Fae Power

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Fae Power Page 8

by Jen Pretty

  "You just about ready to go running? I found some lighter shoes for you." Roman was close to death, and he didn't even know it. I vaguely remembered something about running to help get some weight off Daisy the pig-duck. I wasn't sure how far I would make it, but I knew I was only half hungover. The other half of my problem was being alone. Even though my rational mind knew that, I was still finding it hard to pull myself up.

  "I don't know. Maybe I'll sit here on the couch and drink my shit coffee, and you can go do the running and the fighting." I closed my eyes and tipped my head back. I knew I could let time go and it would be dinner time which was almost bedtime and then I'd be sleeping. Maybe I would see Luke.

  "No," Roman said.

  "What do you mean No?"

  Roman stared me down. "You asked me to help you stand on your own two feet. I told you I had your back and this is me, having it."

  "So, you think I'll get up and run and fight you and then I'll be better? I don't think it works that way," I said closing my eyes again.

  "Maybe not, but you are never going to find your strength unless you try. It's just like learning to ride a bike. You fall, you try again, but, maybe with less alcohol today."

  "Argh. Fine. Let's fucking go. DAISY!" Daisy waddled out of the bedroom quacking softly. I tried not to smile at his cute waddle, but I couldn't help it. Bad pet owner! It's not ok to have an overweight pet. That is just another form of neglect; I chastised myself.

  I put on the shoes Roman had found for me and dragged my ass out the door.

  The first few minutes of running were torture, and the jarring motion of each step reverberated through my skull. Eventually, I fell into a comfortable rhythm, and my body started to loosen up. Daisy quacked and flew around town keeping within sight the whole time, but he could fly much faster than I could run. Roman paced me as well, even though he could run a whole lot faster than anyone else in this world, probably.

  "How fast can you run?" I asked him.

  He looked back at me and zoomed off. He was just a blur and then gone. I stopped, stunned. Daisy landed beside me on the path between the houses. We hadn't wanted to leave the city in case there were things we didn't know about.

  "Pretty fast," Roman said from behind me. I jumped and spun around.

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "Ok, that doesn't answer my question. I knew you were pretty fast."

  He smiled and flashed his red eyes at me. "Modern earth technology can't track me, but I ran from New York to Chicago in an hour once."

  "Holy crap!" I exclaimed.

  "You want to go for a ride?" he asked and wagged his eyebrows at me.

  "I don't know. I'd probably lose my breakfast coffee." I said.

  "Come on." He coaxed. "I won't go too fast."

  "Alright," I said tentatively before he scooped me up making me squeal and holding me in his arms as he blasted off in a sprint. The wind was insane, and I couldn't turn my face out of his chest if I still wanted to breathe, but the feel of his strong arms around me with the adrenaline rush of the extreme speed did crazy things to me. I wasn't ever a big adrenaline junky. Skydiving and bungee jumping never interested me, but this rush was more unexpected than any I'd experienced before and made me wonder if I would like skydiving and bungee jumping or if it was just Roman that caused the rush to be so exhilarating.

  I kept trying to deny my feelings for Roman, but it was getting a bit ridiculous. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the harsh wind that pressed me against him. There was a soft rocking motion that was soothing, and after a minute my adrenaline started to calm, and I felt peaceful. Not a feeling I had expected from a super speed ride with a vampire. Eventually, he slowed, and I opened my eyes to look up at him. He still hadn't broken a sweat, but he was warm, and his heart beat in his chest against my ear.

  "What do you think? Is ‘Vampire’ the only way to travel?" he laughed.

  I just looked at him. He swung my feet back down to the ground, and I reached up and pulled his face down - kissing him gently. "Thank You, Roman," I said. Then I reached down and put my crooked, broken hand in his big strong hand. He had stopped us in the courtyard of the King’s castle so I guess it was time to show him how much I couldn't swing a sword. Perfect moment over.

  I squeezed his hand and then let go and reached down to pick up the sword lying beside me. It was a full weight sword, so I had zero hope of actually sparring with it, but now was as good a time as any to prove to this vampire that magic was my best weapon. I tried to get my hair out of my face unsuccessfully. My hair was a bit of a tangled mess from the race around town at high speeds. Hair elastic have a limit, and I had pushed mine beyond its limit.

  Roman picked up his sword and swung it around his wrist, loosening up. I gripped the sword firmly with my damaged right hand and lifted the tip till it pointed towards his head.

  "Don't kill me, Lex," he said with a grin.

  "You are more likely to kill me, Vampire."

  I quickly swung my sword towards him, and he blocked easily knocking my weapon from my hand. I raised my brows at him, and he bent to pick up my sword by the blade offering me the hilt. When I didn't immediately take it, he dropped both swords and stepped into me.

  "Have you ever tried using earth magic to make your body stronger? I spent all night thinking about you, and I have a theory that it could work. You are stronger than any other Fae I have ever met," he whispered brushing my wild hair back from my face.

  I thought of Evan and how he always said that if I thought I could do something, I probably could. It brought me back to the calm of my forest and the time I spent with Luke before the madness started. The day Luke spent up in the tree because he suggested the fear might bring my magic but he was too afraid to come down. I smiled subconsciously.

  "Where are you right now?" he asked softly, snapping me back to the present.

  "I'm sorry. I was thinking of when I learned to use my magic. My cousin, Luke, helped me. We have a strong bond, and he's just a really good friend." I smiled shyly at him. My bond with Luke was stronger than the one I shared with Armond. I was sure it was because of Luke's calm influence and the fact he took away my nightmares with his dream walking. It could also have to do with being one of my few blood relatives.

  "I'd like to meet him. He is a dream walker, right?"

  "Yes, he took away my nightmares. I used to have them every night but killing Joshua stopped them. Hopefully for good. I haven't had one since his death anyway," I said looking down at my hands. I might trust Roman more now, but I wasn't sure I trusted him enough to meet Luke. "He and his sister are all the blood family I have left."

  "Vampires took a lot from you. I'm sorry."

  I shook my head, "it's not your fault."

  He snorted, "If I hadn't stuck my head in the sand, I probably could have gathered enough vampires of power to stop Joshua. He wasn't much more powerful than I am."

  I took a deep breath before taking a step away from Roman and picking up the steel sword with my bent hand. "What's done is done. Who's to say what could have been? If you think I might be able to use this with ground magic, I should give it a try. Evan believed my magic could do more than I used it for."

  Roman nodded, "Alright. Let's give it a try." He picked up his sword and raised it dropping into a light fighting stance.

  I pulled the magic into me and held it the way I did before I went into a vampire house back on earth when I was working with the hunters.

  Sadness washed over me as I yearned for those days surrounded by the mighty hunters and Armond by my side but I pushed the depression away. I had to try and be stronger.

  As my emotions flicked around like two channels on an old television, I felt a tear of sadness run down my cheek just as a smile crossed my face. The magic from the ground was wild and powerful and, having never used it before without Armond or Luke near me; I didn't realize how much more I needed that stabilizing force when I used it. Here I had been hoping this magic would make me stronger. Even if I cou
ld use my hand now, I was a wreck. It was a total waste.

  I dropped to my knees and let my head fall into my hands. I let all the magic go. I didn't want any of it. Then I let the tears fall. This was ridiculous. I needed to help these people and Armond but I couldn't even function. How had Margot seen me successful here? It made no sense.

  After a moment Roman moved closer to me then bent down and tipped my chin up. I kept my eyes closed; I didn't want him to see my broken parts. I'd rather be angry than sad, but sometimes you don't control these things. Roman sighed and then scooped me up like a child and started heading back towards the door of the castle. I kept my eyes shut and tried to bring back the feeling of freedom and joy from when he ran with me less than an hour ago. That feeling was like a distant memory now. Before we made it back inside, I heard a man’s booming laughter and then the King spoke, "I don't know what you did, but I felt a strange shaking in my bones and then poof I was a man again!" Roman set me on my feet.

  I looked up at the tall, handsome bear of a man. He appeared in his 30s and built like a troll but cleaner. His thick beard was trimmed and tidy, and his hair combed back. He wore heavy robes of plum and gold and heavy boots styled for combat. It was a strange juxtaposition but worked for the large man. I doubted anyone would question his wardrobe choices anyway, him being the king.

  "Was it you? Did you cause that shaking?" he asked looking down at me.

  I sighed, pretty sure it was me that caused his transformation. "That is the feeling I get when I pull magic from the land, so it probably was my doing. I'm sorry."

  The King laughed, "Don’t apologize! I was getting tired of walking on four legs." He smiled again as more people came through the door. They had obviously been running as they were all out of breath.

  "I'm Sorry, my king! Forgive us; we tried to keep up with you when you left your throne room," the man bowed before the king.

  "Oh, calm down Franklin, I don't require an escort at every moment of the day." The King turned back to me. "This is quite remarkable; I look forward to starting our training tomorrow afternoon when the leaders arrive." He beamed at me and then turned and strode back into the castle as all the people in the doorway hustled to clear a path. They then followed along behind him leaving Roman and me in the courtyard.

  Roman looked down at me and then scooped me back up and zoomed to our rooms inside. It brought a smile to my face again. Something about that speed made me feel alive. He sat me down on the couch in the main room.

  "I'm sorry, Lex. I didn't know your magic would make you feel worse," he said looking upset with himself as he ran his fingers through his hair. His eyes started to glow red before he quickly turned to face away from me. "I'm Sorry."

  "Stop apologizing. At least now we know how to help the king. It might take a while for them to feel their magic, but at least I can help. Although using my magic might require some heavy medication or alcohol." I contemplated my rate of alcohol consumption lately and wondered if perhaps I did need a break from the beverage, as Victor had suggested.

  Roman smiled at me. "I'm here to help you, Lex. I know I haven't been doing a good job of it, but I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you don't go completely off the rails."

  I laughed at that "I'm not convinced that there is any way to keep me on track without my bonded or family being here…or a private room in a hospital. That didn't help, but I didn't kill myself while I was there anyway."

  "I'm sure there is a way. It's just not going to have to do with your magic maybe."

  "I used to speed time. Sit on the couch and stare at the ceiling and let time slip through my fingers." I said looking up at the ceiling of the room. It was white. Perfect.

  "Don't," Roman said; pulling me back to the moment. "I mean, please. It's a waste of your life."

  "I know. I didn't have any purpose when I used to do that. At the time I didn't even know I had magic. I just thought I was crazy."

  Roman sat beside me on the couch and wrapped his arm around behind me pulling me over to him. We sat like that for several minutes. "We should go to the hot springs. You know you want to get me naked again," He said before winking at me and hopping up to get some towels. I probably did smell, and the hot water could only improve my mood.

  "Alright, but then we should probably look for Daisy. We left him in our dust this morning. I hope he isn't getting into trouble," I spoke loudly so Roman could hear me from the bathroom even though he had vampire hearing and could have heard me whisper. Old habits die hard.

  Roman laughed from the bathroom, "Actually I saw him in the kitchen as we went by on our way back up here," he called back to me. "I guess all that exercise made him hungry."

  "That brat! Oh Well, I'll have to take him out again tomorrow. If he exercises every day, he can eat the way he wants and still be healthy. Healthyish, anyway." Roman walked back in holding towels and various hair care products.

  "Alright, let's go. I'm not sure if this is enough to get your hair back under control, but I'm willing to try. I was once a hairdresser you know. Back in the 60s when everyone had long hair."

  I had to laugh. "Did you have long hair and bellbottoms?" I asked as he ushered me out the door.

  "I'll have you know, I have been the height of fashion in just about every era since I was born. Appearance is important to vampires." I believed that. I hadn't known many vampires, but Joshua was always polished, Henry wore suits and looked ready for business. Roman was casual but wearing designer clothes in the latest style.

  We rounded a corner and passed a couple of servants who smiled at us and then they went on their way.

  "How come people don't freak about your red eyes?" I asked, realizing that was a question I should have asked a while ago.

  "They look green to humans. Only other magical beings can see that we are vampires. You probably didn't even see us until you came into your powers, and even then, there are not many of us. Plus we tend to stick to the shadows. The people here seem surprisingly unfazed my eyes, but perhaps that’s because they also know of magic.”

  Romans red eyes weren't evil or dangerous like Joshua's eyes or any other Vampire I had met besides Henry who had soft red eyes. Romans eyes were a flat red like a brick house.

  "That's kind of crazy. I wonder what you look like with green eyes," I muttered.

  "I wouldn't know, I've never seen them either, but humans have commented on them so they must be a bit unusual. Do my red eyes still bother you?"

  "No. I was thinking about your eyes actually and how they are growing on me. Your eyes aren't the same as any of the evil vampires I've encountered."

  Roman beamed at that. "That's good. I don't want you to be afraid of me, Lex."

  "I'm not," I said honestly. I hadn't been afraid of the vampire for several days now.

  He smiled at that and then wagged his eyebrows suggestively as we entered the tunnel that led to the hot springs under the castle.

  I laughed and swatted him playfully as we continued down the tunnel. It was darker than the last time we were down here, nearly pitch black in the shaft but I could see the light ahead, so we just kept walking.

  Suddenly I was grabbed from behind, and a hand firmly pressed over my mouth blocking my scream and an iron arm around my stomach pinning my arms at my side as I saw the shadow of another man stab Roman in the neck with a flash of a blade.

  I tried to scream again and bit the hand covering my face while I flung my head back connecting the back of my skull with my attacker's nose making a solid crunch sound. I gained my freedom and got to my feet just as the man who had stabbed Roman came at me with the same knife. He slashed at me and managed to nick my arm before I got my bearings and unleashed my fists on him. Boxing was like a superpower when your attacker thought you were weak and helpless.

  The second man dropped his knife and bent over with a broken nose before I kicked him square in the temple knocking him unconscious.

  I quickly turned back to check for the first man, but Roma
n had him pinned to the wall and was sucking the life out of him, literally.

  I watched in morbid fascination, my breath heaving, as Romans' throat worked and the man who had attacked me just dangled, his boots six inches above the ground held up by Roman. I watched as Romans wound stopped bleeding and slowly healed till it was good as new and only drying blood marred his pale skin.

  Roman dropped the now dead man and turned to face me. His face morphed from an evil bloodthirsty monster with glowing red eyes to one of horror as he realized I had been watching him.

  He just stood there and watched me as I moved slowly towards him. I reached up and touched his face which now had a shocked expression and then I slid my hand down to run my hand over the bloody place where he had been stabbed moments ago. It felt like healthy skin. No trace of a wound. I looked down at the man at his feet. I had never seen him before. Roman lifted my chin till I was looking him in the eye.

  "I'm sorry." He whispered. "I wouldn't have done that if it weren't necessary."

  "Stop. I'm not blaming you. He attacked us."

  "The man you knocked out nearly decapitated me. I nearly died, but all I could think about was that they were going to take you away and I couldn't let them. I lost control."

  I snorted "I have too much control. I can't believe my magic didn't kick in and stop them," I said as Roman lifted my arm and inspected my cut. It was minor but was still bleeding a bit, and Romans eyes went bright red as I saw him inhale deeply through his nose. He looked hungrily at my arm. I wasn't frightened of him, and I don't know what I would have done then because I heard the sound of many running footsteps coming down the tunnel.

  The King’s guard named Franklin came around the corner with at least a dozen men behind him. Franklin nearly tripped over the unconscious attacker I had left on the floor. "What happened?" he asked out of breath. "The King heard you scream; his hearing has been significantly enhanced."

  "These men were waiting here and attacked Lex and I as we came down here to use the hot springs. Who are these men? This is the second time someone has attempted to abduct Lex," Roman said taking a threatening step forwards towards the smaller man.


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