Rough & Real

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Rough & Real Page 28

by Hayley Faiman

  “I’m good, Mom, I swear,” I lie.

  She gives me a look that tells me that she knows I’m lying, but she doesn’t push for more. Together we exit the car and head toward the party. It’s a daytime family party, so the whores aren’t supposed to be hanging around, but there’s one that’s standing against the wall, watching.

  I find Riley in the crowd and start to walk toward her but then I stop in my tracks. She takes her drink and throws it in Tinker’s face before she stomps off. “Holy shit,” Finley whispers behind me.

  Spinning around I give her a shocked look. “She hasn’t talked to me about him, or them,” I admit.

  Finley shakes her head, her eyes flicking behind me and then back to mine. “She hasn’t told anyone. She won’t talk about their relationship. He won’t either. I tried getting information out of Hacker, but he claims he doesn’t know. My next resort is to have their apartment and his room bugged,” she grins.

  “Would he do that?” I exhale.

  Finley smirks. “For a price, I’m sure he would,” she winks. I can’t help but giggle. “I’m going with Mom and Dad to watch Bailey graduate, is there anything you want me to tell him?” she whispers.

  “Just that I love him,” I shrug.

  Finley reaches down and wraps her hand around mine, giving it a squeeze. “I’m sure he already knows that,” she winks. I nod in agreement. He does know that. It’s what he doesn’t know about me, about us, that has me anxious.

  “Let’s get something to eat,” I announce. Finley grins, and together we walk toward the table overloaded with food.

  “Your whore is waiting for you,” I seethe.

  Tinker growls and plants his hands on his hips as he looks up to the sky. I’ve annoyed him, assuredly, and it’s like I can’t help myself. I feel like I’m going crazy, but all I can do is imagine him with whore-after-whore, no matter what he tells me.

  He claims he hasn’t touched any since we said our vows. I want so badly to believe him. However, a part of me, a large part, is not willing to be that vulnerable with this man.

  “What do you want, Riley? You want me to tell you that she sucked my dick yesterday? I’m horny and you’re not fucking me. Do you want to hear the details?” he growls.

  My instant reaction is to turn and run, I don’t, I do my second instant reaction which is throwing my Sprite in his face. Then, I turn and run.

  Pixie smirks at me as I pass by her and make my way into the clubhouse. The bitch. I don’t know where I’m going to go, and I don’t have time to formulate a plan. Tinker is behind me and his hand wraps around my bicep. I gasp, looking around to try and find someone to help me, but everybody is outside.

  Tinker drags me through the clubhouse until we’re in his bedroom and he slams the door behind him. “What in the fuck, Riley?” he shouts.

  “You let that whore suck your dick?” I scream. I don’t care if anybody hears me, I’m fucking irrational.

  Tinker wraps his hand around the back of his neck and massages the nape. “What do you want from me, sugar?” he asks.

  I can’t believe he’s really asking me that. I drop my shoulders in defeat and take a step back. “Nothing, Dustin,” I whisper as I look at my feet. “Absolutely, nothing.”

  Not even a second later, one of his arms wraps around my waist, and he lifts the other, cupping my cheek and forcing my head back. He looks legitimately concerned, maybe even confused. I hate that. How could he be confused? How could he think that I would be okay with some nasty whore putting her mouth on his dick?

  “Sugar,” he mutters gently. “You don’t want me around. You’ve made it clear. I go somewhere else and it pisses you off. I’m trying here, but you’re confusing as fuck.”

  I exhale and shift my eyes to the side since he’s holding my face hostage and I can’t move it. “You’re supposed to be my husband,” I whisper.

  “You won’t let me be that, Riley. You wouldn’t even let me go to the doctor’s appointment for my own fuckin’ kid,” he growls.

  I wince at his words. I didn’t let him go because Rosalie went with me. Nobody knows about her pregnancy yet and I’m sworn to secrecy. Tinker would definitely tell Camo that his daughter was knocked up. “You won’t let me touch you,” he rasps. “You’re the only woman I want, and you won’t let me near you.”

  Sucking in a shaky breath, I look back up to him, into his eyes and I break. My own eyes fill with tears. I love him. I don’t know how to make all of this work. He’s not the man I should have ever fallen in love with, and I know without a doubt that I can’t trust him with my heart, but he has it nonetheless.

  “I wish you wouldn’t go to whores, for anything,” I admit.

  Tinker smirks and slides his hand down my throat, placing it at the center of my chest. “Does that mean, I get to fuck my wife?” he asks.

  “No more whores,” I announce. “No more blowjobs from them, no nothing.”

  His eyes search mine, and he must like what he sees because his smirk turns into a blinding white smile. “Sugar, you’re all the woman I need,” he mutters as his hand travels even lower to place against my stomach. “No more keeping yourself from me, or keeping my baby from me.”

  I nod my head with a jerk. “Just us then?” I ask.

  He shakes his head once. “It’s been just us for a fuck’ve a long time. You’ve just been too goddamn blind to see,” he smirks.

  I open my mouth to ask him what he means, but he doesn’t allow me to speak. His lips touch mine and his tongue slips inside of me, taking me. He starts to take steps, forcing me backward until my legs hit the mattress.

  I’m so goddamn horny that I can’t think straight. It’s been weeks since Riley and I have fucked. I haven’t touched anybody but her in over a year, but she doesn’t need to know that. She has some idea that I’ve been fucking, and whores have been sucking. I don’t know why I continue to let her believe that, maybe because I want to know how she really feels about me.

  Riley is so fucking hard to read.

  I peel her dress up her body and over her head, exposing her to me. She kicks her sandals off and unhooks her bra. I almost weep at the sight of her bare breasts but as my eyes travel down, I notice the slight roundness of her belly. I felt it beneath my hand but seeing it is totally different.

  Sinking to my knees, I place my hands on either side of her rounded stomach. Tipping my head back slightly I look into her eyes. She lifts one of her hands and sinks her fingers into my hair. “It’s real,” I whisper as my thumbs rub her skin.

  “It’s real,” she confirms with a nod.

  I decide to throw my feelings out there. She isn’t going to come forward anytime soon. “You’re mine, Riley—both of you. Mine to protect, just mine.”

  “Tinker,” she mutters.


  Her lips turn up into a smile as I hook my fingers in her panties and drag them down her legs. She sits down on the edge of the bed and spreads her thighs without being told. “Dustin,” she whimpers.

  “What, sugar?” I ask as I spread her pussy apart with my thumbs.

  I gaze at her pink center, she’s wet, so I gently blow on her which causes her to groan. “Make me come,” she practically demands.

  I chuckle. “How?”

  The fingers that are still in my hair, tighten their grip and then she pulls my face against her cunt. “With your tongue, you asshole,” she growls.

  I don’t hold back my chuckle, but I do as my sugar wants. I make her come, with my tongue, my teeth, and my lips.


  Once the ceremony is all finished, I wait for my family to come and find me. My mom is first. She practically runs toward me and launches herself against my chest. I wrap my arms around her and hold her close to me.

  “I missed you so much,” she whispers. She tips her head back and I can see the tears swimming in her eyes. “You look like a man now,” she states, reaching up to cup my cheek. “No longer a boy.”
/>   “Mom,” I grumble, shifting from foot to foot.

  She thankfully takes a step back and wipes her eyes. “I’m sorry, it’s just, I expected to see the same boy, but you aren’t him anymore.”

  I watch as my dad makes his way closer toward her, sliding his arm around her waist and tugging her against his side. He holds out his hand and I slip my own palm in his, giving it a shake. “Proud of you, son,” he murmurs.

  “Thanks, Pops,” I reply with a grin. I glance around and frown. My sisters aren’t here. “They’re back at the clubhouse. They wanted to be in charge of your party. Plus, Riley didn’t think she could make the trip down,” he grimaces.

  “Heard she was knocked up,” I chuckle.

  My mom shakes her head. “She’s sick as hell too, and hormonal. I seriously do not remember being that crazy when I was pregnant.”

  I look up to my dad, and his eyes widen. I hold back my laughter. “Let’s go home,” I suggest.

  “You don’t want to stay around here at all, see the sights?” my mom questions, but she looks like she’s trying to hold back a laugh.

  “Be nice to the boy,” my dad rumbles.

  I lift my chin to my dad. “I want to get my girl, and make her my wife.”

  “I’ll try to keep her dad from killing you, but no promises,” my dad announces.

  My mom reaches for me and wraps her hand around mine, giving it a squeeze. I look into her eyes and the rest of the room kind of melts away. My mom and I have always been close, but I can tell she has something to say, and she’s going to say it right now.

  “You need to do what makes you happy, and what makes her happy. But also, you need to do what’s right for the both of you,” she states.

  I dip my chin. “She’s what makes me happy, Mom. Being her man is the right thing to do. Camo might hate me for a while, but he’ll see how much I love her, and he’ll be cool with it eventually.”

  My mom lets my hand fall and then announces to my dad that I’m too thin and I need a good meal before we get back on the road. I don’t hold back my chuckle and I agree that I’m starving. The food here wasn’t that great, and I exercised my fucking ass off. I need a good meal and my girl, and then all will be right in the world.

  The clubhouse comes into view, and I swear to fuck, I feel like a kid pulling up to the Disneyland entrance. I’m so goddamn excited to see Rosalie. I know she’s here, my mom told me that she was. I don’t give a fuck if it pisses her father off, or anybody else. I’m grabbing her in my arms and I’m giving her a fucking indecent kiss.

  I don’t bother waiting for the car to come to a complete stop, I lunge out of the backseat, and toward the picnic area. I see tons of people I know, trying not to stop to talk to them. I want to see them, but Rosalie comes first. It’s been three long months and I want my woman.

  Then, I see her.

  She’s standing with her back to me. Her dress loose and short, barely skimming her ass as it hangs on her body. Her hair is long and dark, she’s wearing it down like a straight curtain covering her back. She’s talking to someone but I can’t take my eyes off of her long enough to see who. I stalk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her ribcage and pulling her against my front. I bury my face in her neck and inhale her sweet scent.

  Rosalie’s body stiffens. “Hey, Blue Eyes,” I murmur against her.

  I loosen my arms and she spins around as I lift my head. Fuck me, she’s absolutely gorgeous. I cup her cheeks with my hands and press my lips to hers. Sliding my tongue inside of her mouth, I taste her. She tastes so fucking good, better than I could have ever remembered. She whimpers against me and slides her arms around my waist, pressing her tits even closer to my chest.

  “Fuck, Blue Eyes, I fucking missed you,” I rasp against her lips.

  “Oh shit,” I hear Riley’s voice whisper.

  A hand clamps down on my shoulder and I’m tugged backward. “What the fuck is wrong with you, boy?” Camo shouts as he turns me around.

  He’s bigger than me, but I’m leaner. My body is pretty much all muscle right now, and I could kill him if I really wanted to, I’m sure of it. Although, if I did it would probably upset Rosalie, so I just tip my head to the side and wait for him to continue.

  “Keep your fuckin’ hands off my daughter,” he growls.

  “Dad,” Rosalie shouts. She tries to step around me but I place my hand on her stomach to keep her from advancing.

  My hand flexes against her, and she tries to push my hand away, but I don’t let her. Ignoring her father, I turn my head to look down at her. “What’s going on with your stomach?” Her eyes widen and she looks from her father, then back to me, and shakes her head. “Rosie, what the fuck is going on with your stomach?” I ask a little firmer.

  “Now, now, everyone just needs to chill out,” Riley announces and takes Rosalie’s hand, trying to pull her away from me.

  “Will someone tell me what the fuck is going on here?” Camo shouts.

  Riley looks at me, her eyes pleading but I don’t understand what she’s trying to tell me. “Rosalie?” I ask.

  I feel like everything is spinning out of control. Something is happening here, but I don’t know what it is and it’s starting to piss me off.

  “Bailey,” she whispers as tears fill her eyes. “I’m pregnant.”

  I feel like my breathing stops, immediately. I can’t hear anything else around me, all I can do is stare at her, in shock. Pregnant. The word doesn’t register right away. I look down at her stomach, and then back up to her face.

  “The fuck?” Camo roars from somewhere behind me. “I’ll fucking kill you, you little cock sucking piece of shit.”

  I expect him to grab me from behind, but there’s a sound of a scuffle instead. I’m frozen, unable to move, only staring at Rosalie.

  “Say something,” she urges as tears fall down her cheeks.

  My eyes flick down to her belly and then back up to her tear-stained face. “I-I-,” I stammer.

  I don’t speak.

  I wrap my hand around hers, and I run, dragging her behind me. I can hear people calling our names, but I don’t care. I need to be alone with her.

  My feet move faster than they ever have as I try to keep up with Bailey. My heart is threatening to literally pound out of my chest. I can’t believe that I blurted out that I was pregnant in front of my entire family and the club. The look on my dad’s face was enough to break my heart. He’s confused and pissed off, rightfully so, on both accounts.

  I don’t know where we are, but I know we’re in the woods behind the clubhouse somewhere. Anybody could find us, but hopefully, they’ll give us a few minutes to talk. Bailey maneuvers me so that my back is against a tree trunk. Then he releases my hand and takes a step back. I watch as he runs his hand over his short-cropped hair.

  When he lifts his head, he smiles. “A baby,” he whispers. Then I watch as he drops to his knees and places his hands on my stomach. “I can’t fucking believe it.”


  He tips his head back and he’s smiling, huge, bigger than I’ve ever seen him smile before in my life. Bigger than when we won state champ his senior year for football and he made the winning touchdown. “Let’s run away. Right now, let’s get the fuck out of this party and get married.”

  “Everybody is here, for you,” I say, shaking my head.

  Bailey’s hands slide up my waist, and he stands slowly as they continue to glide up and wrap around the sides of my throat.

  “I missed my parents, I missed my sisters, but to be honest—I fucking missed you, Rosalie. Now, you’re telling me that you’re pregnant with my baby? We’re leaving right now. We’re getting married and we’ll be back here as soon as a judge signs the dotted line. Then, with my wife on my arm, I’ll enjoy my friends and family.”

  He doesn’t give me a chance to reply. He presses his lips to mine and his hips against my stomach. I groan at the feel of his hard length against my belly. I want him so bad. All of the sickne
ss from the pregnancy is gone, and desire replaces it. I want him, I want his touch, and I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t get it.

  “Let’s go,” I whisper against his lips.

  He lifts his head slightly. “Really?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I breathe.

  His hand wraps around mine and we start to run again. Except we take off toward the parking area of the clubhouse. “My mom left the keys in her car,” he chuckles as we dart toward his mom’s SUV.

  He opens the passenger door for me and I hop inside. A few seconds later he’s in the driver’s seat and he takes off. I can’t believe we’re doing this, that we’re running away together. That when we return, I’ll be Mrs. Rosalie Duhart. Holy Shit.

  “Ready to start our lives together?” he asks as he reaches for my hand and gives it a squeeze.

  Looking over at him, I give him a wide smile. “Hell yeah, I am.”

  I shove Riley behind me as Grease and Soar hold Camo’s arms to keep him from killing Bailey. I watch as the couple runs off into the woods behind the club’s property.

  Riley’s small hands fist at the waist of my cut as she holds onto me. “Holy shit, Camo is about to have a heart attack,” she whispers. She’s not wrong. Camo’s face is bright fuckin’ red, almost purple.

  Grease releases him and moves around to get in his face. I can’t hear what he tells him but Camo’s head jerks back. “He knocked her up,” he growls. “That little prick touched my baby and knocked her up. She’s only eighteen goddamn years old.”

  “Ain’t a baby anymore, brother,” Grease’s low voice rumbles. “You gotta come to terms with that. You knew they’d had a thing for years, this shit cannot be a surprise to you.”

  I don’t bother standing around for the rest of the fight or whatever is about to happen. Turning around, I take Riley’s hand in mine and I lead her away from the crowd. They’re all concerned with Bailey and Rosalie. Honestly, I don’t give much of a fuck what they do. My concern is my wife.


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