Fully Restored

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Fully Restored Page 5

by Delaney Williams

  My poor dad, he had no clue what he was in for if he dated that one again. He looked at me, “Is there something I should know? Why do you know about grey ties? And what the hell is a red room? Why would I need one?”

  I couldn’t stop laughing. “Nothing dad, it’s nothing. Unless, are you going to see her again?”

  “I wasn’t planning on it. I don’t want to date a lush.”

  “Maybe she was just nervous?” I suggested

  “Maybe,” he conceded.

  “Did you like her other than that? Was she pretty? Smart? Have a job? A bangin’ body? Anything?”

  “Did you seriously just ask me if she had a ‘bangin’ body’? I don’t think I can talk about this with you. But, to answer your question, she’s in my night class at the college. She’s getting a business degree too. So, yeah, I guess she’s smart. And pretty. So, maybe I’ll call her up and give it another shot. Only, coffee this time. No alcohol. Maybe I’ll wear a grey tie.” He smiled, “How about you? Anyone new in your life? You looked pretty happy today out there.”

  “It’s too early to say, but yeah, someone new is in my life and I’ll introduce you as soon as I know where it’s going okay? He’s a good guy dad, you’ll like him.” I stopped, thinking a bit, “I’m gonna have to ask him if he has a grey tie. That woman of yours had a good idea.” I was biting my lip to keep from going crazy.

  Dad laughed, “Well, whoever he is, tell him I have a gun. And I will use it if he hurts you okay? Now, I’m sure you have better things to do after work than hang with your old man. Get going.”

  He dismissed me, so I stood to go, all the sudden remembering my dinner date. “Hey dad, I won’t be home for dinner. There are some leftovers from the other night in the fridge if you need them. Or, you know, you could have that second date.”

  “I hear you, I hear you” He muttered as I was leaving. I swear I heard him say something along the lines of ‘nosy woman’ when the door was closing.


  As I got dressed for my date with Brock I found myself getting more and more nervous. I was totally in over my head with him. He was obviously experienced in the sex department, knowing how to make a girl come through her clothing, and I was practically a virgin. The handful of men I had slept with were so bad that I cringed to even think back on them.

  When I was 17, I lost my virginity to a guy that was in my Latin class. That should’ve been my first hint it would be bad, who picks up a girl in Latin class? Who dates the guys from Latin class? We had gone on a few dates before we did it, but it was so bad I wished I had done what the local church board professed and waited. I mean, he groped me with what felt like bear paws, no finesse, and when he entered me, not only was he so small I couldn’t feel him but he pumped twice and came. Then he rolled over and looked at me with stars in his eyes and said, “That was so good. I never knew sex was that good.”

  Ha! I may have made him mad by laughing, but really, what did he expect? So, after he screamed at me for being a bitch and left, I decided that next time would be better.

  Turns out it wasn’t. My second time was a guy I had picked up while on a girls’ night with Meghan. I had had waaaayyy too much to drink and Meghan had practically pushed me into him. “He has some seriously huge hands Teag, you know what that means, don’t you?”

  So, I went with it. We went to local hotel and started making out. It was nice, the making out, and I thought “this is it! I am gonna get the big O”. Again, I was wrong. We were heavy into it, he was pounding hard into me and I was just starting to feel it when he stopped abruptly and pulled out. He stood up, took off the condom, gave me a forehead kiss, said thanks and walked out.

  So, number two was almost worse. I had to lay in that hotel bed by myself and finish the job manually. When I peaked at the condom in the trash, I noticed he hadn’t come either. WTF?

  After two really bad times, even Meghan was thinking I was cursed. She tried all the time to push men on me, but none of them had ever done it for me. So, I became more and more a watcher rather than a doer. But tonight, I hoped all of that would change. I was seriously gonna get some or I was gonna join a nunnery. If Brock couldn’t do it for me, I didn’t think anyone could and I may as well be celibate.

  I called up Meghan to get last minute advice and, just as quickly, tossed most of it out the window. Meghan may be my bestie, but she was seriously crazy. I was doing this my way or not at all. So, when the doorbell rang at exactly 7, I ran to let him in. “So sorry, I still have shoes and a few items to get on. There’s beer in the fridge and the remote is next to the couch.” I told him, balancing on one leg while trying to get the strap of the stiletto I was trying to get on around my ankle.

  When my statement was met with silence, I looked up and noticed he hadn’t moved once from the entry. “What?” I asked.

  “You are absolutely the most stunning being on this planet” he said, sounding a little breathless.

  I blushed. “Thank you. Um... I am just gonna go finish. Help yourself. The kitchen is through there, and my dad is out so you don’t have to worry about seeing him. I know, I still live with my dad. But I felt bad leaving him after all the women in his life did. I’m looking for a place close to here, but the prices are just so high.” I told him, making my normal excuse for why a 28 year old woman with a good job still lives at home with her dad.

  “I’m good. No beer for me, just finish getting ready and we’ll head out. Though, I don’t know what else you have to do, you look perfect as is,” he answered.

  Still blushing, I turned around and headed back to my room to finish with my jewelry and grab my purse. I reached in to my nightstand drawer and grabbed a couple of condoms to stick in my purse just in case and went back to Brock.

  When I found him waiting by the door, playing on his phone, I pulled him in for a quick kiss.

  “What was that for babe?” he asked

  “For calling me stunning.” I told him.

  He smiled big and opened the door to usher me to his truck.


  Anyone else who had this truck would have had their hands full with fixes, it was so old, but I could tell, this truck was Brock’s baby. Every inch of the 1956 Ford F100 was taken care of and in prime condition. Brock had some serious restoration skills. It was beautiful.

  “This is beautiful,” slipped from my lips. Bad brain.

  He grinned. “Glad you like her. She’s my heart and soul. I got her from the guy who taught me to work on cars. He told me if I kept straight and fixed her myself, she would be mine. I never messed up again, with the law that is, and it was all because of this truck. Working on her was like therapy for me, it gave me time to think. It also helped me see the importance of hard work because she won’t run long if I’m not dedicated to keeping her in shape.” He was rubbing the dash of the truck like a pet, caressing it. “Ever since I got out, I’ve been alone. She’s been all I had to work on and talk to. So, let’s hope that my Gertrude – don’t ask – gets along with your... ‘Cuda”

  I laughed. “She would have to run for them to get along. Last I checked she was more rust than running,” I joked.

  “Yeah, about that. No more procrastinating. You said you wanted someone to work on it with. Well, you got someone. Me. We’re gonna work on her and get her ready for the road. And then we’ll take her to the track and see what she is made of. Show her off. A girl like that likes the attention. And she needs a name.” he winked.

  I studied him out of the corner of my eye as he drove, “1969 Hawaiian Blue.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked

  “The paint, I am not keeping her classic, I want AC and heat, and power steering. And a fuel injection system. I want satellite and sounds. I want to add a hemi so I can kick ass at races.” I stopped, thinking. It had been a while since I had put any thought i
nto what I really wanted to do with that car. “And she is gonna be called Phoebe.”

  Brock laughed, “Phoebe the Barracuda it is!”

  He was truly breath stealing when he smiled that big. Our conversation continued just like this, easy and natural, throughout the entire evening. We had an amazing time, sharing our dinners because neither of us could decide on just one thing, drinking copious margaritas, and laughing late into the night. It wasn’t until the restaurant was nearly empty and the staff was glaring at us that we realized we had been talking until closing. Laughing, Brock paid our bill, and we got up to leave. He offered me his arm as we walked out the door and I smiled. Such a gentleman. It was hard to balance sometime, his brash, bossy demeanor with the total gentleman.

  I looked at him and sighed, “That was a perfect evening. Thank you so much for bringing me here. I’m stuffed. But I have to know, how in the world did you get us in on such short notice? This place is booked out for months! I know, I tried to bring Meghan here for her birthday last year and couldn’t get a table for a month!”

  Brock chuckled, “It helps that the owner’s son had some issues with drugs and was on my cell block. In fact, I think he moved here to open this restaurant to get Blaine away from the drugs and street gangs he had gotten in to down south.”

  See, I was right. Everyone has a past. I smiled and shook my head. “Well, thank you for it;” I told him, “It was amazing. I hope his son is doing well now. I don’t know any Blaine’s around here. Is he living here?”

  “Naw, Blaine didn’t do as well as I did coming out. I was never addicted to the drugs or alcohol that I used, Blaine was. I am afraid, even with his dad moving here and getting him out of the life, the life found him again. He’s back in jail serving a second sentence for illegal distribution of heroin.” He winced.

  I pulled him close for a hug and looked at him, “I’m sorry. I know he was probably a pretty good friend if his dad knows you. But there’s probably nothing you could have done to help him anyway. A lot of people just can’t do what you did and start over. You’re pretty amazing.”

  I couldn’t tell because of the dark, but I swear he blushed.

  “Thank you baby. That means a lot to me that you think that.”

  With that, he helped me into the truck, walked around to hop in, and got us headed home.


  I didn’t even realize we weren’t pulling into my house until he opened my door and I saw my surroundings. “Not what you expected?” he asked.

  I nodded and stepped out. His house was amazing. It was small, sure, but it was also beautiful. It had to have been built around the turn of the century, and not the 2000. It was Victorian and had a deck that went all the way around the entire house, held up with thick white marble columns. It looked like it belonged in “Gone with the Wind”.

  “Wow!” I said. I had no words.

  He took my hand and led me inside. The inside was clean, and barren. In the family room was a small couch in front of what was the largest TV I had ever seen. Around the TV were every gaming system I could imagine and a stack after stack of games and dvds. The other room, maybe the living room, was empty except for a few boxes. He continued to lead me around, showing me the kitchen, which was cute but naked. He had a microwave but no oven or stove. No dishwasher either. At least there was a fridge, though I assumed it was a bare as the house.

  We reached a staircase and he pointed, “There are 2 rooms and 2 baths upstairs. My room is the bigger one, on the right. If you need a bathroom, you have to go up and go to the second door on the left. It’s the only guest bath. Not that I mind you using mine, I just don’t want to make assumptions.”

  That was kind of him.

  As I was looking around, I all the sudden found myself lifted over his shoulder and staring at his perfect ass. I liked this position. I didn’t even care why I was here. He turned and marched up the stairs, giving me the chance to watch his amazing ass flex as he went.

  When he set me down he looked at me oddly and said, “What, no screaming and hitting? No fighting?”

  I looked at him like he was insane. “Have you ever seen your ass? I got an up-close, permitted view. No way was I going to complain.” I winked at him and he busted up laughing.

  “What am I going to do with you, you beautiful and funny creature?” he mused as he walked slowly up to me until our bodies were touching. He picked up my chin and looked into my eyes as truthfully as he could. “I think I’m going to have to keep you,” and then he kissed me, hard, like he knew I would try to talk instead and took that option away.

  Within moments I was a moaning, writhing mess. I lasted a whole 2 seconds before I gave in to the kiss and was pulling him by his shirt to me.

  I felt his fingers glide across the skin of my lower back, just running slowly back and forth. The more he touched, the more I wanted but my damn clothes were in the way. I wanted them off so badly but the fear of my mistakes, of my ugliness was at war with my emotions. Fuck it. If he couldn’t handle it, then I knew it wasn’t meant to be. I broke off the kiss and bent to lift the black dress I was wearing over my head.

  “What are you doing Teagan?” he asked

  “I would think that was kinda obvious right now, I’m getting naked. Something you should consider doing as well.” I answered.

  He growled. Literally. Growled. “I will get naked when I deem it is time, but you can finish now. I want to see you. Show me all that beauty baby. Show me what you have under that dress. I’ve been dying to see you naked since I saw you bent over the counter at that stupid smells booth at the fair. Your ass was so delectable it took my breath away. Show me. Now.” The timbre of his voice had dropped. It was rough and grated along my nerve endings giving me goosebumps.

  I lifted the dress fully over my head and dropped it on the floor. I was standing in a black corset, garter belt, lace underwear and stockings, with my heels still on.

  He visibly gulped. “Damn, I have no words for you baby. Perfection.”

  He reached his hands out to run them along my sides from my arms to my ass, grabbing it in two hands and giving it a squeeze. “So damn perfect,” he muttered. He seemed not even to notice the scars on the insides of my thighs or the inside parts of my stomach and arms.

  I smiled, “Glad you like it Ace, but either you need to catch up or help me get this corset off, because I’m dying here.” I admitted.

  He smiled. “Turn around.”

  So I did.

  “All the way, again” he said.

  So I did, feeling beautiful in his scrutiny of me in heels, stockings and a corset turning like a ballerina in his bedroom. He reached out and grabbed a few of the ties in the back and stopped me. Then he reached around my body to my neck and kissed it, trailing the kisses from my ear to my shoulder blade and nipping when he lifted off. Oh, he could kiss me forever. Then he moved on and I felt his hand move to my pushed up breasts at the same time that he covered my mouth with his to kiss me hard. His hands pushed my breasts up and out of the top of the corset and he gently tweaked my nipples. Then I noticed something. He was kissing each and every scar he passed over. Gently reaffirming to me that I was enough.

  I was making sounds I hadn’t known possible. He turned me around to see my breasts, pressed up and out for him, held in place by the corset. Slowly, staring in my eyes as he went, he leaned forward and took one nipple into his mouth, sucking and nibbling it until I couldn’t take anymore and he released it with a small pop. He moved to the other, giving it equal treatment and leaving me with aching, heavy breasts. How had I gone all this time without this? It didn’t matter because once again I found myself spun around so that he could work to loosen the ties on the corset.

  After a little, he said, “Babe, as hot as fuck this is, it is a pain in the ass to get off. We’re gonna be rethinking your corset u
se in the future.”

  What? I loved my corsets, they were a part of my identity. Thankfully I didn’t have time to dwell on this because the corset dropped to the floor and I felt myself being tossed gently on the bed. I was so beyond ready for this. I looked up at him standing at the base of the bed, staring at me like a wild man, eyes bright and breathing hard.

  “You ready baby?” he asked.

  Chapter Four


  My mouth was dry from looking at her. Holy fuck was she amazing, all laid out on my bed with her long dark hair spread around her like a halo. Fuuuccckkk. Never in my life had I seen something more beautiful. She was staring up at me with wide eyes, waiting to see what I did next. She was so perfectly submissive, once I had her in my bed, waiting on me to make the moves. I couldn’t believe my luck. Not only was she beautiful but she was a natural submissive. She was crazy independent outside the bedroom, and perfectly submissive in it. She was a wonder. Now, I am definitely not into the whole BDSM thing, though I have plenty of friends who are, but I do like control in the bedroom. I like to be the one giving the orgasms. Teagan was perfect for me.

  I knew she had hang ups over her body, specifically over the lines of scars and wounds that literally covered her skin but that didn’t stop or even register for me she was so damn perfect. Thinking back, I probably should have paid more attention with my big head rather than the littler one.

  I smiled wickedly and ripped my shirt off over my head with one hand while adjusting my pants with the other. When my shirt came off I saw her eyes go wide. Yep. That was the only part of prison that was worth anything, if I could even say that, because as guilty as I was, it sucked. I worked my body hard while I was in; I was in perfect shape and damn proud of it. If the look on her face told me anything, she liked it too.

  I leaned over her and pushed her up the bed, kissing everywhere I could reach. She tasted so damn good, writhing on the bed below me, begging for more. I focused on her luscious breasts, licking around her light pink areolas and biting her nipple before sucking as much of her tit as I could get into my mouth.


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