Fire & Ice: A Ménage Fantasy

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Fire & Ice: A Ménage Fantasy Page 4

by Chance Carter

  “She insisted that the secret was all in the hands, and to apply just the right amount of pressure and speed while blending the ingredients to the peak of perfection,” he purred, gently massaging her finger tips, enjoying the softness of her hands.

  She tilted her head to the side, hanging on to every word. He liked the effect he was having on her.

  “Of course, preheating the oven to the perfect temperature is vital to the end result, and she warned me to never, ever skip that step,” he grinned, “and only once the oven is hot enough should you tenderly place the dish inside. It’s through the perfect timing and care of each and every step, enticing the soufflé to swell and rise, but in the end, patience is rewarded with a creamy, warm, flavor explosion that fills your mouth with a sexy little taste of heaven.”

  He sat back in his chair, smiling broadly, feeling mighty proud of himself. Nora placed her coffee cup down and cleared her throat, as though her words were stuck there. He was pretty good at reading a woman’s signals, and it was clear to him that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. Her cheeks were pink and flushed, and she couldn’t tear her eyes away from him. He was feeling more confident that she would come home with him.

  “Well, wasn’t that clever,” she said, finally finding her voice. She shook her head slowly, making Leo curious about her thoughts.

  “Thank you,” he said, bringing her hand to his mouth, tenderly kissing her knuckles. He curled his fingers through hers, and then placed both of their hands back on the table. She didn’t make any move to pull away, a good sign, he thought. He stared at her warmly for a moment or two, grateful that she didn’t look away. Another good sign.

  “You are a really hot woman, and you just about took my breath away when you walked in tonight,” he flattered, not surprised by the words flowing off his tongue, but by how true they actually were.

  “That’s really sweet of you to say,” she replied, looking down at the table as though she wasn’t sure how to receive his compliment.

  “I mean it. Your eyes, and that smile. You’re a knockout, Nora. Why am I sensing that you don’t believe it?” he asked, waiting for her to meet his eyes again. She finally looked at him and he shared a reassuring smile.

  “I have spent the better part of my life with my head stuck in text books and psych journals. I am a bit of an introvert, truthfully. I don’t receive many compliments,” she explained quietly, “but thank you. I really do appreciate it.”

  “And modesty makes you even sexier,” he admitted, suddenly drawn to her even more.

  There was nothing he wanted more in that moment than to be the guy who finally convinced her how desirable she was, and he planned to do just that in his bed later that night.

  He was just about to invite her home when the waiter returned to the table with their soufflé and set it between them. Nora’s eyes widened with pure glee, causing Leo to chuckle.

  “The dish is still quite warm, so please be careful, but enjoy!” the waiter said, placing two spoons down, then nodded at them before walking away.

  “This dessert looks absolutely fuckable,” Nora teased, tapping her spoon against the crusty top of the dessert. Her words amused Leo, but in the best way possible. On top of everything else, she was completely unpredictable and he found himself wholly captivated. He picked up his own spoon.

  “I agree, shall we have our way with it?” he teased.

  Nora nodded, her laughter filling the space between them.

  “It will be a sticky little threesome, but let’s do it,” she agreed with a suggestive wink.

  Leo raised his brows and chuckled. There may be way more to Dr. Dupree than meets the eye, he thought. She might just have a wild side.

  After the check was paid, he stood up, offering his hand to Nora. “Ready to go?” he asked, pulling her chair out as she stood.

  He was acting the perfect gentleman, and thought of how proud his Nona would be, despite the fact that his thoughts were far from noble right now. She grabbed her purse off the table then turned and smiled at him.


  He took her hand in his, and escorted her toward the door. Once they got outside, he turned to look at her. She was looking around and appeared to be searching for her car. Knowing it was now or never, Leo put his arms around her waist and gently pulled her closer to him, encouraging her to meet his gaze. He smiled warmly at her, turning up the charm.

  “I don’t want this night to end, Nora. Come home with me,” he stated confidently, certain that the night would end with her clothes on his bedroom floor. It always did.

  Nora looked back at him kindly, searching his eyes, then slowly shook her head. For a moment, he wasn’t sure what the gesture meant, until he realized she was declining his invitation. He cocked his head and grinned, unsuccessfully masking his surprise. Did she need more reassurance?

  “I had a really great time, Leo, but I’m going to call it a night. The dinner, the conversation, our connection, all of it was amazing. Thank you so much for inviting me,” she offered warmly.

  Leo’s surprise quickly gave way to curiosity. Was she really saying no? He opened his mouth to speak, hoping to find the right words to persuade her, but she jumped in before he could.

  “I would love to go out again and get to know you even better. You’re a great guy,” she assured, this time more confidently.

  She placed her hands gently against his chest in a gesture that indicated their date was over. Leo exhaled slowly, unaware he had been holding his breath. He nodded at her begrudgingly, reluctant to concede to her, but a gentleman nevertheless.

  “I would like that. Can I text you next week?” he asked, awkwardly, unaccustomed to not being in the driver’s seat. It felt foreign to him, yet at the same time intriguing.

  “Yes, please do,” she nodded, offering him one of those all- encompassing smiles.

  He leaned down to kiss her, certain she would at least accept an intimate goodbye. She did not disappoint him there.

  Chapter 5


  Nora practically floated through her apartment as she got ready for bed, her mind replaying their date over and over, her body tingling with happy hormones. Leo had surprised her. He was just as engaging as he was handsome, and his confidence was sexy as hell. His was the demeanor of a man used to getting what he wanted, when he wanted it, and Nora found that damn near irresistible. She liked that he had no problem complimenting her. He made her feel desirable, and what woman didn’t want to feel that?

  The night couldn’t have gone any better, as far as she was concerned. Leo had a way of making her feel safe and at ease, encouraging her to bring out her playful side. There was no question that she was focused and driven, she definitely was. After her marriage had failed so miserably she felt like she had something to prove. Her parents had been so disappointed with her choices, and if she was being honest, she didn’t blame them.

  She had been rebellious and even a little reckless in her late teens, frustrated by their stringent rules and unrealistic expectations. She and her twin sister had been sheltered from the typical teenage lifestyle, their 11:00 o’clock curfew ensuring that they would be home well before the parties were in full swing. It was no surprise that both of them had a hard time cultivating friendships and had spent the majority of their time together. She adored her twin, but Nora was restless and grew to resent her parents for holding her back. She wanted to experience the same freedoms that her classmates had, to stay out late and have some fun.

  Then she met Devon. He had transferred to her high school in their junior year and became a primary object of attention for many of the girls in the school. Everyone seemed to crush on him, including her. He was a renaissance man, one of those guys that just seemed to be good at everything. It seemed as soon as he arrived at the school he was welcomed into every clique and club. The jocks embraced him without question, but he was just as comfortable with the brainy kids and the drama geeks. He excelled at sports, but his t
rue passion was acting and it was no surprise that he quickly established himself as the leading man in almost every high school production. Even the teachers loved Devon.

  They started dating just before the end of the school year, in May. She was seventeen. Nora always had a flair for fashion, even in high school, and was invited to help out with the year-end production of Grease. She was in charge of costume design. It was also her responsibility to make sure that costume changes went smoothly during performances. She loved being a part of the theatre and it was really the only opportunity she had to be social and build friendships. Her parents supported school activities and would give her lots of leeway for them, rarely questioning the time she committed. Theatre gave her the freedom she craved.

  Devon played Danny Zuko, of course. Not only did he have the looks, but he had the singing chops for it, too. Nora sat through every rehearsal, watching him perform from backstage and wishing she was his leading lady. She would have loved to have been the girl playing Sandy, but two things held her back. One, she had terrible stage fright, and two, she couldn’t carry a tune if her life depended on it. So, destined to be behind the scenes, she was certain that the chemistry that ‘Danny’ and ‘Sandy’ had on stage must have translated off-stage too. She thought it unlikely that Devon would ever notice her, but he proved her wrong.

  After a few months of rehearsal, opening night finally arrived. Both the cast and crew were nervous as hell, but determined to be brilliant. They had only one or two full dress rehearsals prior to opening night, so Nora was feeling especially anxious. She had to get the timing perfect in order for the costume changes to go smoothly, and she wished that she’d had more time to practice. During one of the scene changes, Devon came in for a costume switch and they just happened to be alone. Just as she finished helping him change, he turned to her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before running out. She wasn’t sure what to make of it but it left her curious, and happy. The next time he came in there were several other actors in the room with them, including the one playing ‘Sandy,’ whose name she couldn’t remember now. Nora watched them playfully interacting and sadly came to the conclusion that his kiss had been nothing more than a spontaneous flirtation prompted by the adrenalin he felt. She watched as he quickly changed costumes, and was completely caught off guard when he threw her a flirtatious wink before heading back out onstage. After months of having no interaction with him at all, why was he suddenly paying attention to her?

  The play ended to thunderous applause, and within minutes her dressing room was filled with cast members handing her their costumes. She had to make sure everything was organized and ready for the next performance, and was too absorbed in her task to notice who was coming or going. The room eventually thinned out and she was left alone to sort through the piles of costumes on the floor. She didn’t notice when Devon came in and was surprised to find him crouched on the floor in front of her. She was certain that she must have looked a mess, but he didn’t seem to notice. He asked her if he could drive her home.

  From that moment on they were inseparable. It turned out that he had been waiting for just the right opportunity to make his move with her. He liked that she was smart, and so different from the other girls. She made him work to get her attention. Apparently he had been trying to catch her eye for weeks and she had been oblivious. That had always been the way with her, and continued to be a theme in her life.

  It had been relatively easy to spend time together while school was in session. Nora just told her parents she was busy with the play and other school activities. It never dawned on them to question her because she never gave them any reason to doubt that she was telling the truth. Her sister knew what was going on, and was a good ally, often covering for her. Unfortunately, once school let out for the summer, it became more challenging to spend time with Devon. She hated lying to them, but they never would have understood. She did her best to cover up their relationship, but it soon became obvious to her parents that there was something going on.

  Initially, her father put his foot down, and they fought and fought. He was determined that his daughters wouldn’t date until they were finished with high school. Nora was not deterred. She just became a more creative liar, and they continued to sneak around. As the summer went on they fell more and more in love.

  That was the summer she lost her virginity.

  Devon had planned the whole thing out, and while she couldn’t describe the event as romantic, it was certainly a good effort for an inexperienced young man. She knew that they had been building up to it. Months of heavy foreplay had made them both hot and bothered, but being the good Catholic girl, Nora had reservations about going all the way. With the summer coming to a close and her senior year just around the corner, she knew the time had come. He wanted to be with her badly and told her so almost every day. She loved him and knew that he was committed to her, so she finally agreed.

  He rented a campsite for the weekend, just outside of town, and pitched a tent he borrowed from his friend. He told his parents he was on a summers-end camping trip with his buddies, and she told her parents she was staying overnight at a friend’s house. Devon took care of everything. He cooked them a dinner of hotdogs and beans over the campfire, and opened a bottle of homemade wine he stole from his parent’s wine cellar. After they had cleaned the dishes, he invited her to join him in the tent. He had two sleeping bags zipped together and had covered them with rose petals. It was a sweet gesture that touched Nora’s heart.

  His desperate touch made her forget her nervousness, and he could heat her up quickly, mainly because she was so into him. His breath on her neck, those deep, wet kisses that went on for forever, his hands exploring every curve of her body. By the time he was ready to fuck her, she was soaking wet. He had been so hard and anxious that she barely got her panties off before he climbed on top of her and slipped his cock inside. She had anticipated it would hurt, and in some ways it had, but it also satisfied a deep, primal yearning. The pain was like a rite of passage she needed to experience in order to pass through the gate from childhood to adulthood. Her innocence slipped away as the pain prepared her for life as a woman, teaching her to expect a little pain with the pleasure, a little shame with the desire to explore her sexuality, and that it’s the woman that carries the burdens of intimacy.

  Devon had been gentle and caring with her and when they made love the next morning, it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable. She actually enjoyed feeling him so close to her, his hardness deep inside her, their souls entwined together. She loved watching him cum as he pumped his cock into her, his body stiffening, his eyes riveted to hers. She felt, in that moment, like he was possessing her and claiming her as his own. Yes, these were the thoughts of a naive young girl, but she wanted to be his forever. It didn’t matter that he didn’t make her orgasm, the truth was that she had been too insecure to let herself climax anyway, even if he had tried.

  Their senior year was not without challenges. Nora had always been a dedicated student, and her high marks typically came easily. However, because her relationship with Devon was so time consuming, she let her grades slip. Her parents were not happy with her, especially during such a vital year. Understandably, they were concerned for her and constantly pressured her to stay focused. They knocked heads on many occasions, but their interference only made Nora dig her heels in further. She was tired of them trying to run her life. Devon was her soul mate and her parents were trying to keep them apart. Nora worried constantly that he would grow tired of the drama they caused and leave her for someone that was a lot less trouble.

  Looking back on the situation, she came to realize that it was the combination of the irrational insecurities of a teenage girl, her need to break away from her parents suffocating control, and a deep desire for independence that had created the perfect storm leading to the poor judgement and blunders that followed.

  According to her parents, she had done so poorly in that first term that they forbid he
r to see Devon anymore. In reality, her grades hadn’t slipped that much, but they had high standards and expected their daughters to achieve nothing below the eighties. So they watched her like a hawk, holding her accountable for every moment of her time. She was only permitted to leave home for school and her part-time job, and her father insisted on picking her up after work and bringing her straight home. On the nights when they allowed her to go out, they were adamant she be home by ten. This was all for her own good, they said, justifying their rules. They said they wanted her to focus on school, earning scholarships, and being able to choose any university she wanted.

  In retrospect, this was all very reasonable on their part, and looking back, Nora could understand their concern. She was being irrational, distracted by her libido and her obsession to be with Devon all the time. She was young and in love, and very foolish. She hated being smothered, and at the time felt really disrespected. She had always been smart, hard-working, and considerate, and she resented that her parents didn’t trust her. She felt that they were forcing her to choose between them and the love of her life, and no surprise, she chose Devon.

  Only one month after they graduated, they ran off to get married. Her sister Dana was the only person who knew of her plans, and she did her best to try to talk Nora out of it. Nora respected her sister, but the truth was, she couldn’t see any other way to resolve the situation. She and Devon loved each other and like most kids their age, thought they had all the answers. They were eighteen and didn’t need parental consent. They applied for a marriage license and three days later went to the city hall of the next town over to tie the knot. They were blissfully happy and fully expected their parents to disown them, but they didn’t care. They would figure it out and prove everyone wrong.

  Their parents didn’t disown them. Of course, they weren’t happy, but they eventually accepted the situation and even helped them to set up their first apartment. Nora was determined to show her parents that she could still achieve her goals and be a great wife to Devon. She had been accepted to several prestigious schools but registered at the local university, so she didn’t disrupt their lives. Devon got a job working for an auto parts manufacturer and made enough money to support them both. Because Nora got a full scholarship, the plan was for her to go to school first and get her degree, and then Devon would pursue his education afterward.


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