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Sizzle Page 39

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Molly laughed against Devil’s neck as she leaned heavily toward him. “Heaven preserve us against well-meaning friends.”

  “Amen.” Tilting Molly’s chin, he waited until her sparkling eyes lifted to his. “I’ll see you at the front of the church, darlin’. You’ve got half an hour. Any longer than that and I come looking for you.”

  “I’ll be there. I promise,” Molly vowed, meaning every word.

  With one last soft kiss, he was gone and she was surrounded by her friends. Beaming at them, she sighed. “Let’s get me ready, gals. I’m getting married today!”

  Chapter Fifty-Nine

  When all was said and done, Molly Ramsey Delancy’s wedding could only be described as beautiful. The press would later deem it the event of the year, but Molly and Devil would just refer to it as the happiest day of their lives.

  True to her word, a half hour after Devil forced himself away from her, Molly appeared at the back of the church’s sanctuary on her flustered father’s arm. Swathed in yards of satin, her dress clung to her curvy frame, highlighting the assets the Lord had bestowed on her without being too ostentatious.

  She took her future husband’s breath away.

  His bride glided down the center aisle toward him and Devil hadn’t been able to remain still. He hadn’t even bothered trying. Breaking with tradition (not for the first time, of course), he strode toward his intended and met her halfway down the aisle.

  “I was coming to you,” she whispered as she offered him a soft look and he reached for her hand.

  “Believe me, I would have tripped her if she’d tried to bolt,” her amused father interjected (not in a whisper).

  Devil ignored the amused laughter that had surrounded them and focused on the only person in the world who mattered to him at the moment. “Wasn’t gonna risk it, darlin’.”

  And so it was that Molly was guided down the remainder of the aisle sandwiched between the two most important men in her life. Her father’s hand rested on her elbow while Devil kept his fingers laced tightly with hers. In her free hand, she clutched a bouquet of slightly wilted red roses.

  None of that mattered to her anymore.

  She was standing in a church among her friends and family marrying the man that she’d loved over half her life. She was living her dream.

  It felt like coming home.

  From the beginning of the ceremony to the end, it didn’t escape the gathered congregation’s collective notice that Pastor Travis Davis managed to perform the entire service without once looking in the bride’s direction. No one was sure what exactly the groom had said to the young man to keep those eyes riveted to the Holy Bible, but no one looked more relieved than the good Pastor when he pronounced the overjoyed couple as man and wife after the solemn vows were said.

  It might have been because Pastor Travis Davis had not held any doubt that the groom would commit mass murder inside God’s house if anyone interfered with his wedding ceremony. Or it could have been because there was a senior citizen that had aimed a wooden spoon like a weapon at the gathered guests when he’d asked if anyone objected to this man and woman being united in holy matrimony. Either way, there was no mistaking the obvious relief that the junior pastor felt when he closed the Good Book.

  In yet another departure from tradition, Devil didn’t wait for the invitation to kiss his bride. Instead, as soon as Travis announced that Molly was his, he’d hauled her into his arm and lowered his head, giving Molly a sizzling kiss that had even the oldest, most staid members of the congregation fanning themselves.

  As applause thundered in the sanctuary and Devil lifted his lips from Molly’s mouth, he met her smile with one of his own. “Well, you’re stuck now. You’re mine in the eyes of God. There’s no getting out of that promise,” he whispered against her cheek.

  Staring up at him, Molly just shook her head. There was nothing to say.

  She intended to keep her promise until she drew her last breath.


  Two long hours later, both Molly and Devil were looking for a way out...not of their brand-new marriage, but out of what had to be the longest reception in all of eternity. They’d smiled, greeted their guests, and accepted what felt like a million congratulatory hugs and kisses.

  They were done now.

  Leaning against Devil’s strong side, Molly let out a not-so-patient sigh as she muttered, “How many people did my Momma manage to invite to this thing, Devil? I’ve been on my feet for what seems like ages, and these shoes were made with style in mind, not comfort.” Holding up one slender leg, she glared at the spiked heel. “It’s like Mr. Blanik wanted to torture brides when he made these. Seriously, if one more person wants their picture made with us and I have to smile, I swear to God I’m gonna kick them in the shins with these god-awful heels, wedding presents be damned.”

  His brow furrowing, Devil wrapped one strong arm around his new wife. “Babe, I was all for absconding with you as soon as I got the Lord’s blessing.” Glancing over his shoulder, he searched the crowd for a moment before catching the eye of his best man and Molly’s brother. A quick jerk of Devil’s head had Grant heading quickly in their direction.

  Grinning as he approached the couple, the loud chatter of the gathered group around them nearly deafening, Grant asked cheerfully, “What’s up, man? You two ready to open gifts? I heard that Momma and the three bridesmaid Furies were sorting and stacking.”

  “Gifts can wait. My new wife can’t,” Devil replied succinctly, drawing a gasp from Molly when he suddenly bent and scooped her into his arms.

  Her dress billowing around her, Molly felt her arms automatically wrapping tightly around her husband’s strong neck and shoulders. “Devil!” she exclaimed, eyes widening. “What in the world are you doing?”

  “I’m taking my new wife and going to our suite,” he replied easily, dropping a soft kiss against her pursed lips.

  “But all of our guests....”

  “Will be listening to Grant when he explains how we appreciate them very much, but they aren’t the most important thing on my mind right now. Most of them are married. They’ll get the picture. If not, I don't really give a damn."

  "Me?" Grant all but yelled, eyes narrowing as he glared at his somewhat-best friend and now-brother-in-law. "Why me?" he yelped.

  Molly grinned as she felt Devil start to move. "'Cause Momma's less likely to kill you, big brother. You always were her favorite."

  “I do not have favorites, Margaret Ellinor,” Anne Ramsey declared, stepping in front of the newly wedded couple and halting the groom’s progress toward the nearest exit. “Devil Delancy, drop my daughter right now,” she ordered, her hands on her hips as she glared at her new son-in-law.

  “Oh, lass,” Devil’s grandmother chided from beside Anne, “It’s romantic. He’s tryin’ to spirit his bride away for a wee snog. You can’t blame the lad.”

  While there was nothing wee about the snog he intended to give Molly, Devil smiled. “Thank you, Nana. Miss Anne…”

  “Momma,” Anne corrected with a stern look.

  “Momma,” Devil amended instantly, “I’m sorry, but Molly’s exhausted. We have an early flight tomorrow and she needs to rest. I’m sure that you can make our excuses, can’t you?” he asked, hitching Molly up against his chest while her arms tightened around his neck and she hid her face in his throat, giggling.

  “I suspect she’ll find her second wind shortly.” Nana winked at them both. “You’ve made a fine match, Willy, my boy. I couldn’t have asked for a better lass to be my new granddaughter. Let the children go, Anne.”

  Smacking Katie’s arm, Anne rolled her eyes. “Fine. I expect lots of pictures when you two get back from the Emerald Isle, though,” she warned, stepping forward to kiss her daughter’s cheek and squeeze Devil’s arm.

  “And a pint of that Irish whiskey would be much appreciated,” Molly’s father added, joining the group and taking his turn kissing his little girl’s cheek. “Take care of her,

  “I will, sir,” Devil assured the other man seriously. “We’ll see you all in a couple of weeks.”

  The cheers of their guests followed them as Devil carried her out the door of the reception room and into the lobby of the five-star hotel. Ignoring the knowing grins and chuckles of those around him, he headed toward the elevator. “Penthouse,” he growled to the uniformed attendant inside the elevator as he held his wife against his chest and the steel doors slid shut in front of them. Gazing down at her, he smiled wickedly. “Let the honeymoon commence.”

  Chapter Sixty

  “Oh, wow,” Molly breathed as her bright eyes widened on the sumptuous bridal suite. Decorated in rich gold and deep red, the room was amazing. Tightening her hand around Devil’s neck as he carried her over the threshold and kicked the door closed behind them, she looked around the sunken room, taking in every gorgeous aspect of the space. “This is gorgeous, Devil.”

  “You’re gorgeous, Molly. This is just a hotel room,” he denied, dropping a kiss against her neck before moving further into the suite.

  “Are you kidding?” Molly squeaked, squirming in his arms. “Look at that view,” she continued, gesturing at the floor to ceiling window that made up the far wall. “You can see all of Atlanta from up here!”

  “Babe, I’m sure it’s great, but the only view I’m interested in is the stunning one where I get to see you naked and glowing against the sheets of the nearest bed.” Striding up the three steps into the suite’s bedroom, he grinned as he made his way to the luxurious king size bed in the center of the room. Dropping her on her feet at the foot of the bed, he cupped her hips as she slid down his body. “Finally, I’ve got my wife exactly where I want her.”

  Molly twined her arms around his neck and lifted on her toes to peck his lips. “Your wife,” Molly repeated on a breathy sigh. Every time she heard it, her heart fluttered and her stomach jumped with excitement. She hoped that feeling never went away. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to hearing you call me that.”

  “God willing, you’ll have at least forty to fifty years to hear me saying it to you,” he murmured, tucking a strand of her auburn hair behind her ear. “Have I told you what a beautiful bride you made today, Mrs. Delancy?” he asked huskily against her ear.

  “Not in the last hour,” Molly returned with a shiver. “You’re falling down on the job, Devil. I could stand to hear it again,” she teased.

  “You. Are. Beautiful,” Devil replied, punctuating each word with a slow, deliberate kiss against her parted lips. “And now you’re mine.”

  “I was always yours,” Molly whispered, moving her hands to loosen his bow tie. “You just didn’t realize it.”

  “That’s because you did a damn good job of hiding how you felt. You know, if you’d given me some kind of sign instead of your usual sass, we’d have been standing right here a whole lot sooner.”

  “I’m not the only good actor in the room,” she chided as he shrugged his broad shoulders out of the Armani tux jacket and let it fall to the floor while her fingers unbuttoned his starched white shirt. “I never suspected you were interested in me.”

  “Wasn’t interested, babe. I was in love,” Devil clarified. “Big difference,” he murmured as his lips ghosted over her neck. “Turn around, Molly. As gorgeous as this dress is, I’m going to rip it off you if I don’t get you out of it in the next ten seconds or so.”

  “Don’t you dare,” Molly hissed, slamming an open palm against his bared chest. “This dress is now a family heirloom.”

  “Sweetheart, it’s gonna be a rag if you don’t let me get your sweet body out of it,” he warned with lips pressed against her ear. “I want you naked, Molly. Hell, I want you, period– and not in a fumbling bridegroom kind of way, either, dammit.”

  Molly smiled against his neck before turning in his arms and presenting him with her back. “Be careful with the zipper, Devil. It’s delicate.” She was breathing heavily by the time the ivory satin pooled at her feet. Feeling him nudge her hips, she turned and stood in her corset and silk panties before him.

  “Damn,” he breathed in awed appreciation as his eyes moved over her body. “As unimaginably beautiful as you were in your dress, this is how I’ll remember you tonight,” he murmured, brushing the back of his fingers over the swell of her cleavage. The corset had pushed her breasts high and proud and her nipples puckered as he lovingly stroked her skin. “So fucking pretty,” he mumbled to himself, unable to tear his eyes away from the image she made.

  Molly felt a wave of excitement wash over her as his eyes moved up and down her body. Reaching for the buckle of his black belt, she unfastened it as his warm palms moved up and down her bare arms. Pushing the expensive material of his slacks over his hips, she caught her breath as she eyed the size of the erection he sported. “I think my new husband must be in all kinds of pain,” she murmured, brushing his length with the tips of her fingers.

  Devil sucked in a deep breath at her light caress. Catching her slender wrist, he held her arm captive and shook his head. “Razor’s edge, sweetheart. Don’t goad me into losing control. Not tonight,” he admonished softly. “This has to be right and special… perfect for you.”

  “Are you going to make love to me?” Molly tilted her head and smiled at him, lifting one hand to cradle his cheek.

  “You know I am,” he growled, turning his head to press a tender, damp kiss into the center of her palm.

  “Then it will be perfect for me whether you lose control or not. Although, I can safely report that all those times you’ve lost control made the experience out of this world for me,” she whispered shyly.

  Devil’s fingers stroked the skin of her lower back, drawing her flush against him before he lowered his head and claimed her mouth for his own. Molly’s tongue met his boldly, sliding and rubbing against his as her body melted against his, her arms shifting against his shoulders as her fingers slid into his hair and pulled his lips closer. Growling against her parted lips as she nipped his lower lip, he pressed closer, pulling the satin strings of her corset loose until the stiff bodice sagged between them. He tugged the material impatiently out of the way.

  Molly sighed as his large palms finally cupped her breasts, his thumbs worrying her nipples into diamond hard points while his lips ate at hers. Her nails raked his scalp when those wicked fingers of his began to roll and tug. Humming happily against his mouth, she felt his lips lift in a grin.

  “You like that, don’t you, baby? That little edge of pain wrapped in a whole lot of pleasure?” he asked huskily, twisting and squeezing the plump nipples between his fingers while he toed off his shoes. Dragging his mouth from hers, he heard her dissatisfied mumble. “Patience, Molly,” he warned, kissing a trail down her neck until he reached the indentation of her collarbone. Swirling his tongue around that vulnerable hollow, he felt her curvaceous body shudder against his.

  “I don’t think I can be patient, Devil. I want you,” Molly panted, moaning when his open mouth moved down her chest, his tongue sliding against her skin until he reached her breast. Inhaling audibly as he drew one nipple between his lips and sucked the swollen nub deeply, Molly’s hands dropped to his shoulders when her legs buckled. “Devil!” She whimpered low in her throat as he wrapped strong arms around her waist and steadied her.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he murmured, releasing her nipple from his lips and eyeing the wet, shiny flesh he’d been torturing hungrily before moving to the opposite breast. “I’ve got you. I’ll always catch you if you’re going to fall, Molly,” he assured her gently before pulling her other nipple between his lips and flicking it with his tongue. She felt good in his arms, holding her warm body against his while he tongued her breasts. He was complete… made whole by her as if she were the missing piece to a puzzle he’d spent years trying to solve.

  With her, the riddle was solved.

  Molly’s head fell back on her neck as his mouth pulled at her breasts, his tongue licking and swirli
ng around the sensitive mounds. Catching her breath in her throat as his teeth found one hardened nipple and nibbled gently, she felt her aching core clench and a flood of moisture slide over her pussy lips. Her breathing accelerated when his lips moved down her belly and he paused at her belly button.

  He whirled his tongue around her belly button while his fingertips hooked the hem of her silk panties and pulled them off her hips. He pressed a lingering kiss against each of her hips before lowering his nose to nuzzle the downy curls at the apex of her mound. “Christ, you smell sweet, darlin’,” he murmured, taking her scent into his body. Wrapping his hands around the back of her thighs, he coaxed them wider. “Open your legs for me. Let me see how wet you are, baby.”

  Molly let him guide her legs apart and sank her teeth into her bottom lip as Devil reclined back on his knees. His intense gaze on her body made her shift nervously in front of him. He looked at her like she was a piece of art on display in a gallery, admiring her with knowledgeable eyes.

  “It doesn’t matter how many times I look at you, you never fail to take my breath away with your beauty,” Devil noted softly, grazing his knuckles over the thin shield of curls guarding her pussy. “All perfect and pink and already slick for me even though I’ve barely touched you.”

  Molly felt her tummy flutter as he continued to stare at her, his blue eyes reverent as they slid over her body. When his head finally leaned forward to press a slow kiss to her abdomen, she knew that no matter how long she lived, no man would ever gaze at her with such longing in his eyes. It was almost as though he worshipped her.


  Little Miss Nobody from Nowheresville, USA.


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