, and she knew I liked it slow and teasingly. Alternating our wishes and needs, we got to the point where we were unable to stop, and I was more than glad to admit that she enjoyed it as much as I did.

  “I don’t think I will ever tire of being inside you,” I said, raising her hips just enough to push her down again.

  “I don’t think I will ever tire of feeling you inside of me, either,” she said, cupping my face in her palms. Then she bent down and kissed me, slowly, carefully, as if she were afraid to ruin something. I guess it was the very moment that I felt some changes happening to me. I didn’t know what those changes meant exactly, but there was one thing that I knew for sure… There was no way we would get out of this little game unscathed…

  Pushing the thought to the back of my mind, I sucked on her neck, nibbling on the soft skin of her collarbone and shoulder, our pace getting faster, rougher.

  “God, it feels so good,” she said, breathless. She looked a little lost, lost in the moment. But I guess that made two of us. ‘Cause no matter where it was happening, in a bed, or on the couch, which I was seriously hoping wouldn’t just fall to pieces the moment we stood up, the sex still felt so un-fucking-believably perfect, damn good, intoxicating, and so connecting… I would even say we didn’t just have sex, we…

  “Miss Murano, Mr. Altier told me to remind you that you have a meeting that was planned for this afternoon,” the secretary said into the speakerphone. “It starts in ten minutes.”

  “Fuck, my brother has always had amazing timing, he always chooses the worst time to remind me of his existence.” I growled at how all of a sudden the moment felt lost, it was completely ruined.

  “Just do it,” Jillian said, looking down at me with so much desperation, she was begging me to keep moving. I don’t think I had ever seen that same look on any other girl’s face before that moment. Dominick was right, she was special. And maybe I didn’t want to admit it, I knew there would be a day the rest of his words would come true…

  I gave her a few more deep thrusts, trying my best to make her remember this moment, forever. I didn’t want her to think that it was just sex, just another moment of physical satisfaction. I wanted her to want more. And I was more than willing to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted me to do it, again and again.

  I came with low growl, emptying myself right inside of her, feeling her tightening around me, the sound of her soft moan joining mine. And then, another thought came to my mind.

  “Crap, we didn’t think about protection,” I said, a little afraid she would slap me in the face again.

  It seemed to take her a few seconds to realize what I was talking about. “No need to worry, I’m on the pill,” she said, sitting next to me, breathing heavily.

  Not that I didn’t expect that, she was a big girl after all, and I was not her first sex partner.

  I turned my head to the left, and saw her watching me silently.

  “What are you thinking abo
ut?” I asked, hoping no one heard all the noise we made.

  “I can’t believe the story is repeating itself.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She giggled, getting to her feet. “Less than a year ago, I was shocked to know that Dom and Scar had sex, and it was right in her office too, and now look at us! We are not any different.”

  “Yeah, well, except for the fact that Scarlett’s couch looks so much more comfortable than yours.”

  She walked over to the mirror and laughed at her reflection. “How am I supposed to go to my meeting looking like this?” She ran her hands through her hair, trying to smooth it down like it was out of place, even though I thought it looked amazing, without her extra effort.

  I came to stand behind her, wrapping both arms around her waist. “To me, you look just perfect. I would say-”

  “Freshly fucked?” She laughed again. “Yeah, just perfect for a meeting with your brother. I’m sure he will respect the irony of the situation, considering the conversation we had this morning. By the way, why did you come here?” She asked, turning to face me.

  I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. I would even call Dom, so that I could tell him that she was going to miss the damn meeting, because again, I didn’t want her out of my embrace. I just wanted to keep her where I could hold her and never let her go.

  Crap… Something must be seriously wrong with me.

  “As you have already guessed, I came here to apologize for my behavior.”

  “Apology accepted,” she smiled, running her fingertips across my lower lip.

  “Does that mean that I can continue using Scarlett’s guest room?”

  “Only if you cook something delicious for me, before I get home.”

  “Damn, now I feel like a loyal house husband waiting for his wife to come back home, waiting to cater to her every desire.”

  She smirked, her expression suddenly turning into one unreadable mask. “Don’t worry, Honey, no matter how much I like diamonds, a wedding band is the last thing I want to see on my finger right now.” Then she turned and went to her desk and started gathering up some papers.


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