The Half-Life of Facts

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The Half-Life of Facts Page 26

by Samuel Arbesman

  Magee, Chris, 43, 45–46, 56, 207–8

  magicians, 178–79

  magnetic properties of iron, 49–50

  Maldives, 203

  Malthus, Thomas, 59

  mammal species, 22, 23, 128

  extinct, 28

  manuscripts, 87–91, 114–16

  Marchetti, Cesare, 64

  Marsh, Othniel, 80–81, 169

  mathematics, 19, 51, 112–14, 124–25, 132–35

  Matthew effect, 103

  Mauboussin, Michael, 84

  Mayor, Michel, 122

  McGovern, George, 66

  McIntosh, J. S., 81–82

  McWhorter, John, 191

  measurement, 142–70

  decline effect and, 155–56, 157

  kilogram in, 147–48

  meter in, 143–47

  of Mount Everest, 140–41

  precision and accuracy in, 149–50

  prefixes in, 47–48, 142, 147

  publication bias and, 156

  of trees, 142

  Mechanical Turk, 180–82

  medical knowledge, 23, 32, 51–52, 53, 122, 197, 198, 208

  about cirrhosis and hepatitis, 28–30

  MEDLINE, 99–100

  memorization, 198

  Mendel, Gregor, 106

  Mendeley, 117, 118

  Merton, Robert, 61, 103, 104

  mesofacts, 6–7, 195, 203

  meta-analysis, 107–8

  cumulative, 109–10

  meter, 143–47

  Milgram, Stanley, 24, 167

  mobile phone calls, 69, 77

  Moon, 2, 126–28, 129, 138, 174, 203

  Moore, Gordon, 42, 55, 56

  Moore’s Law, 41–43, 46, 48, 51, 55, 56, 64, 203

  Moriarty, James, 85–86

  Mount Everest, 140–41

  Mueller, John, 165

  Munroe, Randall, 84, 153–54

  Murphy, Tom, 55

  mutation, 87–94

  Napier’s constant, 12

  National Institutes of Health, 17

  natural selection, 104–5, 187

  Nature, 122, 154, 156, 162, 166

  negative results, 162

  Neptune, 154–55, 183

  network science, 74–78

  neuroscience, 48

  New Scientist, 85

  Newton, Isaac, 21, 36, 67, 94, 174, 186

  New Yorker, 86

  New York Times, 20, 75, 174

  Nobel laureates, 18

  nosebleeds, 180–82

  Noyce, Robert, 42

  null hypothesis, 152

  Obama, Barack, 179

  Oliver, John, 159

  Onnela, Jukka-Pekka, 69, 77

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin), 79, 187

  opera, 14–15

  orders, 60

  Original Theory or New Hypothesis of the Universe, An (Wright), 121–22

  Pacioli, Luca, 200

  paleography, 87–90

  paradigm, 186

  paradigm shift, 186, 187

  Parmentier, Antoine, 102

  particle accelerator, 51

  Patent Office, 54

  Pauly, Daniel, 172–73

  periodic table, 50, 150–52, 182

  Petroski, Henry, 49

  phase transitions, 207

  in acceptance and assimilation of knowledge, 185, 186

  in facts, 121–39, 185

  Ising model and, 124, 125–26, 138

  in physics, 123–24, 126

  Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, 9, 12

  physics, 32

  Planck, Maxwell, 186–88

  planets, 6, 121–23, 128, 129–31, 132, 183–84

  Planet X, 154–56, 160

  Pluto, 122–23, 128, 138, 148–49, 155, 183–84

  polio, 52

  Pony Express, 70

  Poovey, Mary, 200

  Popeye the Sailor, 83


  innovation and, 135–37, 202

  makeup of, 61

  size of, 2, 6, 57–61, 122, 135–37, 204

  Portugal, 207

  posterior probability, 159

  potatoes, 102

  preferential attachment, 103

  prefixes, 47–48, 142, 147

  Price, Derek J. de Solla, 9, 12–13, 15, 17, 32, 47, 50, 103, 166–67

  prices, 196–97

  printing press, 70–74, 78, 115

  prior probability, 159

  Pritchett, Lant, 186

  Prize4Life Foundation, 97–98

  productivity, 55–56

  programmed cell death, 111, 194

  proteomics, 48

  Proteus phenomenon, 161

  publication bias, 156

  p-values, 152–54, 156, 158

  P versus NP, 133–35

  “Quantitative Measures of the Development of Science” (Price), 12

  Quebec, 193–94

  Queloz, Didier, 122

  radioactivity, 2–3, 29, 33

  Raynaud’s syndrome, 99, 110

  reading, 197–98

  Real Time Statistics Project, 195

  reinventions, 104–5

  Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke), 19

  Rényi, Alfréd, 104

  replication, 161–62

  Riggs, Elmer, 81

  Robinson, Karen, 107–8

  robots, 46

  Royal Society, 94–95

  Roychowdhury, Vwani, 91, 103–4

  Russell, C. T., 148–49, 155

  Sagan, Carl, 121–22, 129

  sand, 137–38

  Sandström, Ivar, 23

  Schmidt, Mike, 113

  Schulz, Kathryn, 174–75, 201–2

  Schwartz, David, 66


  citizen, 19–21

  cumulative knowledge and, 56–57

  end of progress in, 54–55, 204

  eurekometrics and, 21, 22

  human aspect of, 185, 186–87

  pace of discovery in, 9–25

  population growth and, 57–61

  technology and, 48–49

  Science, 103, 161, 198

  “Science, Technology, and Society in Seventeenth-Century England” (Merton), 61

  Science Daily, 37–38

  scientific journals, 9, 12, 16–17, 32

  scientific prefixes, 47–48, 142, 147

  Scientific Revolution, 94, 201–2

  scientists, number of, 23–24

  scientometrics, 12, 15–18

  S-curves (logistic curves), 44–46, 50, 116, 130, 203–4

  self-serving bias, 175–76

  Semmelweis, Ignaz, 176–77, 185

  Semmelweis reflex, 177, 179

  Shakespeare, William, 105

  shifting baseline syndrome, 172–73, 183, 190, 193

  sidewalk experiment, 167

  Simkin, Mikhail, 91, 103–4

  Simon, Herbert, 103

  Simons, Daniel, 178

  simultaneous innovation, 104–5

  singularities, 207

  six degrees of separation, 24, 74, 93, 167

  slow change, 171, 172, 190, 191

  Smalheiser, Neil, 100

  smallpox, 52

  Smith, John Maynard, 154, 156

  smoking, 2, 128, 84

  Social Forces, 13

  social networks, 74–78, 93–95,

  connection strengths in, 76–78

  Dunbar’s Number and, 205–6

  Mendeley and, 118

  social sciences, 202–3

  solar system, 6, 121–22

  species, 143

  extinct, 26, 27–28

  of mammals, 22, 23, 28, 128

  of marine life, 37–39

  Spaceguard Survey, 19

  Spacewatch, 19

  spinach, 83–84

  Sputnik, 127

  stars, 121–22

  statistics, 153, 154, 156

  steam engine, 49

  Stigler, Stephen, 104, 166

  Stigler’s Law of Eponymy, 104

  “Strength of Weak Ties, The” (Granovetter), 76

  streptokinase, 108–9

  Structure of Scientific Revolutions, The (Kuhn), 186

  subways, 173–74

  Swanson, Don, 98–100, 109–10

  Switek, Brian, 183

  Systemic, 129

  Tai, Mary, 67, 68

  Talese, Gay, 198

  Tang, Chao, 137–38

  Tang, Rong, 32

  Tasmania, 57, 59, 60

  taxonomic bias, 168

  technology, 53–54, 122, 173, 184

  cumulative knowledge and, 56–57

  economics of, 53

  end of, 54–55

  information transformation and, 43–44, 46

  limits of, 203–4

  logistic curves and, 44–46, 50, 203–4

  and magnetic properties of iron, 50

  Moore’s Law and, 41–43, 46, 48, 51, 56

  population growth and, 57–61

  science and, 48–49

  telephone, 104

  telephone game, 87

  Tessner, Peter, 187

  texts, old, 87–91, 114–16

  theory-induced blindness, 177

  TheoryMine, 19, 113

  thermal conductivity of the elements, 33–35

  thermodynamics, 49

  Think Twice (Mauboussin), 84

  Tjio, Joe Hin, 1–2

  Today, 41

  Tomonaga, Sin-Itiro, 104

  travel and communication, 61–64

  trees, 142

  Twitter, 103

  UpToDate, 198

  uranium, 2–3

  Uranus, 154, 155

  verbs, 189

  Viagra, 112

  voice onset time, 190

  von Wolf, Erich, 83

  Voyager, 155

  Wagner, Walter, 159

  Wallace, Alfred Russel, 105

  Wallace, George, 66

  war, 165

  War of 1812, 70

  Watts, Duncan, 188

  Waugh, Andrew Scott, 140–41

  weather, 124

  Web, 40–41

  What Technology Wants (Kelly), 46

  “Why Most Published Research Findings Are False” (Ioannides), 158–59

  Wiesenfeld, Kurt, 137–38

  Wikipedia, 84

  Wiles, Andrew, 132

  Wilkins, John, 52, 143–44

  Winfrey, Oprah, 190

  Worldometers, 195–96

  Wray, Bradley, 175

  Wren, Christopher, 143–44

  Wright, Thomas, 121–22

  xkcd, 84

  Yensen, Trygve Dewey, 50

  Yule, Udny, 103

  Zaslavsky, Alan, 69

  Zeno’s Paradoxes, 29–30

  Ziman, John, 164

  Zimmer, Carl, 161–62

  Zuckerman, Harriet, 18




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