Benedict's Bride

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Benedict's Bride Page 7

by Janet Woods

  ‘She didn't say anything?’

  Emma snorted. ‘Of course she didn’t. You’re a man and a stranger to her, she could hardly have revealed her body to you. It wouldn’t have been circumspect. Really, Ben. Knowing the girl had been mishandled, you should have guessed.’

  When he’d thought of Amber Rose’s body it was always the picture of dainty, curvaceous perfection he’d spied through the kitchen window in the first place.

  ‘Ben, this is serious business. You should have shot those felons out of hand. If they come here I’ll certainly give them short shrift. Now, will you please stop hovering like a cloud of flies over a compost heap, and leave. And why are you wearing that ghastly grin?’

  ‘A stray thought amused me, nothing more.’

  ‘Which was?’

  He lied, and teased, ‘I was thinking what a scold you’re becoming. I do believe you would give them short shrift. But, Emma dearest, these men are no respecters of women. You’ve seen what they can do, so I beg you ... do be cautious.’

  She touched his face. ‘Don’t worry on my account little brother, that’s Archie’s job. You know I’m more bark than bite. Amber will be more comfortable when she’s bathed and has rested. No doubt she’ll recover in time for dinner. I’m not quite sure what to do with Jake. I’ve put him in the nursery for now and he can take lessons with my children and be part of their routine while he’s here. As soon as Amber is settled I’ll find him something suitable to wear. There will be some garments John has outgrown.’

  She hesitated, then said. ‘Amber has made it clear that she’s attached to the lad. If I may be frank . . .’

  He nodded. When had she been anything less?

  ‘Worthy and polite though Jake is, he is not one of us. Do you intend to make him part of your household staff eventually, or will he be your ward?’

  ‘I haven’t given it any thought.’

  ‘Then you should, Benedict. I gather the pair of them have only known each other a little while. It would be easier and kinder to both of them if you decided on his future before the bond between them strengthens, and before you venture into matrimony.’

  ‘Amber seems fond of him.’

  ‘She’s guided by a soft heart. But you and she will have children of your own to consider in time, and they will take precedence. Jake will then be the odd one out.’

  ‘The cuckoo in the nest?’

  ‘Exactly. Such situations can be troublesome because they’re a breeding ground for envy. If you intend to provide for Jake then take my advice and send him to a school that will educate him in a manner that will enable him to earn his living. He can spent time away from his studies with you, and later, you’ll be able to use your contacts to secure him employment. Such an arrangement will allow him to grow up looking upon you as his benefactor rather than his father. He will be much happier for knowing his place.’

  Her advice made good sense to Benedict. ‘Thank you, Em. I’m sorry to be such a nuisance.’ His humble tone brought a suspicious glance from her and he was hard put not to laugh.

  ‘What use are sisters if brothers can’t put upon them?’ she said loftily, and kissed his cheek. ‘Now, stop loitering in the hall. Go and find Archie’s man; tell him he’s to raid my husband’s wardrobe and tidy you up in time for dinner. You resemble a ruffian at the moment.’

  Emma organised her household efficiently. Reassured, as well as given a definite purpose in life, Benedict ambled off to carry out her instructions.

  * * * *

  Lying in a bath, the warm, scented water was a soothing balm against Amber's bruised skin. It was heaven, she thought. All her worries and cares, along with the ache from the journey were seeping away from her. Patrick seemed like a world away. Two maids bustled about, one making the bed up, the other unpacking her toiletries.

  ‘It’s wonderful to be so pampered,’ she said to her hostess, who was inspecting the clothes that the maid had taken from the wicker basket. ‘I never want to emerge from this bath.’

  ‘I’m afraid you will have to if you want some dinner.’ Emma glanced at the little clock on the mantelpiece. ‘You can have ten minutes more, then we must dry you and tend to your bruises.’ She tut-tutted. ‘Your gowns are quite grubby.’

  ‘I’m sorry. All the servants were dismissed from Hartford House, and although I’ve been doing my best to keep my clothing clean I’m not very good at it.’

  ‘That’s because you were not raised to be a maid.’ Jessie, take these gowns away and tell the laundry maid to see to them. Miss Hartford will wear the grey silk with the blue embroidery and puff sleeves tonight, since it appears to be clean, and that sweet little matching fringed stole with it. See if you can get rid of the creases.’

  ‘Yes, My Lady.’ Jessie departed with Amber’s clothes.

  As a guest in Emma’s house Amber was in no position to protest at her host’s high-handed manner, even if she hadn’t been naked. But she forgave the woman when she said. ‘I’m so glad Ben brought you here, Amber. What a trial you’ve been through.’ She gave a little smile. ‘My brother has just told me I’m turning into a scold, so I must watch my tongue.’

  ‘Do you always do what Benedict tells you?’

  Emma gave a huff of laughter. ‘He’d never stop laughing if he heard you say that. He was teasing. He said that Caroline and I bullied him so much as children that he couldn’t breathe without orders after we married. Not true, of course. Ben is a law unto himself despite his quiet demeanor. He is like our father so I’m sure he’ll make you an affectionate husband. He must have fallen in love as soon as he set eyes on you, since he’s showed no inclination to wed up until now. ’

  And that must have been when he looked though the kitchen window and saw her standing in nothing but her skin. Already pink from the warm water, Amber hoped Emma didn’t notice her blush. Goodness, did he intend to wed her because he’d inadvertently compromised her!

  She certainly didn’t believe Benedict’s statement that he’d visited Hartford House to propose marriage to her in the first place. A man like him would have women swooning at his feet, and she had neither property or dowry enough to attract a man of his status, or even tempt one to pursue such a union. But why had he visited? Burning with curiosity she knew she must see him alone and have an answer from him before he left.

  Benedict would make an affectionate husband? Emma had said. Amber’s glance fell on the blush pink rose he’d unexpectedly presented her with that morning, and even though it was beginning to wilt she felt warmed. He was a man of great charm, and it had been a sweet gesture from him.

  The clock claimed the hour, enabling Amber to change the subject. ‘Time to get out of the bath, I’m sad to say.’

  Emma signaled to the older maid who advanced with a large white bath sheet held up for her to step into. ‘This is Annie who works in the laundry. Annie previously worked for a theatrical lady, so will be your maid while you’re here. She will see to your injuries. I’ll return for you in an hour or so. We will visit the children in the nursery and say goodnight to them before we join Ben in the drawing room before dinner.’

  ‘Is that where Jake is?’

  ‘Yes, my dear. He will have my daughters for company. I daresay they’ll enjoy the novelty, since their elder brother John is away at school. Ah ... here comes Jessie with your gown. Let me see it, Jessie. Yes, you’ve made an excellent job of it. Place it carefully over that chair. I need you to help me change and do my hair before you go back down.’

  The pair swept from the room in a stir of air.

  As Annie gently patted her dry, Amber asked her. ‘Did you enjoy working for a theatrical lady?’

  ‘No, Miss Hartford. She had a lovely voice, right enough, but she put on airs and graces in public. When we were alone she was very coarse in her ways. She had a dreadful temper and threw pots of powder and stuff, at me. It would go over everything and she’d expect me to clean it up.’ Annie lowered her voice. ‘She entertained men ... in private .
.. for money.’

  ‘She sang to them in private? How odd.’

  Smothering a grin Annie hastily spread a towel on the bed and picked up another. ‘Would you lie on the sheet please, Miss Hartford. I’ll place this one over you for the sake of modesty, while I see to your injuries. Just in case anyone comes in.’

  Annie had a soothing, gentle touch as she applied witch hazel to the smaller bruises, and soothing salve to the grazed areas of skin. Amber’s knees were bruised and scratched from crawling, and they ached. Annie massaged aromatic oil into the rest of her body.

  Then it was into her darned hose, a clean chemise and her gown. With a deft touch the maid dressed her hair, drawing the length of it up to the crown and fashioning it into a fall of ringlets. ‘You have lovely hair, Miss,’ she said, tying the last decorative blue ribbon in place. ‘It’s so dark and lustrous. Will you wear your pearl necklace?’

  ‘Thank you, Annie. I appreciate what you’ve done. You’re very talented.’

  Annie deftly attached the earrings, and smiled at Amber’s reflection in the mirror when she fastened the pearls around her neck. ‘It’s my pleasure, Miss. If you don’t mind me saying so, you have lovely features.’

  As Annie began to bustle about putting things away, Emma came to collect her to take her to the nursery. Emma’s eyes mirrored approval of her appearance. ‘That’s better. A pity about the bruise on your face and the scratches on your neck, though. No doubt they will soon fade.’

  The nursery was on the upper floor. Jake was resplendent in a sailor suit. His hair had been trimmed and was brushed neatly to one side. He smiled with relief when he saw her.

  Two adorable-looking blue eyed girls, one older than the other but wearing identical gowns, hugged Emma, then curtseyed to Amber when she was introduced.’

  The older one was called Charlotte, and she trilled, ‘Jake told us you were kidnapped by bad men and he helped our uncle to rescued you, Miss Hartford. How thrilling that must have been.’

  Jake assumed a look of casual self-importance and Amber smiled at him. ‘They were both very brave.’

  ‘I would have been scared,’ Susannah lisped. ‘Do you want to see our dolls’ house?’

  ‘Yes, I’d love to.’

  But before she could Jake sidled over to her and whispered, ‘Do I have to sleep here, Miss Amber?’

  ‘The arrangement is part of Lady Stratton’s routine for her own children. So yes, while we are guests here you must try to fit in, and do everything the nursery maid says. Tomorrow you’ll have lessons. You’ll like that.’

  His eyes brightened.

  They stayed for half an hour and Amber could see that Jake felt a little out of place.

  To excuse any quirk of behavior he might display in advance, she said on the way downstairs, ‘Jake used to have a brother, they attended the school where his father taught. He’s grown used to having his independence since he lost his family, and is mature in his thinking.’

  ‘Nevertheless, the boy has retained the good manners of his class, and he has an honest air about him. He’s of an impressionable age, something which could work against him if he fell into the wrong hands. He’s lucky you’ve become his benefactor, Amber. A boarding school will be the making of him.’

  ‘I had not thought ... I cannot afford school fees.’

  A glance came her way. ‘You should discuss the situation with Ben. It might be a good idea to send Jake to board at the school he attended previously. He will feel familiar with it, and therefore be more comfortable in the position he finds himself in.’

  Discuss it with Benedict? She hadn’t even decided to marry him yet. But what other option did she have? School for Jake was an ideal solution if she did marry him. But he might not want to support Jake! Besides, it would be crazy to marry a man she’d only just met. She’d be crazy not to, she thought as she entered the drawing room and set eyes on him again.

  Benedict had been sitting at the long windows gazing out into the garden. He turned and rose to his feet when they entered, looking breathtakingly handsome in a dark blue cutaway coat, grey trousers and tied cravat. Her heart did a rather odd dance and she smiled with the pleasure of seeing him so resplendent.

  He crossed the floor in half a dozen strides, took up her hand and kissed it. His glance sought hers. ‘You look entirely exquisite, Amber Rose. Have you recovered completely from your collapse?’

  She had, but was now in danger of him taking her breath away. ‘Thank you, yes. It was tiredness, that’s all. The last day or two have been stressful.’

  ‘Then you’ll now have time to relax.’ He offered her his arm, the other to Emma.

  A smile flitted across his sister’s face. ‘I need to go to the kitchen, so you will have to entertain Amber in my absence. I have the feeling there will be two extra guests for dinner.’

  He nodded, seemingly not in the least surprised by his sister’s remark. As for Amber, she welcomed the few moments she’d have alone with him as he seated her on the little blue velvet sofa, and himself next to her, so his warmth became hers and the lemony scent of his skin was drawn into her body with every inward breath.

  ‘What shall we talk about, Amber?’

  ‘There’s something I wish to ask you ... two things really?’

  ‘I thought there might be. Go ahead.’

  ‘Did you see me in the kitchen when I was ... was ... ’

  ‘As naked as the day you were born?’ He said, giving a faint grin as he helped her out. ‘In all truthfulness, yes I did. But I don’t make a habit of peering through windows in case I come across a naked woman. Fortune happened to favor me that day for she delighted me with a glimpse of what was available to me.’

  ‘Oh, I was certainly not on display, nor am I available to you!’ Blood rushed to her face and she hung her head.

  ‘Forgive me, it was a bad choice of words, and I’m sorry if I offended your sensibilities.’ A finger inserted under her chin lifted her face up to his. His eyes were compelling in their blueness. ‘You needn’t be ashamed that I saw you thus. You have a flawless body, my Aphrodite, and your modesty is laudable. All the same, I look forward to the day when I can take advantage of what you have to offer a man.’

  ‘Oh, you grow more impertinent by the second.’

  ‘Would you prefer me to lie to you?

  Her eyes widened when he grinned. Would she? ‘ No, I would not, but you are too familiar on so slight an acquaintance.’

  ‘And were we to marry today I’d be even more familiar.’

  No doubt he would. ‘Why did you say you’d come to Hartford House to propose marriage to me?’

  ‘Ah yes, I admit that was a lie.’

  Dismay rushed through her. Vexed by her own inconsistencies, she thought: Make up your mind, Amber. Do you want him or do you not?

  ‘But not that much of a lie. I had actually gone to Hartford House to see if I liked you enough to propose marriage. When I saw you standing there in nothing but your little pink skin I knew I did.’ The eyes that held her gaze were brimming with laughter. ‘There, milady ... the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the impertinent truth. Your derriere bobbed so prettily when you took fright and ran away.’

  She tried not to giggle but didn’t quite succeed. ‘You are outrageous. You know very well that by the time I ran I was dressed.’ She was laughing now. ‘And if you tell anyone of that incident I shall strangle you with my bare hands. Why did you tell Patrick there was an agreement between us?’

  He chuckled. ‘A slip of the tongue to distract him. Actually, it was an agreement made by our respective grandfathers when we were children. They took it upon themselves to arrange a match between us. His glance slid to her mouth and he smiled. ‘May I kiss you?’

  ‘Certainly not! I’ve never been kissed.’ She remembered Stephen Gould forcing his mouth on her and shuddered as she added, ‘At least, not willingly.’ But Benedict wasn’t forcing her, he was using persuasion. She wanted to be kissed by him, and yet s
he didn’t. She whispered, ‘I didn’t enjoy being kissed the first time, so I doubt if I would enjoy it the second time.’

  He moved so there was only a fraction of space between their mouths and his breath shivered against her lower lip. ‘Are you quite sure you don’t want to find out?’

  How would it feel if their mouths were touching one to another? The anticipation was excruciating and the need to continue forward to the next intimate step sent a strong thrill of excitement through her.

  ‘No, I’m not sure, at all.’

  His hands cupped her face, the fingers splayed across her cheekbones, his thumbs lying along her jaw. His little fingers caressed the contours of her lips then gently rested against the corners, keeping her mouth parted slightly. His lips touched against hers, soft and tender. Closing her eyes in quivering delight she savored the magic of the awakening inside her. The tip of his tongue flicked against her bottom lip like the lash of a tiny whip designed for pleasure rather than pain.

  She opened her eyes when the kiss came to an end.

  ‘How do you feel about it now?’ he said, his voice like smoke.

  He’d shown her what desire was and she’d never felt more alive in her life. A tiny smile played around her mouth. If this was being courted, she liked it! ‘Your kiss is a tease, an invitation to sin, Benedict. It has warned me I could acquire a craving for more, and eventually you might become an addiction.’

  ‘Amber Rose, for one who has led a sheltered life you’ve turned out to be a delectable hussy who tells a man exactly what he wants to hear.’ He laughed and gently kissed the bruise on her face before he let her go. ‘But by teasing you I’m teasing myself, and now is not the time to pursue this course. May I offer you a glass of sherry?’

  He rose and strolled over to the decanter when he heard the patter of footsteps on the tiles in the hall, and filled three glasses from the decanter.

  Emma called out. ‘Here’s Caro. I knew she’d come.’

  There was the sound of a carriage and snorting horses. The front door opened and shut. Children’s voices fluted a greeting and a woman’s voice cried out. ‘Emma darling! Where is the young woman Ben has chosen? I’m dying to meet her. What’s she like?’


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