Paradise Found

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Paradise Found Page 12

by Sarah O'Rourke

  “Aw, I’m sorry. Does Cinderella need another pair of shoes?” Ben taunted, his dark eyes anything but apologetic. In fact, if Sami had to guess, she’d say his gaze was positively gleeful. .

  Incensed, Sami took a threatening stop toward her enemy, determined to face off with the man currently responsible for all her problems. “These were six hundred dollar heels, you unfeeling brute. Don’t think I won’t be collecting a couple of pounds of your flesh in payment for these precious babies” she informed him heatedly as she shook her ruined shoe at him.

  “Do I get to pick which ones to forfeit?” Ben asked with a wicked smile, his straight white teeth gleaming in the darkening evening. “I’ve been packin’ around a couple of a couple extra pounds right here I think you’d love,” he joked as he dropped a hand to cup the not-so-hidden bulge riding behind the fly of his well-fitted jeans.

  Yep, this man was going to drive her off the deep end. and the only problem was she wanted to hang onto him as she went over the edge. Her mind was fighting a brutal conflict. Part of her wanted to hurl herself into his arms and beg him to keep those muscular arms of his wrapped safely around her while the other part of her wanted to scream at him to get away from her, as far and as fast as he possibly could. It was enough to make a model cry for mercy! “You know what, Ben? You’re hopeless. Absolutely, undeniably hopeless!” she exploded as she whirled around to stomp toward the cabin. Gripping the wobbly bannister as she started up unstable looking stairs that would lead to the cracked door, she held her breath, praying with each step that she wouldn’t plummet to her death and land in a heap of rotting wood and wounded pride.

  Finally reaching the door, she reached for the knob and frowned when Ben’s hand got there first, stilling her movement. “I can walk through a door on my own,” she snapped over her shoulder as Ben pushed the door open for them.

  “Yeah, but then I couldn’t do this,” he replied, his deep voice vibrating against her ear as one of his strong arms caught her behind the knees while the other curled around her back, easily lifting her into his arms as he strode across the threshold into the dimly lit cabin.

  “Put me down! I’m not your fucking bride. I’m your hostage, you redneck Hercules! ” Sami demanded as she squirmed in the unforgiving clasp of his arms and tried to ignore how well her body still fit against his. She wasn’t supposed to notice things like that. Those days were gone. Remembering how she’d once thought their bodies were made for one another would accomplish nothing. It didn’t matter that her body was suddenly clamoring for her to get closer to his; thankfully, her brain still remembered how much damage this man could do to her heart if she wasn’t extremely careful.

  “You’re right. You aren’t my bride, but you would have damn well been my wife by now if you hadn’t lit our relationship on fire three years ago,” Ben agreed bitterly as he unceremoniously dumped her body in the middle of the full-size bed in the middle of the room, the impact of her body sending a cloud of dust into the air. “But we’re gonna rectify all that bullshit now, Samantha. Mark my words!”

  Coughing, Sami waved a hand in front of her face as she looked around at her new surroundings. Between the dust and the musky, stale scent, her olfactory sense was lodging a formal protest of her current environment. “Mark my words, you controlling son of Satan! You can burn in hell, Benjamin,” she managed to wheeze through a string of short, but sharp sneezes.

  Leaning toward her, Ben offered her a not-so-nice smile. “Light the match, vixen, and we’ll burn together… you know, the way we should have been all a-fucking-long!”

  Coming to her knees in the center of the bed, Sami faced Ben with indignant fury and slightly glassy eyes. Whether they had gotten that way because of the dust bunny eruption or or from her heightened emotions, she didn’t know. All she knew for certain was that her burning eyes were now running and her nose was painfully clogged. In short, she felt like hammered dog shit and no amount of yoga was gonna help her achieve a Zen-like state in this hell on earth. And every bit of it was ALL Ben’s fault. “I hate you, you asshole! Do you hear me? I. HATE. YOU!” She screamed as she slammed her hands against the mattress and created another dust tornado.

  “Good!” Ben yelled back as he stared at her with eyes the color of storm clouds over the ocean. “That may be the best fucking news I’ve ever heard from you, Sami”

  Furiously wiping at her damp cheeks, Sami glared at the man standing in front of her, his roughly hewn features carved in stone as his eyes bore into hers. With his hands planted on his lean hips, Ben looked like a conquering warrior ready to march into battle and slay his enemies. “What the hell does that mean?” She sniffled, swiping a hand underneath her dripping nose.

  Face softening, Ben took another step toward the bed before lifting a hand to cup her face, his thumb catching an errant tear and gently smearing it into her face. “It means that I’m grateful to hear that you hate me. Because the worst thing on earth wouldn’t be you hating me, Sami. Hate requires emotion. Hate requires you to still care. It takes effort to hold onto that kind of feeling. Nah, hate is okay with me. I’d only be truly fucked if you were indifferent to me…. If you just didn’t give a shit one way or the other. Now, if you felt that way, I’d be scared shitless because there’d be no real emotion to work with. But if you can still feel something for me, baby – either good or bad – well, that means I’ve got something to build on. It means we’re not nearly as over as you claim we are. And that gives me all kinds of hope. That proves that dragging you here... that was as far from a mistake as I can get.”

  Sami felt a lump of emotion rising in her throat. Everything he said made perfect freaking sense. And one look in Ben’s eyes only served to confirm what she already knew. The bastard was on to her. But she had to try something. Instead of leaping into his arms and begging him to hold her, she shook her head and whispered, “You’re crazy.”

  Ben merely offered her another smile, only this one was genuine. “Samantha, I’ve been crazy for you for more years than I wanna admit to. But just because I’m insane for you doesn’t make what I just said a lie. I want you back,” he said truthfully before pursing his lips and shaking his head. “No, strike that. I want us back. The ‘us’ we were when things were good. Because when things were good between us, Sami, they were amazing. We were two people completely in sync with each other. We didn’t need anything more than each other to be happy. Whether we were walking hand in hand through Paris or we were stretched out in bed together watching those stupid rom coms you won’t admit to being addicted to…. our life was perfect when we had each other to lean on. Can you honestly say you’ve been that happy since we’ve been apart? Because I can’t. Sure, I’ve built a life in Paradise, and it’s a good one. But it would be so much better if I was sharing it with you. Fuck, vixen, I know I can survive without you. I’ve been doing it for the past three years. But that’s just it. It’s surviving. It isn’t living. Come back to me, Sami. Live with me again.”

  “I… you…. I can’t think,” Sami stammered, her mind spinning. Because, sweet Christ, she wanted the second chance he was offering them. But all the reasons she’d walked away from him the first time were still there, and they weren’t going to change just because she wanted them to. “I need to think, Ben.”

  “Fine, but first, I wanna refresh your memory on some of the things that made us so good together. Starting with this,” he growled, lowering his head to cover her lips with his as his hand tightened on her jaw, holding her steady when she would have bolted.

  Feeling his tongue gliding along the seam of her lips as he tried to coax her mouth open, Sami fought to remain unmoved, stubbornly keeping her lips sealed. She should have known that denying him entrance to anywhere he wanted to be would only make him more determined to get in there. And now was no different. In his typical fashion, Ben chose to simply switch tactics and try another avenue of entry, lifting a hand to cup her breast through her silk shirt as he nibbled at her lower lip, his teeth
pulling at the full, tender flesh while his thumb and forefinger twisted and tugged at her beaded nipple. He only had to wait for her aroused gasp to press his advantage, smoothly sliding his tongue inside her mouth to tangle with hers, achieving his ultimate goal with a minimum of fuss and maximum pleasure.

  Moaning as his tongue danced with hers while his thumb worried her painfully hard nipple, Sami couldn’t help her waning resolve. It had been months since she’d been kissed and literal years since she’d been kissed so fucking well. Her body was in shock, having all but forgotten how wonderful it felt to be caressed and petted. Sliding her fingers through his thick, silky hair, she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer as they battled for dominance of their kiss. After years of being starved for affection, she was suddenly consumed by the need to be as close to him as possible. “Ben, please,” she whimpered between deep, probing kisses as her back arched and she tried to fit her body to his, aching to once again be filled by him.

  Sucking lightly at her lower lip before releasing it, Ben lifted his head to stare down at her with blazing eyes. “Please what? Please kiss you? Please touch you? Please fuck you? Please love you? Which is it, baby? What do you want from me?” he asked, dropping gentle kisses along the side of her jaw and down her neck after each question. “Just tell me and it’s yours, Sami. Anything you want is yours if it’s in my power to give it,” he promised before kissing her lips again. “Just tell me what you want from me.”

  “Any of it. All of it,” Sami confessed shakily as her fingers tightened in his hair. God, she wanted him. When all was said and done, Ben was still the only man she’d ever met that could completely make her lose control and fall headfirst into passion. He was also the only man she’d ever loved with her whole heart. And though her heart was now broken into jagged, fragmented pieces, each one still loved and wanted only him. Which was why she was giving herself permission to have this one night with him. “Fuck me, Ben.”

  Her husky demand seemed to be the invitation he was waiting for because as soon as the word left her lips, his hands began to move quickly, stripping her of her lucky pair of faded Seven jeans and filmy silk shirt in record time and leaving her naked except for her matching ivory lace bra and panties. Grateful that she’d opted for style over comfort this morning and chose to wear her La Perla instead of Hanes, Sami lifted a hand to twirl a piece of her hair around her finger as Ben drew back.

  Holding her breath, she caught her breath as he peeled off his shirt, revealing a chiseled eight pack that she was well acquainted with. She’d spent hours tracing each of those delineated muscles with her tongue, worshiping every inch of his flesh. Eyeing his sculpted chest, Sami’s fingers itched to follow the happy trail of dark hair that arrowed down his chest and disappeared into his jeans. Biting her lip as Ben’s lightly tanned hands slowly unbuckled his belt, she felt his lazy half- smile hit her low in her belly as he slowly unbuttoned his jeans and unzipped his fly. “Like what you see?” he drawled as the denim sagged around his hips, revealing a deep, mouthwatering vee that she longed to draw with her tongue.

  Was he nuts? What wasn’t to like? Incredibly handsome face that made a girl’s heart skip a beat? Check. Sinfully seductive smile that could make even the most uptight lady fantasize about hot nights in satin sheets? Check. Rippling, defined muscles that made a woman’s thighs begin to twitch? Check.

  And as Ben slowly hooked his fingers into the elastic of his tight, black boxers and slowly revealed the longest, thickest cock she’d ever seen jutting from a thick nest of dark hair, she knew she was looking at every woman’s ultimate fantasy come to life. And he was all hers. Every inch of him.

  At least for tonight.

  “I see something I love,” she breathed, reaching out to trace her finger around the flushed crown of his cock. “I forgot how big you were,” she murmured as a single bead of pre-come formed at the tip of his cock, making her pussy ache with emptiness even as she hungered for a taste of him. Lifting her eyes to meet his, Sami bit her lip uncertainly. “Can I?”

  Ben must have seen the hunger in her eyes because he quickly palmed his dick and guided it toward her parted lips. “You’ve always owned my cock, baby. Go on and open those pretty lips for me. It’s long past time for us to get reacquainted,” he invited hoarsely as his hand sank into her hair and guided her mouth to his swollen length.

  Sami quickly licked her lips before wrapping them around the knob of his throbbing cock and sucking gently. Hearing his low groan of pleasure only made her crave more of him. Sliding her tongue along the thick vein at the underside of his dick, she smiled as his hips jerked, thrusting his cock deeper into her mouth.

  “Fuck, vixen!” she heard Ben curse as his slightly salty flavor burst over her taste buds.

  Moaning, Sami sucked him deeper, eager for more. Feeling his hands moving to cup the back of her head, Ben held her steady as he thrust into the heat of her mouth, sending his cock deeper down her throat with every lunge of his hips, fucking her mouth with a slow, but steady pace that made every part of her ache with need. Reaching between her legs, Sami slid a hand underneath her underwear, stroking her swollen clit as Ben growled low in his throat.

  “That’s it, baby,” he urged, fucking her faster as her tongue swirled around the swollen head of his dick. “Suck me down while you stroke that pretty, little clit. Get that little berry nice and slick for me. Because as soon as I fill that perfect mouth with all that’s me, I’m gonna feast on that delicious cunt of yours,” he promised darkly as his fluid thrusts began to grow more jerky and disjointed.

  Sliding her mouth down his staff until her nose brushed his abdomen, Sami hummed as she felt his cock brush the back of her throat. Gripping his solid thighs, her nails scored his skin as his low grunts of pleasure filled the mostly dark room.

  “Fuck,” he bit out as the fingers in her hair became almost painful. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,” he warned raggedly before a rough shout left his lips.

  Making a sound of approval as she sucked him harder, Sami moaned as his cock pulsed against her tongue, flooding her with his creamy essence. Swallowing him down, Sami slowly drew back, lovingly cleaning his still hard length with gentle laps of her tongue before releasing him from her mouth.

  Ben’s breath sawed in and out of his lungs as he looked down into her bright eyes. “Fuck, vixen, you undo me,” he rasped, lowering his lips to hers, uncaring that his taste was still in her mouth as he twined his tongue around hers. Easing her back in the bed, he unfastened her bra with one hand as his lips worshiped hers. “I’ve missed you so much, Samantha. Can’t believe we’ve lived without this for so long. Such a fuckin’ waste,” he muttered as he drew the lacy cups of her bra away from her breasts. “God, you’re still the most gorgeous thing God ever put on this earth,” he praised, dipping his head to gently pull one of her stiff, raspberry colored nipples between his lips.

  Sami wanted to cry at the bittersweet feeling of being in his arms again. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she shook her head. “No time for regrets now, He-man,” she whispered, unconsciously using her nickname for him. “Fuck me,” she begged as she tugged playfully at his beard.

  “Not just yet,” he denied before dropping a deep, wet kiss to her lips. “First, I need to eat that sweet pussy again. I’ve missed the taste of your honey on my tongue for far too long. Turn over for me and get on your knees, baby. Put that tight ass in the air for me,” he directed, guiding her over to her belly and onto her knees with a gentle, but insistent hand on her hip.”

  Feeling his hot breath on her neck as his lips gently rubbed the curve of her shoulder, Sami whimpered as Ben’s hands wandered over her body, cupping and tweaking her heavy breasts, skating down her flat belly, until finally petting the soft nest of curls at the apex of her thighs. “Ben,” she whined as one blunt fingertip swirled around her aching clit. “Please. I need you. Enough teasing.”

  “You love it when I tease,” he returned with a low chuckle as his lips moved dow
n the arch of her back, his tongue leaving a damp trail in its wake before arriving at the curve of her ass and biting gently.

  Gasping as the velvety feel of his lips raised chill bumps against her skin, Sami trembled beneath his mouth. “God, Ben,” she breathed as his tongue moved to her center, sliding through her crease to land against her clit with a light slap. “Oh, fuck!” She whimpered as his tongue advanced and retreated, flicking against her most intimate flesh.

  “There’s that honey I love so much,” Ben rumbled against her folds as his tongue slid across her clit. “You taste so good. So sweet. Never letting you get away again, Sami. This is mine,” he declared hotly as his lips, tongue and teeth worked together in tandem to push her body toward an orgasm she was sure would rip her apart. No release she’d ever given herself in the last three years came close to matching what Ben could do to her. Because the truth was not all orgasms were created equal. When a woman was with the man who holds the missing piece of their soul, the release that results is bound to be cataclysmic.

  The exact way they always were when Ben made love to her.

  “Now, Ben. No more games,” Sami demanded, rocking her hips back against Ben’s mouth as he continued to feast on her pussy. “Give me your cock and fill me up,” she ordered throatily as she tossed her hair over her shoulder and looked back at him. “Or don’t you want any of this?” she asked seductively, wiggling her ass against his hardened length.

  Gripping her hips with hands that fell against her flesh like steel traps, Ben pulled her body against his, his cock hovering at her entrance like a heat-seeking missile. “Oh, I want it, vixen. I want the fire. I want the sass. I want the pussy. I want everything you’ve got,” he rasped against her ear, his warm chest covering her back the way a stallion would mount his mate. “You’re mine, Sami. You always have been and always will be,” he reminded her as he sank into her body with one masterful thrust, his cock filling her to the brim with all that he had.


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