Holiday Naughty: My Alpha Bad Boy Client

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Holiday Naughty: My Alpha Bad Boy Client Page 5

by Rebecca Lee

  “So are you down about being stuck up here at Christmas? You could be down south with your lawyer man?” He asked as we lingered on well after our food and sodas were gone.

  “Well I am a bit of a workaholic. He understands. He supports me in my career,” I said, my eyes averting down to my tin foil with liquid cheese caked to it.

  “Sounds perfect,” he said.

  There was no hint of sarcasm.

  He kept surprising me with different sides of himself throughout the conversation. One hour turned quickly to two without me realizing it.

  The talk got back around to his holiday plans.

  “I don't do Christmas,” he said.

  I was holding back admitting I felt the exact same way. I couldn't shake the feeling Tyler already knew taht. And that he knew I wasn't really in any sort of relationship. I suppose guys who are great with women always see right through the bullshit we throw around.

  There are just so few of those guys out there.

  Andrew was one and that was the thing that turned me on most about him. He knew I wanted him from moment one. He dangled the bait of my career advancement. Before I knew it, I was all but begging him to leave his beautiful wife and family.

  That callous, greedy side of me was something being a lawyer encouraged. I embraced it because that's what we women were supposed to do to be successful.

  “Well I am sorry to hear that you don't get into the holiday spirit. Any reason why that you want to share that won't bore me to tears?” I asked.

  “I know nothing I do bores you,” he said. “But sure. People don't really do things from the heart. They do things because they think they have to. They don't know why they do any of it. They don't question it. They don't want to make waves so they go through the exercise of it every year. Deep down they are glad when it's over.It makes me ill to have anything to do with the whole thing. It's phony. And I hate phony.”

  “Well you make some interesting points. But why not just go along with it to get along?”

  I was baiting him, but I already knew his answer.

  “I never do that. I am no good to anybody if I just do that. Plus that would bore me,” he said. “Just like me talking about my personal philosophies. Which is what I am doing. It's boring for you. It's boring for me. Much better to experience it together.”

  “Like I said, not available nor interested,” I said.

  The truth was I was scared. I agreed with everything he said about Christmas. I was happy where I was not having to deal with the whole thing. I also believe it was all one big stage play.

  I never felt more connected to someone than when Tyler talked about the season. It's like he knew the source of my pain and where my demons were hiding.

  A part of me wanted to share it all with him right there. Then share more.

  But I wasn't giving up on my plan. Not even for a night of fun with a truly gorgeous man.

  “Well aren't you the typical American woman?”


  “Every hot girl in the US walks around like they own the world and they have a license to be a spoiled snobby bitch. Foreign women are better. Way better. They appreciate good men. They look beneath the surface. They don't torture men for having feelings for them.”

  “Stop. I get the point,” I said, lifting myself to my feet. “You don't like being rejected.”

  “No I like someone authentic. Someone who doesn't act like they care when they don't. Sorry you have no idea how to be seduced like a real woman. I'll bet you aren't seeing anyone but I do bet you are banging some guy to help your career?”

  “Take me back to my hotel please. This conversation has gone way off the path of appropriate for an attorney and client.”

  “Yeah about that. Time you knew the truth,” he shot back as he got to his feet. “You aren't settling anything. You are deciding. Should I get the billions left behind from my greedy parents or should it go into trust?”

  I was floored but I tried hard not to show it.

  “Trust for whom?”

  “I can't believe how little they told you,” he said. “Your prick old guy partner. Brundidge. My mom's brother. Talk about a fucking conflict of interest.”

  I followed him as he jumped on his bike and slammed his foot on the kick starter.

  I didn't know what came next but I knew I gave a damn about Tyler West. What he claimed was happening didn't seem right or fair.

  Chapter 12--Tyler

  My mind was a blur with what to do next as I rushed her back to her hotel. Two hours had made the night turn even colder. But I barely noticed. I was scared that somehow I'd never see her again.

  I had given her the information about what was really going on with her law firm and my parent's estate. That truth may have destroyed her reason to be in Philadelphia. If she went back to her man in Florida, I wouldn't stand a chance.

  I knew she was interested. I knew because of how nervous she got when I'd stare at her and tell her through my eyes I wanted to fuck her.

  When we came to a stop in front of the Hyatt, I didn't waste any time. There was none to waste. Like I always said: if you lose, you aren't any worse off for trying. You still have what you had before: nothing.

  “I want to see you again,” I said.

  She handed me her helmet and licked her chapped lips with her adorable bubble gum pink tongue.

  “Dry,” she said, acting irritated by what the elements had done to her skin.

  She acted at first like she didn't hear my request.

  “Well that depends on what my office says. I have to verify what you told me over dinner. From there, I don't know if I am comfortable being here.”

  “That's not what I meant,” I quickly responded. “I mean. No it wasn't. I want to see you again. I don't care about the stupid case.”

  She tapped her feet nervously and her body began to sway like her legs were having a hard time keeping her up straight.

  “We talked about this,” she said. “I can't. You are a handsome guy. But I can't. My situation won't allow it.”

  I wrapped my hands around the top of her waist and jerked her in close to my body. I could feel her luscious breasts swelling against my midsection.

  “Look me in the eye right now and tell me you don't want me as much as I want you.”

  She froze. Her teeth emerged, biting at her upper lip.

  She closed her eyes, then pushed hard against me with her arms.

  “That's not the point,” she snapped. “I learned that a long time ago. That's never the point.”

  “Just come. Come to my place. Get to know me better. Nothing has to happen,” I said.

  She turned and walked away. I had no idea what was going through her mind, but I'd put my best foot forward. That had to be enough. Or it wasn't. I was fine with whatever happened.

  I hopped on my motorcycle and headed back into the heart of the city rather than north to the opulence of my parent's cold fortress of wealth.

  Chapter 13--Beth

  I got back to my room.

  Besides being bitter frozen cold, I was overwhelmed with confusion. I no longer knew who to trust in my law firm.

  I took a hot shower that relieved my freezer-burned skin. I threw on one of those big white cotton hotel robes.

  It felt warm and secure. My mind began to clear as I relaxed.

  Those warm feelings made me think of Tyler and riding on his bike. I trusted him. Despite his obvious ability to have any woman he wanted. Despite his rich bad boy ways. I trusted him. Logic told me he was putting on a front, because that's what being a lawyer trained me to think.

  That's how I saw all men after Brad.

  After Brad, the only thing I trusted was raw power on display. Which made me want to get on my back for Andrew in the first place.

  I flipped on my tablet and messaged David. He told me he didn't know anything about us evaluating the fitness of Tyler to take over his parent's empire. Apparently he was going to pick up the boxes of f
iles the next day from the West mansion to complete his audit.

  “I am a little down we'll be stuck here for the holiday.”

  “Well we knew that going in.”

  “Are you busy tonight? Want to hang ou?. There is a supposed to be a great thai place two blocks over.”

  Oh no, not this shit again. I wasn't going to give him any room to believe I was interested.

  “I've had an exhausting day. I am going to turn in early. But thanks.”

  I signed off and laid back on the bed. I instantly began day dreaming of Tyler dangling his mighty cock near my mouth. Challenging me to get him hard.

  I put my hands on my clit and was about ready for nature to take over, when I stopped. I thought I heard my phone.

  I scanned my naked body in the mirror over the dresser in my suite. I recognized the number immediately. Anton. I knew he would have some answers.


  Anton was a jack ass but he took his cases and work very seriously. He didn't buy any of what Tyler had told me about the real purpose of our work

  “Ravings of a lunatic. Check the filings. No such agreement exists,” he assured me.

  “I was surprised you called,” I said. “It's really late. Can I ask why?”

  “Something big is going down. With Andrew I mean,” he said. “Shawna called me. Irate. She found evidence on their computer of the Gabrielle thing. I know I've been a bastard to you Beth, but you need to run for cover. He is all in on his new girlfriend. He is going to break your heart.”

  I started to choke up from frustration and sadness. Another broken heart. Why did I think it would turn out any different?

  I knew Anton wasn't lying. He was mean spirited and territorial, but he was the ultimate straight shooter.

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because you have to prepare yourself emotionally. If you want to make partner, you have to prepare yourself for what is likely to happen. You have to be all business. There are very few associates I respect. But I respect the hell out of you. You've earned it. Don't let your feelings cloud what is about to be yours.”

  “I have to go. There is someone I need to see. Bye.”

  “Beth..” was all I heard as I hung up and promptly texted the person I burned most for.

  There was nothing in our way and I felt so alone.

  Anton was right. Business was business and for me it was looking up.

  But my heart needed a place to heal and my body needed the touch of Tyler West.

  Chapter 14--Tyler

  “I'll send you a car. I am very excited you are coming.”

  Everything had to be perfect. This was my chance. If she was coming to my house at this hour, she was interested. She also never mentioned business in the text.

  I pulled out my best sports coat, some jeans, and my favorite casual white collar shirt.

  I'd sent my driver packing weeks ago and no way would I send Martin. It was OK though.

  I had a plan.

  Chapter 15—Beth

  I put on my favorite red cocktail dress. The one I wore the night I first hooked up with Andrew at the professional conference. I also went with the black pumps. I put my hair up and teased it so it dropped a little down both sides of my head.

  I wanted to make sure he saw me at my best.

  I found a chair at the far corner of the hotel bar lounge and ordered a white wine.

  The local news was doing a big long piece on this guy they had dubbed the “Longshoremen Robin Hood”. Seems there had a been a series of burglaries by a guy dressed in dark wool dock worker clothes. No one had seen his face. Each burglary was more daring than the one before. The theories were flying. Olympic gymnast, martial arts master, or maybe a professional acrobat.

  A bunch of money given anonymously to poor families was being traced back to the break ins. Big financial and brokerage houses were the robber's targets of choice.

  It was fascinating enough along with the wine to calm me down about going over to Tyler's.

  “Fuck. Damn it,” I said out loud, alerting the cute little blonde bar tender. “Save my spot if you could? I'd like to have another.”

  I slid a five spot across the bar.

  “Will do,” she said as she pocketed the money.

  I went back up to my room to retrieve my phone As I opened the door I felt deep harsh blow to my lower back. It propelled me forward onto my stomach.

  I let out a wild scream but the door was already closed.


  His hair was all messed around and it was the first time I'd ever seen him without his nerdy coke bottle lawyer glasses.

  He looked like he'd come unhinged. Immediately fear gripped my entire soul.

  “You fucking slut. You are going to go spend the night with West aren't you? Tired and going to turn in early?”

  “I...David. I'll scream and you'll be finished.”

  He loosened his string tie on his gym shorts and tore at them pulling them out and down to his knees.

  “I was never bad boy enough for you was I Beth? Was that it?”

  His eyes were a dark shade of red. I knew he'd been drinking and the assurance he had as he approached me laying on the ground horrified me.

  “We're friends. David please don't. Turn around right now, and I'll forget this ever happened.”

  “So beautiful. Every man's fantasy,” he said, ignoring my pleading. “Lay back on that floor. I'll show you a bad boy.”

  I froze. I was still paralyzed with dread from the shock of what was transpiring. I didn't scream and my movements were not near enough to get him to stop.

  His bottoms were off and he straddled my body with his knees. His cock was already hard and he had it in my face, glancing it against my chin.

  I snaked my body violently against the thinly carpeted floor trying to bounce him off me. Nothing was working because I didn't have free arms to help push me up.

  He flattened himself onto me so his face became lodged between my breasts. He reached back and began to push his hand between my legs attempting to guide himself inside me

  I was so overcome with terror, I barely perceived a loud bang and sudden relief from his body weight.

  Chapter 16--Tyler

  I did well over an hour in the gym. Pull ups and push ups to the max and then some extreme jump roping.

  I be lying if I said I didn't work double hard because of my house guest. I wanted to be sweaty when I looked in on her.

  I opened the door to the first floor guest quarters.

  Beth looked like an Angel. She was snug under the covers. She was still wearing the red cocktail dress she glimmered and shined in the previous night.


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