Fully Restored

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Fully Restored Page 11

by Delaney Williams

  I heard the crackling sound again and then felt his warm mouth cover my entire pussy. He licked and sucked, teasing me with small fast flicks to my clit and deep, strong stabs of his tongue. I was trying so hard to not move, but I could feel little drips of fluid running over my sides to the bed. My breathing was harsh, panting, and my body was a quivering mess. He was torturing me, keeping me right on the edge but not pushing me over.

  He stopped suddenly and moved up over me again. I could feel the fabric of his track pants rubbing on my legs, my groin. The normally soft cotton felt scratchy and rough, my senses were so heightened. I was on fire.

  I felt something cold and wet circle my nipple while he took the other into his warm wet mouth. Such opposites. One nipple being tortured with the cold, the other with the heat of his perfect mouth. Around and around the cold went, until I knew my nipple was as hard as the ice was itself. He left my other nipple with an audible pop and switched.

  Fuck. The ice on my hot nipple stung. Little sharp shards of pain shot through my breast. It was an anomaly. My body didn’t know what to think. Was it pain? Was it pleasure? At the same time he took my frozen nipple in his mouth giving it the same treatment he had given its twin. Needles. As the feeling came back to that nipple, it was needles. Pain and Pleasure intertwined.

  I was grinding my back against the bed, undulating under his masterful playing of my body. I knew the liquid in my bellybutton was long gone but I no longer cared. I no longer cared about anything but this moment. I was floating away, in a cloud of immense pain and pleasure, a place so amazing nothing could get to me. I was free.

  With a moan, Brock popped off my breast and leaned up to kiss me, vigorously. It was a gnashing of teeth, nothing pretty. A claiming. A bonding of two broken souls being healed. I could taste it now, he had been using the wine I bought for dinner. Wine, and Brock, and pleasure. This was divine.

  Breaking our kiss I heard him reach for more ice (since I now knew what the clanking sound was) and he moved to my legs again. He took the ice and ran it over and over my clit, teasing it with the cold. It was pain. It was beautiful. When I thought I couldn’t take anymore, my clit was so frozen, he leaned over and pulled it into his hot mouth.

  “OOOOOOOOh….. Brock, need you. Want you. In me. Please no more. Please stop,” I incoherently mumbled.

  Brock’s body shook with silent laughter. “I didn’t hear General,” and he continued. I rolled under his ministrations, rocking as much as I could, into his hard body. My body was a mess of conflicted feelings, but my mind was free. It didn’t care. It just wanted to follow Brock’s orders. He gave such exquisite directions.

  With a final flick of my clit, he made a swipe with his tongue, cleaning all the fluid off of me. Then I felt one finger enter me. He stroked it in and out for a moment before he removed it. I heard him moan. “I could eat you forever. Your flavor is perfect for me,” he must have just sucked on that finger, as even it was cold.

  The next time he leaned over me, I felt his wet finger enter me again, only briefly before it was replaced by an ice cube. SHIT! That was cold. Brock pushed ice cube after ice cube into me, filling me with frozen pleasure. My body was shivering constantly now, but not from the cold. Rather, it felt aflame. Brock had set me on fire.

  His weight left the bed and I heard his pants hit the floor. I heard the tearing of a wrapper and him groan again, as I am sure he gave himself a few strokes, looking at me all spread out and quivering on his bed. I couldn’t stop moaning. The noises I was making should have embarrassed me, but they didn’t because Brock liked them. And I liked making Brock happy. Happy Brock did this to me.

  The bed shook and I felt him arrange himself between my legs. The head of his cock nudged against my full cunt. Shit, how was he? Ice and Brock? I was shaking more now out of nerves. He must have seen the change because he drew back and leaned to whisper in my ear.

  “You can take this babe. You are amazing. I am falling for you, I want you. You are mine. Always.”

  Over and over, the sweet nothings were whispered in my ear as he returned to my entrance and began working his way in. The sensation was so different. Cold. Full. I was so full. Of Brock. Of ice. Of water. Brock cursed, “FUCK! You are so hot and cold. I am not going to last babe. This is going to be hard and fast.”

  I think I may have nodded. I wanted to nod. Fast was good. I wanted to come so badly. My body craved the release with every breath. Every molecule of my being was tied to this moment.

  Brock began to move. He withdrew and slammed back in, grunting loudly with each fast fuck. I could do nothing but absorb the power he was giving me in each thrust. I had to absorb the ecstasy as it built in me. I could feel cool water leaking onto the bed each time Brock came out of me.

  Moving faster, Brock was breathing so harshly I couldn’t believe he hadn’t passed out. Or that I hadn’t. I needed to come so bad. I ached with the need for it.

  “So good. So Good. God Brock. God. Fuck me. Fuck me. Please…” a litany of meaningless words that meant so much in this moment.

  Brock shouted, “Now. Come for me now”

  As if he actually had control over it, my body listened and I exploded. I left my body completely, floated amongst the stars. The orgasm so intense that the pain pleasure line was blurred again. I shook. My body was shivering on the bed as Brock collapsed against me, trying to gain his breath.

  After a few moments of floating, he shifted and undid my legs first. As he untied them, he massaged each one thoroughly, making sure the blood flow was good and my muscles were loose. It was amazing. He did the same when he untied my arms.

  Still floating, I heard him leave the room and the bath turn on. A few moments later he returned and scooped me up. Walking with me cradled in his arms, he carried me to the bath and gently placed me in. He crawled gently in behind me. Pulling my body close, he gently ran a wet wash cloth over me until the shakes left and I was back on earth.

  Holy fuck. What was that? Besides the best sex ever had by man. Eventually the water cooled and both of us were pruned. Brock leaned over and let the water out of the tub. He stood and pulled me up with him, gently stepping over the edge out of the bath. He wrapped me in a huge, fluffy black towel, rubbing me gently to dry before focusing on himself.

  Once he had us both relatively dry, he carried me back to the room and set me down on the bench at the foot of the bed, while he stripped and remade it. When it was clean and ready, he lifted me and reverently placed me in it, crawling in behind me, pulling the blankets up and switching off the lights. My eyes fluttered closed and my breathing was easy. Before I was fully asleep, I heard him quietly say, “I love you Teagan. I always have.” I didn’t know exactly what that meant but I liked it. I snuggled back in to him and fell into the deepest sleep I had ever had. I think I loved him too.


  The rest of the trip was amazing. We played in the field, me collecting the amazing wildflowers and covering the cabin in vases of them, Brock fly-fishing in the river, providing us with fresh dinner before we drove home. We had more sex, not as extreme as the last one, but surely just as meaningful. I was falling hard and fast. I sat in the car the whole drive home with a smile on my face, the complete opposite of the drive up. What a difference a few days can make.

  Chapter Nine


  Fucking amazing weekend. If there had been any doubt about Teagan and my relationship before this, there wasn’t any now. I was fucking falling hard for her. I think I may have told her I loved her before I fell asleep that night. Maybe. She didn’t mention it, so maybe it was a dream. Either way, I think it’s true. I think I have fallen in love with her and I know someday I am going to hurt her.

  When we got down from the mountains Sunday evening, I took Teagan to her house and helped walk her and her stuff in. Her dad was there and when he saw her, and the smile s
he had permanently plastered on her face, he turned to me with a thumbs up. I couldn’t help but puff up a bit. I had done well. I am not used to people thinking I do anything well, or right. This felt good. Like a family should feel.

  I unloaded all of Teagan’s stuff in her room and walked her back out front. She walked up close to me, chest to chest and put her arms around my neck, twining her fingers into my overlong hair, tugging gently, pulling me down to her. Then she kissed me. It was slow, passionate, and loving. Nothing like the fevered kisses during sex. This was a grown up kiss. One that said that she knew now what I meant earlier. She loved me too. This kiss was love.

  She broke the kiss off and looked up at me, wide eyes and red swollen lips, “Best weekend ever Brock.”

  I smiled and pulled her closer to hug her, running my nose along her neck behind her ear, breathing in her scent and letting it wrap me in comfort. I didn’t want to let her go, but it was too fast. Too fast to ask her to move in with me. Too fast to ask her to say the words I wanted, was dying to hear. So instead I memorized her smell and whispered in her ear, “Teagan baby, you with me now?”

  She smiled, almost angelically, at peace with her life. She hadn’t put on much makeup this morning at the cabin, just the basics, very natural, and she was comfortable in it. She told me on the drive home that she still liked being a pinup, that was still part of her and fun, but that she didn’t feel she needed to be that all the time. That she could be just a girl, with her man, the rest of the time. She had peace. I gave her that.

  “Yes, Moo, I am with you.” She smirked.

  Moo? What was that? “Moo?” I questioned her.

  “It’s my new nickname for you. I thought of it on the way home.” She was biting her swollen lip, trying to restrain the giggles. I had a feeling this name was not something I wanted to know.

  “It better be a good one if I am going to be known as a cow to everyone who hears you say it. You know the crap I’m gonna take from the guys at the shop if they hear you call me that? I can hear them now, mooing every time I walk by. Shit. Teagan, it better be good.” I grumbled.

  “It is. It’s the best. Now, kiss me again and get going. I’ve got laundry to do and stuff to get ready for tomorrow. Phoebe should be back and we can start on the getting the engine block in.” She was glowing. She really wanted to work on that car. With me. I am sure my smile was just as dorky as hers. I followed her directions and kissed her soundly before turning and walking to the car. She waited on the porch, watching me, until I was out of sight. In the silence of my car, I shook my head. I couldn’t believe this ex-con, ex-druggie, ex-partier, car mechanic was having this life. My smile was never going to leave. Then I remembered her past, and mine, and my smile left as I wondered how long this could last.


  Working with Teagan this week has been amazing. We worked fluidly together, a perfect unit. Even her dad noticed and told us how impressed he was with our partnering skills and that he was going to up my job description to allow for more technical and mechanical jobs, rather than the menial stuff I had taken when I was just some off the street ex-con, he had decided to take a chance on. My life was great.

  Tuesday I sent Teagan a bouquet of wildflowers from the field we spent our weekend in. When she saw them, she knew immediately where they were from. She turned and launched herself into my arms, kissing me soundly in front of the whole car bay full of men. The catcalls and whistles didn’t stop her one bit. She gave over to that kiss. We were both gasping for air when we pulled back.

  “I take it you like the flowers?” I smirked. I knew they rocked. What woman wouldn’t want to be reminded of the weekend we just had?

  “Best flowers ever Brock. Best boyfriend ever. You are amazing Moo.” She said.

  There was that name again.

  “Are you ever going to tell me why you call me that? I mean, do I sound like a cow when I come?”

  She snorted, “No!!! It has nothing to do with cows, at all. It’s good Moo, it’s a good name. I promise.”

  “Better be,” I told her.

  She nodded and turned to get back to the car she was currently working on. She had gotten lucky this week, being able to work on a restoration instead of the daily flow of car maintenance I was doing. Her current car was a 1974 Ford Bronco. It must belong to a girl because it was teal. The outside was rust eaten and falling apart, but that engine would be purring soon. Teagan was amazing at that work.

  I turned and went back to my car, changing yet another set of brakes, when I heard it. From across the bay, every man in there went mooooooo. Oh my fuck. Really. I turned around to face them, giving them the double bird, “Fuck off y’all. You’re just jealous you don’t have her kisses and touches daily. You see her with me, pop a boner, and have to have Palmela deal with it. She’s looking kind of ragged lately. Ya suffering from carpal tunnel yet?”

  The entire bay burst out in laughter. I smiled. I was truly living an amazing life.

  “You’re a good man Brock, good for her. Don’t hurt her.” One of the men yelled from somewhere in the bay.

  “I don’t plan on it man, I don’t plan on it.”

  Yet, in my heart I knew eventually I would.


  Brock’s flowers sat at my station where I could see them all day. They were amazing. That he took the time to go back to that field to get these amazing flowers for me meant the world. My constant smile was going to give me wrinkles.

  About halfway through the day on Wednesday, the day after the flowers and mooing incident I got a text from Meghan asking about having another girls’ night this coming weekend. This girl was crazy! I was just getting over the hangover from last weekend. I texted her back.

  Me: Hey Crazy, I’m still getting over our last girls’ night bitch!

  Crazy: I need you. I need to get this Justin thing figured out. And you need to tell me all about this amazing weekend you had. I know something happened. Your smile can be seen from the shop all the way to my store. You got some and I need to know about it.

  Me: ….blushing. It was so amazing Megs. He tied me up and did wicked things with me.

  Crazy: WHAT?!? See this is why we need a girls’ night. The orgasm virgin is getting laid more and better than me. All kinds of wrong.

  Me: *sighs. Fine. Where? When?

  Crazy: Neon Cowboy, Saturday 9 pm. I can ride that bull and maybe take another bull home to ride later. ;)

  Me: You’re crazy. See you there. Don’t think you aren’t going to be telling me what happened with Justin the night Brock called him to take care of you.

  Crazy: Yeah. Whatever.

  Me: See you then

  Something was up. That last text was off. Something was up with her and as much as I wanted to brag about my amazing weekend with my amazing boyfriend, I had a feeling that Meghan was going to need me this weekend more. I went back to working on the timing of the carburetor in the Bronco I was currently restoring. I loved this job.

  Phoebe had showed up yesterday, so today after work, Brock and I were planning to spend more time on her engine. I couldn’t wait. She was beautiful, sitting out front, all new paint and shiny rims. I needed to get the rest of the chrome parts buffed out and on this week too. I love my life.

  I threw the towel I was whipping my hands with down and walked over to Brock’s station to tell him about girls’ night. When I got over to him, he turned around and the biggest smile took over his face. His smile could light up the entire city. His dimples, just barely there, were fucking amazing. I couldn’t help but stumble a little as I went to him, he affected me that much. His smirk told me he knew that too.

  “Going to have another girls’ night this weekend. I think something’s up with Meghan. Little concerned about her, she didn’t sound right.” I told him.

  He just pulled me into hi
s arms and ran his nose along my neck, like he always did, before he spoke, “Help your girl. Just promise me you won’t over do it this time, and that you won’t spill all our secrets. A guy has to have some mystery to him.” He winked as he said this.

  “Yeah, no drinking for me. Just listening. Saturday night. Friday night is us, think you wanna help me use the lift and get the engine in Phoebe? Then we can really start working on her…”

  “Absolutely. Phoebe, you, and I, and I will bring the beer and pizza.”

  I smirked, wow, my perfect date sounded like a frat boy’s dream. I pushed up on my toes and gave him a quick kiss, “Thank you Moo,” I said before walking away. When I turned around I could see him smiling and shaking his head.

  “I will find out you know!”

  “Yep! I plan on it Moo!”

  As I continued to walk away, I heard it, the chorus of mooing from all over the bay. Fucking excellent.

  Chapter Ten


  By Friday evening Brock was at the end of his rope with the men mooing at him whenever he was in the shop. Truthfully, I was kinda feeling for the guy. Maybe if he knew what it stood for, and could brag to the men about that, he wouldn’t care about the constant razzing. I was contemplating telling him about the nickname when I heard my dad talking with someone in the kitchen. Since Brock and I were just headed back to the shop for the evening to work on Phoebe, I was wearing beat up, holey jeans and an old Led Zeppelin shirt with my chucks. When I walked past the mirror in the hallway, I caught a glimpse of my reflection and it caused me to pause briefly to study it. I hardly recognized the person looking back at me. Was it really possible that just a few weeks ago I wouldn’t have even considered leaving the house without full makeup and some sort of high maintenance outfit? I turned my head this way and that, studying myself. When I looked, really looked, I liked what I saw. My skin was clear and slightly blushed with excitement, knowing Brock was waiting for me. My hair was long and shiny, healthy looking now that I wasn’t styling and teasing it to death on a daily basis. I startled when I heard a noise behind me and looked up to see Brock standing behind me in the mirror.


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