The Reluctant Bachelor

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The Reluctant Bachelor Page 11

by Syndi Powell

  She was shaking her head before he had a chance to finish. “Rick, you know that I can’t allow that.”

  He grinned and leaned in closer. “Not as my producer, no. But as my friend, you’ll make sure I have it.” He patted her shoulder. “Make it happen.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to respond before he strode back into the tent. Dan walked up to him as soon as he entered. “Brandy’s here.”

  A little too late, big brother. “You should have told me that before.”

  Dan glanced out at the lake, where Lizzie still stood at the shore. “What are you going to do?”

  Rick straightened the lines of his coat. “What’s expected. Like I always do.”

  * * *

  THE YIPS AND HOWLS of the Lake Mildred Animal Refuge filled the sound track of the show as Rick led his harem into the renovated tire factory. Russell Tires had once been the largest supplier to the Big Three, but it had lain vacant for years until being repurposed. Another sign of the changing economy.

  Elizabeth gathered the group around her and held up her hand until everyone quieted. “I’ve already had several questions about why we’re here and not doing a shoot at a more glamorous location.” She took the time to look at several of the women. “Rick wants you to get to know his community. By volunteering you’ll not only be giving something back to this town, you’ll also get a better idea of what life with Rick is like.” She held up her clipboard. “I’ve got you all assigned into one of four teams. You’ll each be given a particular task this morning here at the shelter. Feeding, cleaning, walking, whatever. Rick will move between the groups. Any questions?”

  One woman raised her hand. “What if we’re allergic?”

  Already planned. “You’re assigned to the front office to answer phones and help with filing. Anyone else?” Seeing no hands, she nodded at her crew. “Okay, we’ve got a camera assigned to each team. But let’s remember why we’re here. Volunteers are scarce, and these animals need your love and attention.”

  She handed out assignment sheets, then watched as everyone did as planned. Cameras whirred. Women chatted. Dogs pranced around at the attention.

  Rick approached her, and she grimaced. He looked haggard. “Didn’t get much sleep? Still having strange dreams?”

  “More like nightmares.” He chuckled and attempted to put the microphone on under his sweater. “Maybe Denise can put some cover-up on my dark circles before I go in front of the cameras.”

  Uh-oh. Here it comes.

  “I think you should reveal Brandy after the elimination tonight. Bring her in without telling the other women she’s here or why.” He shrugged as if it was no big deal. As if he didn’t care or hurt. “Make it dramatic. A cliff-hanger for the next episode.”

  Impressive. “You’re talking like a producer.”

  One eyebrow rose at that; then he grinned. “Guess you’re rubbing off on me.”

  She looked around, then leaned in close enough to smell the lingering soap from his morning shower. “You’ve got your five minutes.” She winced and helped him get the microphone wire connected to the unit on his belt clip. “Well, three because of today’s shooting schedule. But you’ve got it. Just you two.”

  Rick nodded. “When?”

  “After we send everyone to lunch.”

  He glanced around the shelter. “I remember when this place made the best tires in Michigan. Now it houses those whom others have forgotten.”

  She nodded and rubbed one arm. Had the temperature dropped? “We’ve all been in a place similar to this at some point.”

  Rick turned and peered at her. “What was yours?”

  The bench of a bus station holding on to the leg of her well-loved but battered stuffed elephant.

  Elizabeth shivered and shook her head to clear the memory. “Doesn’t matter. We all have them.” She gestured to the group assigned to clean out the cages. “You might want to get your hands dirty, too.”

  Rick left to join the squealing women, who held trash bags for soiled newspaper shreds.

  Elizabeth crossed her arms, trying to stay warm. The director of the animal shelter approached her with a stack of release forms. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “It was Rick’s idea to advertise the pets available for adoption.” She took the forms and added them to the back of her clipboard. “We want to help.”

  The director chuckled. “If that’s really the case, I have a finicky kitten who still demands being bottle-fed.”

  Elizabeth shook her head. She didn’t do animals. They represented complications and obligations she didn’t have time for right now. Maybe someday. But now? “Thanks, but I have to keep an eye on my show.”

  The director nodded, but Elizabeth soon found herself sitting on the concrete floor holding a black-and-white kitten that hungrily sucked on a baby bottle. She could imagine taking this little guy with her. Surely a cat could adjust to her bohemian life on set, right?

  And for a moment, she could envision a normal life. One where it wasn’t all about her job. Where something, or someone, could join her.

  The thought warmed her.

  * * *

  RICK HELD THE LEASH of a German shepherd pup that seemed determined to outrun all the other dogs. “Whoa, fella. Why don’t we let the girls catch up to us?”

  He tugged on the leash, but the pup kept pulling him along. One of the contestants, Vanessa, put her fingers in her mouth and gave a loud whistle. The dog stopped midtrot, and Rick almost tripped over him.

  Vanessa caught up with her own dog on a leash, a small Yorkie mix. “He really had you going.”

  Rick bent over at the waist, trying to catch his breath. “Yes. Thanks.”

  The other women in their group started to catch up with them at the end of the driveway. Vanessa glanced back and slipped her arm through Rick’s. “Ready to walk again?” she asked and tugged on his arm.

  Rick shrugged. “Sure. I take it you want me alone?”

  Vanessa tossed her head back and gave a hearty laugh. “You might say that. I’m willing to go after what I want.” The look she gave him made him think he was on that list. “Let’s take that path to the right.”

  Rick tugged on the leash so the pup would stay with them. “There’s a view of the lake up ahead.”

  Vanessa nodded and pulled him and her dog along. “I’ve been hoping to get some one-on-one time with you for a few days. Get to know you better.”

  He could identify with that. When he’d first been on the show, time alone with Brandy at the beginning had been rare and precious. Maybe he needed to spread himself out more among them. “I’d like to get to know you better, too.”

  He glanced behind them and saw that the group of women held back but a cameraman ran after them. “I think they want to film this.”

  “Oh, right.” She stopped walking. “It’s hard to do this on camera, isn’t it? Dating is tough enough without having an audience.”

  “Life in a small town is kind of like that.” He chuckled. “Everyone knows your business and has an opinion.”

  “Do they approve of this show?”

  The camera operator reached them. “Sorry, guys. Can we back up and start over?” Eddie asked. He pressed a button on the camera and walked backward to film them while they made their way down the path with the dogs.

  Rick cleared his throat, struggling to find a topic that the audience would find interesting. “So, Vanessa, are you an animal lover?”

  She laughed. “My dad’s a veterinarian and my brother followed in his footsteps. We always had a bunch of animals around the house. Some injured or sick. Some temporary until they found a permanent home.” She leaned down and petted the Yorkie. “I just wuv my animal fwends.”

  Rick tried not to wince at the baby voice. It seemed a bit much. Mayb
e she was acting natural, though. He didn’t know her well enough to know for sure. But when she began to kiss the dog on the mouth, he fought hard to keep his face neutral. Yeah, he wouldn’t be kissing her mouth after that.

  Rick glanced at Eddie, who raised his eyebrows and shook his head.

  One of the other contestants, Jennifer, ran up to them. “I thought I’d never find you.”

  Grateful for the distraction, Rick tugged on his dog’s leash. “You know, it’s getting colder by the minute out here. Why don’t we take everyone back inside?”

  Rick led the group as they returned to the shelter.

  * * *

  AFTER LIZZIE CALLED for lunch, the hornets in Rick’s stomach buzzed louder and angrier. Brandy was near. He could feel it. Always could when they were on set before. Lizzie had laughed when he’d told her, said it was his imagination.

  But once the bus had driven the rest of the production crew and contestants away, he knew she lingered close.

  Lizzie tied things up with the shelter director, then joined him by the dog cages, where Rick patted the head of the German shepherd. “You two look good together.”

  Rick glanced down at the dog. “My life currently doesn’t allow room for a pet, but I’m open to the possibility.”

  Lizzie shrugged. “I know the feeling.” She glanced in the direction of the cat room. “But every once in a while, I wonder.”

  Rick nodded as Lizzie removed his earpiece and microphone; she avoided his gaze. “I’ll be waiting in my car.” She glanced at her watch, then him. “Three minutes.”

  He didn’t know what to say. Didn’t trust his voice.

  As Lizzie left the shelter, a familiar blonde walked in and scanned the room before settling her ocean-blue eyes on him.

  His heart squeezed but it felt...different. Not like five years ago. Not when he saw a future every time he looked at her. Now he felt as if everything he’d planned on could change in the next few moments. All his plans would turn upside down until he didn’t remember what they were in the first place.

  He swallowed. Nope. Not good.

  He walked toward her, but she remained frozen where she was. Was it fear keeping her from moving? He opened his arms then, and she rushed toward him. “Ricky.”

  When he put his arms around her, she sighed and snuggled closer. “I thought you’d never talk to me again.”

  He held her out to look at her. She looked good. Too good. Hard to remember she’d once broken his heart. “You look as fabulous as ever.”

  Brandy blushed and pushed his shoulder. It felt familiar and normal. As if they’d been in touch all this time. “Always the charmer.”

  “Things don’t change much,” he observed.

  She nodded, then looked at the ground. When she brought her gaze back to his, her eyes were filled with tears. “I’m so, so sorry.”

  Rick let out a big sigh. Please, not the tears. He could handle anything but those. “I am, too.”

  She shook her head furiously. “But you’re not the one who broke my heart.”

  “But he did.” He took her hand and led her to a bench near the front door. The feel of her hand in his was warm. Again, familiar. “I only wanted you to be happy.” He looked down at their hands, then back at her. “But I had hoped it would be with me.”

  Brandy shook her head. “I wanted it to be you so badly. But when it came to that moment, I knew my heart had already chosen someone else.”

  “Even though we all kept warning you he was a player.”

  She squeezed his hand. “When it’s your turn, you’ll understand. You’ll know that no matter how much you should choose the perfect woman, it comes down to who’s climbed into your heart and made a home there.”

  “Are you here for a second chance with me or with the audience?”

  Brandy peered into his eyes intensely until he could feel a piece of himself starting to come loose and fall away. “Maybe both? I want to make things right with you. And I hope you’ll give me that chance.”

  Rick’s cell phone chirped, ruining the moment. “I think time’s up.” He rose to his feet, still hanging on to her hand. Unwilling to let her go just yet. “Why don’t we take things as they come? No promises. No lies. Just whatever happens, happens.”

  Brandy turned into his arms. “It’s a deal.”

  * * *

  A BRUNETTE WITH a short blue dress approached Rick after dinner at the house. He had decisions on his mind. Who to send home? Who to keep? How would they take the addition of Brandy to the house? Distracted put it mildly.

  “Can we talk outside?” the brunette asked.

  Always the talking outside. Couldn’t they stay where it was warm by the fire? Instead of suggesting that, he nodded. “But let’s take our coats.”

  In the foyer, they both grabbed coats, then stepped out onto the porch. Rick could see his breath as soon as they walked into the cold. He crossed his arms more for the warmth than anything. One of the cameramen turned on lights and gave a thumbs-up before either one said a word. “How are things going, Britney?”

  She glanced at the camera, then at Rick. “Um...”

  Rick addressed the cameraman. “Eddie, why don’t you take a five-minute break? I think we need some privacy.” He motioned with his head toward the garage. “I promise you won’t miss anything juicy.”

  “No can do, Rick. Boss lady would have my hide.”

  Britney shook her head and took a seat on the stone bench. “It’s fine. I signed up for this. And it’s not something I can’t say on camera.”

  Rick nodded and focused his attention on the young woman. “What’s wrong, Brit?”

  She stayed quiet for so long that he thought she wouldn’t share what was on her mind. Finally, she began, “Rick, you’re a nice guy, but—”

  Really? That was what she wanted to talk about? He chuckled. “You’re giving me the ‘It’s not you, it’s me’ speech? Wow.”

  “I grew up in a town just like this and promised I’d never go back.” Britney took a deep breath and shook her head. “I can’t do this. Not even for a catch like you.”

  What was so wrong with his town? Everyone seemed to want to get away from it. But Rick liked it. Loved it. It was friends. And family. It was home. “We want different things is all.” He put a hand on her shoulder. “I won’t give you a necklace tonight, okay?”

  “Thanks, Rick. If it was anywhere else...”

  He leaned over and kissed her cheek. “I wish you the best.”

  Britney threw her arms around him. “You, too.” She started to rise. Then she sat back down. “Don’t trust Mona.”

  What? He’d only had a brief conversation with Mona. They certainly weren’t picking out china patterns at this point. “Why shouldn’t I?”

  Britney bit her lip. “I don’t think she’s in this for the right reasons.” She leaned in closer. “None of us do. Just be careful, okay?”

  Rick nodded, still stunned. Someone cleared her throat behind them, and he turned to see Lizzie. He patted Britney’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go back inside and get warm? I have something to take care of.”

  Once Britney shut the front door, Lizzie stared at Eddie until he turned the camera off and returned to the garage. Rick stood and started to open the door. Lizzie took a step in front of it, barring his way. The hits kept coming. “Liz, I’m freezing. What do you want?”

  “Brandy’s waiting in the garage until we’re ready.” She stepped closer to him, touched his arm. “You’re sure that you’re okay with this?”

  He shrugged. “You said it would give me closure, so why not?”

  She held up her clipboard. “Want to go over the contestants and narrow down who you’re sending home tonight?”

  Rick shook his head. “I think I’ll do this one on my ow

  “Oh.” She tried to keep the hurt out of her voice, but Rick heard it all the same. “I only wanted to help.”

  “I’ve got to make these decisions on my own eventually.” He gave a shrug and a grin he didn’t really feel, then opened the door to the house and walked inside.

  * * *

  ELIZABETH COULD TELL that Rick hated the elimination. His brow was damp, his eyes wide. If his coughing was any indication, he had a dry throat, too. No one liked rejection, and he hated being the one who handed it out.

  Rick stood in front of the refurbished fireplace with twelve necklaces in his hands. “Ah...ladies?”

  Immediately, the conversation dropped to a lull and the remaining contestants gathered in a semicircle in front of Rick. Elizabeth gripped her clipboard. In the past, Rick had discussed the women with her and given a hint about who he was sending home. But this time he’d kept the decision close to his chest, which meant that she was as clueless as the rest of their viewing audience. And she didn’t like that one bit.

  Elizabeth closed her eyes and mumbled, “Pick Melissa. You like her. So pick her. Please.”

  On the monitor, Rick looked at each woman a moment. “This is always the toughest part of our time here. Choosing who will stay and who goes home.” He cleared his throat. “So...” He took one gold necklace and dangled the heart charm. Glanced at each woman. “Melissa.”

  Elizabeth went limp with relief.

  Melissa walked to stand in front of Rick. He unclasped the necklace and held it out. “Melissa, will you accept my heart?”

  The woman smiled and nodded. Dipped her head so that Rick could place the necklace around her neck. Touched the charm to her chest. Leaned in toward him and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  The ceremony continued until eleven more women had joined Melissa next to Rick. Elizabeth examined them on the monitor. Melissa was definitely the nice girl in the bunch. He’d also chosen two women who had already fought at the house over bathroom space, a loud smart aleck who made him laugh and several who could blend in anywhere. They’d probably be the next to leave.

  Rick took the time to say goodbye to each contestant he hadn’t chosen while Elizabeth prepared for the surprise. Brandy returning may have been Devon’s idea, but it was Rick’s brilliant plan to introduce her after the goodbye ceremony. Making it a cliff-hanger for the next episode ensured ratings for both shows.


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