My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1)

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My Missing Puzzle Piece (Creekside Falls #1) Page 6

by Kristin Hoepfl

Elle laughed and said, “Probably a little of both but beats me if I know what it was about. I’m glad you don’t mind going, we will need people there who actually know what they’re doing.” Elle hesitated before saying, “she and Jake seemed to get along.” She didn’t want it to seem like she was trying to play matchmaker.

  “Yeah, I guess we’ll have to wait and see won’t we. They did, I’m glad, Jake’s a good guy.”

  A beat passed before Elle said, “Did you notice what happened between Jake and Taylor before he left?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Did you see him slip her his phone number? Well it was a napkin with writing so I’m guessing it was his number because he was trying to be sneaky about it.” Elle smiled again.

  “He did? I missed that one. I must have been paying attention to something else.” Like you, he thought to himself. “Well they seemed to hit it off right away.”

  “Oh, well don’t mention to Jake that I saw it, I don’t want to do anything that might mess up whatever is brewing there.”

  He put his head back and laughed, “Don’t worry your secret is safe with me”. He knew Jake probably wouldn’t care anyway. He had this thing with women.

  “Thanks, for keeping it quiet and for tonight I appreciate the ride and all.”

  Then she hesitated; finally she gave in and asked the question she really wanted to know, “Before when you said about liking my company and being glad to see me outside of work?” She blushed like a teen girl at the thought of his answer, before she continued, “Did you mean it?”

  “Why would you think I wouldn’t mean it?” Trevor asked.

  “I don’t know I guess I never got that impression from you, honestly it felt like you only tolerated me, especially the last time I worked for you, you just stopped coming around all together -- but I know I was a bitch. That’s before I realized what a good guy you are.” She rambled a bit but she was nervous and needed him to know she knew how she acted before.

  “I let you think that? I didn’t mean for it to be that way at all. You made me think you really didn’t like being around me,” Trevor said in disbelief.

  “Well I didn’t mean it either. It was always the opposite I kept hoping you’d come around because I like spending time with you.”

  “Wow, I never even knew. I’m glad we got that straight, we weren’t avoiding each other because we wanted to, we like each other’s company... so, now what?” Trevor asked sheepishly.

  “Well I don’t know about you, but I’m relieved to finally know how you feel so I can stop wondering. I was getting a headache from all the back and forth I was doing. I don’t know, but I should tell you I am definitely crushing on you and have been since last time.” Elle said with a beat red face staring at the road to avoid meeting Trevor’s eyes.

  Trevor almost swerved off the road at Elle’s admission. He was floored; he definitely didn’t see that coming, he thought she hated him. He was speechless.

  Elle groaned at Trevor’s silence and said, “Oh God, I probably shouldn’t have just admitted that to you. It slipped out; you can forget I said anything.”

  When they pulled up to the next red light he turned and grabbed her left hand and said, “Don’t ask me to forget you said anything, I’ve been hoping you’d say that because I have been thinking about you nonstop since we worked together the last time.” The light turned green but he continued to hold her hand as they drove, he let the warmth of her hand seep in and savored it like he wouldn’t be able to hold it again, and for all he knew he wouldn’t.

  “Really? Wow, this night didn’t turn out at all like I imagined…I’m glad we cleared the air and got it all out there.” She said. She settled in her seat and tried to lean closer to Trevor as she curled her hand in his. She loved feeling the warmth of his big, strong hand; it felt so right and created a tingling in her stomach, the feeling of attraction at its best.

  Elle loved how relaxed Trevor was about everything, how he knew when to be quiet and when to speak. She wished she could be like that more. Her shyness never played to her favor and no one ever liked that about her, that’s for sure. Taylor was the only person she really opened up to most of the time.

  Trevor loved the feel of Elle’s hand in his and the warmth that was spreading to him. He smelled her perfume, it seemed to fill the cab; it was a warm, spiced vanilla that made him just want to grab her close to him.

  When they pulled up to Elle’s house, Trevor looked out the window and said, “I like this. It fits you.”

  “Thanks. I really like it. I’m still making it mine; even though I’ve been here over a year; but I really love it.”

  Trevor smiled at her, hopped out of the truck and headed around to her side to open the door. When he opened her door he held out his hand, “I’ll walk you to the door.”

  “Thanks, you don’t have to but I appreciate it.” Elle said with a smile as she took his hand to hop out, even though she didn’t need to because the truck wasn’t that high.

  They walked hand in hand up to her front door. She found her keys and unlocked her door. “Thanks for driving me home and for being so honest with me. I had a nice time.”

  “You don’t have to keep thanking me, but you’re welcome; I had a nice time too. I’m glad we got things cleared up.” Trevor said, “You know, about us.”

  He turned to walk away when she said, “Would you want to come in for coffee or something? I know it’s late but I’m up for it if you are.”

  “Sure, but not for coffee, but I’ll come in for a minute so you can at least show me your place.” He said with a small wink.

  “Okay that works for me. I don’t really drink coffee at night anyway, so I’m glad you said no…but if you wanted it I would have made some. Come on in.” Elle said feeling her insides start to heat.

  Trevor never thought a casual invitation for coffee would sound as sweet to his ears as Elle’s did, and she even offered when she didn’t drink at night -- how cute. As they walked into her house he said, “I like your place. It definitely suits you.” He took in the warm, neutral colors of the walls; it had a deep earthy feel and was full of pictures and furniture that reflected a home that was loved. She hung up her jacket and he followed suit hanging his next to hers on the coat-rack in her entrance way. They then walked down the hallway to her kitchen, painted a light peach_with light oak colored cabinets and dark gray granite countertops; he could tell she put a lot of time into this kitchen and probably spent a lot of time in here too. The thought made him smile. She turned and saw him smiling so she asked, “What?”

  “Nothing, I was just wondering how much time you spend in here?”

  “I love to be in here, it’s one of my favorite places. I don’t think I’m the best cook but I definitely like to and I love to bake.” She started pulling food from the refrigerator like macaroni and cheese, a bowl of green salad, and a fruit salad. He wasn’t sure who she was feeding but if it was for him he’d take it. Since he was single and didn’t cook much for himself, this was a treat.

  “Do you want something to eat?” She asked as she finished pulling out the food.

  She turned and gestured to the counter of food, “This is what I had in the refrigerator,” then she grabbed plates and silverware and put them on the counter next to the food.

  He gestured to the macaroni and cheese, “Is this homemade?”

  “It is. I love the homemade kind! I make it a lot since I love it and it’s just me so I always have leftovers, this one I made yesterday.”

  “It’s one of my favorites too; I wish I could cook well enough to make it.”

  “It’s not hard, I could show you if you want. It’s one of the first things I learned to make. I don’t know about you but I’m hungry.” She said and chuckled at herself then started to put macaroni on her plate and went to the microwave to heat it before putting fruit salad in a bowl. When her mac and cheese was heated and ready she said, “Are you gonna join me or am I gonna eat alone? Help yourself.”<
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  “Oh I’ll eat, you don’t have to guilt me into it,” he said with a huge smile that warmed her insides starting in her stomach and moving lower. He made himself a plate with a huge helping of macaroni and made himself at home by going to the microwave to heat up his food.

  When he was done, Elle said, “We can go in the family room and eat if you want.” She grabbed her plate and started walking, he noticed she hadn’t eaten yet, she must have been waiting for him, she was so sweet. He never would have thought those words would come out of his mouth about Elle, boy how things had changed in such a short time. He really liked where this was going.

  She sat down on the couch and folded her feet beneath her legs. She looked so comfortable he wasn’t sure where to sit but decided to sit next to Elle on the couch. They both sat and ate quietly for a few minutes. When he was almost done with the macaroni, which was amazing. Elle said, “Thanks for tonight.” She wasn’t sure what she wasn’t doing, since she didn’t have a lot of experience with men but she was having a good time and figured she’d go with it and see what happened. He seemed to enjoying being with her, which made her feel better than she anticipated.

  He looked at her with a blank expression then said, “What are you thanking me for?”

  “I’m thanking you for everything tonight, including the ride back here and for coming in when it was already a little late, I know I’m holding you up, I guess I just wanted some company.”

  “Didn’t we go over this already; you don’t have to thank me. I don’t mind, you’re not holding me up, and I like spending time with you.” Trevor smiled and took another bite of mac and cheese. He looked around at her family room and saw her reflected back at him; there were two huge built-in bookshelves full of books, movies, CD’s and lots of pictures on either side of the TV. There was a fireplace near the window seat in the corner. He imagined her sitting there reading a book.

  “So, are you up for a movie? It’s only eleven. If not, I understand, maybe another time. Don’t worry I was thinking a comedy or action, no chick-flicks so you’re safe.” She said with a nervous laugh, she was rambling again.

  He laughed a deeply from his chest before saying, “I could go for a movie, and I’m awake enough. You pick.”

  She got up and went over to peruse through the movies then said with a devilish grin, “You must trust me to let me pick. Okay it’s gonna be…”she turned to the shelves and kept him waiting hopefully if she played her cards right he’d be a little nervous to boot.

  Elle turned back around before sitting beside him on the couch saying, “So sweet you were going to let me choose but you’re picking.”

  “Seriously?” Trevor asked.

  “Completely,” Elle told him as she patted him on his upper thigh.

  Trevor got up to look at the DVD’s she had, he was surprised but impressed to see she had a mix of chick-flicks, action and comedies. He grabbed a fairly classic movie that most people liked.

  “What about Die Hard?” Trevor asked turning back to her.

  She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding and said, “Okay that’s good. I haven’t seen that one in a while.”

  She went to the TV and loaded the movie. She turned back to him, “Want popcorn? A drink? Bathroom break?”

  “Water and I guess a bathroom break, since you asked I take it you don’t pause movies?” he asked with a laugh as he got up and headed in the direction she pointed for the bathroom.

  She grabbed them both water, and went to the bathroom when he was done. When she came back she handed him his water after sipping hers and made herself comfortable under a blanket. “Do you want some blanket?” she asked as he put his feet up on her coffee table to stretch out his long legs, “No I’m good for now but thanks.” He smiled a megawatt smile at her. They settled in and started watching the movie, comfortable next to each other like this was a regular thing.

  Elle opened her bleary eyes a little. She was wrapped in a blanket on her couch with a blank blue screen staring back at her from the TV, she also couldn’t move well. She looked over and saw she was cuddled against Trevor asleep on her couch; she had her head on his chest with his arms circled around her waist. She wasn’t sure if she should wake him or leave him asleep but she knew they both had work in the morning, her family room clock read 1:55 a.m. She tried to sit up and gently shook Trevor to wake him. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at her, “Did I fall asleep? I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be I was using you as a pillow so I should be the one apologizing; it’s 1:55 and we both have work tomorrow.” She knew better than to offer to let Trevor stay, it wasn’t that she didn’t want him to or that it wouldn’t be easier but it was probably best if he left.

  He sat up and said, “Yeah I should head home.” He looked and saw their plates were still on the table and offered, “Do you need help with the plates first?”

  She shot him an incredulous look before saying, “I’m the reason you’re here so late and you still have to drive home; it’s fine, but thanks,” she added with a smile.

  “If you’re sure, ok…and if that’s an apology stop, I only have a five minute drive home, I’ll be fine.” With that he headed for the door.

  “I had fun tonight by the way. So I don’t worry about you getting home even if it is close, can you call or text so I know you made there okay?” she said as she following him.

  He grabbed his jacket, and when he turned went in for a hug but the way they were angled, they ended up kissing. She wasn’t sure how it happened but went with it since he didn’t pull back. She put her arms around his neck and went up on her tippy toes to make the angle better. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer while encouraging her to open up for him by nibbling at her lips. She loved how his lips matched hers and the way the taste of macaroni and cheese mingled with the taste of man.

  He lifted one hand to tilt her head to make the kiss deeper as she opened her lips for him. Their tongues met and danced like they were matched up perfectly. The kiss seemed to go on forever but neither one of them minded. Maybe it was just because they were half asleep….But it felt so right.

  Trevor wasn’t sure exactly how they ended up kissing but he wasn’t about to stop. He loved the way she felt against him and how her soft lips felt against his. Her tongue was like velvet; so soft as it played with his. She still tasted like macaroni and cheese. Her kisses weren’t urgent they were gentle but still assertive. He could tell she wasn’t completely sure of herself and he would gladly take what she was giving. He loved it, he knew that for sure.

  They both pulled back from each other at the same time gasping for air under slightly heavy eyelids, but seemed to still be clinging to each other. Within seconds they were back at it. This kiss was the same at first but shorter and he started to gently place kisses on her lips as he pulled away, hating to stop but knowing he should. “Wow!” that was all Trevor was able to manage. He never had a better kiss in his life.

  “Yeah, you got that right! I could get used to this.” Elle said breathless as her fingers briefly touched her lips.

  “I didn’t mean for that to happen but I’m not sorry it did.” Trevor said as he looked into Elle’s eyes.

  “I didn’t either and neither am I. We were pretty good at that.” Elle said hoping she wasn’t the only one who thought so.

  “That’s an understatement!”

  Trevor pulled her close for another quick kiss but ended up nipping at her mouth on the corners first then finally gave her one last kiss on her lips that she ever so willingly accepted.

  He added with a wink and a smile. “I probably should get going now thanks for tonight.” Then reached for the door.

  She walked him out the door and stood on her porch as he made his way to his truck. She said, “This was fun,” right before he got in his truck. As Trevor pulled out of her driveway Elle wasn’t sure what the heck had just happened but was so happy it did -- the whole night in fact. It was a really good nigh
t that felt like a dream. She was definitely going to have to thank Taylor for this one.

  On Trevor’s drive home he wasn’t sure when the night took a turn to go his way, he thought it was when Elle walked in the door at McDucker’s but maybe it was when both of their friends had to leave early. He was sure of one thing even more so than before, she was one hell of a woman and he really liked her. He also realized he had it bad and was almost definitely in over his head.

  Elle was getting ready for bed when she got Trevor’s text saying he made it home safely he added in, “goodnight, sleep well. Can’t wait to see you again.” It made the smile plastered on her face even wider if that was possible. She realized just how much she liked him and liked being with him, what a weird, amazing turn of events.

  he following Thursday morning, Trevor woke up later then he planned but still had time for his usual jog, just a shorter version, in the park with Bruiser. He grabbed a breakfast shake before he left and couldn’t help but think about Elle. He hadn’t seen her in a week and he felt like he was going crazy not being able to see her. He was happy it was Thursday and that all his appointments today were on the lighter side and later in the day, because he had to admit he was tired. But tomorrow he didn’t have any appointments so he had taken the day off. His guys could handle the weekend projects without him, they could always call if they had any problems or needed him. He fed Bruiser while he finished his shake, then they were off.

  Elle got up that morning and had her usual breakfast of Greek yogurt and fruit. She was getting ready to run on her treadmill but it was so nice out she decided to run in the park. She didn’t usually run outside it made her feel self-conscious, walking outside was more her thing. But she couldn’t waste the good mood she was in or the nice weather. She was really feeling good about things today.

  Elle hadn’t seen Trevor, since the night at the bar. Friday she had meetings all day and this week she’d been busy going over notes and making plans on how to find the saboteur, keep his clients and prevent this from getting out or from happening again. She also had to work for her other clients and find time in there somewhere to exercise or she’d combust from all the stress. They had emailed about work and he did text her quite a few times with cute messages like, “I had fun the other night”, “miss you”, “want to see you again soon” and “want to get together again outside of work”. She was glad it was Thursday and her dinner night with Taylor, she needed to talk to her girlfriend about everything that happened after she left McDuckers last week. She was dying to see Trevor again; he made her feel happy and gave her butterflies in her stomach.


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