Princess Evie Young Fiction 1

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Princess Evie Young Fiction 1 Page 3

by Sarah KilBride

  “Let me help you, Evie,” said Arwen.

  The girls threaded the precious leaves and berries into their forest crowns and even laced a few into Willow’s mane. When they had finished, there were still some golden leaves and jewels left.

  “Let’s take these back for the others,” Evie suggested.

  “Good idea, Evie!”

  Willow’s hoof was so much better that she was able to trot along the forest path, taking Evie and Sparkles back to the dell. Arwen fluttered along after them, carefully carrying her basket of treasure.

  As they got closer to the Magic Dell, they could see wisps of smoke and the air was full of blackbirds’ song and fairies’ laughter. It sounded like everyone had enjoyed their first day.


  Campfire Catch Up

  “Welcome back!” smiled Holly. “I hope you’ve had fun in the forest – I can’t wait to hear all about it!”

  Soon all the fairies had returned safely back to the dell and were sitting around the camp fire, warm and smiling.

  “I’m so glad you enjoyed your forest adventures,” said Holly. “Now, who wants to go first and tell everyone about their day?”

  Faye put up her hand and she and her partner began to tell everyone how they had helped a little squirrel hide all the hazelnuts he’d collected for his winter store. As they told their story, they handed out some of the deliciously crunchy nuts.

  Next, the fairies listened to how Bryony and Violet had made warm winter coats for a family of dormice. They had used fur from the insides of chestnut shells and had brought a basketful of the creamy chestnuts to roast in the glowing fire.

  Then it was Evie and Arwen’s turn to tell their story of how they had helped the little hedgehog build his nest. Everyone was looking forward to the blackberries Arwen and Evie had picked with the hedgehog and a few fairies looked a bit disappointed when Evie told them they had eaten them all.

  “We’ve got something else to share with you,” said Arwen.

  Evie and Arwen handed out the gold leaves and bright jewels that they had found in the fairy tree. The fairies gasped and wove them into their crowns where they sparkled and glittered in the firelight. As the fairies took turns to tell their stories, it became obvious that they had all helped forest creatures in some way, and in return the magnificent golden phoenix had helped them.

  Everyone had enjoyed their first day, even though they had all felt nervous about it at the start. It was clear that friendships had already begun to blossom and everyone was looking forward to their second day in the forest.

  “We worry about meeting new people and going to new places,” said Holly. “It’s impossible to imagine what it’s going to be like and that can make us feel anxious, but new people and new places can be fun too. First days are the start of an adventure!”

  Soon the campfire was smouldering and it was time to go home. The fairies said goodbye to Sparkles, Willow and Evie and wished Evie luck for her first day.

  “Try not to worry about tomorrow,” smiled little Faye.

  “Everyone will be feeling the same as you,” said Sylvette.

  Bryony gave Evie a hug, “Stay calm and smile.”

  “And remember that the people around you won’t be strangers for long, soon they will be your friends,” said Ivy and Violet, holding hands.

  “Soon you’ll know everyone’s names and share many lovely times with your new-found friends,” smiled Rowan and Rose, looking tired but happy. All the fairies fluttered up into the air and followed Juniper through the trees.

  “Thank you for helping make my first day such an adventure,” said Arwen, giving her new friend a hug.

  “Thank you for looking after Willow,” said Evie. “We’ve certainly had an unforgettable time!”

  “Good luck tomorrow, and remember, it’s the beginning of a great adventure,” said Arwen.

  “Thank you for all your help today Evie. I hope you enjoy your first day at school,” said Holly and then she whispered a forest fairy secret into Evie’s ear.

  Willow neighed as she took Evie and Sparkles along the forest paths, back to the tunnel of trees.


  Forest Fairy Secrets

  Evie got back to Starlight Stables and untacked Willow and groomed her coat. When she cleaned out her hooves, it was hard to believe that Willow had been injured that day – there wasn’t a mark to be seen.

  “Thank you for taking me back to the forest, Willow, I’ve had a magical day. It was great to catch up with my old friend Holly and to make some lovely new friends too!”

  Evie knew she should have an early night, but before she and Sparkles could go back to the castle for some supper and to get some sleep, she had to clean her ponies’ stables and make sure they were ready for the night. Evie checked their water and gave them all fresh hay. She fed Willow some tasty carrots from the vegetable garden.

  “I think you deserve a treat for working so hard and for being so brave today,” she smiled, giving her pony a gentle hug.

  When Evie was in her room, she emptied her rucksack out onto her desk. She was looking for some nice pens and pencils to put in her new pencil case for tomorrow, when out fell a magnificent golden feather. She looked at the feather closely and realised what it was.

  “It’s a magic quill like Holly’s,” Evie gasped. “What a fantastic present. I’m sure it’ll come in handy, especially when I have to do my homework. Thank you forest fairies.”

  Sparkles watched Evie pack her school bag and check her uniform.

  “Do you know Sparkles, I think I’m looking forward to tomorrow! I can’t wait to make some new friends!”

  Sparkles began purring loudly, then curled himself up into a little ball on Evie’s comfy bed. He was exhausted!

  “I’d better have an early night as well! There’s nothing worse than being too tired to enjoy an adventure.”

  That night, Evie lay in her soft feather bed and listened to the storm that was blowing around Starlight Castle’s towers. She thought about her ponies, safe in their stables and the animals they’d met in the forest – the little hedgehog snug in his nest and the proud phoenix in his golden tree. Evie smiled and huddled up under her toasty duvet, she knew she was going to sleep well.

  The next morning Evie woke to the sound of her alarm clock. She’d set it extra early so she would have time to get ready for her first day without having to race around.

  She hopped down from her bed and opened the curtains. The sky was clear and the sun was beginning to rise.

  “Good morning Starlight Stables,” she smiled. “Today I’m going to have another adventure – my first day at my new school!”

  When Evie had finished putting on her uniform, she turned to Sparkles who was sitting on the windowsill.

  “What do you think, Sparkles?”

  Her little kitten looked carefully at her smart school shoes with their silver buckles and began to purr. After breakfast the two of them trotted down to the stables. Evie fed her ponies their breakfast.

  “I’ll tell you all about my first day when I get back,” she whispered to Willow. Willow whinnied as if to wish Evie luck.

  It was time to go. As Evie shut the gate, she felt a little flutter of nervousness, or was it excitement? The wind blew and leaves flew around her. Evie remembered Holly’s forest fairy secret and she held out her hand and caught a golden leaf.

  With the leaf held in both hands, Evie closed her eyes, just as Holly had told her to do, then she blew the leaf back into the wind, and made her wish:

  “I wish that...

  ... everyone has a magical first day.”

  Pony Facts & Activities



  Starlight Stables




  Wild strawberries




  Training unicorns for t
he Olympics



  New Forest Pony


  Small size

  Neat pointed ears

  Big bold eyes

  Wide forehead


  From 12 hands to 14 hands


  Normally bay, brown or grey but can be chestnut, roan or black. They can have some white markings on their heads or legs.

  Pony colours


  These ponies have a brown body and black points.


  It’s very rare to see a completely black pony, as to be classed as black they must not have any brown hairs.


  A brown pony is dark brown all over and has brown points.


  These are reddish brown and do not have any black on them.


  These are pale brown, with black legs and a dark stripe along their back.


  Grey ponies are often described as white as they can be so light in colour.


  These pretty ponies are gold coloured with white manes or tails.


  A black pony with white patches.


  A bay, black or chestnut pony that has white hairs sprinkled through its coat.


  Any colour pony, apart from black, that has white patches.

  True or False?

  Here are some facts about Evie and her ponies. Decide which are true and which are false, then check your answers at the bottom of the page.



  Willow is a Connemara pony

  Willow is 12 hands tall

  Evie has never met Holly before

  The Forest Fairies can’t fly

  Hedgehogs hibernate

  The phoenix is a bright blue bird

  Holly gives Evie a magic golden quill


  How many words from this story can you find?

  They can read forwards, backwards, diagonally, horizontally or vertically.

  Phoenix Facts

  Phoenixes are mythical creatures who were famous for having long lives. Some people believed they could even live for more than 500 years!

  The myth goes that, when the time came for their end of their lives, they built a nest and then burst into flames. From their ashes, a new phoenix would arise. Their links with fire and flames were even stronger due to their red and golden coloured feathers. This led to them sometimes being called ‘firebirds’.

  They were extremely wise and kind creatures who always helped those in need. They could even help heal injuries, like Willow’s sore hoof, with their magic tears.

  In this story, Evie could hardly believe she was lucky enough to meet this magical creature and was very grateful for her help.




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