Wicked Burn (Free Falling Book 1)

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Wicked Burn (Free Falling Book 1) Page 8

by McKenna Jeffries

  Mechanically, Sedeo drove home. He pulled into his driveway, got out, then took Shelby and their things out of the car. Shelby’s happy chatter didn’t penetrate the pain he was feeling. Absently, he opened the door and put her down.

  “Unca Seddy?” Shelby looked up at him, her lip trembling.

  He dredged up a smile. “Go get a book for story time.”

  Shelby stared at him a moment more, then smiled in return. “Okay.” She went down the hall, disappearing from view.

  Sedeo closed the door and put their things on the floor next to the entry table. With a sigh, he ran his hands through his hair and looked around as if he hadn’t seen the entryway before. As he started toward the living room, the doorbell rang. He frowned and glanced through the peephole, the sight on the other side made him swear viciously. Just what he needed. He took a deep fortifying breath and opened the door.

  “Diana and George, I wasn’t expecting you.” He leaned against the open doorway.

  Shelby’s grandparents looked at each other, then back at him, discomfort on their faces.

  “We wanted to discuss the custody of Shelby,” George stated.

  I can’t deal with this now. “Not now, George. Shelby and I are about to have story time. We’ll have to s—”

  “Sedeo, please,” Diana interrupted. “We just need a moment.”

  He gritted his teeth and stepped back, granting them entry. He waited for them to speak.

  Diana looked at George before returning her attention to him. “We’ve decided to drop the suit.”

  “What? Why?” Sedeo glanced from one to the other in disbelief.

  “My son knew what was best for his child.” She smiled wryly, then continued. “We discussed it and realized it wasn’t about custody of Shelby, but holding onto our son. We need to do what’s best for Shelby. Jeff and Julie knew you would take care of Shelby and love her.” Her voice was hoarse. “They knew you’d care for her if they weren’t here to. We can’t disrupt that.” She glanced briefly at her husband, then back at Sedeo. “It took me a while to accept it, but you’re going to be a heck of a father for Shelby.”

  Joy burst through Sedeo. He was going to get to keep Shelby. The suit was gone, and with it, the worry.

  I can’t wait to tell Yasmine. At the thought, pain filled him. She was the first person he would have told, but now he couldn’t. It’s your own fault. He pushed it away, focusing back on Diana and George.

  “If you could forgive us, we would like to be a part of Shelby’s life.” Diana’s query was tentative, her look pleading.

  George put his hands on her shoulders, his expression echoing hers.

  Sedeo didn’t even have to think about it. He took Diana’s hands. “I would never keep Shelby from you. You’re an integral part of her life.” He smiled. “Besides, I have a lot to learn and will need your help.”

  “Thank you, Sedeo.” Diana smiled mistily.

  “Thanks,” George said gruffly.

  “You want to stay for story time?” Sedeo asked.

  “Sure,” Diana said.

  They made their way to the living room.

  “Shelby, you have company!” Sedeo called.

  “Yassie!” she cried.

  The sound of her running footsteps came before she came into view.

  “No, it’s Nana and Poppa,” he said.

  Shelby looked up at him. “Want Yassie.”

  Me too. Out loud, he said, “Poppa is going to read to you for story time.”

  “Story time,” Shelby said. She toddled to the armchair they usually used and stood waiting.

  “We usually sit in the chair with her on my lap,” he explained to George.

  George nodded and crossed to Shelby. He sat, picked Shelby up, and put her in his lap. The smile on his face was tender and a little sad. His deep voice rumbled as he started to read to Shelby.

  “He’s so good with her. He was the same way with Jeff.” Her voice caught on the last word.

  Sedeo turned to where Diana sat on the couch. He sat next to her and covered her hand with his. Diana squeezed his in return. They watched Shelby and George reading.

  “Who is this Yassie she keeps mentioning?” Diana asked.

  Sedeo shifted uncomfortably. “Yasmine Van Court.”

  “The firefighter who saved her,” Diana stated.


  “She’s a very lovely, clear-headed woman.”

  Shocked, he stared at her. “You know her?”

  “Don’t look so surprised. I wanted to meet the firefighter who saved Shelby.” She glanced at Shelby, then back at him. ”I’m ashamed to say the meeting didn’t go well. I wanted to thank her, but ended up screaming at her about why she didn’t save Jeff instead of Shelby.” She closed her eyes briefly, then opened them.

  At the pain and regret in her eyes, he tightened his hold on her hand.

  Diana patted his hand. “I regretted it as soon as I said it. Yasmine was so calm about it. It only made me angrier. I wondered how she could be so cold. I stormed out. It only took me a few days to realize there was no one to blame. It took me weeks to work up my courage to go back and apologize. When I did, Yasmine was so gracious and said there was nothing to apologize for.” She smiled, nodding her head. “She is a truly exceptional woman. I’m glad you’ve found her.”

  He blinked, unsure how she knew.

  Diana laughed. “You have the same look Jeff did when he realized he loved Julie. Besides, I’m a mother. We always know. ” She winked.

  Sedeo blurted out, “It doesn’t matter. I don’t think I can deal with what she does.” He closed his eyes, put his hands across his eyes, and groaned. “I can’t believe I said that.”

  “Sedeo, I know we only knew each other casually because of Julie, but I hope you…” she cleared her throat “…realize, although they’re gone, I still see you as family.”

  He lowered his hands and looked at Diana. “I’ve always seen you as family, too. And that hasn’t changed.”

  “Good. And as family, I have to tell you, don’t be a fool and let her get away. Life is so short and precious. Embrace any happiness you can.” She smiled, gently patting his hand. She gazed over at Shelby. “And Shelby deserves a strong woman in her life to look up to. She seems to already love Yasmine.” Diana turned her gaze back to him. “And I can look and see you do, too. Life is not promised to anyone. What Yasmine does is dangerous. And yes, she could get hurt or even die. But then again, she could also be hit by a car walking down the street. You have no way of knowing what will happen. No control over it. The…” she paused and cleared her throat again “…loss of Julie and Jeff showed us life. None of us would have expected their lives to be cut short so soon. But they were, and we have to deal with it. For Shelby.” She glanced at Shelby again, then back at him. “Let me ask you this. What would Julie have told you in a situation like this?”

  “Stop being a dunderhead and follow your heart.” Sedeo smiled softly.

  “She and Jeff were perfect for each other indeed.” Diana laughed. ”When I left here last time, I was determined to see the suit through. The sound of Jeff’s voice in my head kept saying ‘Mom, don’t be a dunderhead about this. Let Sedeo take care of Shelby.’ It kept playing in my mind.”

  “It was Julie’s favorite thing to say when I was being obstinate.” Sedeo laughed.

  “Jeff’s too. Since Julie isn’t here, I’ll stand in for her.” Diana took his hands in hers. “Sedeo, stop being a dunderhead and follow your heart.” She patted his hand, stood, and joined Shelby and George.

  Sedeo watched them for a moment, then stood. When Diana looked up, he gestured toward the hallway with a nod, then walked to his room. He closed the door and stood gripping the doorknob. His eyes started to burn, his breathing grew harsh. Tears rained down his face. He braced his hand against the door. What Diana said was easier said than done.

  “I’ve already lost one person I love to fire. I don’t think I could survive if it happened again.
” His voice was ragged.

  Turning, he leaned his back against the door. Crossing his arms his chest, he rocked as he put his head down and sobbed.


  “Yassie,” Shelby said.

  “No, sweetie. Nana and Poppa’s. Remember, you’re spending the day with them,” Sedeo replied.

  He turned off the car in George and Diana’s driveway. Even three weeks later, Shelby still asked when she was going to Yasmine’s. So far, he was thankful she hadn’t thrown a tantrum about seeing her. The visits to her grandparents helped. A few minutes later, he waved at George and Diana on the porch with Shelby as he backed out of the drive and headed for home.

  It had been a hard few weeks. He vacillated between wanting to go to Yasmine and beg her for forgiveness, and not seeing her at all. So far, he had stayed away. He didn’t want to go to her until he was sure he could deal with her putting her life in danger every time she went to work. He turned, and it registered where he was. Swearing, he looked around Yasmine’s neighborhood. He had found himself here more than once in the last few weeks. Usually, he drove on and home. Involuntarily, he slowed in front of her house. He turned off his car and looked at her truck in the driveway.

  “Don’t get out of the car,” he said.

  He glanced at the house, then reached for the door handle. In moments, he was at her front door. He put his hands in his jeans pants pocket, resisting the urge to press the bell.

  What are you going to say? He closed his eyes.

  “Are you meditating, or is there a reason you’re at my door?”

  His eyes snapped open at the sound of the smoky voice he had missed so much. He met her topaz gaze hungrily. It still made his heart race. Her dark brown hair was in her usual braid, resting on one shoulder. Her broad forehead was wrinkled in a frown, while her full nose flared. She was so sexy and cute all at once. She licked her lush, dark pink lips. Thoughts of her taste filled his head.

  “Have you gone mute?” Yasmine asked. She crossed her arms over her breasts and leaned against the doorjamb.

  “No. Can I come in?” He found his voice.

  “Are you here to make more grand declarations?” She looked at him with the suspicious look he loved.

  “No.” He stifled a smile.

  He had missed her sharp tongue.

  She stepped back and walked into the house.

  He stepped in, closing the door behind him. He followed her, watching the sexy sway of her full ass. He had missed a lot of things.

  Yasmine strode through the kitchen, then out the back patio doors. She sat on a chair by the patio table and curled her legs under her.

  Sedeo leaned on the railing close to her. He studied her.

  “Are you going to speak anytime soon?”

  “I’ve missed you, Yasmine.” He smiled softly.

  She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes. “Really? No word for more than three weeks, and you missed me, huh?”

  He looked off to the ocean and said, “I couldn’t face you with false promises, without knowing for sure I can deal with what you do.”

  “I guess you came to a realization. From your tone, I already know what’s coming. So what is it, Sedeo? The great break up? We already went through this!” Yasmine snapped.

  He looked at her. She was sitting with her arms crossed, her back stiff.

  “Yes, we have. And Yasmine, I know I can never accept what you do. I’ll always have this ball in my gut when you go to work,” he stated.

  “So much for not making any great declarations. Just leave, Sedeo.” Yasmine jumped up and stood at the porch railing, as far away from him as she could get. She gripped the wood tightly and looked out at the ocean.

  Sedeo followed her and leaned against the rail next to her.

  Yasmine stiffened. “God, Sedeo. I can’t do this again. Please leave.” Her voice was hoarse.

  “I can’t,” he replied.

  “Why?” She turned to him, her fists clenched. Her eyes glittered with unshed tears.

  Sedeo closed the distance between them, and she flinched in response. He ignored her reaction and stiff posture and pulled her against him. “I can’t live with what you do, but I find not being with you supersedes everything else.”

  “What are you saying?” She blinked at him.

  “From the first time I laid eyes on you, even though it was during the worst moment of my life, I felt as if I’d been burned. You were burned into my soul. I hated myself for lusting after you when my sister lay dying. For weeks, I thought of you. Then when you came to me all I could think of was I wanted you. But I was still ashamed of myself for it. For weeks after, I stayed away, and then came to you. As I got to know you, I knew then it wasn’t just a sexual attraction, but something more. I fought it because I didn’t want to face what you are. You fight fires, and they killed someone I love.” He raised a trembling hand and smoothed it against her cheek. “I’m afraid it will take you from me.”

  “Sedeo, we don’t have any control over when it’s our time to die.”

  He rested his forehead against hers. “I know. God, I do. But it scares me your life is in danger whenever you go to work.” He paused and studied her face, then continued, “That will never change, but I can’t be without you. Can’t stand one more moment without you. Holding you and being with you. I love you, Yasmine.”

  Yasmine was silent as she studied him. After a few moments, she raised her hand and slapped him upside the head. “You’re such a dunderhead, Sedeo Parker.”

  Sedeo started to laugh.

  “What? Shelby says it all the time. It’s her favorite phrase,” Yasmine said, and then her eyes narrowed. “Hey, where is she?”

  “With her grandparents.”

  “What? You lost custody?” She started to pull away.

  He held her. “No. They dropped the suit. She’s visiting. I’ll explain it all later.”

  “Oh, okay.” Yasmine stilled, but her look was serious. “I understand your fear about what I do. I have a cautious respect for fire. Every fire fighter does. It’s life and death, and we know it.” She cupped his cheeks. “I want to be with you, Sedeo, but I don’t want your fear to rip us apart again. I don’t think I can take it.”

  “I’m here for the long haul, Yasmine. I’m not running again. We’ll talk about it. I want you in our lives,” Sedeo replied.

  Yasmine pulled away and stepped back.

  He reluctantly let her go.

  She stood with her arms crossed in front of her.

  Sedeo let her see his determination and love.

  After a bit, she lowered her arms and moved closer to him. She placed her hand over his heart. “I want to be in your and Shelby’s lives.” Yasmine gulped, then said, “I love you, Sedeo Parker.”

  His heart thumped, and then he laughed, lowering his head to kiss her.

  Her hand pushed, stopping him. “Hurt me again, and I will kick your ass,” she warned.

  “And I’ll let you.” Sedeo chuckled and pulled her into his body, kissing her.

  Yasmine kissed him hungrily in return. She shivered and murmured.

  He raised his head and undressed her. Once she was naked, he took in the sight of her lush body. He stripped off his own clothing and pulled her closer, molding her body to his. Her softness felt delicious against him. Growling, he inhaled against the side of her neck. His grip tightened on her.

  She licked along his pulse.

  Sedeo groaned, and then muttered, “Now.”

  He lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him, undulating as he walked rapidly to the wall close to the open door leading into the house. He pinned her to the wall. Urgent demand filled him. He thrust into her. Her inner walls rippled around his cock. Her silky wetness drenched him. Her heated skin moved against his, as her body rubbed along his. He braced one hand on the wall. The other gripped her ass, pulling her against him.

  Yasmine tightened her legs around him and met him thrust for thrust. “Sedeo.”

er nails dug into his shoulder as she gripped him. He hissed, stroking harder and deeper. Rotating his hips, he pumped into her. Her whimpers spurred him on. He pressed his lips against hers, stroking his tongue into her mouth. He suckled her tongue passionately. He rolled his hips. Yasmine wrenched her mouth away and screamed as she came. She ground against him. Sedeo roared, and then stiffened as his own climax overcame him. His cock pulsed, filling her. He pumped in and out, prolonging his release. He growled then slumped forward, crowding her body between him and the wall.

  She smoothed his hair out of the way, kissing the side of his face.

  He turned his head.

  Her darkened eyes were tender and still hungry. “I love you, Sedeo,” she said in a hoarse voice.

  He kissed her hungrily. His cock hardened again. Sedeo thrust into her, hard and fast. Yasmine gasped. He held her to him and walked rapidly to her bedroom. He laid her on the bed gently and started to make love to her again.

  They continued long into the night.

  Two years later

  “MaYassie, can I have some more ice cream?”

  “Sure, sweetie. Here you go.” Yasmine smiled down at Shelby as she put another scoop into her bowl.

  “Thanks, MaYassie,” Shelby said, toddling to the picnic table. Megan took the bowl and put it on the table as Bobby lifted Shelby so she could sit next to him. Shelby happily started to eat her ice cream.

  Yasmine looked toward the grill. Her heart started to race as she looked at the man who’d captured her, body and soul.

  Sedeo laughed at something George said. The two men were manning the grill for their barbeque. Sedeo glanced at her, winked, and gave her a special smile.

  She could imagine the wicked look in his whiskey eyes. Yasmine rubbed her hand up her neck and under her hair.

  “Now, none of that. No disappearing,” an amused voice said.

  Flushing, Yasmine looked away from Sedeo and at Diana. She was grateful she and Diana had become such good friends the last couple of years. Her help and support had meant a lot. Yasmine glanced back at Sedeo. He was still watching her with a look.


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