No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1)

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No Holds Barred (In The Heart Of A Valentine Book 1) Page 11

by Stephanie Nicole Norris

  “Look at you, know them by first name now. Have you met his brothers?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Yet, huh?”

  “I meant no.”

  “Girl, you don’t have to backtrack on my account.”

  “Oh, look at the time, it’s late, I should go.”

  Corinne laughed. “That’s all right, I need my beauty rest anyway.”

  “Good night. I’ll see you tomorrow afternoon!”

  They both squealed. “It will be so good to have you here.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  They laughed again.

  “All right, girl.”

  “Good night.”

  Camilla traced the edge of the phone and stretched out across her bed. Reaching down, she pulled the duvet cover up to her arms and rolled to the side. It was 11:42, and she wondered what Hunter was up to. Go to sleep,

  Camilla. But sleep evaded her, and she drowned in a pool of risky thoughts.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next night

  “I need your address.”

  Camilla opened her mouth for a rebuttal, but Hunter continued.

  “To take you out on a proper date, I need to come to your door and meet your parents.”

  Camilla laughed at his last statement.

  “My parents don’t live here.”

  With a smile on his face, he responded, “I thought it sounded good anyway.”

  Camilla tinkered out a giggle.

  “Well, Mr. Valentine, Corinne and I are on our way down if you’re ready. Meet us in the lobby.”

  Hunter didn’t respond right away. Camilla didn’t know it, but every time she rejected his quest to find out where she lived, it made her more attractive. Although he’d known from day one there was something different about Camilla, experiencing it first hand was gratifying. Those standards went to the moon and back with him, and if Camilla’s objective was to make him uninterested, then she was doing a poor job of it.

  Hunter swore he was going to figure her out. There was something magical about the atmosphere when they were together, and there was not a thing anyone could do to stop him from getting down to the bottom of it.

  “We’re waiting, sweetheart.”

  Camilla blushed. She turned around and glanced at Corinne. Her friend was robed in a black halter sleeveless sheath dress with clear pantyhose and three-inch Jimmy Choo’s. Sterling silver jewelry accessorized her wrists, neck, and ears, and over her shoulders was a red faux fur mink. It covered her top then rode down to her thin waistline. Her hair sat in a Chinese bun on top of her head.

  “We’ll be there in a flash,” Camilla responded.

  “See you soon.”

  They disconnected the call.

  “You look amazing,” Camilla complimented.

  “Thank you, sweetie. I’m merely a reflection of my best friend’s glamour,” she said.

  Camilla smiled and twirled to look over herself one last time before they left. She’d pulled out the big guns tonight, cased in a long-sleeved silver glitter maxi dress with a plunging back that dipped down to the curve between her spine and ass. The glitter effect twinkled, and the lace pattern on her arms could be seen through to her brown skin. The knee-length dress feathered against her thighs with every movement she made, and instead of a mink, Camilla covered herself in a knee-length black belted trench coat. Her hair hung straight with razor sharp edges down to her shoulders, spilling over her back. A bang was trimmed just across her brows, making her look even more mystique. Light foundation was brushed across her face, and a coat of clear gloss covered her lips.

  With every step she’d taken to transform herself, Camilla asked herself why. Why was she doing all of this anyway? That question was still lingering when the women grabbed their clutches and left the apartment. As they rode down, neither of them spoke. It was at the last moment when the elevator came to a stop that Corinne turned to Camilla.

  “Remember our deal,” she said.

  The elevator doors opened on Camilla’s smile, and she glided out of it with a search in her eyes. Just a few short inches away, she spotted Hunter taking a wicked examination over the entirety of her. His predacious assessment sent a blaze skating down her spine. He made appreciation have a whole new meaning. As if he could see through the fabric of the trench, Hunter analyzed, taking in her smooth bare legs and spike heels. She saw his jaw clench, and his scrutiny intensify then he approached her, and Camilla felt paralyzed.

  His close-cropped haircut outlined his face, and his thick black brows only further accentuated his striking characteristics. Fine hairs interspersed around his mouth and jaw in the alteration of a mustache and expertly trimmed goatee. Hunter’s attire matched the suave in his swagger. In a muted gray tailored jacket that cloaked his powerful arms and a white Tom Ford button down underneath, Hunter hovered right over Camilla, threatening her libido. Her eyes traveled down his masculine neck that was exposed from the two top buttons unclasped, to the light gray pocket square perched just inside his jacket pocket. A leather belt adorned his cut waist and muted gray pants rode his thighs to browse the top of his oxford shoes, capturing his cavalier-like receptivity with ease.

  “You’re the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen.” His voice drummed across her skin.

  Camilla laughed instantly. “Wow, what a compliment.”

  “Please take my word for it,” he said.

  She chuckled. “I do. And if I do say so myself, you’re pretty gorgeous, too.”

  Hunter smiled mischievously. “Caution, if you continue to compliment me, I might get the wrong impression and think you like me.”

  Camilla pursed her lips and shrugged slightly. “Maybe I do.”

  Hunter winked. “Me too, beautiful.” Hunter glanced at the man standing next to him. “This is my brother Xavier Valentine,” he introduced. “Brother, this is Camilla Augustina. My angel.”

  It took too much work to keep the blush away. Camilla’s cheeks filled with heat. “Good evening, Xavier,” Camilla said. “It’s nice to meet you. This is my friend, Corinne Thomas.”

  Xavier stepped forward; he’d barely glanced Camilla’s way for drinking in Corinne’s risqué look. “Good evening, ladies,” he responded but kept his eyes on Corinne.

  Standing across from him, Corinne smiled slow and thoughtful. Her eyes also traveled over Xavier, and she could see the resemblance between him and Hunter. Mahogany brown skin, cascading in a milky way that disappeared behind a deep purple shirt with gold buttons that closed his formidable chest off to her. A black tailored jacket sat crisp over his broad shoulders with black pants, and classic black loafers settled on his feet. His ankles were revealed as the pants stopped right before the tongue of his shoe and a captivating gleam in his eye held Corinne firm.

  “Good evening,” Corinne replied. She glanced away briefly to acknowledge Hunter then returned her stare back to Xavier.

  “Shall we?” Xavier held his arm out and stepped to her side where Corinne accepted, intertwining her limb with his.

  They strolled side by side with Camilla and Hunter who had also slipped his hand down to the dip in her back and led them to a limo parked just beyond the revolving doors. Chicago’s night air was slightly frigid with thin currents of strong wind. The ladies were escorted quickly to the door, and they both made haste getting inside. When they were sheltered in the heat of the back seat, they crossed their legs and glanced at their men.

  Camilla’s eyes scanned Hunter’s strong chin and without trying, inhaled the spicy scent that drifted from him.

  “You smell good enough to eat,” she said.

  Hunter turned his gaze to the flow of her throaty voice while at the same time Camilla couldn’t believe she’d let those words spill out of her mouth. Since she’d been an adult, there weren’t too many things that surprised her. But the provocative way she opened up around Hunter shook her every time.

  His succulent lips spread into a devilish smile. “Let me know if you w
ant a taste, and I’ll be more than happy to oblige.”

  Heat flourished across her skin. It ironically bloomed from beneath her neck and spread equally over her flesh. A thumping between her thighs made Camilla writhe slightly, and the movement sent a pulsation beating over Hunter’s skin. Camilla laughed a deep husky chuckle.

  “You’ll change your mind when you find out how greedy I am.”

  It was meant to turn the conversation back to safety, but it had the opposing effect. Camilla shut her lips tightly, realizing she was treading on dangerous grounds.

  “I’m going to shut up now.” She exhaled a long breath and looked away from him. The limo glided down the street to a destination unknown. She’d simply been told to dress semi-formal, so here she was putting her trust in a man she barely knew and following his lead. She’d already been to his house, on his job, really all she needed to do was get in his bed, and they’d be officially a couple.

  That last thought made Camilla smirk.

  “I rather enjoy hearing you voice your thoughts,” Hunter said.

  Camilla glanced back at his handsome face. “I don’t know what it is about you, Hunter, but you bring out another side of me.”

  “Do you think that’s a good or bad thing?”

  Camilla kept a smirk on her face. “I’m not sure yet.”

  They stared at each other, and Hunter skimmed his fingers down the curve in her chin. His soft caress tickled Camilla’s skin, and her eyes dropped then batted twice as their connection burned strong.

  When the limo pulled to the entrance of The Violet Hour, Hunter removed his cell phone and powered it off. Camilla watched him with interest as he leaned forward and entered a code in a middle console. A small door slid out and he added his device inside.

  “Are you leaving your phone in the limo?” she questioned.

  Hunter glanced toward Camilla. “Yes, there are no phones allowed inside. Do you have yours?”

  “Um, yes, I do.”

  “You don’t mind leaving it, do you? I promise to keep it safe.”

  Camilla chuckled. It wasn’t the phone she was worried about. It was the reason behind the rule that intrigued her.

  “Not at all.”

  Reaching into her purse, Camilla retrieved her cell and powered it off. She handed it over to Hunter, and he added it in with his phone. Following their lead, Xavier and Corrine got rid of their phones, and the couples left the haven of the limo for The Violet Hour.

  Chapter Seventeen

  They were immediately seated upon entry. The ambiance of the club held mystery the deeper they journeyed inside. Curtains draped at the entrance of each salon they crossed into and candlelit tables sat throughout. Sleek, black, high back chairs were comfortably positioned, and chandeliers hung from the ceiling.

  Camilla strolled across the hardwood floors coming to a stop at a table reserved for their party. It sat in front of a fireplace that was built into the wall across from them.

  “Thank you,” she said to the host as she went to take her seat.

  “Would you like me to take your coat?” Hunter asked.

  Camilla paused. “I’m going to leave it on for a second until I can shake off this chill,” she said.

  Hunter tilted his head in a nod then turned to the host.

  “Thank you, Walter,” he said.

  “It’s my pleasure, sir. Casey will be right with you.”

  The host gave a parting nod and left the table. Hunter took his seat next to Camilla no sooner than a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman glided up to their table.

  “Good evening, how are you all tonight? I’m Casey. I’ll be your server.”

  They all greeted Casey warmly, and she told them about their specials. Hunter leaned closer to Camilla and dipped his head.

  “Do you mind if I order for you?”

  She smiled back at him. “Not at all.”

  “Are you in for something light or with a little weight on it?”

  Camilla’s tongue traced the corners of her lips, and she pulled in a breath.

  “I’ll take something light. I wasn’t sure if we were going to dine or not, so I ate a little bit before we left.”

  “Oh yeah, what did you have?”

  “I make a mean jambalaya.”

  “No kidding?”

  Camilla followed the outline of his mouth. “You should try it sometime.”

  “Is that an invitation?”

  Before Camilla could respond, the server regarded him.

  “And for you, sir?” Casey asked.

  Hunter turned his attention to the waitress. “We’ll have an order of stuffed dates and your Finocchio Focaccia.”

  “And to drink?”

  “For my lady, The Riviera.”

  “And for you, sir?”

  “I’ll take The Dance of Dragons.”

  “Make that two,” Xavier chimed in.

  “Okay.” The waitress finished entering their order. “Would your lady also like The Riviera?” the waitress asked Xavier.

  “Yes,” he spoke up then glanced at Corinne.

  She nodded and winked, and the chemistry across the table was in full swing.

  “I’ll be right back with your orders.”

  “Thank you,” they said in unison.

  “The Dance of Dragons?” Camilla said.

  Hunter eyed her. “It’s rum, Amaro Di Angostura, and Falernum.”

  “Sounds strong.”

  A deep intoxicating chuckle trekked from him.

  “I guess it depends on who’s making it.”

  “That’s true.” Camilla glanced around. “Do you come here often?”

  “It’s my first time here.”

  “But you knew what was on the menu.”

  “I prepared beforehand.”

  “Hmmm. What made you chose this place and what do you suppose is the reason behind the no phones rule?”

  “It’s been one of those spots my brother, and I have wanted to try out. I can only guess the rule is, so their guests can enjoy a full experience in their ambiance without the disruption of a phone.”

  Camilla nodded then glanced at Xavier who was wrapped up in a conversation with Corinne.

  “So, what do you think, Xavier?” Camilla asked.

  Xavier brought his attention to Camilla. “I’ll let you know by the end of the night,” he said. Xavier’s voice was just as strong as his brothers; however, it didn’t give Camilla the same thrill.

  Camilla took her attention back to Hunter. “And you?”

  “As long as you’re here, Angel, perfect.”

  Camilla blushed, and the waitress returned promptly with their drinks.

  “So, what is it you do for a living, Xavier?”

  It was Corinne who’d asked the question.

  “I’m a sports agent amongst other things,” Xavier said.

  “Now that you mention it, I do remember seeing an article or two about you.”

  “Good things I hope.”

  “Maybe,” Corinne teased, pulling a full-blown charming smile from Xavier.

  Xavier glanced over at Hunter, and the men enjoyed a secret laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Camilla asked.

  Hunter cleared his throat. “My brother here was actually worried about being set up on a blind date.” Hunter glanced back at Xavier and Corinne. “I think it’s safe to say that is no longer the case.”

  “To my defense,” Xavier said, “I’ve been set up on blind dates before, and none of them went over well.”

  “But, those were from your friends, not me.”

  “You’re right.” Xavier lifted his drink. “Cheers, brother.”

  Hunter lifted his in return. When the men took a drink, so did Camilla and Corinne. Both women eyed each other for a moment, and Corinne rose her brows as if to say, remember our deal.

  “I didn’t miss that,” Hunter spoke up.

  Camilla choked on her beverage, then cleared her throat.

  “What didn’t you miss?�
� she asked.

  “That little silent communication you two had there. Is that something we should know about?”

  The music in the venue changed, and Alicia Keys’ “Fire We Make” sailed through the speakers.

  “Ooh, that’s my song,” Camilla said trying to distract Hunter.

  Like a charm it worked, or so she thought.

  “Dance with me,” he said, standing to his feet.

  Camilla took another long pull of her drink then she accepted his proffered hand. While she untied the belt to her trench, Hunter studied her as she popped each button loose. When her garment was revealed, and Hunter received his first look at her dress, a shower of chills fled down his neck. Her perky breasts were halted just right against the thin material, and it shimmered over her curves like a piece of art in a museum.

  “Let me,” Hunter said, taking a few steps behind her to help remove the coat. It was then that he caught a look at the plunging back of her dress. His gaze smoldered as it followed the expressway of the sexy arch in her back. And it teased him, barely giving a peek of the hill that created her round ass. Hunter’s mouth ran dry. With the women who showed their ass daily, whether in the news, on a beach vacation or on Instagram, none of them took his breath away like Camilla. She turned slowly around and met his hungry gaze. It was so rousing that Camilla’s heart beat slammed against her chest as her nervousness was brought forth.

  Hunter didn’t say a thing. He couldn’t. His thoughts were in a hail storm with every scenario in which this night could end. But the one he tussled most with was Camilla, in his arms, in his bed. He took a step forward, causing a stimulating brush of his chest to graze against Camilla’s. Wrapping her in one solid arm, Hunter pressed her soft body against his. A thrill of chills scattered over Camilla. This energy of theirs was enough to knock her off her feet. Her hands rode up his torso and with a slow toss, Camilla’s coat found its way against the seat of her chair. Her hair swayed against her shoulders as she looked up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “You’re the most beautiful girl in the world. Do you know that?”

  Camilla smiled timidly. “I think you said that back at The Regency.”


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