Ashley's Bend

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Ashley's Bend Page 2

by Roop, Cassy

I know she was trying to distract me. However, if I was serious about moving on with my life, then it had to start sometime.

  “No Kell, I am tired of putting things on hold. I am ready to live. I am ready to experience things instead of always being in the background. Tonight, I start living.”

  “Hot damn! Then we’re going? We are actually going to The Celtic Knot?” I nodded my head in agreement.

  “Ok, well first things first, we have to get you cleaned up and turned into the hot sexy woman I know that is in there.”

  Kelly and Trinity lead me to the bathroom and began their magic. My hair was hot rolled while Kelly did my make-up. She gave me a dark purple smoky eye that really brought out the color of my green eyes. When the rollers had cooled, Trinity removed them and ran her fingers through my blonde hair, creating soft waves that cascaded down my shoulders and upper back. I was squeezed into a little black dress with a semi-circular neckline and long narrow sleeves. The hemline fell to just above my knees and the body hugged every single one of my curves. They topped off my look with a gorgeous pair of black lace stilettos. I have never been that dressed up before, and as I gazed at the stranger in the mirror, I felt beautiful and sexy.

  “Holy shit, Ashley, who knew there was a gorgeous, sexy bombshell hiding behind that bastard of a husband of yours. You are going to have the guys drooling all over themselves tonight,” Trinity said. She was dressed in a dark plum sheath dress and her shoulder length hair was slicked straight. Kelly looked equally stunning in a sparkling gold sequin cocktail dress. Her red, wavy curls were pulled in a side ponytail that cascaded over one shoulder like a beautiful red waterfall.

  “You ready, Ash?” Kelly asked as she approached me where I was staring at myself in the mirror. I spun around, gave her my biggest smile and said, “Absolutely.”

  I would become a new person. I was not a woman who had caught her husband and high school sweetheart banging his secretary. No, I was ready to explore who I was and who I wanted to be. I wanted to be free.

  We hailed a cab to go to The Celtic Knot. We all planned on a few drinks (ok a lot of drinks) and did not want to have to worry about a designated driver. I wanted to forget about the troubles I would have to face the next day; I wanted to let loose and have fun. If the result was total inebriation, so be it.

  The entrance to the club was packed when we arrived with hopefuls trying to buy their way in. The club had dark, blacked out windows and a large entry door made of solid, dark wood. It was completely closed off, making one wonder what secrets it held inside.

  “So exactly what kind of club is this, Kelly?” I asked as we stepped out into the warm Chicago air. She grinned sheepishly at me, and I knew then it was going to be no ordinary club. We walked over to the front door that was being guarded by two very large, very scary looking men dressed in black. I swear one of them had biceps bigger than my waist.

  The one with the bulging biceps held his hands up as we approached. “Sorry, ladies, invitation only.” His voice boomed with authority as his eyes raked over the three of us from head to toe. One side of his mouth tipped up into an almost smile as he looked at me before setting back in a hard line again.

  “Well, lucky for us, Sir, we have our invitations right here,” Kelly said as she produced the crimson covered envelope. I saw the man’s eyes go from nearly passive to heated in about two seconds flat. His gaze bored into Kelly with a look I could only attune to as desire. Whoa. What was it she said that made him look turned on?

  “Right this way, ladies,” bicep man said as he opened the heavy wood doors and guided us into the club. Disappointment flooded through me when we entered and walked into what looked like a reception area. A beautiful woman dressed in black leather pants and a corset top peered at us from behind a large desk. Her hair was a gorgeous chestnut color and dark brown eyes stood out from behind impeccable makeup. Her lips were painted blood red, she looked beautiful.

  “Good evening, ladies. Welcome to The Celtic Knot,” she said pleasantly. The three of us walked over to where the woman was as she reached beneath the desk and produced three clipboards.

  “These documents, ladies, are our non-disclosure agreements as well as liability release forms. If you wish to gain access to the club, you must sign these first.” My mouth dropped opened. What kind of club needed a non-disclosure agreement and liability release forms? I looked over at Kelly who was signing the documents with an earnest I had never seen before. I think I could see the smoke coming from the pen from how fast she scribbled her name on the line. Trinity was nearly as eager as Kelly. What the hell kind of place is this?

  “Excuse me, ma’am, but I am not sure I understand why such documents are needed for us to access a club.” She laughed obviously amused by how naïve I was. Her eyes met mine and I saw something flash across her face. She walked around the counter to where I was standing. She came up behind me and trailed a finger across my back where the skin was exposed in my dress. I tried to suppress my shiver, but failed. I felt her breath in my ear as she leaned in close. Too close. What the hell is going on?

  “You are absolutely exquisite. Novice. I love that. It gives me the opportunity to break them in. Show them the ropes. Find me later if you want to play,” and abruptly she moved away from me. She reached for the clipboards and I quickly signed my name to them, not knowing what I was getting myself into. Was she hitting on me?

  Kelly and Trinity both looked at me with stunned smiles. She was hitting on me! And my two nut-ball friends just stood there gaping at me. Another woman came in through the other door behind the desk. She was a tall, statuesque blonde in a tight, short sleeveless white dress with matching heels. The odd part about her ensemble was the large black collar she wore around her neck. She came next to the woman behind the desk and dropped to her knees next to her with her gaze to the floor.

  “Rebecca, would you please show our guests around the club? Give them the full tour. Permission to speak.”

  “Yes, Madame V,” the blonde woman replied.

  “Good. Dismissed.”

  What the hell just happened? Madame V? Permission to speak? My nerves started to get the better of me as the blonde approached us to lead us into the club. I looked at Trinity and Kelly, who were eagerly following the blonde toward the door. My steps faltered slightly and I was reluctant to follow. Just before I took another step I turned to the woman who the blonde addressed as Madame V.

  “Just what kind of club is this exactly?” I asked a little breathlessly. I didn’t know if it was from fear, anxiety or pure curiosity. She smiled a devilishly seductive grin.

  “My sweet innocent girl. You are at the most exclusive, luxurious, bondage club on the planet. Welcome to The Celtic Knot.

  I was not prepared for the opulence of the place when we walked through that second door. For the most part, it looked just like a normal dance club, except for half naked people walking around. All around the perimeter of the room were these large wooden crosses that were attached to the emerald green walls. There was a large stage perpendicular to the bar where a large number of people sat enjoying drinks. The stage was adorned with velvet jade curtains and I was curious as to what secrets could possibly be hidden behind them. Large, gorgeous black chandeliers hung from the ceiling, illuminating the room in a soft alluring glow. Black leather sofas were strategically placed all around the room, causing the place to ooze sex.

  Catching up to Trinity, Kelly, and our tour guide, I smacked Kelly on the arm. “A bondage club? Really, Kelly? You could have told me!” I scolded her.

  “Would you have come?”

  She had a point. I was not a prude by any means, but this...this was way out of my comfort zone. I have never done anything other than plain, ordinary sex. I was always too shy to experiment further.

  After showing us what she called the “Common Room” of the club, she led us through a set of double doors that opened to a long hallway. It was lined with doors and large glass windows. It would almost l
ook like the hallway of a hotel if it weren’t for the glass windows. The carpet was black and the walls were emerald velvet damask and kept with the colors of the Common Room.

  “This is the viewing quarters, we call it ‘The Hall.’ You can come in here to view different rooms while they are in the scene,” she said in her soft voice. She was intriguing. She seemed shy and soft spoken, yet she worked at a bondage club. I thought about the saying “Don’t judge a book by its cover,” when I looked at Rebecca. Although she looked innocent and pure, her occupation hinted otherwise.

  “Scene?” I asked curiously. Next to me, Trinity and Kelly both snickered. I turned and glared at them, and they just smiled back at me. I knew nothing of the bondage lifestyle. Sure, I had read books where a man tied a woman up, or used her as a sex slave, but I had never experienced it for myself.

  “Forgive my friend, Rebecca, she is new to all of this,” Kelly offered as an explanation.

  “Of course.” She said with a small smile. “A scene is when a dominant and his or her submissive are in the act of play, or role-play. These rooms have windows to allow others to watch,” Rebecca explained to me as she ran her hands down the smooth pane of glass as if caressing it. I looked from her eyes down to the collar she had around her neck. My eyes widened with surprise as realization dawned on me.

  “You are a submissive,” I stated without question. Rebecca nodded in agreement. Wow. I mean, I have read about this kind of stuff, but to actually be in a bondage club, I started to feel a little overwhelmed.

  “Come. We have one more area to visit and then you can return to the Common Room before the lesson begins.”

  “Lesson?” Kelly, Trinity, and I asked in unison. They actually taught lessons at this club? I was in complete shock and extremely curious at the same time.

  “Every evening at eleven pm, there is a lesson that is usually given by Master Dominic. It can range anywhere from rope knots to suspension.”

  Rope knots? Suspension? What the hell?

  My subconscious was screaming at me to turn around and run straight for the front doors of the club, but my curiosity was beating her out. I think a lesson was something I needed to see.

  Rebecca led us through yet another set of double doors at the end of The Hall. She reached into her pocket and produced a key and used it to unlock a very heavy, thick door. Pushing it open, we all treaded inside and I was in awe, shock and definitely very, very intrigued.

  The room was massive. Its most stunning feature was the huge four poster onyx black bed covered with green satin sheets. It looked welcoming, soft, like a bed of grass on a warm summer day. A gorgeous black screened canopy surrounded the ceiling above the bed that had black Victorian style drapes that cascaded down all four posts.

  The perimeter of the room was covered in glass shelving that illuminated a green glow. Each set of shelves housed a different sex toy or contraption. There were vibrators, canes, various forms of whips, and yards and yards of different colored and styled ropes.

  The same “X” style apparatus was on the wall next to the bed and a beautiful jade chaise lounge sat in the corner of the room facing the bed. The entire ceiling was covered in mirrors that had either ropes, chains, or carabineers hanging from them. The room would have resembled a renaissance era medieval dungeon, if it weren’t for the modern aspects of the room.

  As I walked across the dark Brazilian cherry floors, the sound of my heels echoed off of the wall with each tentative step I took. Approaching the giant “X”, I ran my hand across the same dark wood that covered the floors. I noticed that there were shackles on all four points of the X. “What is this?” I asked Rebecca as I continued to stroke the smooth polished wood of the X. She turned to look at where I was standing next to the contraption.

  “That is a St. Andrew’s Cross. It is a restraint device. Very popular...and fun.” She smiled.

  A restraint device? My head spun at the thought of being restrained and not being able to move; to be completely at someone’s mercy.

  “So what is this room called?” Trinity asked as she walked over to the shelf and picked up a silver vibrator.

  “This is the ‘Rapture Room.’ This is where a master can come and have one on one time with his submissive. The club allows personal contracts between Masters or Madams and their submissives, or one can be assigned. A master or madam may choose whoever they desire in the club, only the contract stays at the club. No one is allowed to have a contract outside of the club. All activity and play are to take place here, or you are at risk of being banned from the club permanently. Master Dominic does not give second chances.”

  “Sounds like a control freak,” I murmured.

  “You have no idea,” Rebecca said with a hint of warning in her voice. “Come, the lesson is about to start.”

  We all exited the Rapture Room and Rebecca turned carefully and locked the door back and placed the key back into her pocket. We were led back down The Hall, and I noticed that a few lights were now on in several of the rooms. Trinity, Kelly, and Rebecca were in front of me, and they never noticed that I had stopped following them as my eyes transfixed through one of the windows of the room. A gorgeous, muscular man dressed in nothing but a pair of well-worn blue jeans had a beautiful brunette woman blindfolded and bound to the small bed in the room. Her legs were separated by a bar that had shackles attached on each end. She was spread completely opened to him and to any audience that would look in to watch.

  The woman was naked and completely at the mercy of the man. In his hand, he held a weird object that looked like a small, multi-tailed whip and was striking the object against the woman’s skin, turning it a bright pink. He hit her across her breasts and her back arched off the bed, but she didn’t look to be in pain. Instead, her mouth formed a small “o” and her breathing was coming in rapid breaths by indication of the way her chest moved up and down.

  Holy hell, this was turning her on!

  The man continued to make small slaps with the whip against the skin on her thighs. I watched as red blotches formed on her skin leaving a pattern of marks on each area the whip struck. I watched the glow on the man’s face before he finally hit her there and pure ecstasy shined on the woman’s face. Abruptly the man threw down the whip and buried his face between her legs. I felt myself grow wet between my legs. It was involuntary and took me completely by surprise. I have never seen anything so strange, so erotic,

  I continued to watch the man ravish the woman until her head threw back in euphoria as her body found its climax and I damn near came myself just standing there. I was in complete shock that my body responded the way it did to the scene before me and both terrified and nervous at the reaction, feeling betrayed by my own emotions.

  Did that really just turn me on?

  “Ashley, you coming? I don’t want to miss the lesson,” Kelly said breaking me out of my hypnotic reverie from down the hall.

  “Yes, I’m coming,” I said as I walked on slightly shaky legs to catch up to my friends. The only thing I could concentrate on as I broke my gaze from the window to the room to make my way back to my friends was, what have I gotten myself into?

  The lights in the Common Room had been dimmed and the lights on the stage were brought to life. Celtic Knot had been opened for about two months now, but tonight was our grand opening. I had performed a lesson every night of the week since our soft opening. Usually I chose one of the house submissives to do the demonstration with, but tonight I wanted to shake things up. Tonight, I was going to pull someone directly from the audience to be my subject.

  My eyes scanned the crowd as I viewed the throws of people from the side of the stage. It was dark where I was standing behind the curtains and no one could see me. I paused when I saw a group of women enter the Common Room lead by one of our subs, Rebecca. I couldn’t help but be in a trance by the beautiful vixen with blonde hair. She was stunning, gorgeous, and I felt my cock twitch in my pants. The corners of my mouth turned up as I smiled i
nwardly to myself. Yes, she would be the one. The scared, timid look in her eyes as she glanced around the room did little to dissipate my growing erection.

  Dammit Nic, stop fantasizing and get prepared for the lesson.

  Just when I was about to walk backstage to get ready, her eyes met mine and we were locked in a daze. There was no way she could see me, no one could. Does she know I am here? Could she feel me staring at her? Almost as quickly as it happened, her eyes left mine and she went to join her friends who had gathered at one of the high top tables. This was going to be fun.

  Walking backstage, I grabbed a wooden chair and my nylon rope.

  Time to play.

  I placed the wireless microphone on my head and signaled to the sound guys to start the music. The slow, sexy beat of Dr. Dre’s “Xxplosive” blared through the speakers.

  “Good evening, Masters and Mistresses. Welcome to The Celtic Knot. I am Head Master Dominic and will be leading you through tonight's lesson,” I said in an authoritative voice to the crowd. “Tonight, I have something a little different in mind,” I said as I walked slowly down the steps of the stage to reach the main floor.

  “Normally, I demonstrate using a house submissive, but tonight…” I said as I seductively tapped my index finger against my cheek, “Tonight, I would like a volunteer.”

  The crowd broke out in shock as I heard the gasps and awes spread about the audience. I walked slowly, scanning the faces in the crowd. I already knew whom I was going to pick, but I had to make it look like I was choosing my subject on a whim. After a few moments, I stopped in front of the blonde’s table.

  “You,” I said as I looked into her eyes and rested my palms firmly on the table in front of her. I did not say it as a request. I never asked for anything, and I was not about to give her the chance to say no by giving her an option. Her eyes grew wide and she looked frightened. Good. I wanted her to be scared, I wanted her to be shaken. It would only make this lesson more memorable and exciting.


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