Fate (Drift Series Book 4)

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Fate (Drift Series Book 4) Page 6

by Michael Dean

  “Very funny…very funny.” I pointed to the top of it.

  “I thought you might like that, lackey.” She kissed me playfully.

  The chatter in the room and among our head table was rising. Everyone was having a jubilant time. Richard came up and congratulated us. Before he walked away he placed two fingers at his eyes; then pointed them at me as if to say that he was watching me. Then he winked and flashed a smile. Everyone at our head table took a moment to offer their admiration while the food was being served.

  Naturally, I couldn’t taste a damn thing, but it still didn’t stop me from taking in the enjoyment of watching the others who were gobbling up the catering. When the food was done, Anne walked up and took off a couple levels of the cake and ordered Shade and I to stand in order to cut it. Scruffy was urging me to shove it in Shade’s face when I pulled her piece, but I stayed respectful and gently placed it in her mouth.

  “You big wuss.” Scruffy called me out.

  When Shade pulled her piece up to my lips, I expected the same courtesy from her, but I should have known better. Without hesitation, she crammed that thing all over my face and mouth. People laughed like crazy, especially Scruffy.

  “I see the way it is. Okay, okay…payback is a…you know what.” I pointed at my wife who was laughing uncontrollably. I was handed a tissue to clean up with and did my best to hide my shame for being a sucker.

  While the cake was being consumed, Scruffy tapped on his champagne glass and stood.

  “Excuse me for a moment folks…attention!” Everyone quieted down to hear what the best man had to say as he held up his champagne glass.

  “Today is truly a glorious day. Today, a vivacious and beautiful soul, took in a pitiful, clingy vagabond…”

  People started to chuckle and I had to interrupt, “Wait, what is this…a wedding reception or a roast?” I kidded my brother.

  Scruffy smiled, “Hang on, I’m not finished yet. As I was saying, this poor retched soul has finally found a home with one of the most honest and sincere human beings I have ever met.” Shade and Sandra both ooh’d and awed along with some of the other people in the gathering.

  Then Scruffy dropped the bomb as only he can, “Shade…you’re darn lucky Leo found you or who knows where you might have ended up.” He smiled in arrogance.

  People, as well as myself, started bellowing out in laughter.

  “Mark Spears!” Sandra and Shade both yelled at him in shock.

  “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Seriously though, I have seen this relationship develop since day one. If there was truly ever a couple who were meant to be together, it is you two. You are perfect for one another. As I told Leo before the wedding, in a short span of time, our family has grown. Not only have I gained a brother, but I also have gained a sister. I couldn’t have asked for a better one. I love the two of you and I wish you nothing but peace, happiness and all the thrills that life has to offer. Best wishes.” He raised his glass, as did the rest of us, and we all took a sip and people started clapping as Scruffy sat back down.

  “Now…go out and make me an uncle for goodness sake!” He yelled and laughter reigned supreme once again.

  Everyone, including myself of course, thanked Scruffy for his awkward but kind words. Shade went over and kissed his cheek and gave him a big hug. At this time, the guests at the wedding came up to the head table and congratulated us one by one.

  Once that was over, the DJ requested for Shade and I to hit the dance floor for the first dance of the evening. A very nice slow song played as we danced together alone. Shade knew I couldn’t dance worth a heck and told me to do my best and move when she moved. We joked that she was the one leading during our dance. After a minute or two, the DJ instructed for people to come on out and join us. I felt so much better when bodies surrounded us because I was pretty uncomfortable out there on an island like we were.

  After the song was over, I could hardly wait to get back to my seat, but as the next song came on, Anne requested I dance with her so Richard could dance with his daughter. As a matter of fact, I was out there for about six straight songs, dancing with my mother, Sandra, Shade again, and even Scruffy during a fast song. I felt out of place, but that didn’t matter because I was having the best time of my life. Then, it got even better.

  While Scruffy and I were essentially jogging in place next to one another during a fast paced song, he leaned in to tell me to watch what he was about to do. So, I obliged. Scruffy walked over to the DJ and leaned in to tell him something. Right after that, Scruff walked away from him and approached Sandra. At the time he approached her, the DJ cut the music and announced over the PA system to keep our voices down and our eyes on the center of the dance floor where Scruffy and Sandra were standing.

  I was far enough away from the couple that I couldn’t hear what Mark was telling Sandra. It didn’t take long for me to figure out what the conversation was about though. Scruffy reached into his pocket and dropped down to one knee, asking his beautiful girlfriend to marry him as he held up a ring. When she smiled said yes, Scruffy placed the ring on her finger and then hopped up and picked her up off the ground in an embrace. Twirling her completely around. The crowd cheered as Scruffy kissed his now fiancée and placed her back on the ground.

  “Just like Mark to make someone else’s day about him!” I shouted out to my brother. Everyone laughed.

  “You should know me by now.” He called back to me as he continued to hug Sandra.

  Shade ran up and hugged the two of them and I followed suit. Wishing my brother and soon to be sister a heart-felt order of congratulations. The night's festivities got all the more festive and celebratory after that. It was more than a perfect night. I didn’t want it to end, but with all good things, they must.

  As people started to filter out, congratulating us once again, as well as Sandra and Scruffy now, Shade and I decided to get out of our festive attire and get into something a little more casual.

  Once we changed, only a few of us remained besides the cleanup crew and the DJ who was breaking down his equipment. Unsure of where Shade and I were both going to be staying for the night because we were told to not worry about that by our families, we approached them with curious intent.

  It was Shade’s father who spoke with us first as, Sheriff Taylor, Anne, Benjamin, Amanda, Scruff, and Sandra surrounded us just outside the reception tent.

  “I realize you are anxious to spend the rest of your lives together, but can I ask for one more night with my daughter, Leo?” Richard requested.

  All though I wanted to be able to spend an evening with her without sneaking around for a change, I could respect where he was coming from and honored his wishes. Besides, I have the rest of my life to be with her now. For however long that may last. “Of course, sir. I understand.”

  Richard thanked me and smiled then reached out his hand, he was holding some kind of portfolio and he handed it to Shade.

  “Here sweetheart, every one of us chipped in on a little something for you and Leo for your honeymoon.”

  Shade took the item from her father and opened it.

  “Besides, it will give us time to put on the finishing touches on your new home,” Anne said as everyone smiled.

  “Our new what?” I looked to them.

  Sheriff Taylor spoke up. “The final wedding gift we have to offer. Along with getting your wedding prepped, Richard and everyone else here, when they could spare their time, got together and purchased a small plot of land with a tiny wood cabin on it. It was a steal of a deal because the place needed a ton of work, so that’s what we’ve been doing. Now, it still needs a lot of work, and still will when the two of you return, but we felt a newly married couple should have something of their own to return to each day.”

  “Leo, this is a one week trip, fully paid for, at a place on the Virgin Islands. We leave tomorrow morning.” Shade then she reached in the portfolio and pulled another object out, “and the deed to that home here in Mountainsid

  The two of us were completely knocked out of our socks by the kindness and generosity, yet again, shown by the people who care for us, who truly care for us. I couldn’t even speak. Thank goodness Shade could for the both of us.

  “Thank you all so much, this is so unbelievable. There is no way we could ever repay you all for this.” Shade hugged everyone, one by one, as I shook hands and hugged everyone as well.

  “There is one way you could repay us.” Amanda chimed in.

  In an instant we all hushed and turned to look at her.

  “Win, Leo. Do whatever you need to do to beat that bastard that is holding you hostage—us hostage. Win…Leo.” Amanda finished.

  I looked at my mother with sincerity and nodded in misguided certainty at her proclamation.

  “Protect our daughter, son. Keep her safe, do what you promised, to the best of your abilities, come back to her…for her,” Anne added.

  Again, I nodded, before sinking my head. Shade reached over and rubbed my back.

  “Enough of that, this is a time to celebrate, not stress. The two of you have to get a good night's rest. You have a big day tomorrow. I am almost jealous.” Sandra reminded us that we have an awesome honeymoon to head out to in the morning.

  “Sounds good to me. Live in the now,” Scruffy said, pulling Sandra to him.

  With that, we started to head out to our vehicles. When we turned around to leave, we recognized two very familiar figures standing in the distance. It was Argento and Elysia, wearing very human clothing instead of their traditional angelic garb.

  “Argento…Elysia? Is everything okay?” I called to them.

  “Everything is just fine my friends. There is no reason to fret about our presence, we are here to have a short word with the newlyweds, as well as give our well wishes…nothing more. Then we’ll be on our way,” Argento said.

  Shade and I looked to our families for approval to stick around for a few minutes more, realizing they were all pretty worn out from a long day and were eager to get home. Luckily, Sheriff Taylor understood that as well.

  “Tell you what, I’ll stay behind folks and see that Shade and Leo get home. Go on home, we’ll be there shortly.”

  “Thank you, Sam,” Richard added as we all bid each other a good evening.

  As soon as everyone took off, Shade and I approached the angelic duo while Sheriff Taylor waited up by his vehicle for us to finish.

  “Are we sure everything is all right?” I questioned them again, unsure of their true motives.

  “Everything is fine, Leo,” Elysia said and we shared a tender glance at one another.

  “We just wanted to give you our blessings and wish you good fortune on your journey through life together. We are with the two of you, no matter what.” Argento commented.

  “No matter what?” I asked.

  “No matter what.” Elysia finished.

  “Any advice for us from the two of you?” Shade requested.

  “Love one another, be courageous, and live with great resolve. Never let go of your bond together. If you do that, you will overcome anything that comes your way.”

  Both of us simply smiled in reply.

  “That’s all we wanted to say to you both.” Argento continued.

  “That’s it?” I kidded the usually long winded pair.

  “That is it, remember, we are always here for the both of you. Right when you’ll need us the most, we’ll be there. Never forget that.” He concluded.

  “Thank you.” I extended my hand for Argento to shake and he complied.

  “Thank you,” Shade added.

  The two bowed and turned around.

  “Oh, there is just one more thing…I almost forgot.” Argento stopped and turned back to us.

  Shade and I looked at one another like that meant trouble, but when he turned around holding a small, blue-eyed meowing black kitten, the quick moment of worry flew right out the window. At least when it came to Shade it did.

  “It looks just like Shadow!” She squealed and took the kitten right out of Argento’s hand.

  “Well, we figured since the two of you were cheated out of Shadow because of me, we thought that maybe we could try and make it up to you by giving you this as our wedding gift to you.” Argento smiled at Shade who was cooing all over the kitten. She had already fell in love with it.

  “Is it a boy or a girl?” Shade asked.

  “A boy.” Argento replied.

  I had a wee bit of skepticism about this little fella. “This isn’t another angel in disguise or something of that sort, is it? Keeping tabs on me?”

  Elysia and Argento both chuckled a bit, “No…no it isn’t. One hundred percent pure kitty right there. There is one exception,” Argento said.

  “Ah oh, here it comes.” I suspiciously waited for his answer.

  “Well, animals, as you know, Leo, don’t like demons. So, in the case of this little guy, we took that worry of what you are away from him. He can love you just the way it should be.” Elysia finished.

  “Again, thank you…the both of you.” I smiled at them.

  “So, what are you going to name him?” Argento asked.

  “I think we’ll call him…Fate,” Shade answered.

  “I think that is the perfect name for him.” He grinned.

  “It is,” I replied.

  With another bow, Argento and Elysia walked out into the distance and disappeared. I put my arm around Shade who was rubbing her face all over our new meowing friend and escorted her to an awaiting Sheriff Taylor.

  The night may have been over now, but the rest of our lives had just officially begun. We rode home, making small talk with Sheriff Taylor. We took Shade home first and she was sure to remind me to get a bag packed, as if I really needed one, for the honeymoon trip in the morning. I gave her a kiss and wished my wife a good night before me and Sheriff Taylor headed to my house. On the way, he offered me a full time position with him at the station—after I completed police school. I accepted.

  While everyone slept that night, I, of course, was wide awake, and was in absolute elation about being husband to Shade Lewis, who was now Shade Cutler. I loved the sound of that.

  Morning arrived and my father was the only one who got up early enough to take Shade and I to the airport. I guess they must have had a discussion among themselves the night before, or whenever, about who was going to take us. We picked up Shade and in no time were headed on short drive to the airport.

  When Benjamin dropped us off with our luggage and bid us safe journey, telling us that Richard would be here to pick us up when we got back, we watched him drive off and realized for the first time that we would be alone together as man and wife. It was a strange feeling for the both of us, but I’m sure we’d get used to it pretty quick.

  The flight over the ocean was beautiful, but, I had seen this view before. Shade wasted no time in pointing that out.

  “You know…we could have saved our parents the price of airfare over here.” She laughed.

  I joined her in the sentiment, “This is true, but I don’t think we’d have enough room for all of your luggage on my back.” We laughed again.

  I had flown over many oceans many times, but when it came to the Virgin Islands, I had yet to actually set foot or do a fly over of this particular region. Let me say, I was missing out. We were taken by taxi to small bungalow right off the beach. We had it all to ourselves. Two back doors opened right up to the beach from the master bedroom. It was a breathtaking view and the fresh tropical air was nice flowing through the place. Shade could hardly wait to get out of her clothes and into her bikini. I have to be honest, I couldn’t wait for her to get into her bathing suit either. I got into some trunks and away we went to go and sit out on some wooden lounge chairs that were sprinkled here and there for guests along the white sandy beach.

  “The water is so, blue, so clear. You can see the fish in the water.” Shade pulled me by the hand until we were ankle deep in the ocean.

>   “The earth is truly a remarkable place.” I murmured.

  “C’mon, lackey. Let’s go for a swim!”

  “Easy now, don’t go too far. You better watch out for currents and undertows!”

  “I’m not worried, I’m married to a supernatural being.” Shade grinned and started swimming a little way out.

  I could only shake my head and quickly dove into the water behind her. When I approached her, an idea came to me.

  “How long can you hold your breath?” I asked her.

  “Maybe a minute or two, I’m not sure…why?”

  “That’ll do. Get a good breath in. Tap my leg when you’re ready for air.” I grabbed her around her waist and as fast as she could she gasped, filling her lungs.

  I dove us underwater, once beneath the surface, I released my wings and shot us deeper into the depths of the underwater world. We swam around with some of the fish and viewed some the creatures that could only be seen at this mild depth. Shade would point and tell me to go near something that she thought was unique. Unfortunately, our exploration didn’t last long because she had to come up for air. She let me know and tapped on my leg.

  When we surfaced, she released and then took in a breath.

  “That is so cool! I have to say, being with you that advantages just keep coming. I have seen so many extraordinary things from so many unique angles. It’s amazing.” She professed.

  “Wanna go again?”

  “Hell yeah I do.” She looked mischievous.

  Without hesitation, I grabbed her again and away we went into the ocean. For most of the day, we spent it in the water, occasionally going under whenever Shade felt like it. When the sun started to go down, we decided to get out of the water and watch it set. We stood together, hearing the sound of the ocean gently coming ashore, standing with only our feet submerged in the water, watching the sun go down as we embraced one another. We kissed frequently as the scene set the proper mood.

  “There’s no one around, pull out your wings and embrace me…just for a moment?” Shade asked me softly.


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